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Newslinks for 1/27/2025

Seattle’s Violent Weekend: 2 Deadly Shootings, Gun Control Failures
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Seattle, Washington went 25 days without a homicide in the New Year, but now criminals are apparently playing “catch-up” with two fatal shootings in two days over the final weekend in January, once again illustrating the failure of restrictive gun control laws.

Seattle’s Violent Weekend: 2 Deadly Shootings, Gun Control Failures
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Seattle, Washington went 25 days without a homicide in the New Year, but now criminals are apparently playing “catch-up” with two fatal shootings in two days over the final weekend in January, once again illustrating the failure of restrictive gun control laws.

Officer Fired After Shooting Driver with His Own Handgun
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Second Amendment Foundation has a high bar for stories involving police misconduct. Many stories aren’t retold, especially if they involve simple or common mistakes.

Bagging Bushytails: Winter a Good Time for Squirrels
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Squirrel hunting is an American tradition dating back to the early settlement days when the colonists had reduced the number of big game animals roaming freely.

The vast forests of oak and especially American chestnut provided quantities of food for man and beast unimaginable to people today.

Grassroots Legislative Update—January 27, 2025
Submitted by: David Williamson

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What’s New—Biden’s Gun Violence Office Disappears From White House Website; U.S. Senate has confirmed four of President Trump’s cabinet nominees to date; Trump’s speech to Davos; California: to allow out-of-state firearms’ owners who belong to certain gun groups to apply for carry permits in 90-days; Anti-Second Amendment gun bills being considered in Colorado, New Mexico, Oregon and Virginia; Michigan: Gov. Whitmer signed two anti-2A bills, Indiana considering pro-Second Amendment bills.

6.8 Western vs 6.5 PRC: Battle of Modern Long-Range Cartridges
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Long distances shooting has increased in popularity in the last few decades, which means an increase in better equipment and rounds.

Nine Shot Early Sunday Morning Outside Amarillo Nightclub
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Nine people were shot, one of them fatally, outside a nightclub on Polk Street in Amarillo, Texas, early Sunday morning.

KVII reported the shooting occurred around 2 a.m.

Warning Issued as Wildlife Officials Find Georgia Deer with Chronic Wasting Disease
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Georgia wildlife officials released a warning after a deer with Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) was discovered in Lanier County.

WSB-TV described CWD as “a fatal neurological disease that affects deer, elk, and moose.” The disease has no treatment and eventually causes the infected animal to experience “symptoms such as dramatic weight loss, poor body condition, subtle head tremors, and droopy head and ears may occur.”

NRA 2025 Board Election: Vote For These Strong & Effective Leaders
Submitted by: David Williamson

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If you’re an NRA voting member, you’ll soon receive your 2025 ballot for the NRA Board of Directors election in the February issue of your NRA magazine.

For those of us who understand and support the Second Amendment, we know that every NRA election is extremely important, but this year’s election is critically important. You might ask, “Why?” That’s a fair question and deserves a fair answer.

Anti-Gun Hysteria as Biden’s Gun Control Office Shuts Down
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The gun prohibition lobby is going nuts over the fact that President Donald Trump followed through on a promise to get rid of Joe Biden’s White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, a mini-bureaucracy whose true reason for existence appears to have been to push the former president’s extremist gun control agenda.

Anti-Gun Hysteria as Biden’s Gun Control Office Shuts Down
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The gun prohibition lobby is going nuts over the fact that President Donald Trump followed through on a promise to get rid of Joe Biden’s White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, a mini-bureaucracy whose true reason for existence appears to have been to push the former president’s extremist gun control agenda.

Colorado gun stores warn that semiautomatic weapons ban would make large share of their merchandise illegal
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Colorado gun stores say they may be forced to shutter should Democrats in the legislature this year pass a ban on the manufacture, sale and purchase of semiautomatic firearms with detachable ammunition magazines.

Man who stole guns, other items from farm and home store sentenced to 77 months in prison
Submitted by: David Williamson

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U.S. District Judge Henry E. Autrey on Thursday sentenced a St. Francois County man who stole firearms and other items from a farm and home store in Potosi, Missouri to 77 months in prison. Judge Autrey also ordered Gregory Snyder, 46, to pay $11,484 in restitution for the stolen items.

SHOT Show 2025 Roundup: New Pistols
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Taking combat pistol performance higher, the Stoeger STR-9XS is outfitted with an ambidextrous slide release, and a straight grip with a beveled mag well. Ready to accept a suppressor, the barrel is threaded, the fiber-optic sights are adjustable and the slide is optics-ready. The nitride-hardened smoke bronze slide is tough and attractive while the grip is standard and comes with tree interchangeable backstraps. The STR-9XS uses 9mm ammo and comes standard with one 17-round and two 20-round magazines.

FPC Sues Over Ban On Interstate Handgun Sales
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Have you ever truly taken a moment to consider how absurd it is that a resident of one state cannot purchase a handgun from a licensed firearms dealer in another state, even though the prospective buyer would still need to pass the same federal background check as required in their home state?

FPC Sues Over Ban On Interstate Handgun Sales
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Have you ever truly taken a moment to consider how absurd it is that a resident of one state cannot purchase a handgun from a licensed firearms dealer in another state, even though the prospective buyer would still need to pass the same federal background check as required in their home state?

Lipseys Goes Full Wheel Gun At SHOT Show 2025
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Last year, I completely missed the Lipseys booth, and they ended up showing off the UC revolvers. The 432UC ended up being my favorite gun of 2024, so this year, I made sure to swing by and check out their exclusives. This year was a big year for Lipseys exclusives and a big one for revolver guys and gals. This year, it’s all about the wheel guns.

243 vs 308 Caliber Comparison: Whitetail Nightmare Fuel
Submitted by: David Williamson

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When it comes to medium to large game hunting, two rifle cartridges stand out from the rest, 308 Winchester and 243 Winchester.

Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.... We've been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. Well, if no one among us is capable of government himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else? All of us together, in and out of government, must bear the burden. The solutions we seek must be equitable, with no one group singled out to pay a higher price. — Ronald Reagan

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