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Howdy Conrad!

From: Dick Wells <>
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2001 21:23:05 -0700
To: Conrad Burns <>
Cc:, Michael Heit <>,
Subject: enews letter

Howdy Conrad!

Thanks for the enews letter.

Aviation security: The answer to secure cockpits is no door at all. No one gets in or out of the cockpit unless the plane is on the ground. Everything the flight crew needs during flight is to be in the cockpit with them. In the event of a highjacking, all communications between the cockpit and passenger compartment is to be severed. It will also be possible to flood the passenger compartment with nitrous oxide (or a similar gas), to cause unconsciousness, long enough for the stewards to immobilize the offender(s), then allow it to dissipate returning the environment to normal prior to an emergency landing at the nearest airport.

If only one armed citizen had been aboard each of those ill-fated 9-11 aircraft, the outcome would have been entirely different. We Montanans are accustomed to packing side arms, and we have no problem being in the company of others who do so. There is no real evidence that armed passengers are a threat to safe air travel, or to anything we do as a People, for that matter. I will not be traveling by commercial air until I am able to protect myself and others with my personal concealed weapon.

Border security: We are at war. Close all our ports of entry to all aliens. Void all visas and green cards, and send all aliens home. Quit closing "freedom loopholes" for our citizens, and treat foreigners like they belong in another country. No need to be "Politically correct" in a time of National Emergency, which is exactly what war is. This is a war against terrorism for us, but it's a religious war for our opponent(s), we need to be the ones to decide which kind of war it is. We can go back to business as usual when we have things settled once and for all, but for now let's get real about the job ahead, and do it without ignoring the limits placed on government by the Constitution. Enlist civilians for "Homeland defense," like we did in WWII and ensure we take care of ourselves. (BTW, send NATO's AWACS home & let our AWAC's patrol our skies, if you really want Homeland security).

Veteran's Day 2001: You can best honor us veterans by making sure that none of the freedoms we have secured are jeopardized when you and your colleagues consider how best to insure our safety. Please remember that if you limit our freedoms in the slightest, the terrorists have won and we can all go home in defeat, dishonor and disgrace.

SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMIC STIMULUS: The best stimulus for any business in Montana is:

Get rid of the UN and WTO

Shut down the IRS

Repeal the Federal Reserve Act, & restore lawful money as per the Constitution.

The folly that government can do anything positive for business beyond getting the hell out of the way, has gone on long enough. The WTO is nothing but a restatement of the UN and as such has nothing to offer Montana. Montana products have always been in demand in the world's market place and we don't need to be in a one world government to sell our goods. Remember, we are guaranteed a Republican (not republican party) form of government, and the UN does not support that in any way.

You guys in Washington D.C. are always talking about the national debt. If you will do what is right, and get rid of the Federal Reserve and the IRS, the national debt will be history, and with it, inflation. What makes you think we the People of Montana haven't got the brains to know what it takes to correct our problems in business? The time has been long in coming, waiting for our congressional delegates to get off their collective asses and go to work for us, and make some meaningful corrections to the course this ship of state has taken in the exact wrong direction.

NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION BILL, SEC. 1062: Congratulations, you're getting close to doing what we need done. But I somehow get the feeling that disarming travelers doesn't ring the same bell in your mind. Infringing the Right to keep and bear arms in any way is still an infringement, it's not a backdoor attack on the Second Amendment, it's a frontal assault to forbid self-defense in airports, on busses, on aircraft, in bars, restaurants or schools, and it allows the terrorists to win, while making us suitable victims for any criminal bent on doing us harm.

BTW, don't think for a moment that a universal concealed carry for law enforcement officers will make us feel any safer, it will just piss us off. Cops are just people, just like us, and many of them lack the small-arms and tactics training we have. A veteran is naturally offended (having gone in harm's way to secure all our freedom) when he is disarmed, and made to defer to LEO's and criminals. If you want to do something to cure the problem, introduce a bill enforcing the un-infringed second amendment right of a citizen to carry a weapon anywhere he might go. And get rid of the State department's plan for disarming the People as per Publication 7277, September 1961.

Do the right thing, and you may be able to continue in the senate after we repeal the 17th Amendment.

Happy Trails,
Dick Wells

Approved-By: enewsletter@BURNS.SENATE.GOV
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2001 14:41:21 -0500
Reply-To: Conrad Burns <Chris_Lee@BURNS.SENATE.GOV>
From: Conrad Burns <Chris_Lee@BURNS.SENATE.GOV>
Subject: Fwd: *** Sen. Conrad Burns * eNewsletter * Nov. 10, 2001
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id fAAJlHf07650
Senator Conrad
Montana eNewsletter
Montana's Link to News and Events in the Nation's Capital
A newsletter on news and issues important to the Treasure State Volume 2,
Edition 15

November 10, 2001

I am pleased to send you this eNewsletter on news and issues important to Montana. Due to recent events within the United States Postal Service involving anthrax, all postal mail to my Senate office in Washington,D.C. has been suspended. I want to continue corresponding with you on events transpiring here that are critical to Montana. This eNewsletter provides frequent updates on the important Montana projects that I'm fighting for. I hope you find it informative and interesting, but if you would like to be removed from my mailing list just follow the directions at the end of this newsletter.

Feel free to share my eNewsletter with your colleagues, friends and relatives. They can subscribe by filling out the form located at: Suggestions on ways in which I can make my newsletter more informative or helpful can be sent to:

In This Edition:


The aviation security bill that is currently being debated in Congress is my top legislative priority at this time. The bill includes provisions to secure and bolt cockpit doors, reinforce airport security with federal law enforcement officers and require air marshals on domestic and international flights. At issue are two matters regarding who is ultimately accountable to set the standards and guidelines over airport passenger screeners, and the federalization of those screeners. Regarding the first issue, the Senate bill contains an amendment I offered that would require the Department of Justice (DoJ), not the Department of Transportation (DoT), responsible and accountable to set the standards and guidelines of airport and aircraft security. I believe the DoJ is more qualified than the DoT to establish security and law enforcement guidelines. I continue to see this issue as primarily one of security, and I will fight to see that Americans' safety is the foremost issue in this debate. Regarding the second issue, I support a federalization plan in which only a limited number of supervisory screener employees are federalized. These employees would be subject to mandatory and vigorous training. However, I do think that the majority of these screeners can be contracted out, as long as the company complies with federal regulations. Under the current bill, only the top 142 airports will have federalized employees. Montana's airports would not receive any federalized employees under this bill. You can be assured I will keep the best interests of all Montanans in mind as I continue to debate this critical issue.


The Nation celebrates Veterans Day this weekend, and at this time in American history, it is all the more compelling that we pay our respects to America's veterans. This great nation owes its veterans a debt we can never fully repay. The men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting our way of life are deserving of our thanks and Veterans Day is a way of honoring their contributions to our freedom. To those veterans who have been wounded in defense of freedom, God bless you. To those who have given their lives in defense of freedom, we pray that they rest in peace with knowledge that their ultimate sacrifice was not in vain. America remains the land of the free because you were brave. I urge all of my fellow Montanans to find time this Veterans Day to stop for a moment and, in the quiet of your heart and soul, to reflect upon freedom and remember our veterans. And, I might add, to pray for tomorrow's veterans.


This weekend, the National Park Service is waiving all entrance fees to national parks and recreation areas in celebration of Veterans Day. Montana is home to a number of national parks, historical and recreation areas including:
Big Hole National Battlefield
Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area
Glacier National Park
Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site
Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail
Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument
Yellowstone National Park
If you have time, I encourage you and your family to visit one of America's national treasures this weekend. For more information:


The Senate recently passed the Treasury and Postal Appropriations Bill. The bill includes funding for customs and drug interdiction in the United States through the Treasury Department. This funding will go a long way toward providing the higher staffing levels we need at our northern ports of entry. I feel that these increases are just a start, a down payment if
you will, toward where we need to be. States like Montana have to address border deficiencies in order to facilitate terrorism and drug interdiction efforts in the U.S. The Port of Raymond, approximately 16 miles north of Plentywood in Sheridan County, is slated to receive a new border station with an appropriation of $693,000. The Raymond station will be one of only five new border stations expected to be built in the U.S. this year, and is a continuation of the effort to provide higher staffing levels along the northern tier states.


U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman recently gave five Montana counties disaster designations. Big Horn, Carbon, Gallatin, Park, and Powder River Counties were designated disaster areas because they adjoin counties in Wyoming that were designated disaster areas due to losses caused by drought, dangerous fire conditions, and wildfires that occurred beginning from January 1, 2001 and continuing through the present. Montana farmers affected by this year's fires and drought are now eligible for low-interest emergency loans from the Farm Service Agency (FSA) as long as they submit an application and meet eligibility requirements. While we cannot undo any damage that has been done, these disaster designations will go a long way toward helping Montana farmers recoup any losses they may have suffered.
For more information:


The House and Senate recently passed the Energy and Water Appropriations Act of FY 2002. The bill contains over $25 million in appropriations for a wide variety of Montana energy and water projects. The bill has been sent to President Bush for signature into law. For more information on specific projects:


A Joint House-Senate conference committee has approved the Departments of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Appropriations bill for FY 2002. The bill includes $20,840,000 for VA/HUD projects in Montana. As a member of the conference committee, I am pleased to help secure this important funding for Montana. I am confident this bill will soon be on the president's desk for his signature. For more information on specific projects:


Currently I am joining with Christopher "Kit" Bond (R-MO) in sponsoring legislation to assist small business owners struggling in the sluggish economy following the attacks of September 11th. This bill, the Small Business Economic Stimulus Package (S.1493) would provide disaster loan and tax relief for businesses. Providing support for our small business owners is key to getting the economy back on track. We in the Federal Government have a responsibility to remove what roadblocks we can that impede small business owners. Deferments and emergency loans, as well as tax relief will go far toward spurring this horse back on track. S.1493 would impact several areas of concern to small business owners:

· Provide short-term deferments and/or refinancing of small business disaster loans.

· Create a Small Business Association (SBA) emergency relief loan program for small businesses nationwide that are experiencing serious cash flow difficulties as a result of the attacks of September 11th.

· Reformation of depreciation rules by increasing the amount of equipment and computer software purchases that small businesses may expense from the current level of $24,000 to $100,000.

· Increase the deductibility of business meals from the current 50% to 100%

· Repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) for individuals and expand the exemption for small corporations.

· Increase Federal contracting opportunities for small business.


Proposed Section 1062 of the FY2002 National Defense Authorization bill would make it unlawful for any person to "possess" significant military equipment formerly owned by the United States Department of Defense. Under this section, the definition of "significant military equipment" includes any defense article listed in the United States Munitions List, such as non-automatic, semiautomatic and fully automatic firearms. As a consequence, this section could strip veterans of their WWII and Vietnam souvenirs, and gun collectors and enthusiasts of their United States military relics and antiquities. I see it as a means to simply invoke gun control under the auspices of a military response to terrorism. While I appreciate efforts to put forward a strong United States Department of Defense authorization package, I have strongly urged the conferees on this legislation to remove Section 1062 from S. Bill 1438, which I believe undermines a citizen's right to bear arms.


Having trouble replacing a lost Social Security check? Problems with veterans' benefits? I can help to try and resolve some of these problems that involve federal agencies. I have state offices in Billings, Bozeman, Butte, Glendive, Great Falls, Helena, Kalispell and Missoula. In addition, my Washington, D.C. office and staff are available to help you with any problems you are having with the government. I can't promise that I will be able to get the result you wish, but I can promise that as long as I'm your Senator I will continue to fight for you. Additional information is available at:

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It is difficult to maintain the illusion that we are interpreting a Constitution, rather than inventing one. — U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia, in his minority dissenting opinion in Nebraska vs. Carhart

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