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Clerk with pistol outguns robber

Originally ran here as:
"Clerk with pistol outguns man who tries to rob Citgo"
by Staff Reports,
August 22, 2001

WELCOME, NORTH CAROLINA -- A would-be robber's attempt to hold up the Citgo on Old Highway 52 was foiled when the clerk turned the tables on him.

The man entered the store shortly before 2 a.m. Armed with a knife, he attempted to rob the store but was forced to flee when the clerk pulled a pistol on him, according to a release from the Davidson County Sheriff's Office.

Deputies arrived shortly after the attempted robbery and watched a surveillance tape from the store.

Matthew William Heaster, 20, of 510 Love Road, was later charged with attempted robbery and is being held at the Davidson County jail under a $500,000 bond.

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