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Belittling gun owners

From: "Carpenter, John" <>
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 13:14:50 -0400
To: "''"
Subject: Yesteryear, Boots, Bull Durham and a Six Shooter

Dear Mr. Douglas,

I read your recent article entitled, "Yesteryear, Boots, Bull Durham and a Six Shooter" on the premiere gun rights web page I found your attempt to belittle gun rights advocates with self-deprecating humor to be pathetic. Do you really believe our zeal for the protection of gun ownership lies simply in our desire to impress someone or relive some childhood fantasy about being a cowboy? If you do, then you're not as intelligent as one might expect.

Our efforts to save the second amendment are founded in a deep and reverent respect for freedom and liberty. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote that, "we are endowed by our Creator, with certain inalienable rights..." Like most Americans, I believe in God and know beyond any doubt that He inspired our Founding Fathers, guiding them in the process of organizing this nation and our constitution. That constitution acknowledges God as the author of our freedom, not Washington. The second amendment isn't about hunting, or costume parties; it's about protecting this nation, my community, my family and myself against tyranny. This is the kind of tyranny that would imprison you and your paper for writing articles that did not meet a committees rules and regulations. Tyranny that forces couples to choose which twin will live and which one will be aborted, in order to meet a government imposed population limit. The kind of tyranny that a woman faces when she knows rapists lie in wait in the community where she works, yet her city denies her the ability to protect herself. This is what the second amendment is about and this is why we are so fervent in its defense.

Lastly, I refuse to dishonor the sacrifice and memory of the millions of men and women who have paid their last full measure of commitment in defense of freedom, by minimizing the attacks upon our freedoms. I have not yet been asked to go to war to protect our liberty, but who am I to refuse? Am I greater than any of those patriots who died at Concord or Lexington? Their fight was also about government-imposed gun control. No, I am no better than they were, the only difference is that I have the luxury of a written constitution and an establish nation founded in inspired principles. Nonetheless, my duty remains the same, thus my commitment is resolve. So share your innermost feelings of self-doubt and unfulfilled dreams with your psychologist, and sell your birthright for pottage. But, please refrain from insulting those of us who honor our duty to freedom.

J Carpenter

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