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So now we know.

by Randy Gaumond


With the recent declaration from Charlton Heston, that the NRA is supportive of conducting background checks on [individual, private sale] purchasers of guns at gun shows, we see the NRA once again flying its true colors.  The NRA is NOT the champion of the Second Amendment that it has claimed itself to be all of these years, while working furtively to erode our gun rights.  They are just another lobbying group seeking the path of least resistance to their own short term survival.  They obviously care not a whit about the true purpose of the Second Amendment, which is to enable Americans to stand up to a government gone astray and restore any lost rights or freedoms.  Guns are our liberty teeth, and now the NRA has decided to become a dental assistant to the District of Criminals and pull them out.   

After I became a life member of the NRA, I discovered that the NRA pretty much rolled over on its back when the Gun Control Act of 1968 was presented and passed.  But I was assured that was done under the old leadership and things were different now.  The only thing that was different was that the names and faces had changed.  The NRA leadership were still just a bunch of cowards, shaking in their boots. 

I guess ol' Chuck was only play acting when he held that old musket above his head in defiance of Gore's anti-gun stance, and shouted "from my cold, dead hands".  Theatrics can be very powerful and moving, and apparently that's all it was.  Just another ploy by a self serving, phony baloney wind bag up on a stage who was trying to bolster his image for some nefarious purpose.  Well, the ploy apparently worked as Chuck got his third term as NRA president.  And now he is betraying not only the trust of the members, but of ALL Americans when he says that the NRA will stand behind unconstitutional laws about how we may sell our private property at a gun show.  It is not a "loop hole" that allows us to buy and sell arms without Big Brother's approval.  And contrary to Clinton's lie,  describing gun shows as "illegal arms bazaars", there is nothing illegal about them.  If they really were illegal, then there would be nothing to keep the county Sheriffs from going in and closing them down!  Just like they do with pot farms and drug labs. 

Something else I learned recently, is that in the NRA bylaws at Article III, it says that "Any citizen of the United States ... shall be eligible to be a member of the Association..."    

Well, I am not a citizen of the United States, rather I am a Citizen of the California Republic, with unalienable God-given Rights, which are secured and guaranteed by the Constitution.  Some people may infer that the taking of said membership is an acknowledgement that the federal government has jurisdiction over them, and therefore subject to its laws and regulations.  This is one more reason why I have finally decided to go ahead and cancel my membership in the NRA for good cause.  Some of the causes are fraud, malfeasance in office, misrepresentation, dereliction of duty, and many others as well.  And now that we know Charlton Heston and the NRA have sold us out, there's absolutely no reason at all to remain a member.  It's purely a liability to continue to be associated with this traitorous lot.

If you would compare what the NRA bylaws say at Article II - Purpose and Objectives, Section 1:

"To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, especially with reference to the inalienable [sic] right of the individual American citizen guaranteed by such Constitution to acquire, possess, collect, exhibit, transport, carry, transfer ownership of, and enjoy the right to use arms, in order that the people may always be in a position to exercise their legitimate rights of self-preservation and defense of family, person, property, as well as to effectively in the appropriate militia for the common defense of the Republic and the individual liberty of its citizens."

to what they are now proclaiming, it is very easy to see that the charges listed above are true.  Our Rights are stated in the Constitution as being "inalienable", meaning that they cannot be taken from us by force.  But if we're stupid enough to be conned into it, we are free to sign away our rights in exchange for certain perceived benefits and privileges.  

Now that the cat is out of the bag, I think that it would be a good idea for everyone who is reading this article to send a notice to the NRA and cancel their membership as well.  Furthermore, I think that a class action law suit should be started against the NRA, and all of the members who feel that they've been defrauded should get their money back.  With interest of course.  Such a clear and wanton violation of the NRA's bylaws could not be due to some mere error.  It has to be a calculated and known move.  Maybe some starry-eyed lawyer looking to make a name for himself in the (in)Justice Department, or perhaps a private sector lawyer with dreams of avarice that would make even King Midas blush would like to take on the case.  It certainly wouldn't hurt my feelings at all to see such a den of vipers routed out.  Not at all.

KABA NOTE:  As an organization, we have never advocated canceling NRA memberships, nor will we. Canceling your membership means you cannot vote new people into the NRA leadership - people that do understand and fully support the second amendment and its protections in all forms. We published this article - one of many received - in order to give a voice to a growing number of NRA members who are tired of being sold out by the largest gun rights organization who falsely promotes itself as the best. Anyone who thinks he or she can write a valid justification/defense for the NRA's supporting the forcing of all private sales through government registration systems, good luck; if you are up to the monumental (impossible) task, please stick your article right here, and expect a rebuttal in short order from any one of a number of gun owners.


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The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. — Thomas Jefferson

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