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Carjacker shot and killed by man who is licensed to carry

Originally ran here as:
Attempted Car Jacking Turns Deadly

March 28, 2001

TENNESSEE, News 3, Memphis --  An attempted car jacking turns deadly at a mall in Whitehaven. It happened in broad daylight. But this time the tables turned leaving the man, police say was trying to commit the crime, dead.

It's not what you expect to see in a mall parking lot...crime tape surrounding cars. But this green mercury mountaineer is where it started. Police say the truck drove up and parked...and even before the female driver could get out of the vehicle...she was approached by a gunman...telling her to give him the keys.... But what the car jacker apparently didn't see behind the tinted windows was that someone else was inside the vehicle with the woman...and that person had a gun.

Major Jerry Lawson with the Memphis police told News Channel 3, "Her gentleman friend who does have a license to carry a pistol threw her out of the way and did shoot the robber he was DOA on the scene here." Police say the suspect may have tried to get away...but ended up dying underneath the same S-U-V he allegedly tried to car jack.

Police didn't immediately identify the female or her friend who did the shooting. But her mother who arrived on the scene, and didn't want to be on camera, told us about the frantic call she got from her 18 year old daughter.

Queenie Chester says, "She said he walked up behind her and said B**** give me the keys...she said she didn't look back...she just started handing him the keys and he didn't know he was on the other side of the truck."

The whole thing surprised shoppers at the mall. Sandra Johnson told us, "That's why I don't do a lot of shopping...I don't send my daughter for that very reason because you can't go out in broad's ridiculous."  The father of the female driver says it's all very scary...and shows why you can't approach just anybody.  Lee Chester says, "Be never know what the next man may's not worth it." and this time the person who apparently wanted to get a the end got something he never expected.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed, without profit, for research or educational purposes. We do our best, as well, to give credit to the original news source who published these Guns Save Lives stories out of respect and appreciation for their willingness to spread the word that Guns Save Lives. God Bless the Americans that publish these stories - for assisting Americans in hearing the truth.