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Newslinks for 6/30/2014

Connecticut Gun Commission Exhibits Mental Issues of Its Own
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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… “That neither of these imbecilic infringements would have made a bit of difference in the incident for which the commission was named is something conveniently left unmentioned. That they would add unjustified expense, and not just to the gun community, but in trying to administer such intrusive bureaucratic monstrosities, is evidently not anticipated. That hardened criminals will ignore them, and so will any gun owner who cares about freedom enough to take their chances with principled civil disobedience, goes unaddressed.”

“In a peculiar combination of a ‘Catch-22’ contradiction along with Soviet-style psychiatric controls, expect the desire to own guns to be proof of a mental disability. …” …

Bellevue activist speaks for pro-gun cause
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“He takes them in stride, the nasty emails that come in three or four times a week.”

“They’re not that many, but they display the raw emotion that Alan Gottlieb generates with his gun rights message. A recent email begins, simply, ‘You are an idiot.’”

“It concludes with an emphatic, ‘I hope someone shoots you in the face with an AK-15 which you love so much. Poetic Justice, you (expletive)!’ (The writer likely meant an AR-15, a type of assault rifle used in some mass shootings.)”

“Gottlieb, 66, is the bookish, balding guy with the bow tie and nerdy eyeglasses who founded the Second Amendment Foundation in Bellevue, Wash.” …

Analysis Shows Gun Websites of All Kinds Get Far, Far More Traffic Than Gun Control Websites
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“I’ve said it before and I’ve said it again, if you want to know how the public feels about something, do it in the way a marketer would do it, not in the same way a politician would.”

“Polls work great for talking points on the campaign trail. However, if we really want to know what America thinks about a topic, all we have to do is look at the internet data.”

“Last week we ran an article in which we showed that Google searches for AR-15′s as well as pro-gun groups far outweighed searches for gun control groups.”

“This week we wanted to look at the hard traffic. …” …

Rabidly anti-gun 'Mike the Gun Guy' wants to empower doctors to disarm patients
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“Mike ‘The Gun Guy’ Weisser, the Massachusetts gun dealer who has perhaps never seen a proposed infringement on that which shall not be infringed that he doesn't like, now complains to Huffington Post readers that physicians are not adequately aggressive in disarming patients who lack the ‘dexterity’ necessary for armed self-defense:” …

Getting ‘personal’ about freedom, and politics in gun rights debate
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“Today’s thoughtful Seattle Times column by Danny Westneat on the subject of freedom may touch a nerve with Washington gun rights activists because noticeable by its absence was any mention of what Initiative 594 — the 18-page gun control measure — will mean to the personal freedom of more than 1.5 million (by some estimates) Evergreen State gun owners.”

“I-594 is backed by the Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility, a Seattle-based group largely funded by wealthy urban elitists. Their fund-raising appeals have tried to convince people they are the financial underdogs, when in reality WAGR has raised and spent twice the amount of gun rights advocates backing an alternative measure, Initiative 591.” …

PolitiFact Catches Brady Campaign Lying About Child Gun Death Numbers
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, one of the older anti-gun groups in the country, is apparently taking their cues from Everytown for Gun Safety … and is now just resorting to making up statistics.”

“The group claimed that nine children die in the USA everyday due to gunshot wounds (both accidental and intentional). The group even made a big display of the stat recently placing 9 pairs of toddler shoes in a row to drum up the appropriate level of emotion.”

“However, there is one small problem with that number – it’s completely false. According to PolitiFact (a political fact checking website), that number is actually below 8. The other issue, the Brady campaign considers anyone aged 0-19 to be a ‘child’ ...” …

What the Left Doesn't Understand About the Gun Ownership Debate
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“... [T]he book's real strength is Waldman's ability to tie the narrative of recent gun jurisprudence to the general rightward drift of American politics and American law. I have been waiting for someone to explain how judges like Scalia defend the notion of Second Amendment ‘originalism’ in order to promote a conservative, current-day agenda and Waldman nails this one to the wall. Going back to the 1980s, he charts the confluence of conservative energies represented by politicized evangelicals, right-wing think tanks and specific-interest groups like the NRA, all combining to support a judicial agenda that seeks to roil back or dilute progressive programs and reforms.” …

Changing gun laws could save the lives of countless children
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“A June 21 letter writer, (‘Clinton wants to rein in guns, but is protected by firearms’) stated that our Founding Fathers would take umbrage with such language from Hillary Clinton.”

“I would like to think that our Founding Fathers would have the guts that our legislators in Washington don’t have now, to enact some restrictions on guns to stop the killing of children that is so commonplace today.” …

Submitter’s Note: According to the CDC, between 2002 and 2011 there were 2,137 children “killed by guns” in homicides, accidents and suicides. In that same time period 7,666 (three-and-a-half times as many!) children were murdered with something other than a firearm. Where should we be directing our efforts?

Why We Can't Talk About Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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… “Metcalf analyzed his downfall this morning with Atlantic Media editorial director Ronald Brownstein before a standing-room-only crowd in Aspen. The nidus was a back-page opinion column that carried the incendiary headline, ‘Let's Talk Limits.’ It was a headline that, like so many headlines, was not written by the author, and that many vocal detractors did not read past.”

“In the column, Metcalf wrote that he did not believe it was an infringement of the Second Amendment to require some training before a person can have a concealed carry. He added that states can have a universal background check law without him feeling infringed upon.”

“That did not go over well.” …

TX: Moms Demand Action Kicked Off Target Property During Anti-Gun Protest (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“Whether you personally support open carry or not, we should all agree that the agenda of Moms Demand Action is not good for gun owners in general and anytime they fail to change gun policies it’s a good thing.”

“In this case, a group of the anti-gun activists in San Antonio, TX was asked to leave Target property. The group hoped to get signatures from customers on a petition asking Target to change its policy on openly carried firearms in their stores.” …

IL: Another Chicago Gun Control Activist Arrested, This Time for Rape
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“The gun control camp seems to be a lot less law abiding than the pro-gun activists based on stories over the last couple of years.”

“In the most recent transgression from anti-gun activists, a member of Ceasefire, an anti-gun group in Chicago, has been arrested – for rape.” …

A Brief Three Percent Catechism -- A discipline not for the faint-hearted.
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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… “The Three Percent today are gun owners who will not disarm, will not compromise and will no longer back up at the passage of the next gun control act. Three Percenters say quite explicitly that we will not obey any further circumscription of our traditional liberties and will defend ourselves if attacked. We intend to maintain our God-given natural rights to liberty and property, and that means most especially the right to keep and bear arms. Thus, we are committed to the restoration of the Founders' Republic, and are willing to fight, die and, if forced by any would-be oppressor, to kill in the defense of ourselves and the Constitution that we all took an oath to uphold against enemies foreign and domestic.” …

Dom Raso’s Media Lab – Episode 8: “Fight Like A Girl” (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“The latest episode of Dom Raso’s Media Lab is out and it’s entitled ‘Fight Like a Girl’. Here is the video description,” …

‘The Second Amendment’ and our inalienable right to be hopelessly confused
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“Whether or not you like this book will depend on where you stand on gun issues. Whether you appreciate its arguments will depend on how discerning you are as a reader.”

“Michael Waldman’s dissection of the history of the Second Amendment – a ‘biography’ only in the sense that we have, as he believes, a ‘living Constitution’ – is a welcome addition to the ongoing debate over gun rights and gun control in America but it’s not impartial. That’s not necessarily a bad thing; this is, after all, a debate, and there is no shortage of publications on either side of that divide, but it’s something to keep in mind. If you favor gun control, you’ll like this book; if you favor gun rights, you probably won’t.” …

NH: Andy Martin speaks before Gun Owners of New Hampshire
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“New Hampshire U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin will hold a Concord, NH news conference today, Tuesday, June 17th at the main entrance to the State Capitol before appearing before the Gun Owners of New Hampshire to present his Second Amendment credentials. ‘I am the only Second Amendment activist,’ Andy says. ‘The other candidates are either paper maché supporters of the Second Amendment (Brown) or else they are resting on their laurels from long ago (Smith and Rubens). New Hampshire needs a strong voice in Washington, not one living in decades gone by.’ Andy recently helped win a major Second Amendment federal court victory.’” …

PA: Kane picks up endorsements from Steelworkers and gun control advocates
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“State Senate candidate John Kane announced the endorsements of the United Steel Workers Local 10-1 and Delaware County United for Sensible Gun Policy.” …

“Delaware County United for Sensible Gun Policy is an organization seeking universal background checks on gun purchases. Its members rallied today at the Providence Friends Meeting House after marching seven miles from Chester.”

“’I’m a gun owner,’ Kane said. ‘I believe in supporting the second amendment and the right to bear arms. I also believe that background checks should be critical.’”

“’I take their endorsement seriously. I told them I would be a strong voice for them in Harrisburg.’”

GA: Legislation changing gun carry laws takes effect Tuesday
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“When House Bill 60 takes effect Tuesday, officials recommend citizens just keep calm and carry on.”

“The legislation, signed by Gov. Nathan Deal in April, broadens the state’s gun carry laws, but how that impacts the community remains to be seen.”

“’I’m sure that there is going to be a lot of television media, they’ll go around to places where there are signs posted. They may make it more of an issue than it really is, but I think that if there wasn’t a lot of fanfare with it, you would not be able to tell any difference from today and Tuesday,’ said Rep. Paul Battles (R-Cartersville) on Saturday. …” …

MT: Ryan Zinke: GOP needs to move beyond bickering
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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… “My record is clear and I believe I am the candidate that will best serve Montana. I am the candidate with the education, credentials and experience to best represent all the interests of this great state in Washington, D.C.”

“I have a bachelor's degree in geology, an MBA in finance and a master's degree in global leadership. I have served as dean of the Naval Special Warfare graduate school ... I have led men in hundreds of combat operations and was awarded two bronze stars for combat ... I support the Second Amendment. I serve as a director of the Montana Firearms Institute.” …

GA: Georgia Expands Guns in Public Places
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“Bars, houses of worship, and other public establishments are wrestling with what to do about a new law in Georgia that starting on Tuesday dramatically will expand gun-permit holders' right to carry weapons where people congregate.”
“The law allows licensed gun owners to bring weapons to bars and houses of worship, unless forbidden by proprietors. ...”
“Several other states allow guns in bars or churches, but Georgia's ‘Safe Carry Protection Act,’ which passed the state legislature overwhelmingly earlier this year, is unusual in that it expanded gun rights in multiple places with one omnibus law.” …
Submitter’s Note: According to LCAV 29 states allow guns in bars and 38 allow them in churches. That’s one or two more than “several”.

Barney Fife Meets Delta Force -- Hypermilitarized police departments are more dangerous than whatever they fight.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Nestled awkwardly among the usual guff, the outrage website Salon this week took a welcome flyer and accorded space to something genuinely alarming. 'A SWAT team,' the headline screamed, 'blew a hole in my 2-year-old son.' For once, this wasn’t hyperbole." ...

"Historians looking back at this period in America’s development will consider it to be profoundly odd that at the exact moment when violent crime hit a 50-year low, the nation’s police departments began to gear up as if the country were expecting invasion — and, on occasion, to behave as if one were underway. ..." ...

SC: Police officer accused of misconduct suspended
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“An Upstate police officer has been suspended after allegations of misconduct in office.”

“A released from Pickens Police Chief Rodney Gregory said that the alleged misconduct involved a woman. He said after a brief investigation by the Pickens Police Department, the investigation was turned over to the State Law Enforcement Division.” …

PA: Cop arrested for allegedly fighting a kid
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“A PHILADELPHIA cop who allegedly pushed her own children to fight other kids - and who, on at least one occasion, allegedly jumped in a fight to punch a 14-year-old girl - was arrested yesterday on numerous assault and child-endangerment charges, according to the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office.”

“Officer Tamika Gross' propensity for fighting has twice been detailed by the Daily News, once in 2009 when she got into a street fight with another woman while she was on duty and once in 2013, when she allegedly brought her 16-year-old suspended daughter back to Lincoln High School to fight a 14-year-old girl over a boy.” …

OH: Marijuana found in Madison Township police officer's house
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“A Madison Township police officer was detained by his own colleagues today after Hilliard police said they found drugs in his house.”

“Timothy W. Johnson, 56, was charged with one count of possession of more than 200 grams, but less than 1,000 grams, of marijuana, a fifth-degree felony, according to a complaint filed in Franklin County Municipal Court. His wife, Wendy Johnson, 50, was also arrested and faces the same charge.” …

KS: Kansas state trooper charged with assault, threats
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“A Kansas Highway Patrol trooper faces multiple felony charges stemming from a domestic dispute with his wife.”

“A complaint filed Friday charges 37-year-old Darrin Duane Hirsh of Great Bend with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, two counts of criminal threat, domestic battery, two counts of witness intimidation and two counts of violation of a restraining order.” …

MA: Local police depts see spike in gun permit applications
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“In the year after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting … the number of firearms permits issued ballooned in several Milford and MetroWest-area towns, due to fear that greater restrictions would be placed on the gun purchases.”

“In Medway, 152 Class A permits, which allows the carrying of a concealed and loaded handgun, were issued or renewed in 2012, along with 17 firearm identification cards (FID). Six restricted FID cards were issued or renewed ...”

“According to Police Chief Allen Tingley, the threat of tougher gun laws proposed at the state and federal level following the Sandy Hook tragedy actually caused more residents to file applications for gun permits. ...” …

VA: ECPI denies student’s Second Amendment club request (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“A student in Virginia Beach says his attempt to start a Second Amendment Club on campus at ECPI University fell flat, leading to heated call for change online. The school says people don’t know the whole story.”

“Right now gun rights websites are supporting Patrick Winslow’s fight to start his club, but the university claims it’s rooted in misinformation. 10 On Your Side got to the bottom of the debate that has so many people up in arms.”

“’I have now taken on an effort to want to educate the students and the faculty on the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, federal and state laws regarding gun control and gun laws and so forth,’ Winslow said.” …

AL: 10 charged with illegal firearms sales at flea market
Submitted by: Bruce W Krafft

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“Federal agents recently arrested 10 men on charges that they illegally sold firearms from Sadie’s Flea Market, just south of Dothan.”

“George L. Beck Jr., the U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama, confirmed federal agents recently arrested 10 people on various illegal firearms charges in connection to an investigation launched by the [ATF].”

“Beck said the investigation started after ATF agents received information that guns were being trafficked and sold at Sadie’s Flea Market. ...” …

“Beck confirmed some of the charges filed included the sale of firearms without a license, the sale of firearms to a convicted felon and the sale of a firearm by a convicted felon to another convicted felon.” …

CO: Shooters in Rifle serves a big helping of Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“When waitress Ashlee Saenz takes your order at Shooters Grill in Rifle, she not only carries a pad and pen — she also packs a loaded Ruger .357 Blackhawk handgun holstered on her leg, Old West style.”

“It’s loaded and she knows how to use it.”

“Saenz and her co-workers, along with customers who come into Shooters, are encouraged by Shooters’ owners to pack heat in the restaurant, as allowed by Colorado law.” …

The merit of our Constitution is not that it promotes democracy, but checks it. —HORATIO SEYMOUR

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