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Newslinks for 11/3/2023

FL: Florida’s permitless carry gun law leads to dramatic drop in safety classes
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Floridians no longer need a permit to carry a concealed firearm, and gun owners are overwhelmingly opting out of the safety and educational training once required for a license.

Firearms instructors are seeing a dramatic drop in student sign-ups for such courses, which teach safety and explain the state’s laws about where and how gun owners can lawfully carry pistols and legally use them in self defense.

FL: FLPD investigating home invasion; 1 suspect shot, 1 still at large
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Fort Lauderdale Police are investigating following reports that multiple suspects forcibly entered a home and physically assaulted a man inside.

According to authorities, the incident occurred just before 12:30 p.m. at the Progreso Point Apartments, located at 619 North Andrews Avenue.

Police said once the unknown suspects entered the home, in an act of self-defense, the victim managed to retrieve a firearm and shoot one of the intruders.

VA: Business owner backs worker who shot man in rumble over construction noise
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Virginia flooring company is standing by an employee who shot an armed man complaining about noise while on the job at a Virginia Beach condo complex, saying the worker was acting in self-defense.

"He forewarned the gentleman, ‘Please drop your gun, please drop your gun,’" the owner of The Floor Doctor told local outlet WAVY of what unfolded at a construction site last month.


Restricting Second Amendment Rights Isn’t Solution to Mass Shootings
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the aftermath of a tragedy, the search for solutions can often lead to extreme measures.

The recent heartbreaking shooting in Maine has left my fellow New Englanders grieving from an extraordinary loss. It’s a harsh reminder of the profound impact of senseless violence. However, the key to reducing gun violence doesn’t lie in restricting law-abiding citizens’ self-defense rights through more laws on top of the hundreds of existing federal and state laws across the nation.

NM: Gun buyback event planned for Las Cruces, though studies question effectiveness.
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The New Mexico State Police will host a gun buyback event next weekend in Las Cruces even as academic research on the topic suggests the events are ineffective in curbing gun violence.

The event comes as the state shifts focus onto gun violence following the shooting deaths of multiple children in Albuquerque, a public health order that was ruled unconstitutional before being retooled and extended in October, and still more shooting deaths of children in Las Cruces.

OH: Issue 1: The thing about this “thing”
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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For instance, our 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution dictates: “Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law…” If passed, Issue 1, for the first time in our state’s history, would enshrine in Ohio the right of one person to take the life of another person. There would be no judicial review. Even the common law right of self-defense is not so specifically protected. How will this apparent conflict be resolved?

Ed.: We do gun rights here, not abortion. That said, this author discusses the moral issues tangentially-related to self-defense. While a close call, I decided to err on the side of our core mission: keeping gun owners informed.

Second Amendment Roundup: A miscellany of errors in Justice Department's Rahimi reply
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In two previous posts (here and here) I've pointed out some erroneous arguments by Merrick Garland's Justice Department in its reply brief filed in United States v. Rahimi. That's the case in which the Fifth Circuit recently struck down a federal statute imposing additional penalties, including a ban on the possession of firearms, on individuals subject to state domestic violence restraining orders (DVROs). The Supreme Court will hear argument in the case on November 7.

Here are several more, ranging from basic errors to nonsensical arguments. Each begins with a quote from the reply brief in italics, followed by a rebuttal.

‘Makes sense now’: Dana Loesch has light bulb moment while SCHOOLING Gretchen Carlson about guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Conservative pundit Dana Loesch shredded former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson over claims she made about guns, telling her she should stick to beauty pageants.

“Ordinary people didn’t have AR-15s before 2004. They’re not some time-honored American tradition, they’re a recent mistake that we could fix and save thousands of lives in the process,” Carlson stated on X, taking a poke at the Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro and his “love” of AR-15s.

Supreme Court takes on first major gun case since landmark ruling last year softened regulations
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The 5th Circuit withdrew its opinion and asked for supplemental briefing based on Bruen. The appellate court then struck down the 1994 federal statute on its face, saying that only felons, the mentally ill and a few other groups have “historically been stripped of their Second Amendment rights.”

“Rahimi, while hardly a model citizen, is nonetheless among ‘the people’ entitled to the Second Amendment’s guarantees, all other things equal,” Judge Cory T. Wilson wrote for a unanimous three-judge panel. The 1994 law’s ban on gun possession by individuals subject to domestic-violence orders “is an outlier that our ancestors would never have accepted.”

MO: Protecting our Second Amendment Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Recent legislation passed by our County Council threatens to erode our Second Amendment rights. This legislation obstructs citizens’ right to open carry by mandating the possession of a concealed carry permit, in opposition to Missouri’s Constitutional Carry laws. This move is not only problematic but also unconstitutional.

This legislation represents a significant overreach by our local government. I recognize the vital role our Second Amendment plays in safeguarding our individual freedoms. This legislation imposes unnecessary restrictions on those who seek to defend their families.

Shoot, Don’t Kill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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At the shooting lane of Byrna Technologies, Inc., there was no sound of gunfire. One of a handful of companies at the event that sells “less lethal” weapons, Byrna was showcasing what seemed like a paradox: a gun built to deter and disorient, but not to kill.

The devices borrow the form of traditional firearms but instead of metal bullets they launch .68-caliber plastic spheres, which are propelled by compressed gas rather than exploding gunpowder.

NY: Two pastors worry for their congregants' safety. Are more guns the answer or the problem?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Inside the columned church on the corner, the rich tones of the organ have wrapped congregants in their embrace. The time has come for the Rev. Jimmie Hardaway Jr. to preach the lessons embodied by the Prince of Peace.

If only the world outside Trinity Baptist's stained-glass windows were a more peaceful one. Alas, it is not.

So when Hardaway rises to the pulpit this Sunday morning – weeks after a 24-year-old man was shot to death in the street two blocks from the chapel, and days after a mass shooting claimed six lives at a church-run school in Tennessee – he carries a .380 caliber semiautomatic pistol concealed in the pinstriped folds of his suit.

OH: How legalized marijuana may impact gun owners in Ohio
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A local gun store owner is voicing concerns about over the potential legalization of recreational marijuana.

Issue 2, which voters will decide on Nov. 7, would commercialize, regulate and legalize the use of cannabis for adults over 21 in Ohio. Under federal law, gun owners are not permitted to possess or use marijuana, meaning gun owners across the state may have to choose between the two if given the opportunity.

The anti-cannabis mandate has always been the standard when purchasing a gun. Experts say Issue 2’s passage may just make it more prevalent.

TX: Killeen case involving officer’s death could test Texas’ ‘stand your ground’ laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In 2014, Marvin Guy was asleep with his girlfriend when someone smashed in the windows to his apartment. Guy thought he was being robbed and fired his gun out the window. He didn’t know he was shooting at the police.

A SWAT team from the Killeen Police Department suspected Guy of selling drugs. He shot four policemen, one of whom was killed. Now Guy is on trial for murder, facing life in prison if convicted.

It’s a case that may test the bounds of Texas’ “stand your ground” laws, which allow people to use lethal force to defend themselves. Maurice Chana, a journalist at the Marshall Project, joined Texas Standard to discuss the case.

What role does money play in mass shootings?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Likewise, the gun lobby screams “Second Amendment” whenever the topic of gun control is spoken. Let’s look at some particulars. The Second Amendment was added to the Constitution on Dec. 15, 1791, well over 200 years ago. Its primary purpose, as decided by the Supreme Court of that era, was for self-defense in individuals’ homes. We no longer live in 1791. The sale of assault-type weapons like the AR-15 should not be in the public domain. How many more mass killings will it take to ban these weapons?

MT: A Montana Case Tests the Constitutionality of the Gun-Free School Zones Act
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Last summer, Gabriel Metcalf alarmed passersby in Billings, Montana, by "pacing his front lawn holding a rifle." When local police approached him, Metcalf said he was protecting himself from a neighbor he thought was stalking him. The officers conceded that Metcalf was not violating any state laws but asked him to cut it out. Because Metcalf was not inclined to follow their advice, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) got involved. Noting that Metcalf lived across the street from an elementary school and admitted walking on the sidewalk near his home with the rifle, the ATF charged him with violating the federal Gun-Free School Zones Act.

MI: Rep. John James introduces bills to protect student safety
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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U.S. Rep. John James, R-Shelby Township, on Thursday introduced three safety bills aimed at protecting children and schools, including one to provide a tax break of up to $300 to parents or guardians who purchase gun locks or safes to keep firearms out of the hands of children.

Ruger LCR Revolver in 327 Federal Magnum, for Close Quarters Self Defense?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A 32 Caliber self defense gun?

Retailers tell me that a hot-seller among small, serious pistols these days, actively competing with the S&W Shield, G43/42, Kahr PM9, Walther PPS/M2, SIG 365, and the Ruger LC9S/Pro, as well as 38Spl snubby revolvers, from both Ruger and S&W, is the Ruger LCR (snubby revolver) in 327 Magnum.

VA: The Right to Bear Arms vs. The Right to Public Safety
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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America’s problem with mass shootings is undeniable. Some people advocate for more stringent regulation of firearms. Others caution against government overreach. In the balance is the ability for law-abiding gun owners to exercise their freedom and for the general public to simply live life with a reasonable sense of safety from gun violence.

FL: Southwest Florida roofing company goes viral for free turkey, AR-15 Thanksgiving sale
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Southwest Florida roofing company is going viral for its Thanksgiving sale special, but its deal is stirring controversy.

According to CBS News affiliate WINK, Roof E-Z — a roofing contractor in Cape Coral — announced on its Facebook page that is offering customers who buy a roof a free turkey and AR-15 with their purchase.

CA: Judge overturns statewide ban on gun shows, orders O.C. fairgrounds to resume bookings
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It’s been two years since the Orange County fairgrounds hosted a gun show — due to a law prohibiting firearm and ammunition sales on the state-owned property that opened the door to a statewide ban — but that could soon change.

A federal judge this week granted a preliminary injunction overturning Senate Bill 264, which prohibited gun shows at the Costa Mesa fairgrounds beginning in 2022, and Senate Bill 915, which extended the prohibitions to all state-owned lands this January.

The order halts the statewide ban and calls upon operators of the county fairgrounds to immediately resume scheduling legal gun shows at the site.

Most reporters are very sympathetic to gun-control agendas and will skew or lie outright about facts to promote them. — DENNIS CAUCHON, USA TODAY

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