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Newslinks for 1/12/2013

SAF Says Foes Of Self-defense Should Give Up Their Guns, Guards First
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation today challenged the nation's leading opponents of gun ownership to 'lead by example' and give up their own firearms and armed security before expecting the citizens, for whom they work, to surrender their ability to defend themselves."

"'It seems clear from the direction the administration is going that it wants to severely restrict the rights of law-abiding gun owners to purchase the firearms of their choice,' said SAF Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb, 'and we think they should demonstrate their belief in their own programs by giving up their firearms and security first.'" ...

Reese motion for new trial to be heard next week
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'First the public learned the government withheld information from the defense during trial and only recently provided it to the defense,' the report continues. 'Second, defense attorney Robert Gorence mentioned during the hearing [that] defense attorney Jason Bowles apparently may have uncovered a link between the Reese case and Operation Fast and Furious.'" ...

Masks off anti-gun end game in Connecticut
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Meyer wants that to happen by amending the general statutes 'to establish a class C felony offense, except for certain military and law enforcement personnel and certain gun clubs, for (1) any person or organization to purchase, sell, donate, transport, possess or use any gun except one made to fire a single round, (2) any person to fire a gun containing more than a single round, (3) any person or organization to receive from another state, territory or country a gun made to fire multiple rounds, or (4) any person or organization to purchase, sell, donate or possess a magazine or clip capable of holding more than one round.'” ...

Trust the American people
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Since the gun-control debate simply encourages more Americans to go out and purchase guns, I have a more simple approach to this issue: Stop trying to control the American people. The Second Amendment, just like the First Amendment, is a part of the DNA of these United States. Gun ownership runs in our blood. It is not just the ownership and use of guns, but the fact that our government trusted us from the nation’s beginning to bear weapons."

"Just like freedom of speech, our Founding Fathers saw gun ownership as essential to protecting all our other freedoms from the cloak of tyranny. We are a special nation as a result of our freedoms, and any effort to restrict them will destroy our national character. ...

What GOP and 'gun lobby' should be willing to yield: Absolutely nothing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Much ink has been spilled over the last few days over yesterday's attendance by the NRA and other gun rights advocacy groups at the White House's (possibly illegal?) 'anti-violence' task force meeting. Some have characterized such a meeting as something of a 'clash of the titans'--others, not so much."

"According to the mass media, anti-gun politicians and forcible citizen disarmament groups (but I repeat myself), the NRA is synonymous with 'the gun lobby'--a blatantly untrue assumption. The 'gun lobby' is you, me, and millions of other gun owners, including many of us who do not share the NRA's ... willingness to compromise our Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human right of the individual to keep and bear arms." ...

American Gun Rights: Power to the People
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment was NOT written to enshrine every American with the right to own a gun for hunting, sport or self-defense from violent crime. These un-enumerated rights are merely incidental benefits of what the framers of the constitution originally meant. Pure and simple, the Second Amendment was intended for one thing and one thing only: power. The framers wanted citizens to have the literal firepower to reign-in their politicians and unelected bureaucrats. Our founding fathers were revolutionaries. Extremists. Radicals. Insurgents. Guerrillas . . ."

"They wanted private citizens to be better armed than the armed forces of the government. AND they gave citizens other tools to ... reign in an unpopular government." ...

Think government mass murder for 'gun control' can't happen here? It already has
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The hope here is to direct readers' attention to an important piece published today by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. The article is especially recommended to those who believe that the notion of the U.S. committing mass murder in pursuit of 'gun control' is a paranoid, right-wing fantasy. If so, it's a 'fantasy' that has already happened."

"The massacre of Wounded Knee was the direct result of the U.S. Army's 7th Cavalry enforcing the government's forcible disarmament edicts against the Sioux Indian Nation." ...

Gun critics challenged to be without *their* guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A spokesman for a foundation that successfully has battled in court to uphold the Constitution’s Second Amendment is challenging not only politicians but celebrities who think the American public should be disarmed to go without their own firearms protections."

"'That would include Joe Biden’s shotguns,' said Alan Gottlieb, executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation, 'and the armed security now enjoyed by Sens. Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.'" ...

SAF, CCRKBA, NRA memberships soar as gun rights showdown looms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun bans or just the threat of a gun ban, is good not only for firearms retailer sales, but also for driving new members and their money to gun rights organizations, and in some cases – as happened with a proposed change in Washington’s long-standing self-defense statute – the threat ignites activism to stop legislation before it starts." ...

Anti-gunners move to silence firearms owners on Jan. 19!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anti-gunners not only want to erase the Second Amendment, now they are trying to deprive firearms owners of their First Amendment rights by petitioning – through – the National Rifle Association to stop the nationwide Gun Appreciation Day (GAD) on Jan. 19."

"There are a couple of problems with this, chief among them being that the NRA is not one of the sponsors, nor is it involved in the GAD movement. But petitioning the NRA about this matter demonstrates the reflexive 'blame the NRA' stupidity of the Left, which preaches tolerance only so long as you agree with their agenda."

"It also shows they didn't do their homework about who actually is backing the effort." ...

The Fallacy of “Need”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately on the arguments flying back and forth with respect to the latest round of gun control proposals. DiFi and others of her detestable ilk constantly ask the question, 'Why does anyone need 100-round magazines and military-style weapons?' Truth be told, that can be a tough one for the average non-gun owner and I will discuss my thoughts on that topic in particular in a later essay. But the fact is, the whole question of need misses a basic point . . ."

"The point isn’t that we need any of these things, but rather we live in a society where the freedom to want them is permitted and protected. ..." ...

Personal firearms have shaped American history
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Boone’s marksmanship served him well during the American War for Independence and subsequent skirmishes with the Shawnee. He helped rescue his daughters and two other girls after they were captured by a group of Shawnee braves, a feat that would have been impossible without his personal ('military grade' at the time) firearm. It would be no stretch to say that life on the frontier would have been miserable without guns ... Firearms helped forge the American federal republic."

"In his influential commentaries on English law, the eighteenth-century jurist William Blackstone called self-defense a 'natural right.' Countless early Americans used personal firearms to defend themselves and their communities. ..." ...

'Assault weapons,' ('patrol rifles'?), 'Only Ones' and marksmanship
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Perhaps the most prominent objective of the forcible citizen disarmament lobby's post-Sandy Hook feeding frenzy is a ban of so-called 'assault weapons.' The language of Senator Dianne Feinstein's (D-CA) proposed ban would seem to imply outright confiscation of tens of thousands of Americans' guns, and some of the more eager gun prohibitionists are not even bothering to try to conceal their wish to confiscate "assault weapons" (although they are keeping fairly quiet about how they expect to go about the confiscation without igniting--and losing--a bloody civil war)." ...

Rob Pincus: What will I do when the line is crossed? You asked the wrong question.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "If you ask me, the line was crossed a long time ago. I decided in the 90′s that I was going to dedicate myself to educating people about the responsible use of firearms. That I was going to work to keep anyone in the industry from tolerating encroachment of our rights ..." ...

Praxis: More along the lines of what you can be doing now instead of merely gnashing teeth in frustration.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From a reader:"

Hope all is well and you're feeling good."

"Passing thoughts ...tetanus shots, vaccinations, medical supplies and communications gear. Field conditions will create opportunity for accidents and injury. There will be plenty of close contact, no need to spread virus. Attention to sanitation is a concern. Also, that 'organize' suggestion is paramount NOW. Folks need to make contact with like minded patriots and figure out a communications process and procedure and sort out communications equipment. Especially those who will be distant or in remote locations." ...

New from Heckler & Koch: HK45T (Tactical)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The HK45T can be converted to nine different kinds of trigger firing modes including HK’s enhanced double action only 'LEM' (Law Enforcement Modification) mode.' As I don’t want to risk TTAG’s budding relationship with H&K, I’ll say nothing about DAO triggers and the level of police firearms expertise. D’oh! ..."

Gun Review: Windham Weaponry CDI
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Windham Weaponry is to the firearms industry what Eric Cartman is to South Park. When Bushmaster was sold off to Freedom Group and the manufacturing plant moved out of town, the local gunsmiths cried in unison 'screw you guys, we’re starting our own manufacturing company!' Using the skills and techniques learned from years on the Bushmaster assembly line, Windham Weaponry set to work producing AR-15 rifles targeted for the same market that their former corporate overlords were now dominating. I wanted to see exactly how well this new company was doing, so I asked for one of their top-of-the-line models, a CDI, and headed out to the range . . ." ...

Keep firearms out of schools
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Large volumes of state and local laws are designed to make school environments 'conducive to learning.' From codes covering physical space to amounts of time in the classroom, the government tries to create an atmosphere that nurtures education. Converting schools into armed camps isn't on that list - yet, at least." ...

Submitter's Note: Great idea, now how do you propose to enforce it?

Did Hitler Really Support Gun Control? NRA Myth Debunked
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"One of the arguments used by pro-gun advocates is that Adolf Hitler supported gun control (so any form of gun control must be bad). This line has been used by everyone from the NRA to Alex Jones to Matt Drudge." ...

KABA Note: Actually this "NRA Myth" was debunked on over a decade ago.

All rights, even constitutional ones, have boundaries
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "As I have repeatedly pointed out (to the point of tedium, frankly) I am now a gun owner. But, I was a Second Amendment supporter before that. If there is a line forming to protest against those who would eradicate the Second Amendment, point it out. I’ll advance to the rear. My point is that the problem of gun violence is not (or should not be) a political one. Liberal or conservative — it doesn’t matter."

"The outpouring of sentiment to end the carnage of mass shootings is genuine. Gun regulation is but one component."

"And yet the reaction by gun advocates and the NRA has been violently hyperbolic." ...

Submitter's Note: And the reaction by the antis has been less hyperbolic?

Brady Campaign Unveils Post-Newtown Gun Control Agenda
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence, among the biggest names in gun control advocacy, released its post-Newtown legislative wish list Friday, just a few days before Vice President Joe Biden is scheduled to release the recommendations from his gun violence task force."

"As expected, Brady’s number one goal in the wake of Newtown is universal background checks on firearms purchases. Background checks have been the main focus of gun control advocates since the national political conversation suddenly shifted to gun violence in the wake of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School that killed 20 children and six adults." ...

‘Second Amendment’ Nuts on a Roll: Gunnuttia Sweeps the Nation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As Vice-President Joe Biden’s task force has been meeting with pro-gun and gun safety groups over the past week, it’s dawned on the extremists in the mix that something more than rhetoric might actually happen in the wake of last months school shooting in Connecticut."

"The report that some actions to regulate or oversee gun/ammo sales might come about through executive order has sent some advocates into a frothing frenzy. Today’s column will focus on their statements and attempt to place these firearm fanatics into a context that makes sense." ...

Petition to try Sen. Feinstein for treason reaches mark for White House response (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Late last month, a petition was submitted to the White House's 'We the People' website that urges the president to try Democratic California Senator Dianne Feinstein for treason because 'she does not believe in the Constitution.'"

"Will Sen. Feinstein, an ardent supporter of banning assault weapons, be tried for treason? Likely not, but a petition seeking to try her for treason has surpassed the 25,000 threshold to receive an official response from the White House." ...

FL: Robber Armed With Cattle Prod (Yeah a Cattle Prod) Stopped by Store Clerk With Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A robber who armed himself with an unconvential weapon, a cattle prod, is now behind bars thanks to a store clerk armed with a handgun."

"The would be robber tried to rob a Florida convenience store using a cattle prod."

"The suspect shocked the clerk several times before she produced a handgun and the suspect fled." ...

TX: 15-Year Old Boy Uses AR-15 to Defend Himself, Sister Against Home Invaders
Submitted by: John Hall

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"A 15-year old boy used his father’s AR-15 to defend himself and his 12-year old sister against two burglars at their home just north of Houston, Texas."

"Their father is a Harris County Precinct 1 deputy constable, and the boy knew what he had to do to keep himself and his sister alive. Around 2:30 PM, two men tried to break in, with one going through the front door and the other in the back."

"The boy grabbed the AR-15 and shot at them. The two later showed up at a Tomball hospital. The adult was hit three times and was flown to Memorial Hermann hospital, while the juvenile was taken back to the crime scene." ...

WI: DGUOTD: Wisconsin Grandmother Draws on Robber
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Grocery store owner Ernestine Aldana practiced with her firearm. Twice. And then, when her life and property were threatened, she brought her firearm to bear on the bad guy. There wasn’t a 'Wild West' gunfight per se. The robber fled. ..."

NRA Still Winning the School Safety Debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite being mercilessly mocked by the MSM for suggesting armed police officers be put in schools ... the idea has quickly taken hold all around the country. From Texas to Virginia to Staten Island to Sandy Hook Elementary itself, parents are demanding that their children be afforded armed protection rather than trust their luck to gun-free zone designations that determined murderers tend not to comply with. And as the self-evident logic of the proposal has convinced parents and school administrators alike, perhaps the most surprising group to come to the epiphany that a spree killer who faces armed resistance is likely to kill fewer people is . . . wait for it . . . the Obama Administration . . ." ...

Gun Control Reform Possible Without NRA Support? (podcast available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Vice President Joe Biden met with members of the National Rifle Association and other supporters of gun rights yesterday. But what will come of the talks? Host Michel Martin checks in on that and more with the 'Barbershop' guys." ...

The Big Veep
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Anybody happen to catch the hysterical press pool blunder in today's GRE?"

Firearms Regulations/Prohibitions Won’t Solve the Problem of School Massacres
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"After the tragedy that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School we have seen a fervent push from our elected officials and the liberal media for new regulations and prohibitions to be placed on firearms. Specifically, calling for bans on semiautomatic rifles and limitations on magazine capacity. At best these efforts are misguided… to a greater extent what we are seeing here is an attempt to manipulate public sentiment about a horrific tragedy in order to further a political agenda." ...

"... What happened at Sandy Hook was not because of easy access to guns. It was because of easy access to our schools." ...

Biden: No 'silver bullet' for gun issue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. Vice President Joe Biden Friday wrapped up a week of meetings on gun control, saying there is no 'silver bullet' to resolve the issue." ...

Submitter's Note: Sure there is; since historically 98.4% of mass shootings have taken place in "gun-free" zones, get rid of them!

State and School buck the Obama Narrative
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In encouraging news, the State of Wyoming and the School District of Montpelier Ohio have decided to embrace the 2nd Amendment in defense of their freedom and their charges." ...

NJ: Gov. Christie, Marlboro mayor differ on armed police response to Connecticut school shootings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The shootings last month at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, which claimed the lives of 20 children, no older than seven years of age, and six staff members stunned and saddened the nation. Marlboro was the first New Jersey municipality to respond to the tragedy by boosting the armed police presence in its schools."

"During a town hall meeting in Belmar last month, Christie said that he did not think having armed guards in schools is 'right or cost-effective,' and added that he didn’t think the move would 'help the learning process.'" ...

OH: Ohio school to arm janitors, receives support from parents
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A rural school district in Ohio is drawing attention with its plans to arm a handful of its non-teaching employees with handguns this year — perhaps even janitors."

"Four employees in the Montpelier schools have agreed to take a weapons training course and carry their own guns inside the district's one building, which houses 1,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade, school officials said." ...

You Lie! (video story)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Ask me how I can tell… Cause his lips were moving!"

"Remember this little ditty from Obama back in 2008… 'I will not take your shotgun away, I will not take your rifle away, I wont take your handgun away.'" ...

Strassel: The Real Gun-Control Consensus
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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... "An almost cosmic disconnect has been building in the political sphere since the tragedy of Sandy Hook. On the one side is the gun-control community, which sniffed a rare political opening and is determined to use it to the max. Vice President Joe Biden's gun-violence task force has given that community a vehicle for its ambitions ..." ...

"On the other side is the reality that any of these proposals must, in the normal course of things, pass Congress. A few quick facts about that body. 1) More than half of its members have an 'A' rating from the National Rifle Association. 2) The few members today calling for gun control are the same few who have always called for gun control. 3) The House is run by Republicans." ...

Obama Gives Himself Armed Protection for Life
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"H.R. 6620, the 'Former Presidents Protection Act of 2012' was written by Republican Trey Gowdy (SC-4, NRA Grade A), and passed with virtually no discussion or opposition. Two anti-rights representatives ... co-sponsored along with pro-rights Lamar Smith (TX-21)."

"(NOTE: Directions for retrieving bill details from Library of Congress at bottom. ...)"

"... this bill was introduced before the Sandy Hook shooting, though Obama signed it yesterday. It provides a uniform set of protection standards for former presidents. Under legislation passed during the Clinton administration, lifetime Secret Service protection was changed to ten years, beginning with George W. Bush—not anti-gun Clinton, who signed this into law ..." ...

More Intolerable Acts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Submitter's Note: Mike Vanderboegh links to the latest anti-gun bills cropping up in Congress.

Cities and Counties Around the Nation Looking to Ban Gun Shows (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Leaders in a number of cities and counties around the nation are looking to ban gun shows in their respective jurisdictions in the aftermath of the Newtown elementary school shooting."

"Officials in the city of Austin, TX, and Travis County are considering a proposal that would prohibit gun shows on city and county owned land, at city and county facilities and maybe even on private property within city limits, according to the American-Statesman."

"If passed, the proposal would primarily affect gun shows held at the Travis County Exposition Center, which is located on city property and has a long-term lease with the county." ...

Grassley suggests openness to gun control idea
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Chuck Grassley, a conservative Republican from Iowa, suggested Friday he may be open to a limited form of gun control - restricting the size of gun magazines - if that legislation does not violate the Constitutional protection of gun rights."

"'I think that's a whole different issue and it can maybe be dealt with without violating the Second Amendment, but I want to see the legislation,' Grassley told Iowa Public Television in an interview Friday." ...

PA Senator Bob Casey Supports the Second Amendment But . . .
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "As you may know, I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. Pennsylvania has a fine hunting and sporting tradition, and I will defend the right to bear arms as it is enshrined in our Constitution. However, I also believe that the attack at Sandy Hook Elementary School highlights very serious dangers posed to public safety by the misuse of certain weapons and technology originally developed for warfare. According to reports, the shooter was able to kill many children and adults very quickly because he possessed a military-style semiautomatic weapon. He also allegedly used magazines containing up to 30 rounds of ammunition and carried hundreds of rounds more. ..." ...

Democratic Senators Up For Re-election In 2014
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Instapundit mentioned this handicapping of those Senate Democrats at -risk up for re-election the other day. It was done by Moe Lane and offers his assessment of their re-election chances. The ranking leaves out four Democrats who are up for re-election - Coons, Durbin, Harkin, and Reed - and I'm assuming that is because they face no risk of losing. " ...

White House Playing Down “Assault Weapons” Ban, Pushing Universal Background Checks, Magazine Limits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The New York Times has published an article implying that the White House may be moving away from promoting an all out assault weapons ban."

"However the White House is possibly looking at putting its weight behind magazine capacity limits and universal background checks (even for private transactions and gifts)." ...

NY: State Conservative Party: “New York Already Has Very Strict Gun Laws”
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The state Conservative Party said it opposes Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s proposals for tighter gun-control laws, urging the Legislature to go after the illegal use of guns."

"The party, in a memo to state lawmakers today, said New York’s gun laws aren’t the problem, it’s criminals and mentally ill people who are getting guns illegally."

"The party cited the ambush of emergency responders in Webster, Monroe County, on Christmas Eve that was committed by William Spengler, who served 17 years in prison for murdering his grandmother."

"'Spengler never should have been released from prison,' the party said. 'Any further restrictions on legal gun ownership in New York State will jeopardize the safety of all New York’s citizens. ...'" ...

NY: DAs mobilized to support Cuomo on guns
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Repeating a play from last year’s efforts to expand the state’s DNA databank, it seems Gov. Andrew Cuomo is organizing district attorneys around the state to support his efforts to expand the definition of banned assault weapons."

"Here are two statements from DAs, starting with Schenectady County’s Bob Carney." ...

CT: Connecticut Bill #122: Restrict All Guns to A Single Shot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:"

"That the general statutes be amended to establish a class C felony offense, except for certain military and law enforcement personnel and certain gun clubs, for (1) any person or organization to purchase, sell, donate, transport, possess or use any gun except one made to fire a single round, (2) any person to fire a gun containing more than a single round, (3) any person or organization to receive from another state, territory or country a gun made to fire multiple rounds, or (4) any person or organization to purchase, sell, donate or possess a magazine or clip capable of holding more than one round." ...

Gun Buy Blocked by 1968 Misdemeanor Conviction, Court Rules
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A U.S. Navy veteran can be barred from owning a gun because of a 1968 misdemeanor conviction over a fistfight, a federal appeals court ruled."

"A three-judge panel in Washington upheld a lower-court ruling 'which found 'no constitutional impediment' to including common-law misdemeanants' within the federal firearms ban. The lower court observed that 'the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited,' Judge David Tatel wrote in today’s opinion."

"The federal ban applies to several categories of people including those who are mentally ill or who have been convicted of felonies or certain kinds of misdemeanors." ...

KY: Kentucky Sheriff Says His Office Would Oppose Any Gun Confiscation Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to, Jackson County Sheriff Denny Peyman has some advice for federal officials attempting to confiscate legal guns held by citizens in his jurisdiction: 'go ahead, make my day.'"

"'My office will not comply with any federal action which violates the United States Constitution or the Kentucky Constitution which I swore to uphold,' Peyman said. 'Let them pull that stuff in other places if they want, but not in Jackson County, Kentucky.'" ...

LA: Sheriff's Dept. Offers Free Firearms Training For Children
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"The Sheriff's Department in Caddo Parish, Louisiana is inviting children to participate in the 'Kids First Gun Program,' which will teach young children how to safely operate firearms."

"The four hour course, which will be held this Saturday, January 12th, is recommended for children who received a new BB gun, shotgun or hunting rifle for Christmas or for those who may already have a gun." ...

David Gregory Skates Past Prosecution
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Few will be surprised by the news that David Gregory won’t be prosecuted for possessing a high-capacity magazine during his appearance on 'Meet the Press.' The decision was made by District of Columbia Attorney General Irvin Nathan, who turns out to be a social acquaintance of Gregory and his wife."

"The decision not to prosecute Gregory is explained in a statement you can read here. The statement makes it clear that the decision not to prosecute is an act of prosecutorial discretion. In other words, the AG had no doubt that Gregory violated the law; he simply decided he wasn’t going to prosecute him." ...

MILLER: David Gregory gets off scot free
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Irvin Nathan, the attorney general for the District of Columbia, announced Friday that he will not press charges against NBC News’ David Gregory nor any employee of the broadcast network for violating the city’s gun laws. ... "

"Mr. Nathan wrote to an attorney representing Mr. Gregory and NBC News ... that, 'OAG has made this determination, despite the clarity of the violation of this important law, because under all of the circumstances here a prosecution would not promote public safety in the District of Columbia nor serve the best interests of the people of the District to whom this office owes its trust.'" [emphasis added] ...

MO: Creve Coeur police officer in school lot altercation resigns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Creve Coeur police officer has left his job in the wake of his arrest for allegedly beating, choking and kicking two Pekin high school students while off duty last month."

"Whether Chad Hjortshoj will face criminal prosecution, however, remained undetermined Thursday, two days after the date he was given after his arrest to appear in court in the case." ...

TN: State suspends gun carry permit for TN man who made viral video
Submitted by: John Hall

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"A Middle Tennessee firearms trainer who made an ominous comment about killing people in a YouTube video that gained national attention this week has had his handgun carry permit suspended Friday by the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security."

"James Yeager, 42, had his permit suspended based on a 'material likelihood of risk of harm to the public,' the department said in a statement."

"Col. Tracy Trott of the Tennessee Department of Safety said it didn't take him long to reach a decision after viewing the comments on the Internet."

"'I watched it twice to make sure I was hearing what I thought I heard,' Trott said." ...

CT: Connecticut Mayor Wants to Prosecute Reporter who Recorded him Negotiating with Union Leaders away from Public Eye
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Under the impression that he was conducting public business out of earshot from the public, Norwalk Mayor Richard Moccia began negotiating to a pair of local labor leaders during a break in a city council meeting, a conversation which should be of high interest to the public."

"Especially when it was discovered that a local newspaper reporter had left her tape recorder running during a recess of a city council meeting. According to EAGNews, that does a great job of bitch-slapping Norwalk officials over these charges." ...

OR: Lawsuit: Portland Cops Tased Man, Made Woman Stand in Her Underwear
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Portland couple has filed suit against the Portland Police Bureau, saying five officers unlawfully entered their apartment while they were sleeping, Tased the man and forced the woman to stand in her underwear during a search." ...

DC: D.C. police officer in transgender shooting sentenced to time served
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A D.C. police officer is going on probation after being sentenced Thursday to the 14 months behind bars he already served for shooting at a car full of transgender prostitutes who refused to pick him up."

"Kenneth Furr, 48, was found guilty in October of several charges, including assault with intent to kill while armed." ...

MA: Springfield Police Officer Eleni Mendez reportedly arrested following disturbance at her Somers, Conn. home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Springfield police officer was reportedly arrested in Connecticut Tuesday night after she and another family member allegedly used a shovel to damage a car during a domestic disturbance with a Springfield woman outside their Suffield home." ...

MI: Prosecutor: Misdemeanor for BC officer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Battle Creek police officer will face only one misdemeanor charge after allegedly driving drunk and speeding when his car slammed into mailboxes and signs in mid-2012."

"New Calhoun County Prosecutor David Gilbert said he will not pursue a felony charge of resisting and obstructing police against Officer William Gensch. Another misdemeanor charge of failure to report an accident was also dismissed by Gilbert." ...

"The investigation was frustrating, Gilbert said, because of the way it was handled by the police department at the scene." ...

"The fact that officers on the scene did not draw blood or have Gensch perform field sobriety tests would have made it more difficult to charge him with being 'super drunk,' ..." ...

Crybaby: Piers Morgan claims conservatives targeting him over gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It seems that CNN propagandist Piers Morgan can dish it out, but he can't take it. After being thoroughly schooled by Breitbart editor Ben Shapiro, the British talk show host took to Twitter to complain about conservatives who disagree with him, Twitchy reported Friday."

"'Fascinating to see how U.S. right wing masses as one to target anyone who disagrees with them on guns,' he whined on Twitter."

"Apparently, Morgan believes that people who debate him on the issue, or those who disagree with him are 'threatening' him." ...

Note to the U.S. Media: The Second Amendment Protects the First (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Submitter's Note: A 20 documentary on the risks of being an honest journalist in Mexico.

NBC's Williams Inaugurates 'Post-Newtown Era' of Gun Restrictions (audio available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For three consecutive nights on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams proclaimed the country to now be in the 'post-Newtown era,' as he and reporters promoted how 'the White House prepares its battle plan' to push for more gun control following the school shooting." ...

NY: Even Harriet Cornell is mad at the Journal News
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"In a letter to the publisher and the editor of the Journal News, Chairwoman of the Rockland County Legislature Harriet Cornell has recommended the corporate office take positive action to regain the confidence lost by scores of Rockland and Westchester residents as a result of the December 23, 2012 article 'The Gun Owner Next Door' which included an interactive map that revealed the names and addresses of 20,000 pistol permit holders within the two counties." ...

Robert A. Levy on gun rights after Newtown shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Robert A. Levy was a driving force behind the landmark 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller" ...

"I can imagine a shop owner in the midst of a riot and he says he needs multiple rounds to protect his store and his family. I can also imagine the multi-victim killings like we had in Newtown, where there’s a reasonable argument that innocent lives might have been saved if these magazines had been banned and if the ban had been effective. So I think if government can show . . . the benefits of banning high-capacity magazines, then I have no doubt that such a ban would survive a court challenge."

"There are three problems that occur to me. One is that homemade magazines are easy to assemble ..." ...

James Yeager’s CCW License Revoked, David Gregory Walks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Beclowning himself by threatening to kill anyone who called him a coward to his face (as long as they sign the requisite liability release first) wasn’t enough to attract any serious attention to James Yeager beyond the gun community. But declaring via YouTube that he’d start shooting people if the Obama Administration makes good on its most dearly held gun-grabbing wishes via executive order caught the watchful eye of the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security has pulled Yeager’s ticket. That’s right ... 'officials said they had suspended the handgun carry permit of James Yeager, CEO of Tactical Response based on 'material likelihood of risk of harm to the public.' On the other hand . . ." ...

NY: New York gun show protests scheduled
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Gun rights supporters and those who want tighter gun control are expected to greet gun enthusiasts at an upstate New York venue that's hosting a firearms show this weekend."

"Three different groups have obtained permits from the city of Saratoga Springs to stage demonstrations outside the downtown City Center during Saturday's gun show, the Saratogian newspaper reported." ...

MD: The Second Amendment shouldn't get in the way of common sense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is time to move beyond the archaic interpretation1 of the Second Amendment offered by the gun lobby ('What will get the NRA's attention?' Jan. 7)."

We do not believe in the legality of independent militias today, nor do we subscribe to the overthrow of the government by militias." ...

Submitter's Note: 1 Interesting definition of "archaic" Skippy, since that 'interpretation' was affirmed 9-0 by the Supreme Court in 2008.

Resistance to sudden violence, for the preservation not only of my person, my limbs, and life, but of my property, is an indisputable right of nature which I have never surrendered to the public by the compact of society, and which perhaps, I could not surrender if I would. — JOHN ADAMS

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