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Newslinks for 4/26/2013

Report cites ATF inconsistencies but leaves gun dealers at risk for revocation
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... “Total Administrative Actions are up nearly 300 percent from 2004-2011,” he states. “Wait until you see 2012-2013!” ...

What is president hiding about Fast & Furious?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal judge appointed by President Barack Obama may force him to turn loose of documents relating to Operation Fast and Furious, the scandalous gun trafficking sting that prompted a full blown investigation and hearings before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform." ...

Poll: Support for Gun Control Dropping, Majority Feel Guns Make Them Safer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are some new gun-related opinion polls out in the last couple days. They indicate further movement on the part of the public away from sentiment for more gun control laws. So let’s grab our calculators and dive right in . . ." ...

New From Winchester: SXP Pump Marine Defender
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Remington’s Pump Action 870 is the go-to shotgun for many members of TTAG’s Armed Intelligentia. Less discussed but equally respected (in some quarters): the Winchester SXP. What with its inertia-assisted slide-action and all, Winchester claims the SXP’s the world’s fastest pump action shotgun. Just don’t short-stroke it. Or tell Benelli. The SXP owes much of its success to its price: $400." ...

Busting the ‘You Only Need Ten Rounds’ Myth
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anti-gun activists and self-serving politicians are eager to proclaim that there’s no reason for anyone (except the police, of course) to have a magazine that holds more than ten rounds of ammunition. They claim that these 'high-capacity' magazines are simply tools to facilitate mass murder. On the surface, this seems logical; however, upon deeper investigation it becomes clear that their claim is nothing more than emotion filled rhetoric . . ." ...

Shooting the Texas Multigun with Team FNH USA – Day 3 (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My mood as I drove up from San Antonio for the final day of the Texas Multigun Championship wasn’t very good. The previous day, I had been all smiles and sunshine, but with two stages left to go, I was less than optimistic about my chances of getting back into the game. I was hoping to make it well into the top 100 shooters, but as I was starting the morning at a distant 147th I didn’t hold out much hope. Looking at the next stage we’d be shooting didn’t help, either. But things were about to take a turn for the awesome . . ." ...

Smart Gun: A Stupid Idea That Won’t Die (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The last time we shot down this idea it was voiced by New York Times columnist and gun grabber Joe Nocera. As loathe as I am to ask our Armed Intelligentsia to reprise their reasoning for rejecting biometric guns, needs must. Obama loves ‘em! And it seems that the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s (NSSF) more convincing argument against the technology didn’t make CNN‘s video. ... Question: would you trust a biometric gun made by a man who lasers a reporter’s pelvis?"

Growing popularity of ARs with women
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Imagine that? A mainstream media outlet, hardly pro-gun, covering the rising popularity of the AR-15 among women shooters."

"Well, gee, let’s see, they don’t call it America’s favorite rifle for nothing! And women 'ain’t' stupid." ...

The NRA has Boston blood on its hands, too
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On April 15, two bombs exploded on the streets of Boston. Two days later, the U.S. Senate failed to pass a bipartisan gun control measure that would have mandated background checks on all gun purchases."

"There are few coincidences in life, and fewer in politics. These two newsworthy events, which on first glance seem incidental, are in fact not unconnected: They are indirectly linked through the professional fear factory known as the NRA." ...

The New York Times Jumps the Shark On Gun Control. Again. Still. (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What the hell is this amateurish anti-gun agitprop doing on The New York Times website? ..."

Can Congress override state and local gun control laws?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "One of the most popular proposals that came closest to getting approved by the U.S. Senate last week was titled the 'Constitutional Concealed Carry Act' – the amendment with Senator Cornyn as the lead sponsor. But among the amendments the Senate considered, that one might have failed a constitutional test in court." ...

Ducks, Guns and People
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... Partly in response to the slaughter of migrating birds, laws enacted in the 1930s limited to three the number of rounds that a shotgun could legally hold when used to hunt these birds. ..."

"So, for the past 80 or so years, we have already had in effect a federal restriction on large-capacity shotgun magazines. Nobody has complained that this restriction violates the Second Amendment or that it violates our constitutional rights. The National Rifle Association seems to ignore this specific legal restriction on large-capacity magazines. Indeed, the fact that such a restriction already exists seem to be ignored by both pro- and anti-gun-law-reform factions." ...

Submitter's Note: I am absolutely gobsmacked that someone might think that a temporary capacity reduction when actively engaged in a specific sporting activity is comparable to the proposed (or enacted) felony charges for mere possession (not use, just possession) of normal capacity mags.

NRA, compliant Republicans prove soft on crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What can Americans learn from the bitter debate over the gun-reform bill?"

"Perhaps the most obvious lesson is that the leadership of the National Rifle Association, the Gun Owners of America and their tame Republican politicians have all earned an epithet of derision they used to hurl regularly at liberals."

"Yes, the gun lobby and its legislative servants are 'soft on crime' — though they routinely pretend to be tough on criminals." ...

"But in the aftermath of the Newtown massacre, with the NRA angrily opposing any measure designed to hinder criminals from acquiring firearms, the public is learning who is really soft on crime." ...

Demand action on gun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One-hundred thirty-four days ago, [name redacted] walked into an elementary school and slaughtered 20 children with dreams ahead of them, as well as six teachers who dedicated their lives to keeping their students safe."

"One-hundred thirty-four days ago, our country reached a simple conclusion: We have to do something about gun violence."

"But 134 days later, we have done nothing." ...

Schumer, McCain say gun control bills will return
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"The Senate will try again to pass recently defeated gun control legislation, and will be aided by increasing activism from previously neutral voters, Sen. Chuck Schumer predicted today at a press conference."

"'I think we will bring the bill back before the end of the year… lots of Senators who thought it was safe to vote against it [April 17] because of the intensity [of gun-rights supporters] are not so sure any more,' Schumer told reporters at an April breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor." ...

KABA Note: You'd better hurry up, Johnny, since over the last month support for background checks has dropped from 91% (according to this CNN story) to 82% (according to question 40 in this Fox News Poll)

Gun obsession brings terror to streets of US every day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"OF course it’s brilliant Boston managed to catch its Marathon bombers so quickly."

"Well done the FBI, Homeland Security, the police and obviously the city’s obediently locked down population."

"Terrorism is an evil that requires eternal vigilance and must be given no quarter."

"But while they were hunting down the Tsarnaev brothers, more than 300 other Americans were dying with a bang from the end of someone’s gun – although in contrast to the sound, fury and fright over the bombers, with barely a whimper." ...

Submitter's Note: Naturally the author "forgot" to mention that 185 of those 300 were suicides, and suicide rates, as we all know, are independent of method.
Another thing she "forgot" to mention is that statistically speaking (according to figures from the British Crime Survey) in those 4 days there were approximately 1,840 forcible rapes in England and Wales, vs. (according to the FBI's UCR) about 914 in the U.S.. Correcting for the difference in population gives us 1,840 vs. 165.
So tell you what, darlin', once you get your forcible rape rates down to, let's say, double ours, then and only then can you start preaching the virtues of victim disarmament.

Smart guns - gun locks - secure gun cases - gun related deaths
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The University of Chicago’s Crime lab reports over 4 million 'gun related deaths' in the U.S from 1973 to 2012. A 4 year old child who accidentally kills himself with a loaded gun his mother stored in a shoe box is a gun related death but it is not a 'crime' or a 'homicide' and would not be included in a crime or homicide report thereby causing some confusion concerning the number of gun related deaths."

"Smart or personalized guns are guns which are equipped with technology such as RFID chips, fingerprint recognition, grip recognition, or magnetic devices which render a gun harmless in the hands of anyone other than the gun owner." ...

CSGV once again stands against free citizenry, with jackbooted thuggery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence is just not at all happy with the lessons of Boston. The anguished bleating on Facebook, mentioned yesterday, was not enough for them. Josh Horwitz, the group's executive director, decided to take his unhappiness to the Huffington Post. Granted, much of the article focused on perennial thorn in the collectivists' side, Mike Vanderboegh, and his rousing speech of defiance against forcible citizen disarmament tyranny, delivered to the Connecticut Citizens Defense League (transcript). And that is as it should be, as Mr. Vanderboegh is by far the larger threat to their agenda." ...

US gun lobby targets international arms treaty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Senate recently rejected measures that would expand background checks on potential gun buyers, renew and strengthen a ban on military-style assault weapons and limit ammunition magazines to 10 rounds. The National Rifle Association - a powerful gun lobby group - is widely credited for helping defeat the measures. The organization is now expected to work against Senate ratification of an international treaty regulating trade in conventional weapons." ...

PA: Stop grandstanding over Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I sincerely hope that no one in our community would ever treat lightly a tragedy such as the ones in Newtown, Conn., Virginia Tech, Columbine or Aurora, Colo., but it could happen here. We therefore need to take steps to prevent such a calamity by focusing on what we can do to keep weapons such as those used in these incidents out of the hands of the mentally unstable, convicted criminals and people who traffic in illegal weapons supplying guns to those who use them to commit violent acts. It is the least we owe to the 31,000-plus Americans who die from gun violence each year. And it is the most logical step to prevent another Newtown or Columbine or Virginia Tech or Aurora here." ...

Misinformation and Miranda mar marathon bombing investigation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Media misinformation and a silence-inducing Miranda warning delivered to Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev are already creating problems for investigators, but not so much that anti-gun Mayor Michael Bloomberg didn't take the opportunity to become part of the drama Thursday." ...

Situational Constitutionality
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In the gun control debate many of the vociferous, while neglecting the first part of the Second Amendment ... stand strong that no one, no one should take away their Constitutional Right to bear arms no matter how outrageous those arms may be."

"To them the Constitution is unassailable. It is sacred. No one’s Constitutional rights should be abridged (unless, apparently, they are different or can be ignored by the majority)."

"So I find it interesting that some of the very vehement defenders of the Constitution, or at least one amendment to it, seem to have decided that the second suspect in the Boston bombing should not have been given his rights in light of what he is suspected of doing." ...

Chicago Isn't Safe (pic worth 1K words)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Seems the urban youth aren’t that impressed with the Chicago Police Department." ...

Question of the Day: Is it Time for Piers Morgan to Go?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"No one in the media pushed harder for civilian disarmament than Brit expat Piers Morgan. Clearly not appreciative of the Constitutional freedoms afforded him here, the dozens of viewers who regularly tune in to his cable news gabfest saw him joust, to varying effect, with pro-gunners after Sandy Hook like the GOA’s Larry Pratt and, well, Alex Jones. And when his anti-gun agitprop campaign predictably resulted in some fierce blowback – including a White House web site petition to have him deported — his response was, naturally, 'bring it!' . . ." ...

GOP Lawmakers Hope to Combat Ammunition Stockpiling by Gov’t Agencies With AMMO Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republicans in the Senate and House are expected to introduce a joint bill Friday that would limit the amount of ammunition that federal agencies are allowed to buy and stockpile over the next six months, the Washington Free Beacon reports."

"The bill, titled the Ammunition Management for More Accountability or 'AMMO' Act, is being proposed after several lawmakers have voiced concerns about some federal agencies, like the Department of Homeland Security, seemingly stockpiling large quantities of ammo." ...

NY: DiPietro starting effort to repeal new gun law
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Assemblyman David DiPietro has started an effort to repeal the state’s controversial new firearms law."

"DiPietro, R-East Aurora, is sponsoring a bill which would repeal the NY SAFE Act, effective immediately."

"It has 11 co-sponsors but no counterpart has appeared so far in the state Senate." ...

LA: Bill defines who can own guns, fixes loophole
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"People who have court-ordered confinement for criminal or mental problems should not be able to possess guns, the state House and Senate said Thursday."

"With a 74-8 vote, state representatives approved HB717 by Rep. Henry Burns, R-Haughton, and senators approved SB135 by Sen. Neil Riser, R-Columbia, which call for felons, those acquitted of crimes on the grounds of insanity and those involuntarily sent to mental institutions or treatment centers to lose their Second Amendment rights." ...

ME: Lawmakers OK bill making gun owner IDs private
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Desperate appeals from some lawmakers to keep concealed handgun permit data open to the public failed Thursday as the Legislature gave final approval to a bill to protect as confidential the names of permit holders and other personally identifying information."

"The Senate’s 25-8 vote followed a similarly lopsided 114-33 vote in the House on Thursday, which debated the measure for a second day in a row. Lawmakers were under pressure to act because they would not be in session again until Tuesday, the same day a moratorium ends that blocks the release of names and other identifying information." ...

NC: Ban Assault Dogs!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'A bill filed Tuesday in the North Carolina House would restrict ownership of six dog breeds and mixes deemed 'aggressive,' reports. 'House Bill 956 would create a new 'aggressive dog' classification for pit bulls, Rottweilers, mastiffs, chows, Presa Canarios and wolf hybrids, as well as any mixed-breed dogs 'that are predominantly of' those breeds. Asked why he chose those breeds, sponsor Rep. Rodney Moore, D-Mecklenburg, answered, 'I don’t want to say those were the ones with the most incidents, but they were the most prevalent by the feedback that I’ve gotten.' Wait. Does any of this sound familiar? If not, check out the bill’s provisions . . ." ...

NY: Gun control critiqued at SUNY Orange forum
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"A nine-member panel representing four levels of government swapped views on gun control, college tuition and other topics during a 90-minute political forum Thursday at the main SUNY Orange campus."

"Participating in the discussion, organized by the college's global studies department and held at the Gilman Center for International Education, were four Assembly members, two town supervisors, an Orange County legislator, an aide to Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney and former Rep. Nan Hayworth, the Republican Maloney unseated in November."

"Panelists took turns critiquing or outright slamming the SAFE Act, the package of gun-control measures New York enacted in January in response to the school massacre in Newtown, Conn. ..." ...

MD: Gun group targets Md. laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gun owners’ rights group has threatened to sue 35 Maryland counties or municipalities unless they repeal regulations that the group says violate state gun laws."

"The Second Amendment Foundation of Bellevue, Wash., said Thursday that Maryland is the third state targeted in its campaign to eliminate more-restrictive local laws in states where local governments have little or no authority to regulate firearms." ...

"'There are thousands of laws in the United States that are on the books that are pre-empted by state laws,' Gottlieb said in a telephone interview. He said the local ordinances are illegal and confusing." ...

Reps challenge DHS ammo buys, say agency using 1,000 more rounds per person than Army
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz said Thursday that the Department of Homeland Security is using roughly 1,000 rounds of ammunition more per person than the U.S. Army, as he and other lawmakers sharply questioned DHS officials on their 'massive' bullet[sic] buys."

"'It is entirely ... inexplicable why the Department of Homeland Security needs so much ammunition,' Chaffetz, R-Utah, said at a hearing." ...

Aggressive enforcement of gun laws -- and a dispute with an Idaho gun shop -- cost Michael Sullivan confirmation as ATF director
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With gun violence becoming a major issue nationally and in the Massachusetts U.S. Senate race, one candidate, Republican Michael Sullivan, has direct experience with gun laws, as former acting director of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives."

"Sullivan’s approach to enforcing gun laws – and gun licensing – derailed his nomination in 2007 to become the agency’s permanent director." ...

Sequester, tight budgets means DHS buying less ammunition
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Homeland Security officials tried to mollify Congress‘ concerns over the department’s ammunition purchases Thursday, but they may have made things worse by providing conflicting information that left House members fuming."

"Department officials testified that their agents and officers average about 1,300 rounds of ammunition a year for training, qualifying and operations — about 1,000 more small-arms rounds than are assigned for every member of the military." ...

IA: Sioux City settles police dog bite lawsuit for $6,500
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The city of Sioux City has reached a $6,500 settlement in a lawsuit filed by a woman who was attacked by a police dog."

"Keisha Davis filed suit in Woodbury County District Court in December 2011 against the city, then-police chief Joe Frisbie, current Chief Doug Young and officer Lori Noltze." ...

PA: Former Darby Twp. cop in prison for 'oppression' sued by woman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Collingdale woman is suing a former Darby Township police officer and the Darby Township police department in federal court, claiming the former cop stalked her and forced her to have sex with him inside the police station in 2009 and 2010."

"The defendant, Kevin Walker, 44, is currently serving 10 to 23 months in jail after pleading guilty last year to an 'official oppression' charge related to a long list of sexual assault charges filed by at least three women, according to online court records. Numerous sexual assault charges were either withdrawn or "disposed at a lower court," the records show." ...

MD: Bladensburg restaurant manager wins civil suit against police officer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The manager of a Bladensburg restaurant was awarded $160,000 Wednesday in a civil suit against a Prince George’s County police officer who the manager claimed had falsely arrested and mistreated him outside a 7-Eleven convenience store in 2011, his attorney said." ...

CA: Modesto pays $120K to settle lawsuit over warrant-less search of home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Modesto has paid $120,000 to a woman and her two adult daughters to settle a lawsuit they filed against the city after police officers entered their home without a warrant, refused to leave when asked and threatened to arrest the woman."

"Police were summoned to the family’s home by a tow truck driver who was trying to repossess the woman’s car, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court in Fresno." ...

Gun Shops Rationing Ammo: 'We Have Police Departments that are Scrambling'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Gun shops across the country are reporting ammunition shortages as many Americans continue to stock up on whatever they can get their hands on."

"Jeff Dillard, who runs National Armory in Pompano, Florida says, 'I have never seen ammo so impossible to get.'"

"Bruce A. Pelletier, owner of Pelletier's Sports in Jaffrey, New Hampshire, says in his forty-four years in business, he's never seen the shortage this bad." ...

America's gun: Sales of AR-15s soar
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"At the GunRunners Gun Show outside Atlanta, the line stretches out the door and around the corner. Dozens of people are waiting, ready to fork over big bucks for everything from pistols to high capacity magazines."

"Here, the hottest seller isn't a shotgun, handgun, or even a pair of Angie Whitaker's .22-caliber bullet casing earrings. It's the AR-15 semiautomatic rifle." ...

NY: Pistol license applications on the rise in Oneida County
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Pistol license applications are the hottest ticket in Oneida County. The number of pistol licenses issued in the county has grown from 343 in 2011 to 541 in 2012."

"In 2011, 19% of the permits were issued to women; in 2012, women accounted for 34% of all new permit holders."

"'Americans get a little leery, I think, when they think that their rights might be taken away from them,' says Dan Sullivan, who attributes part of the meteoric rise of gun owners in the county to stricter gun control laws. Sullivan heads up Oneida County's pistol licensing office for county licensing officer Judge Michael Dwyer." ...

We're not 'hiding' behind 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I must take exception to Mr. Mattioli’s assertions in his April 19 letter ['Legislative action should be slam dunk']. We are no more 'hiding behind' the Second Amendment he is hiding behind the First Amendment in order to criticize and demean those with whom he disagrees."

"We support the Second Amendment as the founding fathers meant it to be applied, not as revisionists would wish it to be applied. Additionally, most of us who support the Second also support the rest of the Bill of Rights just as ardently, including the First, which is used by individuals like him to so vociferously attack us." ...

Chicago MC raffles 6 ARs and 2 pistols to benefit fallen officer families
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"How would you like a crack at winning one of eight guns, including six variations of America’s favorite rifle, the AR-15 in one shot?"

"Call I get a 'Heck YEAH!'?"

"I thought so."

"You wanna know what makes this event even more special? ..." ...

PA: Facebook Shuts Down Controversial Gun Shop Contest
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A McKeesport gun shop’s giveaway contest had to be postponed because Facebook shut down the Pittsburgh Tactical Firearm’s page."

"The contest was to give away an AR-15, ammunition, and other gear, valued at some $10,000 dollars. The company has done many of the giveaways, their most recent was back in February."

"KDKA-AM’s Robert Mangino spoke with Pittsburgh Tactical Firearm’s Owner Eric Lowry about his gun shop’s giveaway who says they’ve never had any problems up until now." ...

NY: 350 Pack SAFE Act Forum (video available)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Thursday night, at least 350 people packed an auditorium at Genesee Community College to vent their frustrations about the NY SAFE Act."

"The panel mostly agreed with what audience members had to say about the controversial law."

"Some audience members worried that law enforcement officers would start going to their homes to search for illegal weapons without warrants." ...

When Pa was at home the gun always lay across those two wooden hooks above the door. ... The gun was always loaded, and always above the door so that Pa could get it quickly and easily, any time he needed a gun. — Laura Ingalls Wilder

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