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VPC goes Local

From: "Ross, Ken" <>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 09:48:53 -0500
Subject: VPC Goes Local

In response to the article you posted "Utah Should Close Gun Show Loophole"

The VPC used this tired rhetoric on the national level and to see it now in local papers makes me wonder if it has realized that nobody believes them anymore. It's actually getting to the point where I could write a form letter regarding this "news" and just leave blanks for the local names.

So let's begin shall we?

"Criminals, including terrorists, have easy access to enormous firepower at gun shows where unlicensed dealers are not required to perform background checks on purchasers."

Well, according to a recent study by the Department of Justice, less than 1% of criminals got their firearms from a gun show. (Page 6 Table 8)

As for terrorists, the current gun show bill would effectively end gun shows. Based on the research of Allan Korwin:

Basically it would require every vendor in a show to be registered. Even the vendors that do NOT sell firearms. What's next, requiring I.D. before I buy a pack of jerky or a bumper sticker? Oh, and the "loophole" is nothing more than a private firearms sale. Such a sale could happen in your very own home, a local V.F.W. meeting, a flea market or yes, even a gun show.

I'll now point out 2 things that would seem incredibly obvious, but anyway:

1) The attacks of September 11th were carried out with edged weapons, not guns.
2) The thought that terrorist organizations, whom are funded with millions of dollars by private persons or companies, need to come to the U.S. to buy a $300 semi-auto rifle when they can buy fully automatic rifles on the black market for the same cost is absurd.

Ugh. Now the .50 caliber debate again. Please look up U.S. firearms sales and you will find that the 25 rifles the VPC is yelling about were sold to the Afghans during the Soviet invasion. We didn't give them to bin Laden and say, "Here you go, come kill us." They were sold along with a number of other military arms such as grenades, automatic weapons and stinger missiles. Last time I checked, you can't buy those at a gun show.

"Homeland security" begins at home.

Well actually I can't argue with that statement. I firmly believe if this country were as free as we all say it is, then the 11th never would have happened. A terrorist would have pulled a knife or a gun and then had to deal with 4, 5 or even 12 people with their own firearms and a general dislike of hijackings. To arm every lawful American or to at least allow them the option of being able to defend themselves is the best way to keep our homes safe. To take firearms away from the people, is to only disarm potential victims.

Ken Ross

Molon Labe

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After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it. — William Burroughs, 1992

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