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Black Man With A Gun  by David J. Miller

Black Man With A Gun

by David J. Miller

February 7, 2003

I am a Black Man With A Gun.

You wouldn't know it to look at me. Most people see an unarmed, 37-year-old, bearded white male; but I assure you that I am a Black Man with a Gun. 

I borrowed this title from a man named Kenneth Blanchard; the original Black Man With a Gun. He is, in his own words, " American of African ancestry," and he's not shy about the fact that he's a conservative Christian gun owner too. 

People in society today seem to tense up when they hear the words, "black man" and "gun" in a sentence. This is because of the incorrect yet popular belief that most black men with guns are criminals. Blanchard works to shatter that stereotype through speaking engagements, shooting camps, training classes, essays and books. His primary focus is to break through the barriers of race that society foists upon us. 

It is not an easy task. Many black men are reluctant to stand up and be counted among mainstream (read: white) gun owners. They prefer to keep their gun ownership private. This reluctance is a manifestation of the race barrier that has been constructed and used to keep gun owners of different races separated and, therefore, weakened. If we, as freedom-loving gun owners are to successfully regain and retain our rights, we must *all* stick together. White, black or brown, male or female, suburban, rural or urban; it makes no difference. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." 

Another manifestation of the race barrier is the inability, or perhaps the unwillingness, of people to "join up" with groups who are different. It may be very difficult for many heterosexual gun owners to support their local chapter of Pink Pistols. This is, I imagine, how some black gun owners might feel about supporting the mostly white NRA, and, how some white gun owners might feel about supporting Blanchard's Tenth Cavalry Gun Club ( The key to supporting others is to recognize that Freedom, the right to self defense, and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is more important than the things that make us different. 

Blanchard often uses the words, "brothers," "sisters," and "family" when referring to his fellow gun owners. He does this irrespective of their race, creed or color. He defines "family" as, "a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation." To Kenn Blanchard, I am his brother because we share a common belief in the inherent right of *everyone* to keep and bear arms for their defense and security. 

I have joined my brother Kenn in his quest to bring people of every stripe together under a common banner: that of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Together, we promote responsible firearms ownership through cooperation, learning and acceptance. But none of this can take place until there is a starting point. That point is Freedom; and the common thread running from that point which binds us all together is responsible gun ownership. Brothers and sisters can overlook their differences and ignore petty disagreements if they concentrate on and accentuate their commonalties. 

Please join my brother and I in our mission. You are our family. We are your brothers. All you need to do to start out is admit that you truly believe in Liberty for all, the rest will follow naturally. 

And if you should ever see a bearded white man at the range with a "Black Man with a Gun" sticker on his rifle case; just say "Hi brother!" I'll know immediately that you are a friend of Liberty; and a brother in arms.