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Letter to "Repeal The 2nd" Director, Rusty Austin

from Angel Shamaya Founder

Originally published on this website August 20, 2000

Rusty Austin
Repeal the 2nd

Dear Rusty,

I have just read your "Repeal the Second Amendment" proposal at

In your bid to carry forth your stated objective, I would urge you to begin at once addressing the following facts that you may find some way to get past them:

  1. You'll never cut off a black market no matter how many laws get passed.
  2. Criminals will never obey a law, which is why they are criminals in the first place.
  3. Britain's violent crime has climbed steadily since they did what you propose.
  4. 83,000,000 of us will not give up our guns unless by the "one bullet at a time" method, referred to by the term commonly known as "civil war".

If your proposal is truly a goal of yours, may I suggest you do the following in order to move your campaign forward:

  1. Explain to the millions of lawful, peaceable, long-suffering and maligned gun owners who have never committed a crime and never will why they should turn in their guns when you cannot possibly cut off a black market of guns that would be used against them. (See cocaine.)
  2. Explain to the people who depend upon guns to keep their families safe from the violent, predatory criminals how you propose to keep them all safe considering "Dial 911" often means waiting far too long when an armed criminal is already in your house.
  3. Explain to the millions of lawful, peaceable gun owners why they should trust a government that abuses their power at every turn.
  4. And then explain why anyone in his right mind would hand over a gun when it is his only defense against pure tyranny on the individual and state levels.

If you can accomplish sincere, intelligent and convincing arguments to all of the above, then you might have what I estimate to be a 1 in 1,000,000 chance to get the support necessary to repeal the second amendment.

If you do succeed in getting the second amendment repealed, you'll need to stay inside for a while, however, because there will be quite a lot of shooting going on, and you being disarmed would make you quite the easy target. Projections on the length of time the civil war would actually take are sketchy, but after the first few weeks or months of intense fighting in every state in the nation, you should probably be safe if you travel in the daytime, as long as a couple of the people in your pack are armed - but I wouldn't go outside for at least several months, so you may want to lay in supplies if you ever get your project off the ground.

Seeing as you're from Littleton, Colorado and clearly using the deaths of your former neighbors as a political playing card, may I also suggest you do a reality check on the truth behind Columbine in order to learn to maneuver around the facts in the case. You'll need to blatantly avoid facts if you're to succeed.

Finally, along with what to you must be an alarming number of peaceable, lawful Americans, I would fight to the death before I'd give up my guns, Rusty. Are YOU prepared to do the same to bring forth the measures about which you pontificate? If not, my final urging to you is to INVESTIGATE this politically-charged issue. I offer you the following quick access links to a few important and possibly eye-opening items for your consideration:

I look forward to hearing back from you, Rusty. Meanwhile, good luck on your quest for the truth. Just don't expect to find it on HCI's website. They hate the truth, which is why they lie so often.


Angel Shamaya
Founder/Executive Director

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The right of the people to keep and bear...arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country... — James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434, June 8, 1789.

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