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Newslinks for 1/12/2011

CCRKBA Deplores Arizona Shooting and Subsequent Exploitation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The [CCRKBA] is condemning Saturday's attempted assassination of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the murders of six people ..."

"'Our sincere sympathy and sorrow goes to the victims of this heinous crime ...' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan M. Gottlieb. 'This was a despicable act of cowardice, and we believe the full force of law should be used against the individual responsible.'"

"'And speaking of despicable,' he continued, 'we find it unconscionable that the gun prohibition lobby wasted no time at all in its attempt to exploit this hideous attack in an effort to further its political agenda. When will these people stop dancing in the blood of crime victims in an attempt to resuscitate their relevance?'" ...

New Zealand columnist digs deeper hole on Texas gun claims
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Well, I’ve beaten this story to death, and should probably leave Rachel and editor Roy Pilott to the business of misleading their readers and insulting those who catch them at it. I just thought those of you who’ve stayed with it so far and shared observations of your own should have the chance to read her account for yourselves." ...

Submitter's note: Also read more about post-Tucson exploitation, listen to a modest proposal, and keep an interview playing in the background.

Personal Safety - Personal Responsibility
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The news of Saturday's attempted assassination of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords in Tuscon causes us to all look again at personal security measures. I wrote a series of articles on home invasions here in Knoxville, Tennesse, last year. ..."

"Danger doesn't just come to us at home, as followers of this colum will know. It can find us anywhere ..." ...

A sad case of historical destruction....
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "At some point in the past, several things were discovered at the Guidelamp factory where the liberator pistols were made. Found were a case of M-3 grease guns (fully automatic machine pistols) and a case of unopened Liberator pistols."

"The M-3 grease guns went to a local police department, where they mysteriously vanished. The Liberators met a far worse fate than mere theft. There were ordered destroyed by the ATF, as they had no serial numbers. Also discovered were the original stamping tools to make the pistols, and these were ordered destroyed as well since the company was not licensed to make firearms." ...

The race is on to buy up high capacity magazines, but I wouldn't worry about it just yet.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although we're still snow and ice bound here in Pinson, Alabama, I've received some anecdotal evidence by phone and email that the race is on to buy up high capacity magazines -- especially pistol mags -- in the wake of the Arizona killings. Yet Politico reports that as far as Congress goes, those fears may be overblown." ...

Praxis: The remarkable Mossberg 500
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Early in my life, I had the unexpected occasion to entrust my continued ability to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide on a 12 gauge pump shotgun. As it happened, that shotgun had a single slide bar action. On the evening of the excitement, when I recognized that someone was shooting 9mm in my direction, I racked the slide and twisted the inadequate single slide bar out of alignment in my feverish haste, putting the shotgun out of action. ..."

"Shortly thereafter, talking to Red, the venerable owner of The Long Rifle gun store in Columbus, Ohio, I was introduced to the double slide bars of the Mossberg 500. I've never used another shotgun for serious social work." ...

"What is the answer to gun violence?" (editorial cartoon)
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Submitter's note: The editorial cartoonist isn't pro 2nd amendment but he IS funny. A lot of very telling items in this cartoon.

Giffords Shot: Now, A Word from Our Gun Control Sponsors…
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Does the Giffords shooting highlight a need for gun control?"

"The shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords provided an opportunity for Brady Campaign president Paul Helmke to promote more gun control. '[W]e can and should do more,' he said, 'to address the easy access to high-powered guns that make it too easy for dangerous and irresponsible people to disrupt and destroy the lives of innocent Americans [...].'"

"But the full story is somewhat broader." ...

A Tragedy in Arizona, and the Sad Irony of the Liberal Blame Game
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The dust has not yet settled from the attempted assassination of Rep. Gabbrielle Giffords (D-AZ), but the blame game has begun. And once again the irony is so thick you could choke on it."

"While calling for an end to 'demonizing,' 'fear-mongering' and 'reckless rhetoric,' liberal elitists in the media and in politics have 1) accused conservatives of inciting mass murder, and 2) accused Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and the millions of ordinary Americans in the Tea Party of actually being guilty of this heinous crime." ...

Arpaio: Dupnik Should 'Shut Mouth' on Political Agenda in Tragedy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio tells Newsmax that, if his fellow Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnik were an appointed chief of police instead of an elected official, he would be 'fired tomorrow' for comments he’s made about the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others on Saturday."

"Arpaio also complains that people are using the tragedy 'for their own political agenda,' and says officials such as Dupnik should 'shut our mouth' about the case." ...

Area lawmaker thinks Tucson shooter was 'forced' to kill, by 'negative rhetoric'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Senator Wright-Jones is the first, to my knowledge, to imply that seeing a map marked with cross hairs could "force" someone to commit mass slaughter, but she is far from the first to implicate 'negative rhetoric' as being at least partially to blame." ...

Stop dehumanization (second letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The shooting in Tucson will remain in the realm of political rhetoric for some time, with factions jockeying for influence. There will be calls to criminalize certain speech, proposals to make members of Congress a special victim class needing protection and shouts for greater security in our increasingly oppressive national security state."

"The shooting, in all probability, is the insane act of a single young man suffering from mental illness that at times occurs regardless of law — a tragic act, unavoidable but for some form of serendipity, chance or constant police surveillance of us all." ...


The Arizona Tragedy and the Politics of Blood Libel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Shortly after November's electoral defeat for the Democrats, pollster Mark Penn appeared on Chris Matthews's TV show and remarked that what President Obama needed to reconnect with the American people was another Oklahoma City bombing. To judge from the reaction to Saturday's tragic shootings in Arizona, many on the left (and in the press) agree, and for a while hoped that Jared Lee Loughner's killing spree might fill the bill." ...

AZ aftermath: Seattle Times v. P-I v. conservatives and gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While Seattle-area Liberals have joined the rush to blame conservatives and Constitutionally-affirmed gun rights for the shooting of Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the murders of six other citizens, it appears no small amount of irony and hypocrisy have risen to the surface, and you can study it today on websites for the Seattle Times, Seattle, Sound Politics and Orbusmax." ...

Jared Lee Loughner: A Gun Without a Trigger?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NEVER SPEAK RATIONALLY TO THE IRRATIONAL - Sometimes evil lurks in the minds of men, and when it does, there's little you can do to protect yourself from it. You can't control that which is beyond your control." ...

"There are as many different presentations of mental illness as there are people who suffer from it. But, there’s one constant – trying to deal with the irrational through rational means is a long shot at best, and more often than not, doomed to failure." ...

NC Congressman Heath Shuler says he will carry a gun at future events
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to the Arizona shooting rampage, NC Congressman Heath Shuler has confirmed that he will carry a gun himself for protection at state public events."

"'I, like many of my constituents and staff in Western North Carolina, strongly support the Second Amendment and do exercise our right to legally and safely carry a firearm,' Shuler (Democrat-Waynesville) said in a statement to the Times-News." ...

Tragedy Renews Debate on Gun Control Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The tragedy in Arizona is renewing a heated national debate on gun control. Those who want stricter laws are using the shooting to make their case." ...

Is Arizona the right tragedy?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Arkansas legislature convened yesterday (despite the Sunday snowstorm), in the midst of the political turmoil caused by the Arizona mass murder. Making their lawmaking duties more difficult, liberal bloggers and reporters across the country are continuing to build upon the opinionated chaos. These 'journalists' are attempting to get as much mileage out of these killings as possible by keeping emotional fires stoked." ...

Assault-Weapons Ban Would Not Have Prevented the Tucson Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As usual, the ghouls at the Brady Center follow hot on the trail of a murder; in this case they are arguing that, had the federal assault-weapons ban not been allowed to expire, the Tucson shooter would have had a hard time buying the magazine he used in the gun with which he shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. It is certainly not true that, as Salon put it, 'Weapon in rampage was banned under Clinton-era law.' The weapon in question, a 9mm Glock 19 pistol, was not banned; neither were the 31-round magazines the shooter used. What was banned was the manufacture or importation of new magazines with a capacity of more than ten rounds."

"That is not hair-splitting ..." ...

Why we will keep right on arming the mentally ill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s past time for us to do something to get guns out of the hands of crazy people. But it won’t happen, because we’re collectively bat-guano nuts ourselves."

"I’ll just say it: The Arizona shooter ... should not have been able to buy a 33-shot Glock handgun without a little government regulation. Even cursory gun purchase reviews that many states use might have at least made it difficult for him to get the Glock ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Speaking of being "bat-guano nuts", Mark, how do you propose we predict the actions of the insane?

NY: After Arizona Shootings, Gun Safety Issue Resurfaces
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The only gun-related questions most congressional candidates faced on the campaign trail last year were about whether they supported the Second Amendment right to bear arms."

"'The questions that came up, when I did my town halls, were very generic,' freshman Republican Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle of Onondaga recalled Tuesday." ...

Submitter's Note: No, gun safety lies in assuming a weapon is loaded, keeping your finger off the trigger, always keeping your weapon pointed in a safe direction and being sure of your target and what is behind it. What these people are talking about is gun control.

May this be a wake-up call
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In the aftermath of this tragedy, many have questioned whether it is the lone act of a madman or whether it was the result of our nation's increasingly hostile civic discourse. There is no question that the murderer, allegedly Jared Lee Loughner, is personally responsible. But we all wonder what could make someone turn to such extreme violence." ...

Time to enact sensible gun control legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "One can only pray that this latest slaughter by yet another mentally unhinged individual who managed to get his hands on a gun might finally lead to some serious soul-searching. That Republicans and Democrats alike will work to pass meaningful legislation to help restrict the proliferation of handguns -- rather than resort to the political grandstanding." ...

Don't hold your breath waiting for tighter gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "If massacres of the past are any indication, don't hold your breath waiting for the nation's leaders to do anything in the wake of Saturday's tragedy – not even though one of their own was felled by the first bullet. The gun lobby is just too powerful and the lobby advocating for the seriously mentally ill, too weak."

"And as for Arizona's leaders doing something to tighten our gun laws or improve mental-health treatment in this state?"

"Oh sure, that'll happen." ...

Gun Rights, Restrictions Under Scrutiny After Arizona Shooting (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"JUDY WOODRUFF: The Arizona shootings have renewed the debate over gun rights and restrictions and the easy access to weapons in some states."

"In recent years, Arizona's laws have grown increasingly more permissive. Arizona allows any law-abiding person to carry a handgun. No permits are needed to carry a weapon concealed or out in the open. There are no restrictions on sales of large clips of ammunition. And, this week, the state legislature will debate a measure to allow guns on college campuses." ...

Compromise on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Another day in America and we have, again, a story of an unhinged individual committing mass murder with an automatic[sic] weapon. More innocent people are dead. The only surprise is that there isn’t more of this type of event. Supporters of the second amendment are adamant that citizens should be able to buy and carry any kind of firearm they so desire. They bear part of the responsibility every time some unhinged whacko shoots up a bunch of people." ...

Violence from the right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Given the modern conservative movement’s obsession with guns and eliminationist rhetoric, it wasn’t that surprising when Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and a host of bystanders were shot last Saturday. Unfortunately, the Tucson, Ariz, shooting wasn’t an isolated instance."

"At a time when Republicans are desperately encouraging the media to pretend that the left and the right are equally culpable in fomenting violence, it’s important to look at the facts. And the facts are clear: The violence has come entirely from the right. Here’s a partial list, compiled in most part by Dave Neiwart of the invaluable blog Crooks and Liars:" ...

Submitter's Note: One leetle problem: The Tuscon shooter was a violent left-winger. The Nazis and Neo-Nazis making up much of the list are left-wingers (National Socialist German Workers' Party).

TX: HPD: Homeowner shoots suspect allegedly stealing roofing materials (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A quick-thinking neighbor helped thwart a couple of criminals attempting to steal thousands of dollars worth of roofing materials from a southwest Houston home, according to Houston police."

"Police said a resident noticed two men taking shingles off the roof of a house on Belle Park at Corona around 11:30 p.m. No one lived at the home, which was under renovation, but the homeowner lived nearby."

"The neighbor called the homeowner , Raul Rivera, who arrived quickly with his hand gun." ...

FL: City Survey Crew Opens Fire on Would-Be Robbers (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "On first glance, attacking a group working on a volunteer organization's project might seem like a safe target, but looks can be deceiving. The crew was actually subcontracted by the City of Miami and are not affiliated with Habitat for Humanity, new CEO Mario Artecona said."

"The suspects didn't realize that one of the members of the survey crew was armed and as the thieves tried to make off with some survey equipment, that's when the bullets started flying" ...

FL: Robbery Victim Fatally Shoots His Attacker (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Pensacola armed robbery victim turned the tables on his attackers and fatally shot one of the suspects. It happened early Sunday morning on Mobile Highway near Massachusetts Aveune. Sheriff's deputies say three men approached the victim, pulled a gun and demanded money, but the robbery didn't go as planned for the suspects."

"The victim pulled his own gun and fatally shot one of his attackers. ..." ...

MD: Police: Intruder Shot By Homeowner Dies (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A home intruder was shot and found dead more than a mile away from a house that he was trying to break into, police in Baltimore County said." ...

"Investigators told 11 News that the female homeowner saw the man as she came out of a bedroom, and she fired her handgun at him."

"'The burglar also fired several rounds. The suspect was struck by the homeowner,' said Baltimore County police spokesman Lt. Rob McCullough." ...

TX: Woman, 64, guns down intruder (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The woman was upstairs with her husband in their home in the 7100 block of Oakridge Drive when they heard a loud bang, San Antonio Police Chief William McManus said."

"They checked downstairs and found a man in his late teens or early 20s inside. He had broken a sliding glass door with a hammer, McManus said."

"'What are you doing in my house?' the husband asked, while his wife grabbed a gun and fired one shot, killing the intruder." ...

Washington Post Editorial Gets It Wrong on Gun Control. Again.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'As a candidate for president, Sen. Barack Obama nonetheless pledged to revive the assault-weapons ban,' The Washington Post reminds its readers. 'These weapons serve no conceivable lawful purpose.' Aside from self-defense, sport shooting and hunting. 'Mayors and police chiefs, whose constituencies pay the bloodiest price for traffic in such guns, have pleaded for sensible laws.' Actually, so-called assault weapons are used in less than two percent of all gun crimes. And liberal mayors and police chiefs who call for stricter gun control tend to do so because they live in the only enclaves in America whose constituencies support stricter gun control. ..." ...

The Curious Case of the Walking M-16s
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In any country with free and conscientious news media, this story would generate eight-inch newspaper headlines and TV interrupted for bulletins. In the United States of Socialist America, the result is silence." ...

"... the flow of weapons to [Mexico] is indeed, in part, coming from within the United States, not from dealers or their civilian customers, but specifically from the BATFE, which has been caught 'walking' weapons—recently five hundred semiautomatic AR-15 rifles—across the border into Mexico in order to 'boost' the statistics they have been using to try to limit our rights." ...

"Let me repeat that for our slower readers in Keene, New Hampshire: the BATFE is smuggling semiautomatic weapons into Mexico to support their claim that the drug cartels are being equipped by American gun dealers." ...

One simple response: ban extended ammo clips
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THERE IS one inarguable fact to come out of the deadly rampage in Arizona: The extended ammunition clip that the attacker used to shoot 20 people wouldn’t have been legal in 2004." ...

Submitter's Note: Um, A) Yes it would have been legal (just expensive) and 2} "Clip" size really doesn't matter.

Baum Blasts Times’ Temerity
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Not to pick unduly on The New York Times, but its editorial of 11 January, referring to 'the visceral evidence that the groups have made the country a far more dangerous place,' is beneath the dignity of a great newspaper. What, pray, is visceral evidence, and how does it trump actual evidence that the country is a far less dangerous place? Ditto Bob Herbert, who seems to have phoned in his column of the same day — 'A Flood Tide of Murder,' from 1989 . . ." ...

Senate to Change Rules to Make it Easier to Ban Guns?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"First of all, our prayers go out to the families and victims of the horrific tragedy that took place in Tucson over the weekend. We pray that God will bring comfort to them in this time of trial." ...

"A week ago we would have predicted that congressional Democrats would be loath to try to ban firearms in the wake of the 2010 elections. But we can no longer assume that an assault on the Second Amendment is not forthcoming."

"Following the Columbine shooting, we utilized long-standing Senate rules to slow down and eventually defeat such an anti-gun assault. But liberal Democrats in the Senate are currently pushing proposals to change the Senate rules to make it easier to ban guns." ...

Congress readies new gun-control bills after Gabrielle Giffords shooting
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Congressional advocates of gun control are preparing legislation to renew a ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines of the sort suspected used in last Saturday's shooting rampage in Tucson, Ariz." ...

KABA Note: Because it takes so long to switch mags.

Rep. Peter King to introduce bill making it illegal to carry a gun within 1,000 feet of 'high-profile' government official
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New York Republican Rep. Peter King said Tuesday that he will introduce legislation to ban the carrying of any firearm within 1,000 feet of what he described as 'high-profile government officials.'" ...

Submitter's Note: One wonders if the 'protected' officials will be selected as partisanly as they were for 'protection' under the Federalists' Alien and Sedition Acts, which conspicuously failed to cover the Vice President, the only anti-Federalist in the cabinet.

Speaker Boehner says no to new restrictions on firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is rejecting gun-control legislation offered by the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee in response to the weekend shootings of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and 19 others in Arizona."

"Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.) announced plans Tuesday to introduce legislation prohibiting people from carrying guns within 1,000 feet of members of Congress." ...

OH: What went wrong – why gun owners got next to nothing in the last General Assembly
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The 128th General Assembly (2009-2010) is history. SB239 (Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fixes) and SB247 (Restoration of Rights) are dead. Despite having the broad support in the Senate, the House and Governor Strickland, these important bills never passed. We will examine what when wrong, and where we go from here." ...

Bloomberg Pimps Travers for ATF; King Cries for Cronies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Given the fact that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires) is a profoundly corrupt Federal agency with a blatant anti-gun agenda, 'strengthening' the ATF is a bad idea. Full stop. Blowing past that punctuation by putting Chicago political playa, avowed anti-gun rights guy and consumate ATF insider Andrew Traver at the helm rivals the Munich Agreement in the 'common sense' department. As for creating a 1000-foot gun-free zone around any event attended by federal big wigs . . ." ...

AZ: Jared Loughner is a product of Sheriff Dupnik’s office
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is the report that Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has been dreading since the tragic event on Saturday January 8."

"The sheriff has been editorializing and politicizing the event since he took the podium to report on the incident. His blaming of radio personalities and bloggers is a pre-emptive strike because Mr. Dupnik knows this tragedy lays at his feet and his office. Six people died on his watch and he could have prevented it ..." ...

TX: Former Customs Officer Sentenced to Prison
Submitted by: jac

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"A former U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer has been sentenced to two-and-a-half years in federal prison after pleading guilty to transporting illegal immigrants and bribery." ...

NM: Former Border Patrol Agent Arrested
Submitted by: Federale

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"A former U.S. Border Patrol agent from Tyrone, who has been charged with 10 counts of first-degree criminal sexual penetration for allegedly molesting an 8-year-old girl, had his first appearance Monday in Magistrate Court." ...

TX: Former Prison Employee Suspect In Rapes
Submitted by: Federale

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... "Billy Joe Harris, 53, is being charged with burglary in an attack on an elderly woman in Edna that occurred early Saturday morning. Edna police arrested Harris — who is now being investigated in connection with 14 crimes, including rape, attempted sexual assault and burglary — after he was spotted fleeing the woman's residence. ..."

"Harris, 53, has worked for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice off and on for more than 12 years ..." ...

"Following Harris' arrest, a DNA sample obtained from a search warrant linked Harris to five other sexual assaults ..." ...

OH: Auxiliary Police Officer Charged In Drug Trafficking Operation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An auxiliary police officer faces charges of drug trafficking after allegedly bring 'bulk' amounts of the prescription painkiller Oxycodone to southeastern Ohio."

"Joseph Michael Daley had ambitions of a career in law enforcement ..." ...

"According to an indictment, Daley also had a lucrative side business selling prescription drugs." ...

MD: Md. cop killed by fellow officers outside nightclub
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Baltimore police say that fellow officers fired the gun shots that killed a plainclothes officer during a melee outside a nightclub."

"A 22-year-old civilian was also killed in the early Sunday morning shooting."

"Police Commissioner Frederick H. Bealefield III said on Monday that no civilians fired any shots." ...

TX: Fatal Plano police shooting highlights dangers of gun-flashlight combo
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Oct. 13 accidental fatal shooting of unarmed Michael Anthony Alcala, 25, in a Far North Dallas parking lot highlights what some experts say is the potential danger of affixing flashlights to guns – something many departments around the nation now routinely do. In this case, a light switch was directly below the gun's trigger guard."

"'You have a tool that is capable of delivering lethal force and playing with it by adding things to it. Doing things to it is always, to me, a very dangerous combination, dangerous mix,' said Ken Cooper, a veteran New York firearms instructor and consultant. ..." ...

H/t to David Codrea who notes: "Oh, I see. It's the combo's fault..."

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it. — THOMAS JEFFERSON (1791)

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