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Newslinks for 2/27/2010

How did Bill O'Reilly-approved 'gun control' work out at New Orleans bridge?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "... A proper response to the Danziger Bridge attackers would have been to return their fire, defend lives and get to safety. ..." ...

NRA Board of Directors: The Importance of the Bullet Ballot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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that Ken Hanson, Buckeye Firearms Association Legislative Chair, is on the ballot for the National Rifle Association's Board of Directors. The Ballots are located in the March edition of your NRA magazine. (American Rifleman, American Hunter, and America's 1st Freedom) Ken's bio and qualifications can be reviewed in this article or at his Web site."

"Buckeye Firearms Association encourages all voters to educate themselves about the various candidates on the ballot, as there are 31 people seeking to fill 25 spots. Equally important is that voters educate themselves on the mechanics of the election." ...

DC: CNN Poll: Majority says government a threat to citizens' rights
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A majority of Americans think the federal government poses a threat to rights of Americans, according to a new national poll."

"Fifty-six percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Friday say they think the federal government's become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens. Forty-four percent of those polled disagree."

"The survey indicates a partisan divide on the question: only 37 percent of Democrats, 63 percent of Independents and nearly 7 in 10 Republicans say the federal government poses a threat to the rights of Americans." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: The forty-four percent who disagree work for the federal government.

The great registration myth
Submitted by: John Pierce - Minneapolis Gun Rights Examiner

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... "The reality is that outside of DC, Chicago, and a few states, gun registration is largely unknown in America, and Canada is moving to abolish their national gun registration system."

"The few states and cities that do have registration requirements are small, isolated islands in the sea of gun freedom that is America. To my friends and colleagues marooned on these islands I can only say, 'Come on in … the water’s fine!'"

Gun Rally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When the constitutional accountability Center launched in 2008, it looked like just another liberal legal-advocacy group, dedicated to 'fulfilling the progressive promise of our Constitution's text and history.' The causes it has backed run the standard liberal gamut: among other things, the group supports California's efforts to regulate carbon emissions and pushes for 'robust due-process protections for immigrant criminal defendants.' So if you were told that the CAC had filed an amicus brief in McDonald v. Chicago, a case about gun control to be argued before the Supreme Court this week, you might think it was siding with Chicago, whose restrictions on gun ownership are being challenged."

"You would be wrong ..." ...

Getting the 14th Amendment Right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When the Supreme Court hears oral arguments on March 2, 2010 in the landmark gun rights case McDonald v. Chicago, the Second Amendment won't be the only thing on the justices' minds. That's because when it comes to protecting constitutional rights from the depredations of state and local governments, the Court must obey the 14th Amendment, which commands: 'No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.'"

"McDonald will therefore turn on whether the right to keep and bear arms applies to Chicago via the 14th Amendment’s Privileges or Immunities Clause or via its Due Process Clause ..." ...

Goodwin Liu on the Second Amendment
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Boalt Hall Associate Dean Goodwin H. Liu has been nominated to serve on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Some readers and Senators may be interested in his viewpoint on Second Amendment and other constitutional issues related to firearms policy. So here's an excerpt from his article Separation Anxiety: Congress, The Courts, And The Constitution, 91 Georgetown Law Journal 439 (Jan. 2003). Liu's co-author on the article is Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. The article is based on a 2002 speech that Senator Clinton presented at Georgetown, sponsored by the American Constitution Society. Senator Clinton and Professor Liu criticize recent Supreme Court decisions declaring two federal gun control laws unconstitutional:" ...

Revive 'privileges or immunities'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the biggest cases the U.S. Supreme Court will decide this year involves the right to bear arms. But in the long run, its decision in McDonald v. Chicago may be far more important to America's entrepreneurs. It all depends on whether the justices decide to revive a constitutional provision it has neglected for more than a century."

"When it was ratified in 1868, the 14th Amendment added several revolutionary new provisions to the Constitution, barring states from violating the 'privileges or immunities' of citizens ... But the first time it heard a case under that amendment — in the 1873 Slaughterhouse Cases — the Supreme Court basically erased the privileges or immunities clause ..." ...

Supreme Court case could limit local controls on firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State and local gun laws are in the crosshairs as the Supreme Court prepares for a historic oral argument Tuesday."

"The conservative majority that struck down Washington, D.C.'s, handgun ban in 2008 appears poised to stretch the Second Amendment further. The hourlong session Tuesday will let justices test-fire arguments in a case in which the reasoning could be as intriguing as the outcome."

"For gun owners and lawmakers, the case called McDonald v. City of Chicago presents one bottom line: If the court agrees that the Second Amendment covers state and local governments, as seems likely, some but not all gun restrictions will be blown away." ...

D.C. doesn't need more guns on the streets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although I detest his politics, I feel a grudging sympathy for Tom G. Palmer, the gay Cato Institute staffer who last year joined the successful lawsuit to overturn the District’s ban on handgun ownership ..."

"According to the story on Mr. Palmer’s new effort to legalize the carrying of handguns inside city limits, his possession of a handgun may have saved his life on one occasion when two apparent homophobes seemed about to assault Mr. Palmer and a straight companion. ..."

"Yet I wonder what Mr. Palmer will do if his new lawsuit succeeds, and it gives violent gay-bashers, too, the right to legally carry loaded handguns in the streets. ..." ...

Getting gun history right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Captain Jim Williams, a member of the newly created African-American militia in South Carolina, was lynched by the Ku Klux Klan in 1871. ... On March 2, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear another Second Amendment incorporation case, McDonald v. Chicago. The question now is not the disarmament of the militia but the private right to have a handgun for self-defense ... History will figure prominently in this new case. The looming question for the Court is simple: Will the justices get the history right, or will they be swayed by a potent gun-rights mythology that has distorted the history of Reconstruction and effectively erased the memory and sacrifices of men such as Williams?" ...

Starbucks Sticks to its 'Guns'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In case you missed it, last Saturday was 'Starbucks Appreciation Day.' No, it was not a gesture of support from lovers of strong coffee (like me). The 'appreciation' was on behalf of Americans who believe it is their sacred right to have a handgun with them wherever they go – even to carry it openly to make sure the rest of us know who are the real defenders of the Second Amendment."

[Submitter's Note: And to comply with the law.]

"The 'open carry' movement has been convening groups of its followers to meet up at restaurants and coffee shops, with pistols, revolvers and ammo hanging from their hips. ... Starbucks ... has earned the 'appreciation' of the gun-toters by becoming the 'safe house' for the 'open carry' movement." ...

Guns, virtuous history and Internet searches
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Supreme Court will soon decide in McDonald v. Chicago whether the Second Amendment right to bear arms applies against the states. The case is set for oral argument on March 2. Attorneys for Otis McDonald, seeking to overturn Chicago's ban on handguns, have argued that the Court should not use research based on digital searches and should rely solely on established secondary histories. Virtuous history, however, should always check its prior conclusions against the surviving evidence from the adoption of the Constitution. The new digital searches allow us to collect a very large sample of the original evidence in a very short period of time." ...

The most dangerous right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In its second landmark Second Amendment case in two years, the U.S. Supreme Court, in McDonald v. City of Chicago, considers whether the new right to possess guns in the home ... is incorporated as a restraint against state and local law through the 14th Amendment."

"As intriguing as the incorporation issue is as a matter of constitutional law, the ultimate significance of McDonald to ordinary Americans may turn on a different issue, not formally posed by the case but difficult to avoid as the Court considers the reach of the Heller right. The "hidden" issue in McDonald is this: To what extent is the right to keep and bear arms different in nature from the other guarantees in the Bill of Rights?" ...

OH: AMA Objects to Unilateral Action by the Administration for National Monument Designations Without Public Debate
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) has formally objected to a process being developed by the Obama Administration to potentially designate as many as 13 million acres of public and private land as National Monument. The designation, currently being considered by the Department of Interior (DOI), would occur with no public debate."

"'As the nation's largest organization advocating for the rights of America's estimated 20 million motorcyclists, the AMA is delivering the message that any measure to restrict our right to recreate responsibly on public land must be considered in the light of day,' said AMA Vice President for Government Relations Ed Moreland. ..." ...

Slaying of Tacoma teacher brings out best, worst in people and proves gun laws don't work
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Friday morning's slaying of Tacoma school teacher Jennifer Paulson and the subsequent fatal shooting of her suspected killer, Jed R. Waits of Ellensburg, is a stark reminder that sometimes bad things happen to incredibly good people."

"This despicable crime also brings out the best and worst in people, as demonstrated by the comments left by readers on feedback forums at the SeattleTimes, Seattle Post-Intelligencer and Tacoma News Tribune. Almost as if by reflex, gun prohibitionists were screaming that this would not have happened if guns were restricted or banned, while firearms owners retorted that this happened in a place where guns aren’t supposed to be allowed." ...

WA: Teacher Fatally Shot Outside Tacoma Elementary School
Submitted by: Larry

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"A gunman with an infatuation with a Tacoma special education teacher lay in wait and fatally shot the woman as she arrived for school Friday morning, authorities told KIRO 7 Eyewitness News. Police later fatally shot the gunman after a chase and confrontation about 10 miles away."

"Police said the victim, 30-year-old Jennifer Paulson, had an anti-harassment order>/b> against the 30-year-old gunman, Jed Waits, of Ellensburg." [emphasis added] ...

Submitter's Note: Another victory for the victim disarmers. Sarah Brady must be pleased.

VA: Radical anti-gun candidate flying under radar in Virginia special election
Submitted by: Mike Stollenwerk

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On Tuesday, March 2d, voters in Fairfax County Virginia's 41st House District will vote in a special election . . . . this week the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) alerted its members that while Bolognese has completed the League's gun rights candidate survey favorably,

"[u]nfortunately, the Democrat [Filler-Corn] has NOT responded. What is she hiding? . . . Why doesn't she want you to know her position?

A subsequent investigation of Ms. Filler-Corn's background by the reveals that Filler-Corn has been a key figure in anti-gun rights organizations . . . . Filler-Corn declared:

"Every person is at risk from a citizen carrying guns in malls, movie theaters, restaurants and on highways."

WV: House Approves Sales Tax Holiday for Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"West Virginia would suspend sales taxes on gun purchases during the first weekend of October under legislation that unanimously passed the state House of Delegates Friday."

"The Second Amendment Appreciation Act would mandate that the first weekend of every October become a sales tax holiday for gun purchases. The lead sponsor, Delegate Scott Varner, D-Marshall, said the holiday could actually bring in increased tax revenues, given that bargain-hunting shoppers likely will buy other things that are not taxed."

"'The idea is to get them in to purchase the firearm and, along with that, you get all the ancillary benefits,' he said. ..." ...

UT: Utah governor: Feds have no right to regulate guns in state
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Gov. Gary Herbert signed a controversial message bill about guns Friday after raising questions just a day before about its cost. His Democratic opponent calls it a mistake that could cost the state millions."

"It's called Senate Bill 11. It would exempt Utah from any federal regulations on firearms made and sold within the state."

"Thursday, the governor hinted he might veto the bill, due to questions about its constitutionality and the costs of potentially lengthy court fight." ...

Post-Katrina New Orleans, where the killers had the only 'permissible' guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On September 5, 2005--the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina--seven New Orleans Police officers shot six people on the Danziger Bridge, killing two of them (one of whom, Ronald Madison, was severely mentally handicapped). The officers claimed that the victims had shot at them, but witnesses told a far different story." ...

"The justified outrage over the post-Katrina gun confiscations has largely focused on the fact that they rendered citizens helpless to defend their lives, families, and homes from looters and other thugs, when the police could not possibly provide adequate protection. Now, we know that some of the police were themselves part of the reason the people needed guns." ...

Sheep-Shearing Season on the Revenue Ranch
Submitted by: Larry

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"During the most recent Federal Reserve-engineered economic bubble, state and local governments made extravagant promises to their tax-feeder constituencies regarding pensions and other benefits. Now that the bubble has burst, sales and property taxes -- once a mighty, roaring river of revenue -- have been reduced to a thin, pathetic trickle."

"This comes at a time when, as the New York Times reports, there is 'a $1 trillion gap between what all 50 states have promised their workers [sic -- a more accurate description is 'employees'] and what they have set aside.'"

"As the economic crisis deepens, how will state and municipal governments continue to provide for their most cherished constituency -- those who live by plundering the productive?" ...

CA: Sheriff attacked for policy on concealed weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens prompted guffaws from some Second Amendment stalwarts when she said at a Feb. 9 candidate forum that she's approved 90 percent of applications for concealed weapons permits."

"In fact, she's significantly tightened distribution criteria. There are 22 percent fewer CCW permits than when Hutchens was appointed to the job in 2008. And most permits she's approved come with restrictions absent from permits issued by predecessor Mike Carona."

"The issue is unlikely to determine the outcome of this year's sheriff's election (while it could affect a close election, it won't make the race a close one). But one challenger –Bill Hunt – has made it a central campaign issue ..." ...

OK: Who are the 'only ones' trusted with guns at Oklahoma City Community College?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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Campus closed.

Shot fired.

Guess who.

And yeah, they have the policy.

This breaking news story warranted a second Gun Rights Examiner column...

AZ: CCW holders need training to be safe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Imagine my surprise on the very day after I received my CCW (concealed carry weapon) permit from the Arizona Department of Public Safety when I read that Sen. Pierce was proposing abolishing the requirement of obtaining the CCW permit."

"I recently attended the CCW Firearm Safety Course at Gunsite in Paulden. In eight short hours, I learned more about the legal requirements, marksmanship, safe gun handling and situational avoidance than I had in over 50 years of owning and shooting firearms."

"Allowing anyone to conceal and carry a weapon without a minimum amount of training is foolish and dangerous. ..." ...

OH: 2009 Attorney General Summary on Concealed Carry: Another record year for Ohio concealed handgun licenses
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray (D) has released the concealed handgun license (CHL) statistics for the fourth quarter of 2009 and the year-end report, Ohio Concealed Handguns Law - 2009 Annual Report. There were 10,687 concealed handgun licenses (CHL's) issued for the period of October through December 2009, falling just one short of the record set for the same quarter the year before. For the year, new records were set for initial licenses issued, temporary emergency licenses and total licenses issued." ...

The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws. — Tacitus (A.D. 55?-130?)

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