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Which Value do you prize most?
Peace - Liberty - Freedom

Dr. Bill Wilden, DDS MPA 
Gifford, WA


As American citizens we value these Qualities. But, they are held in a delicate balance. And they are not available in equal proportion. In fact they are, in many instances, inversely proportional. Meaning that more of one must mean less of another. For example:

In exchange for a more ‘peaceful society' our Government suggests that we ought to give up a Freedom recognized in the Supreme Law of the land - The U. S. Constitution. Specifically, our current President and his minions in the U. S. Congress and followers down through the ranks to local politicians, want us to lay down our arms: our rifles, our shotguns, and our pistols so that all will be peaceful and serene throughout the land. 

Unfortunately (or perhaps to our good fortune) we have sterling examples of just how misguided this approach is. Look to England, Canada, Australia, and Brazil and we see that 100% of the time, disarming the law abiding citizen leads to increases in all types of criminal activity - Assault, Rape, Robbery and Murder.. From top to bottom it is a Documented Published FACT!

If you had to choose which of the above VALUES is most dear and which least, in what order would you place them? The typical Liberal (for this essay - the typical Democrat) would preserve and promote PEACE at any cost; even if it means giving up Liberty and/or Freedoms. You need proof? You need only look at the last eight years of the Clinton/Gore Administration for Abuses of your freedoms in the ‘name of Peace and Security'. The typical Conservative (i.e. the typical Republican) would rather fight tooth and nail to preserve Liberty and/or Freedom. Although it may hurt to hear these words; they are never-the-less TRUE. These are Fundamental differences in ideology that must be recognized. 

Throughout the turbulent history of this country the question of PRIORITY of VALUES has been answered in many surprising ways. For instance, from John F. Kennedy we hear,

"I have therefore chosen this time and place to discuss the most important topic on earth...PEACE. We have no more urgent task then General and Complete disarmament." 

From Patrick Henry we hear,

"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!" 

Or from Benjamin Franklin who said,

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety..." 

Or from Elmer Davis' often quoted,

"That freedom can be retained only by eternal vigilance which has always been its price."

Not only must we scan the horizon for enemies of the State but we must be ...eternally vigilant...for the enemy within. Internal decay of our society poses as much a threat to our continued existence as does any potential for invasion. The erosion of our armor plate, our Constitution and The Bill of Rights, one rivet at a time by liberal politics has reached an all time high with the Clinton / Gore administration.

This election will be remembered in history as one of, if not the most critical election of our nation's history. Your vote may determine the very survival of our Constitutionally guaranteed FREEDOMS. Thomas Treadwell knew this all to well when he stated,

"We may now surrender with a little ink, what it may cost seas of blood to regain." 

Liberal policies/politicians promise a BIGGER and consequently BETTER Government - But, the COST is too high....Don't sell your BIRTHRIGHT for more Bureaucracy. It may cost seas of blood to regain.

Beware the Gorelet!