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A Action Alert!

Invest 10 minutes to help save your guns
Kurt Amesbury, J.D.

K-Mart has just announced that they will be phasing out ammunition sales in their stores nation wide within the next 90 days. The move was prompted by pressure from gun control advocates.

If you care about your Second Amendment rights, It is important that you take a few minutes to tell K-Mart what you think of their new policy. A 10-minute FREE phone call could make all the difference in the world. Just dial

(Press 1 after being connected.)

and ask for clarification on their "no ammunition" policy. Follow up with a statement to the effect that you've been a K-Mart customer, but will no longer be one unless the policy is immediately and publicly reversed.

Be polite!

This should be a death of a million cuts!

The thousands of people who read this page alone, all calling K-Mart, spending just 10 minutes each to express disapproval - will have K-Mart spending man-months (if not man-years) just answering the phone! Add in similar responses from other lists, and we can MELT K-Mart's phone lines. TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

If K-Mart follows the adage that for every complaint there are 100 people who aren't happy about the problem, we'll see an immediate reversal of policy. (Sweet!) Well, get busy dialing! We cannot do it without you!

It's important that you make K-Mart explain their policy because it forces them to go through the process with each individual. Ask follow up questions, like,

  1. Are you saying you think your customers are criminals?
  2. Do you really think that by not selling ammunition you are affecting anything but your own bottom line and your reputation as an anti-Constitutional merchant?
  3. Why do you want to undermine the right of the people to bear arms?
  4. Have you considered that no matter how unprofitable you may consider ammunition sales, since K-Mart still bears the stigma of being anti-Second Amendment (thanks to Rosie O'Donnell) any move in this direction will give millions of gun owners the nudge they need to shop elsewhere?

Cite your own personal intentions. I just told them that when Rosie came out with her statement that all gun owners should be in jail, and K-Mart didn't fire her, I dropped K-Mart, not setting foot in a K-Mart for more than a year and a half. When Rosie was canned, I started shopping at K-Mart again. With K-Mart's new policy, I will never set foot in a K-Mart again... except perhaps to scarf up some bargains at their bankruptcy clearance sale.

No need to be acrimonious. Just state the simple facts.

And keep them on the line as long as possible.

Your call will be just one drop in a torrent of disapproval, but our strength is in numbers. If K-Mart sees their decision washing away their bottom line, there will be an abrupt reversal. And that REALLY matters.


If K-Mart is forced to do an about face (again), after their former embarrassment on this issue, it will keep many other merchants from making the same mistake. Think about the Smith & Wesson capitulation to government pressure. Other gun manufacturers were thinking, "Maybe we should take the deal too." Only the fact that gun owners CRUSHED S&W in a true grass roots rejection of their decision has prevented any other gun manufacturer from even considering similar foolishness. And S&W, as you may know, was recently sold by its former owners at bargain basement prices.

It's time to bring pressure to bear. This won't cost you anything but a few minutes of your time.







What? You're still here? Why aren't you dialing?!


Kurt Amesbury, J.D.