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Newslinks for 9/26/2013

More recovered Mexican crime guns highlight inequities, unanswered questions
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Has there been any follow-up on the other guns Arnberger sold him, and any resolution on how 20 of the guns ended up south of the border, with nine others traced to domestic crimes?" ...

OMG! The NRA Hearts Guns! OMG!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back when the Dems were pushing for a federal law mandating an FBI background check for anyone buying or selling a gun anywhere to anyone for any reason, the party of civilian disarmament attempted to portray the opposition as 'extremists' out of touch with 'most gun owners.' Before that, they tried to drive a wedge between 'gun nuts' with 'assault weapons' and 'hunters and sportsmen.' Or was that at the same time? Here’s an NRA-centric update on ye olde divide and conquer anti-gun agit prop from David Tigabu [above] at . . ." ...

Females Leading Fight For Gun Rights In U.S.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Many of the patriotic American women who’ve been pushing back against the enemies of the Second Amendment can also be counted among the thousands of grassroots activists who just recently handed the gun grabbers their latest major defeat."

"On September 10, angry Colorado voters, who cherish their inalienable right to keep and bear arms, took to the polls and successfully ousted two democratic state legislators who helped push through a series of unconstitutional gun-control laws earlier in the year." ...

New information on Navy Yard shooter released
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The FBI today released more information on Aaron Alexis, the gunman in the Washington Navy Yard shooting, along with images of his cut-down Remington Model 870 pump-action shotgun and video footage of him in the hallway of a building where he murdered a dozen people more than a week ago."

"According to the FBI, Alexis bought the shotgun and ammunition two days before the shooting, as this column previously reported. He also reportedly bought a hacksaw at a hardware store with which he evidently cut off part of the barrel and the stock of the shotgun. He wrapped the cut buttstock with purple tape. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Ban hacksaws and purple tape! For the children!

Senate website gets 2nd Amendment wrong, critics say
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Does the Second Amendment guarantee an individual right to own guns?"

"The Supreme Court has ruled that it does. But you might be confused if you visit the official Senate web page on the Constitution, which says only: 'Whether this provision protects the individual's right to own firearms or whether it deals only with the collective right of the people to arm and maintain a militia has long been debated.'" ...

"Meanwhile, gun rights advocates panned the site's language."

"'Considering that this year the party in control of the United States Senate tried to ban many semi-automatic firearms and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, it does not surprise me that their website takes that position,' Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, said." ...

Daily Digest: Distracting False Flag Operation Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Independent Journal Review has compiled a list of 13 Must-Know Stats on Gun Violence and Public Shootings to help combat the misinformation and scare tactics that the Citizen Disarmament Movement constantly deals in. It’s a slideshow of infographics like the one above that will be a great thing to have in your pocket when your Facespace feed blows up in the future. [h/t: Beth G.] . . ." ...

BREAKING: McMillan Group Sells McMillan Firearms Mfg
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a Facebook post this morning, McMillan Group International announced that they are wrapping up the final negotiations for the sale McMillan Firearms Manufacturing. McMillan Group will retain their fiberglass stock business and, as we reported earlier, they recently made a splash with the creation of a firearms-friendly credit card processing service, McMillan Merchant Solutions. We’d guess that will stay with McMillan Group as well, but are trying to confirm that. No word yet as to the identity of the buyer. Stay tuned . . ." ...

Front Sight Training Can Be An Eye-Opener
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Front Sight touts its training standards to be above that of the military and law enforcement. They stress, however, that they are not a boot camp. And that’s probably why you’ll see kids and people in wheelchairs at their pistol ranges and diminutive, grey-haired little old ladies with ARs at the rifle ranges. I was lucky to get my whole family in on a lifetime Diamond membership through a childhood friend recently. So, I was eager to get to the 4-day Practical Rifle class just a week ago . . ." ...

AP Calls NJ Buyback Mossberg an “Assault Shotgun”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To no one’s surprise, a member of the Associated Press has adopted the term blurted out by a know-nothing NBC reporter during the U.S. Navy Yard massacre, during which [redacted] used a Remington 870 shotgun to murder 12 people. And now . . . 'FREEHOLD, N.J. (AP) – Authorities say a 2-day gun buyback program staged in central New Jersey last weekend netted 218 firearms. Acting Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher Gramiccioni says the weapons collected at a church in Asbury Park and the Rumson police department included 126 handguns, 39 shotguns, and 24 rifles. Among the assault weapons surrendered was a Colt AR-15, a Mossberg assault shotgun and a World War II-era Japanese bolt-action rifle. ...'" ...

Gun-hating and Constitution-hating: They just go together
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For years, those who would trample Americans' Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human right of the individual to keep and bear arms attempted to justify their position by claiming that this right is not codified in the Constitution after all. The 'right of the people,' they argued, isn't really 'of the people' ... but is instead a 'right' of the . . . National Guard. And 'shall not be infringed' doesn't really mean that the government cannot infringe on the right at will."

"With the Supreme Court's rulings in District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago having made the individual's right to keep and bear arms a settled point of Constitutional law, however, that position has become more and more untenable ..." ...

Navy Yard shooting resurfaces need for gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week another national tragedy occurred at the Washington Navy Yard. Aaron Alexis shot and killed 12 civilians and injured eight others. The attack at the Navy Yard has brought up the debate on gun control yet again."

"On one side, there are the people who want all guns taken away from citizens. They argue that everyone would be safer if average Americans were not allowed to own guns."

"Opposing this side is a group that argues by taking away Americans’ guns, the government is infringing on the rights of American citizens. The Second Amendment clearly states that American citizens have the right to bear arms. But let’s think about what that really means."

"... Back in 1791, the guns were single-shot rifles or pistols ..." ...

Why Should Citizens be Allowed to Own Guns?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The question is simple and to the point, and many people today are asking it. Older voters would like to know so that they can vote responsibly in elections, and younger people are curious so that they might be able to serve their nation best when it comes to voting. Why should citizen be allowed to have guns? And if a citizen should be allowed to have a gun, then is it reasonable to have a magazine limit? Though the questions are simple, the answer is multifaceted." ...

Submitter's Note: I have some more simple questions for you:
Why should citizens be allowed to go to whatever church they wish?
Why should citizens be allowed to sit wherever they wish on a bus or at a lunch counter?
Why should citizens be allowed to speak freely? To assemble peaceably? To vote?

After Starbucks Success, Gun Control Advocates Target Staples
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Until this month, coffee lovers with a hankering for a soy latte were welcome to bring their loaded weapons into Starbucks outlets nationwide."

"That is, until Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz wrote an open letter to Americans making a 'respectful request' that java junkies leave their guns at home." ...

"Now, with one major victory under their belts, gun control advocates are setting their sights on another large, publicly traded chain."

"'We’re moving on from Starbucks to Staples,' said Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a group of 110,000 grassroots activists formed in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook school massacre in Newtown, Conn." ...

US signs treaty to regulate global arms trading
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The United States, the world’s largest arms dealer, has joined more than 90 other nations in signing a treaty that regulates global arms trading, but there is strong resistance in the Senate, which must ratify it."

"Secretary of State John Kerry, who signed the Arms Trade Treaty on Wednesday, said it was a 'significant step' in keeping the world safe and preventing terrorists and others from obtaining conventional weapons." ...

Kerry signs UN Arms Treaty; Inhofe says DOA in Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Secretary of State John Kerry today signed the controversial United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, a document that Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) warned in a letter yesterday will not be ratified by the Senate, according to Fox News and the Daily Caller."

"The National Rifle Association immediately issued a statement promising to fight ratification in the U.S. Senate." ...

Help Prevent UN Authority Over U.S. Firearm Industry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has signed the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) on behalf of the Obama Administration."

"The reach of the ATT goes well beyond anything we’ve ever seen from even the most radical gun-control groups. Regardless of whether the Senate ratifies the treaty, now that Secretary Kerry signed on the dotted line, the United States is obligated not to act 'contrary' to its terms – and the devil is in the details." ...

Obama Hypocrisy And The Arms Trade Treaty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The hypocrisy of the Barack Obama regime knows no bounds."

"Yesterday, Secretary of State John Kerry signed the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty ..."

"Among other things, the treaty bars signatory countries from transferring conventional weapons if they violate arms embargoes or if they promote acts of genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes. ..."

"Even as Kerry was putting pen to paper, the CIA continued to transfer arms to al-Qaida and al-Nusra terrorists in Syria: two groups that have been raping, beheading and killing Christians; executing surrendered Syrian government troops; and beheading and shooting men, women and children they deem loyal to the Bashar Assad regime." ...

The Myth of the Global Gun Grabbers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While Washington was busy watching Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz bloviate ... Secretary of State John Kerry was in New York at the U.N. General Assembly signing the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, known as the ATT. This is a long overdue step for the U.S., joining a treaty meant to crack down on the international transfer of weapons to human rights abusers, criminals and terrorists."

"America, the top arms exporter in the world, was the 91st country to sign the treaty, which passed the U.N. overwhelmingly in April. But no measure having anything to do with stricter scrutiny of guns goes anywhere in the U.S. without the gun rights lobby becoming apoplectic. ..." ...

Big-city Democrats like President Obama aren't credible on gun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here's a headline from a story on 'Black community needs Obama's voice on urban gun violence.'"

"As a member of a bona fide black community, I take exception. The last thing the 'black community' needs is another liberal voice on urban gun violence. That goes for President Obama or any liberal's voice."

"Obama hails from Chicago, where an alleged gang member recently fired into a crowd at a basketball game and wounded 13 people."

"Now, we already know how Obama and other liberals will react to that shooting, don't we? They'll call for more gun control laws and even more restrictions on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens." ...

Obama tells Americans to ‘obsess’ over rare mass shootings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Barack Obama has gone from the candidate for hope and change to the president of divisiveness and scare tactics. Consumed with his second-term liberal agenda, Mr. Obama exploits the deaths of innocent people to push for more gun control."

"Just as he did at the prayer vigil two days after the horrific Newtown, Conn., school shootings last December, the president used the memorial service for the victims of the Washington Navy Yard tragedy to drive support to restrict Second Amendment rights." ...

NY: Bramson Campaign Launches Vile Attack Ad Implying His Opponent is Responsible for Gun Violence in Westchester (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The latest ad to come out of the Bramson campaign is titled 'Our Pain'. It is an emotionally charged appeal to liberal and left of center voters in Westchester County who are favorable to ever expanding firearm restrictions. Bramson’s campaign states that 'this shouldn’t be about politics'. However, this is exactly what his ad is about. Politics. After all it is a political ad during a political campaign. How could it be about anything other than politics?" ...

NH: Felony hit-and-run charges against fired Manchester officer reduced to misdemeanors
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Felony hit-and-run charges against fired Manchester police sergeant Stephen Coco have been reduced to misdemeanors, charges that would allow the 17-year police veteran to avoid a state prison sentence in the high-profile case." ...

WA: Former deputy gets work release for burglary
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Snohomish County sheriff's deputy convicted of burglary was sentenced Friday to two weeks on work release."

"A King County Superior Court judge granted James Hager a first-time offender waiver, allowing him to participate in work release. He faced up to three months in jail. Hager will be under the supervision of the state Department of Corrections for six months." ...

CA: Roseville settles lawsuit accusing former police officer of stalking
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The city of Roseville has settled a lawsuit accusing a former police officer of stalking and harassing a married Roseville woman while he was on duty and in full uniform." ...

GA: Former Ga. sheriff's deputy gets 10 months
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former northwest Georgia sheriff's deputy has been sentenced to 10 months in federal prison for obstructing a public corruption investigation."

"A federal judge sentenced former Murray County sheriff's deputy Joshua Greeson Wednesday." ...

MO: St. Louis Judges Reject Gun Court, Agree to Faster Revolving Door
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One common lament among members of the Armed Intelligentsia is that liberals don’t enforce the gun laws that are already on the books. Why do you want new toys when you’re not playing with the ones you already have? A recent article in my hometown newspaper revealed that among a sample of 200 suspects . . .
  • On average, each had been arrested 11 times.
  • Among those who were felons (about 124) there were 500 convictions
  • Among the felons, they had an average of four convictions each
  • Within this sample it took an average four arrests per conviction" ...

NY: Lawyer Vs. Town Supervisor: New Details In Case Of Officer Taking Man’s Pro-Gun Sign
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police officer was justified in taking a New York man’s pro-Second Amendment sign as the city of Somers, N.Y., has determined it was located on 'public property,' Town Supervisor Mary Beth Murphy told TheBlaze."

"However, the man’s attorney, Richard Bombardo, of Syracuse, strongly refuted the claim, telling TheBlaze 'that’s not what the law says.' To that effect, the attorney said he and his client, Jon Gibson, will 'probably' file a federal civil rights lawsuit." ...

Chicks Rule At IDPA Nationals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The 2013 National Championships of IDPA, the International Defensive Pistol Association, locked into shooting history this past Saturday night. My teammate on Team Panteao, was overall winner once again, the incomparable Bob Vogel. Bob has won this title several times, and he wrote on Facebook yesterday, 'I am thankful for a solid performance. Ninth year in a row I’ve shot the match, and overall I think this was the hardest.'"

"Another teammate, Tom Yost, was National Senior Champion (age 50 and over) and First Master in Stock Service Pistol, shooting a Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm. There were many fine men there, who did much fine shooting."

"What struck me, though, was the performance from the distaff side of the house." ...

IL: Chicago Honors Student Brought Gun to School Because He Was So Afraid of Chicago Gang Crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Everyone is well aware of Chicago’s gang crime problems."

"Despite some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation (or perhaps because of them), Chicago is now considered the 'Murder Capital of the US'."

"This story demonstrates just how bad things are in Chicago for their disarmed populace who lives in constant fear of well armed gang members who simply ignore gun laws they don’t agree with." ...

NY: Project Appleseed tries to find middle ground in murky gun debate
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In a basement classroom of the Westside Rifle and Pistol range, near the Flatiron Building in New York City, students are being given a lesson in early American History. It has a lot to do with guns."

"There are 14 students in the classroom, seven woman and seven men. The students have paid less than the price of an average New York dinner to spend three hours together, to learn how to shoot a small caliber rifle and take a rose-tinted walk through the history of the founding of the United States." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: "Metro" is a free newspaper which is handed out by the thousands every morning at bus and train terminals and other major commuter choke points every weekday morning in New York City.

Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. — John F. Kennedy

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