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Newslinks for 1/13/2006

When the Circus Comes to Town: Alito Hearings
Submitted by: News Director

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"Frankly I am disappointed with Judge Alito. I would wish for a candidate who would adhere to strict originalism. Such a candidate would acknowledge that as Alexander Hamilton stated in Federalist #84, the Bill of Rights is not an enumeration of rights, but a set of limitations set by the people on the government. ..."

"...I would have a judge who would say that the right to possess firearms, as a natural right, is inviolable. I would have a judge who would state that the commerce clause (Article 1, Section 8) of the Constitution has been grossly misused by the government over the last seventy years. ..."

"I am disturbed to hear him say, in spite of the Fourteenth Amendment’s clear statement that “no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges of immunities of citizens of the United States,” he believes it is within a state’s power to ban the sale of fully automatic weapons. Such a position is in direct contradiction to the Second Amendment’s stricture against the government infringing on “the right of the people to keep and bear arms.” I was extremely disturbed when I heard Judge Alito state that he believes that there are times when stare decisis should take precedent over the Constitution. The logic (and the justification) of that position escapes me."

Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence: Judge Alito Refuses to Back Down From View that Federal Machine Gun Ban is Unconstitutional
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Dennis Henigan, director of the Legal Action Project of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, stated, 'It is not up to unelected federal judges to second-guess the wisdom of Congress based on their personal experience, particularly on issues of public safety. Judge Alito's refusal to back down from his judicial activism in declaring the federal machine gun ban unconstitutional places law enforcement and the public in great jeopardy. Judge Alito's views are extreme and dangerous.'"

But it will be the new SCOTUS justice's duty to interpret the Constitution and ensure that the "wisdom of Congress" doesn't shred the Law of the Land. So it will be up to an unelected federal judge to do exactly that, Dennis.

John Lott: Gun Control Lessons for Bloomberg
Submitted by: News Director

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"Everyone wants to prevent criminals from getting guns. But the experience in other countries, even island nations that have gone so far as banning guns and where boarders are relatively easy to monitor, should give Mr. Bloomberg and his supporters some pause. The regulations seem to have only kept law-abiding citizens from getting guns."

"Not only didn't violent crime and homicide decline as promised, but they actually increased."

The Times, They Aren’t A-Changing Much
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"There has been a great deal of ballyhoo here in southern California lately over the perceived rightward drift of the Los Angeles Times. Reacting to criticism of the paper's liberal leanings (and to declining readership), the Times recently completed an overhaul of its op-ed pages, with the aim of presenting a more balanced sampling of opinion. Cast adrift was hard-line leftist columnist Robert Scheer, a true throwback to Sixties-era, Cal Berkeley-style, radical rabble-rousing. Now appearing regularly in the Times is NRO's own Jonah Goldberg, whose inclusion in the lineup, coupled with the sacking of Scheer, prompted Barbra Streisand to cancel her subscription to the paper."

The NRA versus the rest of us
Submitted by: News Director

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"The disappointing part of the NRA is not found in its basic premise, gun ownership, education and safety. The problem for society and, apparently, for the rest of the world is their 'slippery slope' insistence that any regulation will lead to complete disarmament. ...If gun control is bad in America, goes the NRA logic, then arms control must be bad for the world. The NRA and their flacks in other countries claim that gun control advocates want to leave citizens vulnerable to 'criminals'. Well, in increasing circumstances those 'criminals' just might be free-agent or organized jihadistas who want to get their hands on deadly devices to kill us."

FAQ: The new 'annoy' law explained
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Figuring out exactly what Congress did takes a few minutes. But it's not too difficult."

"First, go to the text of the legislation and search for Sec. 113. Note how Sec. 113. amends existing law by changing the definitions in 47 U.S.C. 223(h)(1)."

Submitter's note: It's pretty clear to me what they did: BOHICA!

FL: Officer Accused Of Rape Pleads Guilty To Lesser Charge
Submitted by: Robert

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"A suspended Miami-Dade police officer charged who was charged with multiple counts of armed sexual battery pleaded guilty Wednesday to a lesser charge."

"Officer Steven Leflore was accused of pulling over a woman for a traffic violation in 2004 and, instead of writing her a ticket when she said she didn't have her license, offered to let her off with a warning if she agreed to meet him at a nearby warehouse."

"The woman said in a sworn affidavit that Leflore, 41, raped her when she got there."

PA: Carrick Student Has History Of Troubling Behavior
Submitted by: News Director

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"The student had just returned to school after being suspended for being accused of sexually assaulting five female students."

"Like all the other city high schools, Carrick is equipped with security guards and metal detectors."

"Although some other students say they're routinely waved through, School Police Superintendent Robert Fadzen says the detectors are effective." ...

"'I'm not making excuses, but the average high school has 70 exterior doors,' Fadzen said. 'How do you guard 70 doors with four or five people?'"

"The bigger question may be why the student was still in school after being accused of sexually assaulting five female students - beginning in October."

WI: Former Lannon cop gets probation for firing gun from his car
Submitted by: News Director

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"A former City of Oconomowoc police officer was sentenced Monday to one year of probation for firing his police gun while driving through downtown Oco­no­mo­woc in November 2004." ...

"Reilly stayed a 30-day sentence in the work release jail, and ordered Borenz to maintain absolute sobriety, undergo random drug screen­ings and maintain full-time employment. He also fined Borenz $200."

"Borenz cannot become a police officer again because of the conviction."

IA: Lavorato warns of need to increase courthouse security
Submitted by: Jeffrey L Bird

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"In his annual report to the Legislature Wednesday, Lavorato told lawmakers they must increase security because growing hostility toward judges could lead to violence. But, he said, many rural counties lack the resources to pay for it and will need help."

MA: Firearms tracking device urged
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Saying gun manufacturers should take steps to track guns, a Boston city councilor is proposing that global positioning technology be installed in firearms."

"Councilor Rob Consalvo wants to put a tracking device into newly manufactured guns and have legal gun owners retrofit their firearms so owners and police can locate and retrieve stolen guns the same way police use a computer chip to locate stolen cars."

WI: Grantsburg man says it's time for change
Submitted by: News Director

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"'People don't trust Congress because they're so far removed,' says Tyberg, a believer in term limits. 'Politicians should serve their time, go home, and live under the laws they're creating.'"

"Tyberg supports returning more control to local governments, especially in the field of education. He fully endorses President Ronald Reagan's platform of disposing of the Department of Education." ...

"Citizens do not need gun control in the United States. Tyberg would fight to repeal the trigger lock provision in the recent gun control bill and protect gun owners from lawsuits stemming from stolen guns being used in crimes."

Canada: Canada in dire need of gun control
Submitted by: News Director

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"Are we so naive to believe that we, in the Friendly City, are not affected by gun violence? Our children are playing the same video games, watching the same TV shows and movies and listening to the same music as teens in Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver."

"’s time parents take more responsibility for their children’s actions."

"I commend the Toronto mother who turned her son in after discovering an assault rifle, an AK-47, in his bedroom. It took a lot of courage to do what she did. Perhaps if more parents took that step, we would be on our way to solving this problem."

WI: Lawmakers Looking To Lower Hunting Age
Submitted by: News Director

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"Under the dome, lawmakers are looking to lower the hunting age. In some cases, children as young as eight would be able to shoot game."

"Right now, the standard is age is 12. Once children of that age take a hunter safety course, they can hunt, News 3 reported. This would create a new category."

"Children ages 8 to 11 would be able to hunt as long as a parent or guardian is along. That person would have to stay within arm's length of the child, and between the adult and child, only one firearm could be handled. The young hunters still would not have to take a hunter's safety course until they turn 12."

Canada: Spike in gun seizures connected to drug trade: police
Submitted by: News Director

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"When body armour-clad West Van police officers recently executed a search warrant inside the International Plaza they recovered, among other things, a loaded .357 calibre handgun and bullet-proof vest."

"The police investigation had started after a 911 call about a gun shot on the Squamish Nation’s Capilano Reserve one evening in May."

NV: Exemption for Nevada concealed weapon permit holders restored
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Nevadans who hold a concealed weapon permit will again be exempted from a background check and fee when purchasing a firearm following an agreement between state, federal and local entities."

"Nevada's Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) permit now qualifies as an alternative to the National Instant Criminal Background System Check (NICS) as of Jan. 5, an exemption which was suspended in October 2005. Since then, CCW permit holders were forced to pay $25 for a background check, a fee they were once excused from."

MS: Bills expanding self-defense right before lawmakers
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Four bills pending in the Legislature would broaden the right for people to shoot trespassers in their homes, cars or businesses."

"Senate Judiciary A Committee Chairman Charlie Ross, R-Brandon, who co-authored Senate Bill 2426, said the legislation will take the burden of proof off of victims of burglaries or carjackings who use deadly force."

"'Anytime someone threatens you or attacks you, you do not have to retreat, you can stand your ground,' Ross said."

"Sen. Ralph Doxey, R-Holly Springs, co-author of the bill, said the legislation also will protect people from civil lawsuits."

NY: Illegal guns are getting serious consideration (Letter)
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Kudos to the Dec. 23 Times Union editorial, 'Action in Albany' (on state law for illegal guns and shooting and killing police officers ), and to the 2004 special series on gun violence; to the state Legislature and governor on the new gun trafficking law; to Fred Lebrun, for his Jan. 3 column, 'Chief seeks to secure city's future'; and to citizen-advocates Leonard Morgenbesser and 1st Ward Councilman Dominick Calsolaro for their focus on gun violence prevention -- a task begun with Morgenbesser's collection of gun violence incidents reports."

"However, recent letters to the editor continue to focus on an image of protecting legal gun owners by, unfortunately, touting outdated myths on gun 'rights.'"

NY: Advocates Praise Assembly Gun Violence Prevention Measures and Call on Senate to Act
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"New Yorkers Against Gun Violence (NYAGV), New
York's leading state-wide grassroots gun violence prevention
organization joined Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, Council Speaker
Christine Quinn, Patrolman’s Benevolent Association President Patrick
Lynch, Eric Adams of 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement, other elected
officials, and representatives of the Million Mom March and the Brady
Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence in calling on the New York State
Senate to follow the Assembly’s lead and take action on the gun
violence prevention measures passed by the Assembly on January 9, 2006."

NC: Firearm safety groups wants gun owners to safely store weapons
Submitted by: News Director

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"A firearm safety group wants gun owners to safely store their weapons."

"Project ChildSafe is teaming up with local police on Thursday to hand out free gun locks and safety kits."

UK: Is it time to ban the knives yet?
Submitted by: News Director

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"AROUND 40 armed police officers surrounded a house after a knife-wielding father held his wife and five children captive."

"The tense stand off, which ended with the man being fired at with a taser gun, unfolded in Rathcoole Gardens, Crouch End, after the woman managed to call for help at 7.30am."

CA: School apologizes, tells other parents of toy gun
Submitted by: News Director

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"A letter sent home Wednesday to the parents of each student at Davidson Elementary School apologized for the school's failure to notify them after a fourth-grade boy shot at his classmates with a pellet gun."

"Although no students were seriously injured, several were hit by the plastic rounds from the realistic-looking gun, leaving some, like 10-year-old Katelyn Kocher, sore and bruised."

"The school sent the boy's classmates home with a letter detailing the Friday incident, but parents with children in other classes were left in the dark."

OH: HB347: House PROPONENT hearing scheduled January 17
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"House Bill 347 will have second proponent hearing next week. It has been added to the House Committee on Criminal Justice's agenda for January 17 at 2:30 p.m. in Statehouse Hearing Room 121."

"The purpose for Tuesday's hearing is so that the committee may hear additional testimony on HB347 from supporters of the legislation. Buckeye Firearms Association will be on hand, but will not testify. No one who spoke this week should testify again. ..."

OH: Attorney's Revealing Testimony on HB347
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"In his personal time, attorney and author Ken Hanson volunteers as Buckeye Firearms Association's Legislative Chair, but on Tuesday, January 10, he testified as a proponent of House Bill 347 on behalf of his many clients. Hanson's testimony offers extraordinary insight into the reasons why Ohio's two year-old concealed carry law is in need of reform."

TX: Three teens are charged with bringing a gun to school
Submitted by: News Director

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"A teen has been arrested in east Houston for taking a gun to school. Officials at North Shore Senior High School say along with a gun, the 15-year-old boy was also carrying a butterfly knife in his backpack." ...

"The teen told investigators his friends put the gun into his backpack. The other two 15-year-olds were also taken into custody. It appears the three boys were passing the weapons around, and the two boys decided to turn in their friend by calling Crime Stoppers themselves."

NE: Concealed-weapons debate drags on
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Even though a filibuster on a bill to allow Nebraskans to carry concealed weapons stalled progress on the floor of the Legislature, some lawmakers still managed to get a lot of work done." ...

"Meanwhile, many of Connealy's colleagues spent Wednesday debating the concealed weapons idea, which has been batted around the Capitol for 10 years."

NY: Boost in gun war
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"In the wake of The Post's gun-menace campaign, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly will realign his arms-tracking departments next month."

"Presently, there are two squads for gun control: the Firearms Investigation Unit, which tracks guns, and the people who use and sell them within the city, and the Joint Firearms Task Force, which is made up of cops and federal agents."

"These will be combined into one unit called the Gun Suppression Squad..."

NY: Warwick students with BB gun suspended
Submitted by: News Director

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"The two Warwick High School students who were seen with a BB pistol after stepping off a school bus Tuesday have been suspended, pending further investigation, according to school officials."

"The two boys, ages 15 and 17, were disarmed at gun point by an off-duty federal police officer after he saw one of the boys aiming what eerily looked like a real gun at a classmate."

Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it's not an individual right or that it's too much of a public safety hazard don't see the danger in the big picture. They're courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the constitution they don't like. — Alan Dershowitz

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