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Store Owner Defends Store against three robbers

Originally ran here as:
"Grocery Store Owner Defends Self In Attack"
by Staff Writer
November 16, 2001

MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN -- A Milwaukee south side grocery store owner was forced to defend himself Friday afternoon after he came face-to-face with three armed robbers.

The owner of Los Amigos grocery store near 13th and Becher streets told WISN 12 News that he was never so frightened in his life.

Three men entered his store around noon Friday and demanded money while pointing a gun at the owner's head.

Police told WISN 12 News that the owner got out his own gun and shot one of the men.

"I was working on the porch when I heard some gunshots. I turned and I looked, three people went running out of the store. Just makes us more apprehensive. (I) wish we could carry guns to defend ourselves," witness Vince Roberts said.

Of the three men who exited the store, two are still on the loose.

A 29-year-old man who was shot by the owner was caught. He was hospitalized Friday with what police called nonlife-threatening injuries.

Milwaukee Police detectives are looking at a tape from the store's surveillance camera.

The owner told WISN 12 News that he is taking a hard look at his situation. He has only been in business for about a year, and he said he's not sure if he can handle another scare like Friday.

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