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Newslinks for 6/12/2013

Toy gun ‘buyback’ violates school policy, sends conflicting message to students
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "... Stated first in the 'School Values' section, handbook readers are reminded 'No weapons, real, toy or pretend. There is no caveat specifying 'unless the same people who will punish you for violations offer you a chance to win a bike.'" ...

Second Amendment Foundation Responds To Bloomberg With National Education Campaign
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s national anti-gun ad campaign, the Second Amendment Foundation today launched a public education and awareness effort on more than 160 radio station websites and the Fox News Radio website."

"The audio spots and banner advertisements will run in conjunction with streamed nationally-syndicated talk radio programs including Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Gov. Mike Huckabee and Michael Medved, among others to explain its legal and educational efforts and encourage public support." ...

St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner humbly accepts CSGV's highest honor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This correspondent has enjoyed the honor of being designated by the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence as a 'traitor,' and 'insurrectionist,' more than once. Since being despised by the despicable is as noble as being admired by the admirable, and since treason against tyranny is fidelity to liberty, such vitriol from America's shrillest proponents of a 'government monopoly on force' is high praise, indeed."

"Still, CSGV's highest honor, being named to their 'Insurrectionism Timeline,' remained elusive."

"Until now ..." ...

CSGV characterizes oath to obey Constitution as 'treason'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "For those unfamiliar with the Oath Keepers, Rhodes, a former paratrooper, founded the organization in 2009 to encourage active duty and former military, law enforcement and firefighting personnel to take an oath to never obey an unconstitutional order ... (a list that begins with forcible citizen disarmament). This, bizarrely, is seen by some as 'dangerous,' as evidenced by the Southern Poverty Law Center profiling them on their 'Hate Watch' page. ... As this column asked once before:
"[I]f our men and women in uniform reaffirming their oath to refuse unconstitutional orders so bothers you, what unconstitutional orders do you expect them to receive, and want them to obey?" ...

"Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire" Targets Hollywood for its June 14th Red Carpet Premiere
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"WHAT: Dead Patriot Films is hosting the premiere of its inaugural film, 'Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire,' at the Raleigh Studios in Hollywood on Friday, June 14th. The 79-minute, PG-13 documentary, which is narrated by critically acclaimed rapper and actor Ice-T, brings audiences to the center of the controversy over an issue that is dividing our nation – gun control."

"WHY: 'Assaulted' takes a step back from the public discourse on limiting magazine capacity and defining assault rifles. Instead, the film offers a historical perspective on the Second Amendment's significance, taking a critical and objective look at the current gun laws, and the effect on civil rights and liberty." ...

A Billion Bucks in Bullets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. government has given the embattled Afghan National Army (ANA) more than $1 billion in taxpayer-funded ammunition, according to the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction’s (SIGAR) latest oversight report."

"This is in addition to $288 million that has been spent on ammunition for the troubled Afghan National Police (ANP), which has been cited by SIGAR for its widespread corruption." ...

H/t to David Codrea who wonders if this might be somehow relevant to the ammo shortage in this country.

Perhaps 'modest invasion of privacy' should be met with a 'modest regime change'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the federal government's massive program of systematic spying on American citizens now exposed, President Obama assures us that we continue to be subjected to only a 'modest' invasion of privacy, which is necessary to keep us 'safe' from terrorists. From Yahoo News:"
"But 'there are some trade-offs,' Obama said. 'You can’t have 100 percent security and also then have 100 percent privacy, and zero inconvenience. We’re going to have to make some choices as a society.'"
"If the cost of '100 percent privacy' is the acceptance of less than '100 percent security' (even if it's well less than 100 percent), that's a price Americans must willingly pay, or spit on our own heritage." ...

Gun play: 'Zero tolerance' toward schoolkids could backfire, says expert
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Little boys around the nation keep getting in trouble for guns – whether they’re made of plastic, formed by fingers or even fashioned from Pop-Tarts – but some experts say having 'zero tolerance' for games children have played for centuries is turning the adults into bullies and backfiring on kids."

"Elementary educators trying to discourage children from settling pretend beefs with pretend guns is nothing new. But in the aftermath of the Connecticut school shooting, and with the grownups increasingly polarized over the Second Amendment, rules for recess, on the bus and in the classroom have become stricter than ever."

"Some say too strict." ...

Gun Control Debate 2013: You Can't Argue With Facts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It is extremely difficult to argue with reasoned, logical arguments — especially when those arguments are supported by the majority of empirical statistical data on a given subject. Instead, it is much easier to resort to putting words in the mouths of your opponents, and turning out ever-rehashed talking points. McElwee's article does this expertly. He begins, for example, by claiming that the notion that leftist gun-grabbers know very little about guns is a 'non-sequitur,' despite obvious evidence to the contrary. Need he be reminded that the vice president of the United States actually suggested that a homeowner aimlessly fire a shotgun in their home? ..." ...

Federal Preemption Laws Allow Guns at Public Pools
Submitted by: The Old Gunhand

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"I think I may move to Charleston, W.Va. Seems that they have successfully gotten rid of most State and local gun control laws with the effect that you can legally carry a concealed gun at a swimming pool. Federal law does not prohibit carrying a gun at a pool. However, the local Sheriff is not too happy about it and has threatened to close the pool down if someone shows up with a gun since he cannot arrest the gun owner who is completely legal. What remains a puzzle is how the Sheriff will know if someone is carrying a concealed weapon when concealed means concealed???? Maybe if someone conceals a gun in a Speedo it might be obvious or it could just be mother nature being overly generous. :-)" ...

Gun control advocates refuse to give up. Pursue on the State level.
Submitted by: The Old Gunhand

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"Seems that gun control advocates are readying another round of parading the parents of the Newton children around in yet another attempt to revive the failed Federal attempt to pass the gun control bill despite no shift in position from those who voted against it. This time they are willing to change the bill to allow residents in far off rural areas, not near any FFL, to be exempt from the requirement that all personal gun sales go through an FFL. Some people hate to lose, especially politicians. It does not look good for them when re-election time rolls around. This is one of the fundamental problems with gun control." ...

Daily Digest: The Last Shall be First Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This was the closing item in yesterday’s Daily Digest but many of you felt it was so important it should have been the first item listed. So ... here it is again: GUN CONTROL ACTION ALERT!!! The Gov of Nevada has set up a hotline asking whether or not he should veto a proposed gun control bill….he has opened it up to out of state callers since it would impact everyone…Mayor Bloomberg has asked his minions to call in supporting the legislation we need to call in opposing it 775-684-5670 press #2 to ask for the veto…it takes 15 seconds…just make the call!! The hotline has caught the attention of both The Examiner and The Huffington Post, with each putting their on special spin on it. Meanwhile . . ." ...

Colion Noir: Hollywood Hypocrites (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Six months after Sandy Hook and nothing has happened?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Associated Press reported today that gun control advocates are marking the six month anniversary of the Sandy Hook school shooting tragedy by lamenting that nothing has been done to prevent such actions from happening in the future."

"Readers of the story on the Seattle Times’ website so far are suggesting that nothing could be done to prevent another such heinous act because of the circumstances. Killer [name redacted] murdered his mother and used her legally-purchased guns – for which she passed background checks – to carry out the horrible deed." ...

UCLA Professor: Gun Control Can't Stop A 'Madman'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With calls for more gun control following the horrible crime in Santa Monica on June 7, UCLA Professor Adam Winkler offers this bit of reasoned advice: 'I don't think there's any gun control law we can adopt that's gonna stop a crazed madman from killing a lot of people.'" ...

Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America Launches Father's Day Campaign To Encourage Congress To Have Gun Sense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America has launched a Father's Day campaign that asks members of Congress to support 'gun sense' in honor of gun violence victims and their families. The national grassroots movement is inviting all male members of Congress to become honorary members of its Dads Chapter ..." ...

"A media conference call sponsored by Moms Demand Action and featuring Dads Chapter co-chairs Sen. Richard Blumenthal and Rep. Mike Thompson will be held on the six-month anniversary of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown. Reporters are invited to call-in on Fri., June 14, at 2 p.m. EST: 877-229-8493, code 19995." [emphasis added] ...

Submitter's Note: Does this include "new media" reporters?

Newtown Parents Mourn As Gun Legislation Falters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"They had promised to try everything, so Mark Barden went down into the basement to begin another project in memory of Daniel. The families of Sandy Hook Elementary were collaborating on a Mother’s Day card, which would be produced by a marketing firm and mailed to hundreds of politicians across the country. ... Maybe if Mark could find the most arresting photo of his 7-year-old son, people would be compelled to act."

"It hardly mattered that what Mark and his wife, Jackie, really wanted was to ignore Mother’s Day altogether, to stay in their pajamas with their two surviving children, turn off their phones and reward themselves for making it through another day with a glass of Irish whiskey neat." ...

Free the ATF From the Gun Lobby
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today the Senate Judiciary Committee is considering the nomination of B. Todd Jones to be director of the [ATF]. Looking at his résumé—and given that ATF has been without a confirmed director since 2006—you might think Jones’s confirmation would be a no-brainer. ..."

"Yet the ATF is the main federal entity charged with enforcing America’s gun laws. So Jones’s nomination is inevitably tied up with the messy politics of guns. The National Rifle Association and its allies on Capitol Hill despise the ATF and have worked hard over the years to handcuff the bureau, insistent that it threatens the Second Amendment. As a result, Jones isn’t likely to be making up new business cards soon—and America’s gun problem will only deepen." ...

Please, read this diary on N.C. bill to eliminate gun permits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Take a moment to read Christian Dem in NC's diary on N.C. House Bill 937, 'Proposed NC law would do away with handgun permits.' Today in committee at the N.C. General Assembly, the bill was ... well ... not even 'amended' but outright substituted with the guts of some other crazy idea altogether to eliminate state requirements for a permit to carry a concealed weapon." ...

Submitter's Note: No, it doesn't; it eliminates the state permit to purchase a pre-Brady Bill anachronism which is still wasting resources and costing money.

Fighting terror, neglecting guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If renegade spook Edward Snowden is to be believed, the federal government has been secretly and aggressively Hoovering up private data in search of any possible clue about terrorism — a scourge that killed almost 3,000 Americans on that horrible day in 2001."

"Meanwhile, the same government goes out of its way not to gather data related to gun violence — which claims 10 times as many lives each and every year."

"Clearly, our national priorities are out of whack." ...

John Oliver Slams GOP For Backing NSA, Not Gun Control: 2nd Amendment Wins! Only One ‘With A F*cking Gun’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"John Oliver continued from where he left off on last night’s Daily Show slamming NSA surveillance. He had some choice words for defenders like John McCain and Lindsey Graham, taking the Republican party to task for supporting phone call surveillance in the name of protecting Americans but not backing gun control for the same reason. Oliver deadpanned, 'Guns are one thing, but phone calls are too dangerous to go unchecked!'"
"Oliver recapped how the NSA is tracking everything, 'even our personalized birthday cakes,' and mocked Bill O’Reilly for saying that the government could exploit a Republican senator calling 'Trixie.' Oliver asked, 'Have you built a time machine so you can go to brothels in the 1930s?'"


The Second Amendment has defeated all the other amendments (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tuesday night on The Daily Show, host John Oliver mocked Republicans’ discordant response to news about the National Security Agency’s surveillance programs."

"While some, like Sen. John McCain (AZ), believed the issue didn’t even need to be discussed, others provided a more hysterical assessment."

"Oliver also noted that some Republicans believed it was acceptable for the government to track every phone call, but an intolerable intrusion for gun owners to register their firearms." ...

Gun control’s 90%: Four turn out for gun control rally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In recent days, the far left has been telling us how the NRA’s influence has run its course and a new gun control “movement” has arrived. A movement supported by 90% of Americans. Or so the narrative promoted from the regime in the White House today and repeated in the mainstream media." ...

"The new gun control movement is more of a bowel movement than anything:"

"In case you were at the range this weekend as we were, or having a life in other places and activities, you might have missed the overwhelming rally of grassroots activists in Rockford on Saturday, June 8th."

"The rally was organized by MoveOn.whatever, along with other gun control organizations and supporters."

"Four people turned out." ...

NSSF NICS Checks Chart: Best May Ev-va!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"America’s anti-gunners insist that U.S. gun ownership is in decline. They attribute the huge surge in firearms sales—as indicated by the rising number of mandatory FBI NICS background checks—to existing owners buying more guns. I doubt it, but then maybe so. It seems ’13 NICS checks are following historical patterns, only more so. [Year-on-year comparo chart after the jump]. If it is true, if the number of American gun owners is shrinking, well then think of the potential! ..." ...

Non-Stereotypical Gun Owner Interview – Gila Hayes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Several years ago I had a girlfriend with a terrible flinch. She desperately wanted to shoot her GLOCK well, but every shot landed two or three feet below the point of aim. I applied my basic instructor skills, but the usual remedies failed to resolve the problem. In a rare moment of good sense, I decided to seek professional help and considering my friend’s personality, I thought a female instructor would be a good idea. The only problem was where to find that rare species, the female firearms instructor . . ."

"At that time Gila Hayes offered private training sessions at The Firearms Academy of Seattle, and she had my friend shooting straight in all of about ten minutes. ... I knew I was watching a master at work. ..." ...

CA: Gun-toting grandma, 72, shoots at intruder, saves wheelchair-bound husband
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Southern California grandmother took a shot at a home intruder with her .357-magnum Smith & Wesson, saving her 85-year-old, wheelchair-bound, World War II veteran husband."

"Jan Cooper, 72, heard someone trying to open the door of her Anaheim home early Sunday morning and dialed 911, The Associated Press reported. She can be heard on the emergency call begging the dispatcher to hurry, send deputies, and warning that she has a gun." ...

FL: Store Owners Confronts and Shoots Armed Burglar, Leading to His Capture
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to the News Sun, a business owner in Lake Placid, FL got a call from his alarm company just before midnight. The owner, armed with a .40 caliber Glock handgun, made his way to the store and arrived just before a sheriff’s deputy did."

"The owner and the deputy observed that the grating to one of the windows was disturbed. The store owner walked around the back of the store to make sure no one was trying to get away when he was confronted by the would be burglar, who aimed a gun at him."

"Fearing for his life, the owner opened fire on the suspect, hitting him twice. ..." ...

GA: Brunswick, GA Homeowner Shoots Knife Wielding Assailant Multiple Times With .45
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A homeowner in Brunswick, GA knew something was up when his doorbell rang, but he saw no one outside. That’s when the homeowner decided to arm himself in case something out of the ordinary was going on."

"When the doorbell rang again, the man answered it with his .45 caliber pistol in hand. The homeowner still saw no one outside the door, so he stepped out onto his porch, where he was attacked by a masked man with a knife. The man lunged at the homeowner as he stepped outside."

"The homeowner, in response, fired several shots from his pistol at the attacker, who was struck several times in the back and buttocks." ...

GA: Homeowner in GA Shoots and Kills 1 of 3 Armed Burglars (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A homeowner in Jonesboro, GA came home around 10:30pm to find 3 male suspects taking objects from his home."

"The homeowner confronted the suspects, at least one of whom was armed. During the confrontation, the homeowner opened fire on the suspects. The suspects then fled the scene through an open window. Police say the suspects dropped a gun outside of the window of the home." ...

OH: Woman holds burglar at gunpoint until police arrive
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police arrested a burglar in the act Thursday morning after the owner of the home he targeted held him at gunpoint."

"Authorities said Tammy Takach was sleeping inside her Steubenville home when she heard what sounded like a door slamming."

"She said she grabbed her gun and went downstairs to find an intruder in her house." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Maintain Control of Your Weapon at All Times (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve taught my children gun safety. They know the Four Rules. I could leave them alone in a room with a gun and know that they won’t touch it. But I don’t. Why would I? Not to put too fine a point on it, the universe is full of ridiculous random shit. For example, 'Justin Stanfield Thomas, 35, along with his son, traveled ... for a surprise visit to a friend’s home. The young boy quickly found a loaded .380 caliber semi-automatic handgun, asked a question about it and pulled the trigger ...' At the very least, it’s a double fail: a child old enough to ask questions who wasn’t instructed about gun safety and a sleeping gun owner not securing his firearm whilst in the Land of Nod. There is a wider point here . . ." ...


Shoring Up The Second Amendment With The 'Armed Citizen Project'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Houston-based nonprofit organization — the Armed Citizen Project — is offering free gun training and free shotguns to selected residents of Oak Forest, a high-crime neighborhood in Houston, Texas. The founder of the organization — Kyle Coplen — plans to expand the Armed Citizen Project to high-crime cities throughout the country."

"... While the most important purpose of the Second Amendment is to protect the right of citizens to oppose governmental tyranny, a strong subsidiary purpose is to protect the right of citizens to defend themselves against criminals. ..." ...

IL: Randolph County makes conceal carry legal (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Tuesday, June 11 the Randolph County State's Attorney Jeremy Walker made it effective immediately that law-abiding citizens will be able to exercise their constitutional rights in his county."

"Walker said he's not trying to make any laws, but that he felt it was time to act." ...

Thousands attend NY SAFE Act protest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It wasn’t the 25,000 patriots the Shooters Committee on Political Education were hoping for, but there were enough gunowners — and others who feel Gov. Cuomo’s NY SAFE Act is unconstitutional — at Tuesday’s protest against the highly controversial law to draw media attention. Every CBS, NBC and ABC local affiliate had a camera crew taking footage of the thousands of people that did show up, getting feedback as to why many of them were there." ...

NY: Rally held in Albany calling for repeal of SAFE Act (video available)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Supporters for Second Amendment rights gathered Tuesday in Albany's Capitol Park to urge lawmakers to repeal the Governor's SAFE Act."

"The New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, along with many other pro-gun and pro-freedom groups, will be in attendance demanding a reversal of the New York SAFE Act which they feel does not make the communities safer, rather it infringes upon people's Second Amendment rights." ...

NY: Gun rights advocates join legislators in protesting the NY SAFE Act
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Second Amendment advocates met in The Well of the Legislative Office Building with Sen. Kathleen Marchione, R-Halfmoon, and Assemblyman David DiPietro, R-East Aurora, on Tuesday morning to deliver petitions to Gov. Andrew Cuomo's office calling for the repeal of the NY SAFE Act." ...

NY: About 150,000 petitions delivered to Cuomo to repeal SAFE-ACT (video available)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Sen. Kathleen Marchione, R-Halfmoon, Saratoga County, said she and her fellow Republican lawmakers collected about 150,000 petitions in opposition to the state’s SAFE-Act."

"The petitions seek a repeal of the gun-control law passed in January and were being delivered this morning to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s office at the Capitol by gun-rights advocates. A rally is set for noon today."

"Marchione and gun supporters said Cuomo pushed through the legislation without any public debate, and some gun owners said they would not comply with the law—which requires registration of most guns." ...

Editor's Note: We assume they mean 150K petition signatures.

NY: Demonstrators rally against New York's gun law in Albany
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"More than 1,000 demonstrators have again filled a park outside the state Capitol calling for repeal of New York’s new gun law."

"While cheering former Republican gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino and Jeannine Pirro, a broadcaster and former Westchester County district attorney, protesters sang 'God Bless America' and held signs for the Second Amendment right to bear arms." ...

NY: Gun rights supporters: Tear down this wall
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The second anti-SAFE Act rally is in full swing at the state Capitol and while the number of gun rights supporters isn’t as large as the first event there was no lack of enthusiasm or provocative signs alternately comparing the law’s champion, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, to one of the Three Stooges, a dictator, or monarch from the middle ages." ...

Korean M1s Still in Limbo, New Bill Introduced to Prevent State Department from Blocking Imports
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wyoming Representative Cynthia Lummis (R) is hard at work to reverse the decision made to block the re-importation of thousands of U.S.-made M1 Garands and M1 Carbines that were given to the South Korean military during the war and have since been taken out of service."

"The Obama administration had originally green-lit the move to bring these collectible, American-made guns back home, then quickly turned around on their position, preventing their import in 2010." ...

NJ: Of Butterflies & Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As I am writing this in New Jersey we are waiting on hearing whether new stricter gun laws will be enacted against NJ gun owners."

"On the table are laws that will replace the Firearms Identification Card, a necessary document in New Jersey if you want to purchase firearms, with a notification on your driver’s license."

"... A driver’s license is a form of identification used frequently and is shown to service providers such as car rental agencies, hotels, employers and schools. Encoding a driver’s license in this way, invades the privacy of individuals, tagging them as gun owners and opening them up to potential harassment, police vehicle searches and discrimination." ...

WA: Rights activists fired up over gun control initiative
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A day late, but hardly a dollar short, anti-gunners filed their new big money gun control initiative to the State Legislature this morning in Olympia, and Evergreen State gun rights activists are already fired up for a fight they realize could be lost."

"The proposed initiative may be read here."

"Thanks to the Seattle, gun prohibitionists are already revealing their hopes for what this initiative could lead to, and this column will simply let the reader decide about the last sentence:" ...

NW gun activists help fight Nevada background check bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval is reportedly mulling whether to sign or veto an expanded background check bill today, Northwest gun rights activists are throwing their weight behind efforts to convince the Republican governor to veto the measure while the Huffington Post yesterday noted that gun control groups are also applying pressure." ...

WI: Schraa sponsors bill to bar police from enforcing gun bans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill announced Tuesday by State Rep. Michael Schraa, R-Town of Algoma, would shield Wisconsin gun owners from what the lawmaker says are unconstitutional gun control measures being considered at the federal level." ...

WA: Gun control measure goes to legislature today, says KING
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A proposed gun control measure backed by big money Seattle venture capitalist Nick Hanauer will reportedly be submitted to the Washington legislature in Olympia today, according to KING 5 News."

"Gun rights activists on at least three popular Northwest forums – Northwest Firearms, Seattle Guns and Shooters Northwest – have been paying attention to this effort. Reader comments piling up on the KING 5 website below the story suggest the idea is not too popular even though the story reports that Mr. Hanauer 'owns four guns of his own, which he keeps locked up.'" ...

VA: Request for list of concealed handgun permit owners rescinded
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Virginia Republican Party has rescinded its request to obtain lists of Virginia’s concealed handgun permit holders from the state’s circuit court clerks — ahead of a new state law barring such disclosure — after a number of the clerks objected and refused to comply."

"Anthony Reedy, executive director of the Republican Party of Virginia, distributed emails Tuesday to circuit court clerks across the state stating he was withdrawing his earlier request for the data." ...

NC: Bill could eliminate some gun background checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"North Carolina lawmakers are now pushing a bill to eliminate some gun background checks, and the state attorney general told Eyewitness News why he is concerned that could make the streets more dangerous." ...

TX: Prosper, Texas Resolves to Preserve the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On May 14, the town council voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to 'recognize and affirm the constitutional right to keep and bear arms,' joining other Texas communities standing up for the Second Amendment."

"The council took up the measure after Ann Lieber and another member of the Prosper Tea Party shared a similar resolution passed by the Rockwall city council with Mayor Ray Smith." ...

TN: Commission Votes Down Second Amendment Gun Resolution
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Shelby County Commissioners voted down a resolution Monday, May 6, that would have backed the idea of state legislators and county sheriffs across the state 'nullifying' federal gun control laws they consider unconstitutional." ...

WA: Initiative to require gun background checks unveiled
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After failing to win in the state Legislature, activists took the first formal step Tuesday toward letting voters decide whether to enact stronger gun laws in the aftermath of recent tragedies."

"The Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility filed an initiative in Olympia that would require criminal-background checks for almost all firearm sales and transfers — a proposal that goes even further than a bill that died in the Legislature earlier this year." ...

VA: Cost of compiling concealed weapon holders too much, Republicans say
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Republican Party of Virginia wanted circuit court clerks across the state to compile lists of concealed weapons holders before a new law will ban them from releasing information about permit holders."

"But as clerks wrote back telling the party they would have to charge thousands of dollars for staff time to compile the list, the GOP decided to pull its request." ...

CO: Is Colorado experiencing recall fever?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senator John Morse is facing a historic recall election after over 16,000 Coloradans put pen to paper and solidified the process. Now, the state is making history again with the recall election of a second Democratic lawmaker, Sen. Angela Giron, from Pueblo. It seems things are not going well for certain lawmakers in Colorado." ...

ME: Concealed weapons permits barely survive Maine House vote
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill that would end Maine's 96-year-old requirement that people obtain permits to carry concealed weapons was rejected Tuesday in the House by just one vote." ...

WI: State cops could be punished for enforcing some federal gun regulations, under bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To prevent what some call a pattern of federal overreach, local and state law enforcement could be penalized for enforcing certain federal gun regulations, under a bill unveiled Tuesday."

"Under the bill proposed by Rep. Michael Schraa (R-Algoma), any future federal regulation to restrict assault rifles or magazine capacity couldn't be enforced by local and state law enforcement officials. Officers who enforced a future restriction could be charged with a misdemeanor." ...

CA: San Fransisco City Attorney Sues Gun Companies for Legal Activities
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The state of California has some of the most draconian gun laws on the books, including an extremely restrictive 'assault weapons' ban and magazine capacity limitations. Sale of new 'high capacity' magazines has been illegal there for years, but companies in California still produce repair kits intended to allow those who own grandfathered magazines to fix them and keep them running. Apparently this has angered Dennis Herrera, the city attorney in San Fransisco, and he’s now suing the companies that produce these kits. Let me restate that: a government employee is using taxpayer funds to sue companies that have done nothing illegal. Make the jump for the press release . . ." ...

CA: Amended Second Amendment Foundation Suit Challenges California Gun Microstamping Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Attorneys for the Second Amendment Foundation and Calguns Foundation have filed an amended complaint in the on-going Pena case, challenging California’s handgun roster law to clarify that the challenge extends to the state’s newly-activated microstamping regulation."

"The plaintiffs’ motion for summary judgment will be argued by the court’s deadline in November." ...

CO: Governor Hickenlooper Goes To Bat For Ammunition Limit (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gov. John Hickenlooper is telling a federal court that the gun-control package he signed earlier this year should remain in effect."

"In a Monday court filing, Hickenlooper asked a federal judge to allow a limit on ammunition magazines to go into effect as interpreted by the attorney general. Gun advocates say the law is broader than the attorney general's interpretation and should be struck down." ...

MI: Sheriff's deputy charged with felonies in alleged insurance fraud scheme in Cass County
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 25-year Cass County sheriff’s deputy has been charged faces felony charges for allegedly staging a car-deer crash then lying about it in a police report so a friend could collect insurance money for a new car." ...

OH: Youngstown Police Officer arraigned on felony sex charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An on-duty Youngstown Police Officer was arrested over night and is being held in the Mahoning County Jail."

"Detective-Sergeant Robert Lodwick was arraigned Friday on felony charges of illegal use of a minor in sexually oriented material and importuning." ...

PA: Allegheny County police officer facing 20+ charges to be released on electronic monitoring (follow-up)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Suspended Allegheny County Police Officer Andrew Marculaitis will be allowed to leave the county jail on $100,000 bond and be released onto electronic home monitoring, with permission to leave his house for outpatient psychiatric treatment."

"Judge Jeffrey Manning made that ruling on Tuesday, but he said that Marculaitis -- who faces 20 criminal charges -- will not be allowed to drive a vehicle or possess a gun while he awaits his preliminary hearing on June 18. Defense attorneys assured the judge that Marculaitis' son has already removed firearms from the home. Marculaitis is also ordered to attend anger management classes." ...

WI: Dane County deputy could face sexual assault charge, sheriff says
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney has asked the district attorney to consider charges of second-degree sexual assault against a deputy accused of having a sexual relationship with a woman in a jail diversion program."

"Deputy Jeffrey C. Hilgers, 41, was placed on paid leave May 30, the day after the Sheriff’s Office learned the 42-year-old woman, who was in the Pathfinders drug and alcohol treatment program and on electronic monitoring, told a counselor and her probation agent about the relationship, Mahoney said Friday." ...

PA: Allegheny County Police Officer Arrested For 3 Road Rage Incidents (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Allegheny County Police officer is under arrest, and facing 20 criminal charges in three separate road rage incidents."

"Court documents say Detective Andrew Marculaitis, a more than 20-year county police veteran, was involved in road rage incidents on May 23, May 26, and May 31."

"Police are so concerned about his mental state, he has been ordered to undergo a mental evaluation before he is released on bond." ...

MD: Maryland fails to conduct timely background checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the states that thought it smart to put a bunch of new gun restrictions in place might have been better off just beefing up resources to conduct background checks."

"As it stands now, some guns are being sold and are being handed over to the buyers before Maryland gets around to doing the checks. And it's completely legal." ...

TX: Video captures Jasper, Texas, police officers beating woman (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A southeast Texas town with a history of racial unrest on Monday fired two white police officers recently captured on video slamming a black woman’s head into a countertop and wrestling her to the ground."

"'The amount of force used was abominable,' the woman's attorney, Cade Bernsen, told Yahoo News."

"The incident was captured by security cameras at the Jasper, Texas, police headquarters." ...

CT: Demand for gun permits taxes Groton police policy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An explosion in the number of handgun permit applications has led to long waits, some frustration and now changes at the Groton Town Police Department."

"Groton Town Police Chief Michael Crowley told the Town Council Tuesday that the department is now scheduling fingerprinting, a requirement for the background check that accompanies a handgun permit application, once a week rather than twice a month." ...

"Crowley's announcement comes on the heels of comments by 26-year-old Sean Paddock of Groton, a member of the U.S. Navy, who publicly criticized the chief's policies and said the long waits were running counter to state law, which requires an answer on an application within eight weeks." ...

CO: Institute makes 2nd Amendment presentation in Glenwood Springs tonight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Independence Institute will host a presentation tonight about Colorado and the Second Amendment with David Kopel, Independence Institute research director and adjunct professor of Advanced Constitutional Law at Denver University, Sturm College of Law."

"The presentation is scheduled for 6:30-8 p.m. Wednesday, in the Devereux Room of the Hotel Colorado, 526 Pine St. Doors open at 5:30 p.m." ...

PA: Media, rights & hypocrisy (Letter to the Editor)
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"The news stories 'Freedom key to watchdog role, experts say' and 'Controversies over journalist phone records reignite calls for federal media shield law' (both June 2 and highlight the hypocrisy of major liberal media, specifically The Associated Press, when government 'abridges' their constitutional rights, specifically the First Amendment's freedom of the press."

"Quite suddenly, the Bill of Rights offers important constitutional protections! Not so, apparently, for the Second Amendment." ...

TX: Governor Rick Perry and TX Business Development Organization Launch Massive Campaign to Attract Gun Companies to Texas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rick Perry has made it no secret that he would like to see as many gun companies as possible choose to make Texas their home. Several high profile gun companies are considering moving their operations from their current states due to anti gun laws recently passed in states such as Colorado, Maryland and Connecticut." ...

AZ: Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "We are now well aware of multiple occasions in which the Obama administration, the IRS, and the Justice Department have acted to subvert or ignore our rights. The U.S. Senate attempted to institute gun control legislation. Several state legislatures succeeded in doing so. You can decide if these actions qualify as the 'tyranny in government' of which President Jefferson warned."

"The furor over threats to the Second Amendment has waned in recent weeks, but it is certain that the challenges to this freedom will reappear." ...

TX: Georgetown HS group raffles guns as fundraiser (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Georgetown High School football boosters are selling $100 tickets for a year. They're raffling off a different gun every week. While some say this will bring in more than any car wash or bake sale ever could, others say the gun raffle is a conflict of interest."

"The weekly gun raffle could raise around $25,000." ...

CA: Red flags before Santa Monica shooting, but pointing fingers is hard (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Emerging details about the troubled past of the alleged shooter in Santa Monica, Calif., are reopening discussions about the identification of red flags – and the issues involved in responding to them."

"John Zawahri is accused of fatally shooting five people last Friday and was killed by police. In high school, he was deeply interested in assault weapons, which in 2006 led school officials to report him to police, says Sandra Lyon, superintendent of the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District." ...

TX: Walburg residents irked at outdoor gun range (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"People say they live in this small rural community north of Georgetown because they want peace and quiet, both of which are being interrupted by bursts of rapid gunfire from a new outdoor shooting range less than a quarter-mile from their homes." ...

A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money. — G. GORDON LIDDY

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