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Woman shoots man in break-in

Originally ran here as:
"Woman shoots man in break-in"
March 14, 2002

BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA -- A woman shot and seriously wounded a man who broke into her Bawell Street house armed with a gun Wednesday morning, a police spokeswoman said.

Tellis Isbelle, 40, 2721 Brownlee St., allegedly kicked in the woman's door about 1:30 a.m., Cpl. Mary Ann Godawa said.

The woman had a restraining order against Isbelle, Godawa said.

The woman heard the commotion, grabbed her gun and hid herself and her daughter under a bed.

Isbelle looked beneath the bed, and the woman shot at him, Godawa said. She followed Isbelle into another room and a gunfight began, Godawa said.

Isbelle was shot, she said.

He was taken to a hospital, where he remained in serious condition Wednesday afternoon.

The woman and her daughter were not injured.

"At this point, it doesn't look like she'll be charged with anything," Maj. Ted Day said.

Police have not yet determined what charges, if any, Isbelle will face.

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