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Gun Buyback violates several Federal Laws

From: "Pearce Greg" <
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2001 9:50:37 -0500
Subject: Re: County Police Schedule Gun Buyback

To whom it may concern:

I have read with disgust the below "article" written by Mike LaRose. This is nothing short of propaganda. I can find no other way to describe it. The outright lies and falsehoods contained in it would make the likes of Stalin and Hitler proud, and prove the old axiom that a lie, told often enough, becomes the truth. What makes it even more egregious is that all of the lies could have been easily discovered by the author, had he undertaken the most rudimentary of efforts to check the facts. Is this what passes for "journalism"? I will not undertake to discredit this "article" on a "fact" by "fact" basis, as this has been done numerous times before (apparently to no avail). I also find it disturbing that our police, those appointed to uphold our laws, feel that they are above the law. This scheduled "gun buyback" violates several Federal laws. "The truth is out there", all one has to do is be brave enough to look for it.

Death before dishonor

County police schedule gun buy-back


In hopes of saving lives, the Lake County Association of Chiefs of Police is planning a gun buy-back. Firearms, ammunition and accessories will be collected at five county locations from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 15 and 16.

A $50 gift certificate and stuffed animal will be exchanged for each complete firearm. Firearms will be collected at the Waukegan Police Sub-Station, the Lake Forest Police Department, the Lake Zurich Police Department, the Round Lake Beach Police Department and at Mundelein's Old Fire Station.

Residents who would like help handling a firearm or who cannot leave their homes should call their local police department for assistance.

The main idea behind the buy-back is to provide an alternative for residents who have an unwanted gun in the house, said Terry Lemming, director of the Lake County Metropolitan Enforcement Group, also involved in the buy back.

"I think that's the case for a lot of people in Lake County - there are unwanted guns in Lake County, how many, I don't know," Lemming said.

Firearms kept in the house for protection are more often used in suicides, homicides or accidental shootings, he said. Any single such incident that is prevented by the gun buy-back would make the program a success, said Lemming.

The program, the first in Lake County, will be funded by donations from businesses, including retailers and grocery stores. Gift certificates will be bought from the sponsoring businesses.

December was chosen as the time for the buy-back because some residents need the extra money to buy gifts for the holidays, said Lemming.

Residents can bring in as many firearms as they want, but an individual may receive only up to $200 in gift certificates. The firearm must be complete, but is not required to function.

Pellet and BB guns will also be accepted. All firearms and accessories will be destroyed. Local municipalities are being asked to support the program, "This will somewhat lessen the presence of guns in society," said Lindenhurst Police Chief Jack McKeever. "There's a massive amount of guns in our society. Nobody needs to be reminded of how those guns affect our society."

Grayslake Police Chief Larry Herzog said the buy-back is a good opportunity for those who want to remove weapons from their homes.

"I think it's good in one respect in that it reduces the chances that the gun would be used again if taken by a criminal in a burglary," Herzog said.

Kristin Curley, spokeswoman from the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence, said the buy back will net a lot of old, unused guns. The impact on crime is hard to predict, she said.

"It depends on the success of the program, but obviously it's getting guns off the street," Curley said.

Children often find guns kept at home, even if adults have forgotten where they where, she said. Suicide attempts are more successful with guns in the house, she added. "It's going to reduce homicide and suicide rates as far as domestic violence goes," she said.

Nationwide, gun death rates have been going down over the last two years, to under 30,000 a year, she said.

Korrina Grom contributed to this story.

CopyrightC 2001 Pioneer Press Newspapers & the Chicago Sun-Times Co.


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