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And Brady said, "citizens underestimate
how difficult it is to use a gun in self-defense."

by Angel Shamaya

November 15, 2001 -- Wisconsin Republicans recently introduced a bill supporting a permitting system for a constitutionally protected right -- the one about bearing arms.  Supporters rightly say that a move toward decriminalizing the bearing of arms will be a crime deterrent. Over two-dozen states have proven their statements to be true.

"Forty-four states have it. It's time to get with the times," says Waukesha County Sheriff William Kruziki.


But then the Brady Campaign Against Natural Rights comes out with an odd, perhaps even a new statement -- of course, in opposition to the bill:

"Citizens underestimate how difficult it is to use a gun in self-defense."

I hadn't heard this one from the gun prohibitionists before, and I truly thought I'd heard them all.  When I finished laughing, I decided to pull a few stories together showing just "how difficult it is to use a gun in self-defense."

Armed teenager stops home invader

14-year-old in a cast, with a broken ankle, shoots burglar

78-year-old woman prevents break-in, holds perpetrator for police

88-year-old man shoots intruder

Quadriplegic person shoots attacker

Wheelchair-bound senior citizen shoots violent intruder

Wheelchair-bound female senior citizen shoots madman

Recap of what we've learned today:

Kids can use guns in self-defense.

Partially disabled kids can use guns in self-defense.

Disabled adults can use guns in self-defense.


Crippled elderly women can use guns in self-defense.

To whom is Brady referring when they preach about "how difficult it is to use a gun in self-defense"?

Are the Bradys weaker and less capable than injured little kids and elderly women in wheelchairs?

The last person I introduced to handgun shooting, a female teenager, was placing her shots right where she wanted them in about five minutes -- and enjoying it.

The last time I competed in our gun club shoot-off, I was beaten rather brutally by a 15-year-old girl.  (The little brat. Doesn't she know about respecting her elders?!!)

These Brady Mythologists are strange people.

Read More Tall Tales from the Brady Bunch...

And Don't Forget to Read About Their Other Lying Buddies...