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Newslinks for 1/11/2013

CCRKBA: ‘This is about the Second Amendment and they know it!’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms has called out the White House and the gun control groups in a scathing press release that said, among other things, 'calling the gun prohibition lobby a 'gun safety' group is tantamount to suggesting that Ted Bundy was an advocate for battered women.'"

"CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb reacted to statements made yesterday by Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign, who told reporters covering his meeting with Vice President Joe Biden’s 'gun violence' task force that this 'is not a debate around the Second Amendment.'" ...

Guns Across America – Peaceful Protest at State Capitols Saturday, January 19th at Noon
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are buttons right above this that allow you to quickly and easily share this on most major social networks. We ask and encourage you to share it on all of them where you have an account."

"There have been several national gun support rallies talked about over the last few weeks and we have been waiting for the right one before promoting one over the other."

"Guns Across America is a national event that is scheduled to take place on Saturday, Jan 19th at Noon at your state Capitol building."

"Please observe all Federal, State and Local laws." ...

Guns Across America: NutnFancy’s Call to Action (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The NRA had one—count it one—news conference following the sea-change spree killing at Sandy Hook. Once the Code Pink protesters got tossed, NRA Veep Wayne LaPierre tried and failed to communicate sympathy, resolve and a coherent plan of action. As expected, the media wailed on Wayne as an out-of-touch gun clinger. Mind you, that’s the PR side of the coin. Down in the trenches, The NRA has had great success with their lobbying campaigns. They’re the guys walking down the corridors of power making the pols pay attention to your Constitutionally protected right to keep and are bear arms. The issue I am seeing: the NRA is still in reactive mode . . ." ...

I Will Not Be Intimidated
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a young boy I was shot by a man whose clear intent was to kill me as I had deliberately, by throwing broken bricks at him, interrupted his attempt to rape a young teen-aged girl, allowing her to escape. To this day I can still see the evil in his face [as] he aimed in my direction. As I turned and began to run away he fired hitting me in back. ..." ...

"I have lived my entire life on borrowed time and now in the twilight of my years, I have but one thing to say to those determined to take away or limit my right to own a firearm and to transform and destroy the greatest nation in the history of mankind. I, and many like me, will not be intimidated and you will only accomplish your ultimate ends over our dead bodies."

Biden meets with gun ‘stakeholders’ as ‘civil’ sell-outs begin
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Today’s series of meetings include a different set of what the administration calls 'stakeholders.' Yesterday, the Vice President and Attorney General Eric Holder met with what they referred to as 'gun safety groups' (even though the organizations in question are not qualified and do not teach gun safety, but rather, are committed gun prohibitionists) and 'victims and survivors.'"

"Likewise, today’s meeting will raise concerns about more than terminology. What gun rights activists will find especially troubling is the premise of the meeting, noting the Second Amendment has nothing to do with sports or wildlife, and particularly noting the disturbing origins of the premise that it does. ..." ...

David Gregory will not be prosecuted
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Just released by D.C. Attorney General there will be no prosecution of David Gregory despite a finding that there was a clear violation of the law ..." ...

Guns and freedom
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The right of the people to keep and bear arms is an extension of the natural right to self-defense and a hallmark of personal sovereignty. It is specifically insulated from governmental interference by the Constitution and has historically been the linchpin of resistance to tyranny. And yet, the progressives in both political parties stand ready to use the coercive power of the government to interfere with the exercise of that right by law-abiding persons because of the gross abuse of that right by some crazies in our midst." ...

Before Pushing Gun Control, 5 Facts About Guns, Violence and Schools
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"In the wake of December’s horrific mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, Vice President Joe Biden is chairing a panel of experts that will make gun-control recommendations to President Barack Obama by the end of the month. The president has said that enacting new restrictions on guns will be one of his highest priorities."

"No one wants to ever again see anything like the senseless slaughter of 26 people – including 20 children - at a school. But as legislators turn toward creating new gun laws, here are five facts they need to know." ...

Assault on the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I will neither register with, nor surrender to the government, any weapon in my possession. I further declare that I am not in possession of any weapon, weapon component or ammunition that has not been lawfully acquired for lawful purposes, including defense of self and family, home and property, and most importantly, defense of Liberty ..."

"I have spoken with my family ... about the potential consequences of this public declaration, both for our families and for our company. They fully understand the implications of my very public declaration of civil disobedience in defense of Liberty and Rule of Law. They understand that I have and will abide, first and foremost, by my oath to support and defend our Constitution ..." ...

This Is What I Want To Hear Obama Say About Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The first thing I want to hear Obama say about guns is what I’d expect from any rational person:"

"'Here is where gun murders are occurring in the United States. Look at this map.'"

"Yes, let’s start there. I mean, if we were heading up a campaign to stop gun murders and gun maiming, wouldn’t we do that?" ...

"If Obama really wants to solve the problem of gun violence, why doesn’t he say anything about gangs?"

"Why doesn’t he say anything about New Orleans, Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Philadelphia, and St. Louis?"

"Is it because he’s not trying to solve gun violence but only gun ownership? Is ownership what’s really bothering him?" ...

Americans never give up your guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"These days, there are few things to admire about the socialist, bankrupt and culturally degenerating USA, but at least so far, one thing remains: the right to bear arms and use deadly force to defend one's self and possessions."

"This will probably come as a total shock to most of my Western readers, but at one point, Russia was one of the most heavily armed societies on earth. This was, of course, when we were free under the Tsar. Weapons, from swords and spears to pistols, rifles and shotguns were everywhere, common items. People carried them concealed, they carried them holstered. Fighting knives were a prominent part of many traditional attires ..." ...

H/t to

We Need To Regulate Cars The Way We Regulate Guns
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"I keep hearing people say they want to regulate guns the way we regulate cars. They don't really mean that, of course. What they mean is they want to make it acceptable to find more ways to intrude on the right to keep and bear arms."

"I propose instead, we regulate cars the way we regulate guns. Let's start:" ...

Gun activists up in arms over alleged threat to Second Amendment (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pro-gun activists will join arms across the country next week."

"A sign of solidarity to stamp an anti-gun movement sweeping through America."

"Gun owners will take to the streets, gun ranges and capitols for National Gun Appreciation Day."

"Nothing fires up gun owners like talk of more gun control." ...

A Memo to Those Who Should Know Better
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I don’t know about you, but I for one am sick to my stomach of having to repeat the same facts and statistics over and over again. For years, decades even, we have beaten the drum and recited the same litany. Any man willing to sit calmly and listen to the facts, to history, will understand that civilian disarmament has always led to the abuse of the populace, whether by vicious criminals or an authoritarian government . . ." ...

Time to ban fists and feet
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here’s a little factoid that the foaming at the mouth Assault Weapons Banning crowd might find interesting. According to the FBI you are TWICE as likely to be beaten to death by someone using their hands or feet than you are being killed by a rifle." ...

Rifle Ban Has Little to Do With Homicide
Submitted by: Howard Nemerov

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"While Sandy Hook Elementary gives the Obama administration emotional fuel to promote a gun ban, government data shows that civilian rifle ownership and murders with rifles have little in common."

"The following graphs resulted from collating data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice, and Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms. Between 1991 and 2011, civilian rifle ownership increased from an estimated 74 million to 112 million (51% growth). During that same period, the number of rifle homicide victims declined 57% (see graph below)." ...

KABA Note: It is true that rifles have little to do with homicide, unfortunately it is also true that anti-gun agenda has equally little to do with facts.

Father of Aurora Theater Shooting Survivor Speaks Out AGAINST Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One might think that the father of a survivor of the Aurora Theater shooting would be in favor of more gun control."

"However, Guy Bennett, does not agree. His son survived the shooting as well as his son’s girlfriend, although she did suffer a gunshot wound."

"Bennett, who recently relocated to GA, spoke at a GOP breakfast."

"Bennett, carrying a .45 caliber handgun on his hip, speaking to a panel discussion of eight current, outgoing and future Republican state representatives and senators at the Cobb GOP’s Legislative Breakfast, said his son had a concealed handgun license in Colorado, but wasn’t allowed to take his gun into the movie theater."

"'We need to abolish the defenseless victim zones,' said Bennett ..." ...

Call on Congress to Stop the Obama Gun Grab (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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ArmaLite Introduces the All New AR-30A1
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"ArmaLite Inc. ® proudly introduces the all new AR-30A1. The AR-30A1 is the next generation of ArmaLite’s highly acclaimed bolt action rifles – the ULTIMATE long range target and tactical firearm. The new AR-30A1 is available in a target version and a standard version. Both versions are available in .338 Lapua and .300 Win Mag." ...

Walther announcing PPK/S in .22 Long Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Walther has plans to launch the PPK/S in .22 Long Rifle this year. This announcement is sure to make people happy, given the recent surge in the PPK’s popularity."

"The PPK/S .22 is a traditional double/single-action pistol, available in two models, with your choice of matte black or stainless finishes. The trigger pull will be around 13 pounds in DA but a much light 6.5 pounds in SA. It feeds from 10-round magazines, weighs 23 ounces, has a 3.3-inch barrel and measures in at just over six inches long and just under five inches tall. It uses the same interchangeable sights as other PPKs." ...

Nosler Defense Ammo
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bullet and ammunition manufacturer Nosler will introduce a new line of handgun and rifle self-defense ammunition at the 2013 SHOT Show next week. The Nosler Defense ammo will come in seven loads: one in .223 Remington and the remaining six across the three most popular handgun cartridges: 9mm, .40 S&W and .45 ACP."

"There will be two offerings from Nosler in each of the handgun calibers. One offering will be a traditional Bonded Performance hollowpoint, while the second load will be a polymer-tipped Bonded Performance hollowpoint. Deeper penetration and better performance through intermediate barriers are two of the reasons so many self defense bullet designs use a core that has been bonded to the jacket. ..." ...

Americans for Responsible Solutions Offer No Solutions – They Just Hate the NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her retired Navy Captain husband Mark Kelly have started the organization 'Americans for Responsible Solutions.' The announcement of the organization comes on the two year anniversary of the assassination attempt on Giffords’ life."

"The purpose of the organization according to their website ( ) is to 'encourage elected officials to stand up for solutions to prevent gun violence and protect responsible gun ownership by communicating directly with the constituents that elect them.'"

"However nowhere on the website is there any type of solution to gun violence." ...

How to Get a New Assault-Weapons Ban Through Congress
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Following the Newtown tragedy, inaction is not an option, morally or politically. President Obama and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. (who championed the original assault-weapons ban when he served in the Senate) are on the right track with their plan to present legislation before the new Congress." ...

H/t to David Codrea who notes that the question shouldn't be how can they do it but instead: Are You Prepared to Handle the Consequences After You've Got It?

We Don’t Need “Gun Appreciation Day”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Celebrating Gun Appreciation Day will come in the form of flooding gun shops, shows and target ranges to protest, shoot and (naturally) buy more guns. All this ... to let President Obama know he can’t 'do to the Second Amendment what he has already done to the First with Obamacare ...'"

"Sadly, this brand of tone-deaf lobbying is far too familiar to be considered all that surprising. We’re being asked to 'appreciate' (a level of personification of weaponry with which I’m not very comfortable) a class of devices that have contributed to painful numbers of deaths in the last few months by groups that historically have categorically opposed any gun control measure that might help. ..." ...

Gun violence elicits an emotional response
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I must say that I felt almost anesthetized by Michael Lesser's reasoned, statistical analysis of gun control issues in his response to Alex Herlihy's impassioned letter to the Herald. It's hard to argue with the litany of facts in Prof. Lesser's analysis. He concludes his letter by stating that the issues of gun control 'should not die,' but ought not be determined by 'blind ideology.'"

"I submit that the horrific events in Newtown, Aurora, Tucson, Virginia Tech, Colombine, and elsewhere have elicited our moral outrage! This is our motivation, not the pejorative 'blind ideology.' Sometimes our hearts see what our eyes won't." ...

Submitter's Note: Translation - My mind is made up, don't try and confuse me with facts.
If this isn't "blind idealogy, what is?

Gun Sanity Needs Bipartisanship
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The first and most important victory for advocates of sensible gun laws would, on almost any other matter, seem trivial. But when it comes to firearms, it's huge: Since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School, attention to the issue has not waned and pressure for action has not diminished."

"Please don't dismiss this achievement. Consider that until so many children were gunned down, the [NRA] and the gun manufacturers for which it speaks were able to block calls for a legislative response in the wake of one massacre after another." ...

H/t to David Codrea who asks: What's sane aboout starting a civil war?

When are paranoid gun-owners going to take up arms against the government?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Several times in the past month, I’ve addressed here the notion among some Americans that the Second Amendment is intended mainly as a safeguard against an oppressive government."

"It’s time, I think, to raise that issue again."

"As you may have noticed, the breast-beating among certain firearms enthusiasts in this country has grown increasingly fierce since the start of the new year, especially as the political push for serious gun control has become more earnest." ...

Submitter's Note: When will I take up arms? When the gov't proves that I'm not actually paranoid.

Gabby Giffords Gun Control Group Wants to Raise $20 Million By 2014
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Americans for Responsible Solutions, a new gun control group led by Gabby Giffords, the former U.S. congresswoman who was wounded in [the] Tucson shooting rampage, wants to raise $20 million for the 2014 congressional elections. The group wants to match the National Rifle Association’s spending in last November’s elections, the group’s treasurer, Steve Mostyn, said on Wednesday." ...

KABA Note: Well then work to get 4 million members and not 4 millionaire members.

Obama invoking executive order for gun control
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The debate over private gun ownership has taken yet another turn."

"Yesterday, Vice President Biden announced that President Obama could push through new firearm regulations via executive order. Such a bold declaration attracted almost instant controversy which hasn’t seemed to let up since."

"Certain Second Amendment fundamentalists chose to make a big deal out of Biden’s remark. More than a few seem to believe that if Obama were to go through with the orders, America would be placed under totalitarian rule." ...

KABA Note: Well what do you call it when the Constitution is ignored and laws are made by executive fiat? Or are we to believe that, once again, the Veep is lying?

CT: Waterbury Chief Right To Pull Plug On Gun Shows
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the wake of last month's shootings at Newtown, the residents of west-central Connecticut have many needs: compassion, respect, privacy, understanding, cooperation and answers."

"What they don't need is a gun show."

"Thus it was a relief to see the police chief of Waterbury, about 15 miles from Newtown, pull the plug on gun shows there, including one scheduled for this coming weekend."

"In revoking permits for such events, Chief Michael Gugliotti said, with justification, that he was concerned that firearms bought at shows in his city might later be used for the type of mass shooting that happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: So the Chief A) can arbitrarily shut down someone's business (commonly known in Constitutional law as a "taking") and 2} believes that all lawful gun owners are potential mass murderers.

WA: How gun control effort can get a good start right here
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Folks it's up to us."

"In the wake of the horrific Newtown school shooting, social media are rife with collective calls to 'do something' to stop gun violence in America, demanding elected officials finally craft sensible gun legislation. I believe Washington state can be a national leader in those efforts, but not through the same old legislative channels, especially with a recently divided state Senate. We’re at a unique moment in time, and Washington has just the vehicle and resources to engage voters in our state to make a start at lasting change nationwide. " ...

NRA gains 100,000 new paid members in 18 days
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"The National Rifle Association reveals this morning that it has gain over 100,000 new paid members in the past 18 days as their membership has jumped from 4.1 million to 4.2 million." ...

The New Gun Control Talking Point
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Can we all stop using the term 'Gun Control' and start using the term 'Civilian Disarmament'?" ...

Caveman Assault Rock on eBay
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Submitter's Comment - A small break from the serious news of these serious times. The questions and answers make well deserved fun of the current state of gun legislation.

Prominent rifle manufacturer killed in mysterious car crash days after posting psych drug link to school shooters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What you are about to read is astonishing. I'm not even sure what's the right conclusion to draw from it. But here's what we know so far:"

"John Noveske is one of the most celebrated battle rifle manufacturers in America. His rifles, found at are widely recognized as some of the finest pieces of American-made hardware ever created. (I own one of his rifles, and it's a masterpiece of a machine that just keeps on running.) Sadly, John Noveske was killed in a mysterious car crash just a few days ago, on January 4, 2013." ...

Repeal Unconstitutional Gun Laws (petition)
Submitted by: John Hall

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... "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

"Therefore, all gun control laws are in direct violation of the United States Constitution, the supreme Law of the Land. Given their unconstitutional nature, We the People demand the immediate repeal of all Federal gun laws. ..."

The Art of [Amidsthe] Noise: Assault Spatula? (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m developing a serious man crush on amidsthenoise. There’s something to be said for presenting solid facts in a calm and even tone, using that rule of thirds to its fullest extent."

GA: Homeowner Uses Derringer to Disarm Shotgun Wielding Burglar, Then Shoots Burglar With Own Shotgun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A homeowner in GA came home to find a man in his home armed with a shotgun."

"The homeowner drew a derringer style pistol he had in his pocket and told the suspect to drop the gun."

"The suspect complied and the homeowner picked up the shotgun and attempted to hold the would be burglar at gunpoint until police arrived, but the suspect charged him, so the homeowner shot him once in the chest with the shotgun." ...

Submitter's Note: Bwaa-ha-ha-ha!

GA: Mom Shoots Intruder, Melinda Herman Hailed as Hero by NRA
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"Melinda Herman of Loganville, Georgia, is being hailed by gun advocates as the perfect example of a law-abiding citizen who used a gun to stop a criminal."

"Following her husband Donnie Herman's orders over the telephone, Melinda grabbed a handgun and hid in an attic with her two small children when burglar Paul Slater allegedly broke into their home ..." ...

Well, That Didn't Go Well
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"The Obama administration claimed that it would be listening to a wide variety of views in looking for solutions to mass shootings and other forms of violence. The administration invited the NRA to a meeting today with Joe Biden, Eric Holder and others. To the surprise of some–those who aren’t familiar with the NRA’s commitment to gun safety–the organization accepted the invitation. The meeting, however, did not go well. Following the meeting, the NRA issued this statement:" ...

Biden: My task force will have some gun-control recommendations on Obama’s desk by Tuesday
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"The task force was supposed to have suggestions for O by the end of the month but that plan was kiboshed when the political reality of attention spans after mass shootings began to set in. So, new plan: The national lecture 'conversation' on gun control will begin officially on Tuesday." ...

[Sen.] Thune: Gun control not the answer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. John Thune said he doubts restrictions on guns will make Americans safer in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., school shootings."

"'There is a lot of emotion driving this debate,' Thune said Thursday afternoon during a town hall meeting at the Highland Conference Center in Mitchell. 'We need to prevent this in the future, and make the schools and our kids safer.'"

"'And frankly, I don’t think it has to do with restrictions on the Second Amendment.'" ...

NRA rips Biden task force for 'attack' on 2nd Amendment, as details of plan emerge
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The National Rifle Association emerged from a meeting Thursday with Vice President Biden and accused his gun violence task force of leading an 'attack' on the Second Amendment -- just hours after Biden gave a glimpse into the gun-control recommendations expected to hit the president's desk in a matter of days." ...

"He revealed where the task force was headed a day after drawing outrage from Republican lawmakers by saying the administration might use 'executive orders' to implement some policies." ...

The ‘fix’ was in; NRA ‘disappointed’ at meeting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association emerged from its meeting with Vice President Joe Biden Thursday with a predictably negative impression."

"'We were disappointed with how little this meeting had to do with keeping our children safe and how much it had to do with an agenda to attack the Second Amendment,' the NRA said." ...

NRA enters gun debate without sign of compromise (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Celebrating Gun Appreciation Day will come in the form of flooding gun shops, shows and target ranges to protest, shoot and (naturally) buy more guns. All this ... to let President Obama know he can’t 'do to the Second Amendment what he has already done to the First with Obamacare ...'"

"Sadly, this brand of tone-deaf lobbying is far too familiar to be considered all that surprising. We’re being asked to 'appreciate' (a level of personification of weaponry with which I’m not very comfortable) a class of devices that have contributed to painful numbers of deaths in the last few months by groups that historically have categorically opposed any gun control measure that might help. ..." ...

Biden: Executive action can be taken on guns (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Vice President Joe Biden indicated Wednesday that the president will be able to take executive action to combat gun violence as he kicked off one of several meetings this week in response to the Newtown shooting."

"'We're here today to deal with a problem that requires immediate action, urgent action,' Biden said at the start of a meeting with leaders from gun control groups and several victims of gun violence."

"'The president is going to act. There are executive orders, executive action that can be taken. We haven't decided what that is yet, but we're compiling it all ... as well as legislative action, we believe, is required,' he said." ...

U.S. gun panel to report soon
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Obama administration is considering a $50 million plan to fund hundreds of police officers in public schools, a leading Democratic senator said, part of a broad gun violence agenda that is likely to include a ban on high-capacity ammunition clips and universal background checks."

"The school safety initiative would make federal dollars available to schools that want to hire police officers and install surveillance equipment, although it is not nearly as far-ranging as the National Rifle Association's proposal for armed guards in every U.S. school."

"The idea is gaining currency among some Democratic lawmakers, who see it as a potential area of common ground with Republicans who otherwise oppose stricter restrictions on firearms. ..." ...

Rush Limbaugh: Democrats, media want 'gun grab'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rush Limbaugh said Wednesday that President Barack Obama and Democrats are 'planning a gun grab' in wake of the Dec. 14 shooting in Newtown, Conn., that left 20 kids and six others dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School."

"'What could a bunch of liberal Democrats worried about guns, talking about using executive orders…? What could it possibly be about? A gun grab,' the conservative commentator said on his radio program, according to a show transcript. 'So make no mistake: They are planning a gun grab.'" ...

White House sees assault gun ban as one part of plan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While President Barack Obama pledged to crack down on access to what he called "weapons of war" in the aftermath of last month's schoolhouse massacre, the White House has calculated that a ban on military-style assault weapons will be exceedingly difficult to pass through Congress and is focusing on other measures it deems more politically achievable." ...

Gun Control: Cuomo's 2016 Presidential Play
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's aggressive advocacy for some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation is already heightening speculation that he's already seriously thinking about a presidential campaign in 2016." ...

Wyoming Lawmakers Want to Nullify Federal Gun Laws
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"Ten Wyoming lawmakers have proposed legislation that they claim would nullify any new federal laws banning assault weapons."

"The proposed bill HB0104 states that 'any federal law which attempts to ban a semi-automatic firearm or to limit the size of a magazine of a firearm or other limitation on firearms in this state shall be unenforceable in Wyoming,' reports the The Washington Examiner." ...

Tactical Response CEO Threatens To 'Start Killing People' Over Possible Obama Gun Measure (video available)
Submitted by: John Hall

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"One CEO says he's willing to go to outrageous lengths to protect his right to use a gun."

"James Yeager, CEO of Tactical Response, a Tennessee company that trains people in weapon and tactical skills, claimed in a video posted on YouTube and Facebook that he would 'start killing people' if President Barack Obama decides to take executive action to pass further gun control policies, Raw Story reports."

"In a frenetic address to the camera, Yeager puts a call out to other gun rights advocates to 'load your damn mags' and 'get ready to fight' in what he claims will turn into a 'civil war' if gun control measures in the country get any stricter." ...

Gun Control Foolishness from Illinois Senator Dick Durbin as Shooting Breaks Out at Taft Union High
Submitted by: Blue Wonder Gun Care Products

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"I received an email today from Illinois Senator Dick Durbin about gun control. Like most libs at this point, he is frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog on the issue of stealing your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Never letting a good crisis go to waste, Durbin and the extreme leftist wing of the Democrat party are jumping with joy at the thought that these dead school children from Newtown, CT might weaken your resolve to protect the Constitution and your rights." ...

Emperor Obama desires to bypass laws and rule by fiat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Barack Obama’s # 1 henchman, Joe Biden, has let it slip that Obama will consider moving forward to ban guns unilaterally using executive orders."

"Joe Biden, one of the chief authors of the Brady Bill who introduced it in the Senate, has been tapped by the self styled Emperor Obama to head up a task force on gun violence. The name of this task force is a misnomer though as it is not looking to deal with any type of solution toward actual gun violence. Rather, it is comprised of gun grabbers whose main objective is the banning of guns for law abiding people and the rewriting of the 2nd Amendment." ...

NY: In Senate GOP, some early pushback on guns
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"At least two Republican members of the state Senate — members who form the lion’s share of the coalition that now controls the chamber — had some pretty negative reaction to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s gun control proposals, including a promise to make the state’s assault weapons ban 'the strongest in the nation.'"

"Cuomo explained his ban by noting that no one needs a semi-automatic assault rifle to kill a deer. And that no one needs a clip with more than 10 rounds to kill a deer." ...

KABA Note: True dat; but you may well need (and what a bull$hit limitation that is), you may well "need" a semi-auto with 30+ round mags to defend your store in Koreatown after the cops pull out. Or to defend your home in New Orleans after Katrina. Or defend your children anywhere that more than 3 or 4 goblins might appear.

NJ: 18 new anti-gun bills in one day (video story)
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"Cam Edwards talks to NRA Board Member Scott Bach from the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs ..." ...

WY: Wyoming Lawmakers Propose ‘Gun Protection’ Legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Several Wyoming lawmakers are proposing legislation designed to protect gun-owners from any potential federal firearm ban. The 'Firearms Protection Act' bill, introduced this week, would make any federal law banning semi-automatic firearms or limiting the size of gun magazines unenforceable within the state’s boundaries." ...

Submitter's Note: Not to be confused with WY's Firearms Freedom Act which limits federal abuse of the commerce clause.

WA: 'Stand Your Ground' in Washington? Not under this bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Washingtonians could face new rules for self defense, including a duty to retreat if possible, under a bill proposed in advance of this year's legislative session."

"The bill ... would make two changes to Washington's justifiable homicide law ... First, it would make deadly force only justifiable if a safe retreat were impossible. Second, it would remove language allowing homeowners to kill simply to defend their property. Instead ... killing would be legal only if the intruder posed an immediate physical threat to a person." ...

Submitter's Note: Ah yes, because we are all familiar with Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.'s classic dictum: Detached reflection must be demanded in the presence of an uplifted knife.

All out of ammo: US cops can’t stay stocked up as gun and bullet sales soar
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"A spike in gun and ammunition sales has caused a nationwide shortage that has delayed police training exercises and is putting a substantial amount of weaponry in civilian hands."

"Police in Atlanta, Georgia have been forced to delay training exercises due to a shortage of ammunition. The police department has put orders for more bullets on back-order, while officers are being deprived of the training that makes them capable of handling weapons." ...

Eric Holder: Gun Owners Should 'Cower' in Shame Like Smokers
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"The hot new video at is 1995 footage of Attorney General Eric Holder, when he was the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia. In his remarks before the Woman's National Democratic Club, broadcast by CSPAN 2, Holder said people should be ashamed to own guns, just the way that cigarette smokes now 'cower outside of buildings' to smoke." ...

NC: Winston-Salem police officer faces second assault charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Winston-Salem police officer has been arrested and charged a second time with assaulting his girlfriend."

"The Winston-Salem Journal reported that 34-year-old Rudolfo Zermeno of Winston-Salem is accused of pushing and threatening to kill his girlfriend." ...

OK: Depew Police Officer Arrested For Burglary, Assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A City of Depew police officer is in the Creek County jail on complaints of first-degree burglary and assault with intent to commit a felony, according to court records."

"On January 3, Delbert Clyde Jackson, 70, went to a Depew residence and pushed the resident aside, demanding a woman be allowed in to gather belongings awarded in a divorce decree ..." ...

"The woman at the home refused to let them inside and later told police she didn't recognize Jackson. She said when she asked his identity, he ignored her."

"She said Jackson pushed her from the front door and opened it ... Jackson also allegedly shoved the woman from behind and said 'move your ass out of the way,' before he and Lane entered the home." ...

DC: D.C. AG: Decision this week in NBC's David Gregory gun clip case (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"D.C. attorney general Irvin Nathan on Wednesday said he will likely decide this week whether to prosecute or drop the case concerning NBC’s David Gregory showing a high-capacity gun magazine on 'Meet the Press.'"

"'We have received the report of the investigation of MPD. That report is now with our line prosecutors. I’m expecting their recommendation shortly and then I will make the decision, and I hope I will make that decision this week,' Nathan said during a news conference held by Mayor Vince Gray.'" ...

Submitter's Note: What's to fricking decide?!? He knowingly, willfully broke the law ON NATIONAL TV!

MI: After more than a year of delays pre-exam underway for former officer charged with DUI (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After more than a year of delays the preliminary exam begins for a former high-ranking Harper Woods police officer who got drunk and caused a crash injuring a then-high school teen."

"William Snider, 49, is at the mercy of a district court judge who will decide whether he will stand trial on a charge of operating while intoxicated causing serious injury."

"If convicted he faces 5 years in prison."

"In court Thursday Snider's attorney admitted his client was drunk with a BAC of .22 when he slammed head-on into Ryan Hagel ... But Snider's attorney says his client should not be charged with the felony count because Hagel's injuries do not warrant the charge." ...

WA: King County reaches settlement in excessive force case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"King County has reached a settlement with a man who suffered a broken nose during a confrontation with a deputy."

"The county agreed to pay $75,000 to Jeff Gold, who alleged Deputy Matt Paul used excessive force during an incident on May 1, 2010. ..."

"The incident involving Gold occurred at a bus stop ..."

"Deputies were addressing a group of young men when Jeff Gold began taking photos of their activities on his phone. Deputies told Gold to stop taking photos of the incident, but he did not."

"It is legal to capture images and videos of police activity in public places as long as doing so does not interfere with their work. ..." ...

CNN Host Obliterated During Interview Malfunction
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"CNN’s Piers Morgan, who is striving to make himself the face of gun-control zealotry, made the mistake of inviting editor Ben Shapiro onto his show Thursday night. They’re still cleaning up the wreckage."

"Shapiro is the author of a new book, called 'Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans.' He did a very good job of working Morgan’s use of the Newtown dead into his thesis. Morgan didn’t like it at all. He also recoiled when Shapiro’s pocket copy of the Constitution came out, deriding it as 'your little book.' I believe Count Dracula once had a similar conversation with Abraham van Helsing." ...

WaPo: Yeah, Morgan got pwned last night
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Normally I’d be tempted to just add this as an update to the previous post, but it’s just too delicious not to highlight on its own. As Duane wrote in his GR post, Piers Morgan went from his embarrassing display in his interview with Ben Shapiro to lamenting about Shapiro’s 'intransigent' performance with Mark Kelly afterward. Eric Wemple at the Washington Post confirms that Shapiro wasn’t intransigent — he was just a lot smarter than Morgan and beat him at his own game:" ...

NY Times’ “Keeping Guns Away from Children” is Pure Propaganda
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This Sunday, the New York Times ran an article entitled 'Keeping Guns Away From Children.' It argued for civilian disarmament based on firearms-related deaths of 'children.' Why did I put children in quotation marks? Glad you asked, since this has pissed me off to an extent that not even my philandering ex has achieved . . ."

"From the article:" ...

Ben Shapiro on why civilians need military style assault weapons: "For the perspective possibility of resistance to tyranny" (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Thursday evening, 'Piers Morgan Tonight' continued to use its wide-reaching platform to address an issue the host feels is paramount for the health and future of the country: guns violence."

"As part of the program's 'Guns in America' franchise, Piers Morgan welcomed Ben Shapiro, an individual who had been outwardly critical of the show's recent direction."

"The Breitbart editor-at-large has described the host as having a 'full-scale gun control agenda,' implied that Morgan is a Liberal, and began his visit by producing a copy of the U.S. Constitution from his jacket pocket." ...

Most States Keep Gun Permit Data Under Wraps
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In the extended national conversation about guns that has unfolded since the shootings in Newtown, Conn., the decision by The Journal News, a newspaper based in White Plains, to publish the names and addresses of handgun permit holders in two suburban New York counties last month has emerged as a flash point."

"More than two weeks after the newspaper published the information on permit holders in the form of an interactive map on its Web site, fallout from the move continues to churn. Adding fuel to the debate, the Web site, Gawker, published a list on Tuesday of gun permit holders in New York City." ...

Video: Piers Morgan Calls Pro-Gun Advocates "Stupid and Dangerous"
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"During an interview with the BBC last night, CNN host Piers Morgan called pro-gun advocates in the U.S. 'stupid and dangerous.'" ...

"Morgan told BBC's Newsnight: 'What happens here [in the U.S.] affects me, my life and that of my family. The guns issue here is now so dangerous and out of control that something has to give.'"

"'The reaction of the gun lobby was to say more guns, less crime, arm everybody, so this spiraling descent into gun madness continues. I do find it stupid and I do find it dangerous.'" ...

NY: N.Y. county to 'condemn' 'The Journal News' newspaper for gun-permit map
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"When the Rockland County Legislature convenes next week, its agenda includes three gun-related measures, including a resolution condemning The Journal News for publishing a controversial map of handgun-permit holders."

"The board's Public Safety Committee voted 5-1 Tuesday on a resolution "condemning' The Journal News for 'exercising poor judgment in its decision to create an interactive website making the names and addresses of all lawful pistol permit holders in Rockland and Westchester counties readily available to members of the public.'" ...

Exclusive: Outed Yonkers, N.Y. gun owner says ‘I feel like a sex offender’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When the Journal News in Westchester County, N.Y. published the names and addresses of gun permit holders in two counties recently, one of those citizens, Vincent R. Suppa of Yonkers, had a visceral reaction."

"'I’m a sex offender now,' he told Examiner and The Gun Mag in an exclusive interview Thursday morning."

"Of course, he isn't one, but that is certainly how the story made him feel." ...

Guns of law-abiding citizens save lives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment consists of a single sentence ..."

"Why does the Second Amendment exist? It exists to arm the population in order to overthrow a tyrannical government. A critical safeguard against 'standing armies' and tyrants both foreign and domestic."

"A quote from Thomas Jefferson: 'The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.'"

"Guns save lives. Every time there is a crisis, politicians learn the wrong lesson and come up with the wrong solution and use the crisis as a reason to take away our freedoms and grow government bigger." ...

Volunteer Firefighter to NY Gov. Cuomo: Why I Own an “Assault Rifle”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Kevin in NY writes:"

"I am a 19-year-old volunteer firefighter living in New York. I also own an AR-15 rifle that is ban compliant. This means that I have spent well over a thousand dollars buying and modifying the rifle to make it legal in NY State, something that people in other states with less violent crime do not need to do. My AR-15 is the best home defense weapon possible for me to own in NY. As I am not yet 21, I cannot apply for a permit to purchase a pistol. Even so, I believe that my rifle is perfect for me. I hope I never need to use it to protect myself or those I love, but I know that it is the best possible firearm to do so with. ..." ...

OR: Oregon gun sales surge after mass shootings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Authorities say gun sales are up in Oregon following the Clackamas Town Center shooting and the Connecticut school massacre."

"The number of background checks on potential gun owners from Dec. 14 through Jan. 3 more than doubled from the same period a year ago, to more than 32,000, KATU-TV reported, citing data from Oregon State Police." ...

CT: Connecticut gun dealer acts responsibly
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The predictable and reflexive divisions in the gun control debate have emerged since the slaying of 27 people Dec. 14 in Newtown. ..."

"Until now, what has been missing is a middle ground that responsible gun owners can support. Hoffman’s Gun Center and Indoor Shooting Range ... has adopted a policy concerning the sale of assault-style rifles, like the one used in Newtown, that should serve as a voluntary model for other gun dealers and could be a basis for any additional state gun legislation."

"Although it could probably sell an unlimited number of assault-style rifles given recent panic buying, Hoffman’s will no longer sell the weapons to anyone who does not have a Connecticut pistol permit. ..." ...

UK: What two thugs did to nurse they attacked outside her own hospital as she waited for a bus home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"These shocking pictures show the terrible injuries inflicted on a nurse when two muggers punched, stamped on and kicked her as she waited for a bus outside a hospital."

"Lorna Hobson, 65, believed she was going to die as she was beaten on her way home from work."

"As she lay screaming in agony opposite Sheffield’s Northern General Hospital the two young men ran off – only to return to continue the attack before finally making off with her bag." ...

OR: Lane County sees run on concealed gun licenses
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In line with a national trend, the demand for concealed handgun licenses in Lane County has soared since a gunman armed with a
semiautomatic rifle carried out a massacre at a Connecticut elementary school last month."

"A total of 237 people filed permit applications with Lane County sheriff’s officials between Dec. 17 and New Year’s Eve, a period in which the department’s licensing office was open for just 10 days."

"That’s about 2˝ times the number of Lane County residents — 93 — who applied for permits between Dec. 1 and Dec. 14, the day of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School that left 20 students and six educators dead." ...

Sometimes a person has to exercise personal judgement and take the chance of being mistaken, or stop calling himself or herself free. —POUL ANDERSON

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