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A legacy of LIBERTY

by Dick Wells

For most of my life I've been told that I live in a free country. As a boy, I frequently heard the phrase "It's a free country," when disputes were being aired on the playground. I grew up believing I lived in freedom, because I was told I was free.

If I am free, why then, did I always have this nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach? At every turn, there was the requirement to abide by constraint, seek permission, provide information, and follow the dictates of my public servants. If I am free, why do I have to fill out a form while my servant stands poised to call me liar and thief, when he's talking about the FRUITS OF MY LABOR?

Remember: we have Liberty and Justice for all; we are a country of laws not of men; We have inalienable rights like freedom of speech (ask Senator McCain about that one), and separation of powers in government, combined with a system of checks and balances. Yeah, right…

Why then, must a victim hire a lawyer, in order to obtain justice? Why do judges decide matters based on "public policy?" Whence comes "political correctness" in our legislatures? Why do we have suits filed in civil court by the executive branch that is charged only with obedience to, and enforcement of, our laws? How is it that we have a national government that makes alliances with foreign powers abdicating our national sovereignty? Where is the restraint, placed on the national government, that keeps it in line with its charter? 

The guarantee that government shall not infringe my Right to Keep and Bear Arms means that government is not free to discuss the topic of curtailing that right, much less have a stated goal of disarming me, as in State Department Publication 7277.

I will answer the first question (paragraph two above). It is because I Love Liberty above all else. My love of Liberty came to me in my Mother's milk. It is an intrinsic, integral part of me that finds anything to the contrary repugnant. When I encounter checks on my Liberty, I get this ugly sensation that won't go away.

Most of you reading this already know the answers to all the other questions raised here, or you wouldn't be reading this. For those of you that do need explanation, all the remaining questions can be answered in one simple statement: 

There is an open (not a covert plot) rebellion against our government, and its charter, lead by those entrusted with the obligation of protecting it. We are in a war that, going unanswered, will destroy our nation. Abundant symptoms all point to a run-away freight train in Washington D.C. Not only Washington, but in most states as well. 

In answer to a few of the other questions, let me quote Adlai Stevenson: "A free society is where there is no danger in being unpopular," but we allow "political correctness" in our society. We must have gun control "For the children," never mind the second amendment. The Constitution is a living document that means what ever a judge says it means…It is our own fault that we are permitting our great nation to be on the slippery slope of de facto government leading us where we don't want to go. 

200 years ago, Wolfgang Von Goethe said: "That, which thy fathers bequeathed thee, earn anew, if thou wilt possess it." Our Marine Corps buddies have a motto: "Semper Fidelis," --always faithful-- to which we might add: "Semper Paratus" --always ready. Keep those thoughts in mind as you decide how, when, and where, you'll join in the active fight to restore our Constitutional limited government; remember that you are doing it FOR THE CHILDREN, so that you can leave them a legacy of LIBERTY.