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Newslinks for 1/13/2020

Black America Before LBJ: How the Welfare State Inadvertently Helped Ruin Black Communities
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The dust has settled and the evidence is in: The 1960s Great Society and War on Poverty programs of President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) have been a colossal and giant failure. One might make the argument that social welfare programs are the moral path for a modern government. They cannot, however, make the argument that these are in any way effective at alleviating poverty.

KY: Second Amendment Rally Held in Wise County on Same Day Guns are Banned at State Capitol
Submitted by: David Williamson

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On the same day that state legislators banned guns at the Virginia State Capitol, Second Amendment supporters held a rally at the former Appalachia High School. The rally comes after Democrats won control of the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates and, along with Gov. Ralph Northam, pledged to push for more gun regulations. The rally was organized by the Wise County Patriots Group.

VA: Virginia Lawmakers Ban Guns at State Capitol in fFrst of Many Expected Firearm Votes
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Virginia lawmakers voted Friday to ban guns in the state Capitol building, the first of what is expected to be many votes on gun control legislation now that Democrats have retaken control of the statehouse for the first time in over 25 years. Anyone with a concealed carry permit was previously allowed to bring a gun into the Capitol, although firearms were banned in certain parts of the building, according to The Associated Press. Democrats have said the new law is a safety measure, and Democratic Governor Ralph Northam previously outlawed guns in some state buildings.

Washington State Rep. Matt Shea, Viciously Maligned as a “Domestic Terrorist,” Refuses to Cave
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Washington State Representative Matt Shea (shown), who has been under vicious attack from political opponents and the media, is facing a possible vote of expulsion from the state House of Representatives, when the legislature convenes for the 2020 session on Monday, January 13. Amidst the cacophony of calls for him to resign, Rep. Shea has said, “I will not back down, I will not give in, I will not resign…. I will continue to defend the Constitution against tyranny and fight to protect our God given unalienable rights to life, liberty, property, and the ability to defend the same.”.

Pelosi Caves on Impeachment Articles; Is WA Governor Inslee in Trouble?
Submitted by: David Williamson

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has apparently caved to demands that she turn over the articles of impeachment to the U.S. Senate, telling reporters she will transmit those documents to the Senate “next week,” according to the Washington Times.

VA Democrat’s Bill Would Make Owning Legally Bought Suppressors a Felony
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A bill put forward by Delegate Mark Levine (D) would make it a felony to own legally purchased firearm suppressors in Virginia. Suppressors fall under the purview of the National Firearms Act of 1934, which means the sale of the devices is overseen by various federal agencies.

The RISE of the Woman Gun Owner
Submitted by: David Williamson

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One of my most-vivid memories as a rambunctious and curious little girl was the day I snuck into the dark closet in the back of my grandfather’s home. Poised at the top of a mountain above sprawling sugar cane fields in the tropical oasis of north Queensland, Australia, the house was so far removed from any other human beings that being there felt like standing—teetering—on the edge of the earth. The wild soundtrack of the place, a sound we fell asleep to each night, was the evocative call of curlews and dingoes whining at the moon

USCCA Targets Official Partner Program as Key Firearm Retailer Growth Initiative
Submitted by: David Williamson

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With thousands of firearms industry leaders preparing to meet in Las Vegas for the annual SHOT Show in January 2020, the USCCA announced that it will launch a new Official Partner initiative to offer unprecedented resources and relationships to firearms business owners nationwide. The move is part of the company’s new focus on strengthening customer relationships across the firearms industry. It also comes on the heels of the company’s record-breaking growth as a leading firearms training organization. In 2019 alone, the USCCA added more than 300,000 online users to its new and free Training Account System and facilitated in-person firearms training for approximately 100,000 Americans through its USCCA Certified Instructor Program.

KY: Davidson County Appears Prepared to do Whatever it Takes to Protect Residents' Second Amendment Rights
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Even though it’s raining, people are walking throughout downtown Lexington, going to various stores and restaurants, enjoying their day in this small, sleepy Southern town of fewer than 19,000 people. On one side of the old courthouse square is Conrad and Hinkle Food Store, a relic of an older time. On the opposite side, is a coffee shop.

Holster Review: Comp-Tac eV2 Max
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Today’s concealed carry holsters must combine two features that used to be mutually exclusive: comfort and security. In the old days of IWB holsters, you had to pick which one mattered more, giving up the other. Leather holsters were comfortable but didn’t hold the gun very securely because they were usually designed for a variety of guns. When Kydex taco-shell molds first appeared, they did a great job of conforming to the nuances of the specific gun, but the hard-plastic shell pushed against the waistline, gouging with every movement. But then the hybrid revolution started and suddenly both comfort and security started to play together in the same sandbox.

UT: Utah Cities and Counties Looking to Restrict Hunting
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The recent shooting deaths of two cow elk on a popular Park City trail system has rekindled long-simmering tensions between some Utah cities and wildlife officials over where hunting should be allowed. As Utah’s population swells, more people are living and playing near and on public lands that have long been used for big game hunting. Hunters are increasingly stalking deer and elk near homes and recreation areas, such as Park City’s Round Valley and Huntsville’s Cemetery Point, that didn’t exist a generation ago.

AZ: Jonathan Hoffman- Proposed Gunshow Ban Violates First, Second Amendment
Submitted by: David Williamson

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In the past, I have defended the notion that there is a hierarchy in the Bill of Rights. Specifically, the first two amendments in relation to the rest. There are three aspects of human existence: spiritual, intellectual and physical. The First Amendment covers the spiritual and the intellectual, while the second covers the physical. With the possible exception of the Ninth Amendment, the rest are procedural. It is the first two that define a free citizen. So, if you really want to make a libertarian see red, try fooling with the First or Second Amendments in the Bill of Rights.

AK: Even if you don’t have a gun rack in your truck, it’s useful to have a truck gun
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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“Too bad we don’t have a rifle,” the driver sitting across from my open window announced as a coyote came out of a brush line a couple of hundred yards away. We had met and stopped along a back road outside of town that I frequented during lunch breaks, preferring the drive out to see what was up in the country to sitting in a restaurant.

“I have a rifle,” I said, “but I’m not going to shoot that coyote.”

I was dressed in a suit and tie for a court appearance in the afternoon, and showing up stinking of coyote and smeared with blood would not be a good choice.

“You have a rifle,” my friend asked.

“You don’t,” I said.

“Why do you have a rifle?” he asked. “Don’t you worry someone will steal it?”


Within 48 Hours of Taking over Virginia Legislature Democrats Pass First Gun Ban of 2020
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Viginia Democrats have full control of the state government, and they are making the most of it. Less than two days after Virginia opened the 2020 legislative session, newly empowered lawmakers voted to pass a total ban on guns at the state capitol and legislative office buildings. Previously, those with a valid concealed handgun permit were allowed to bring a gun into the Capitol. Weapons were banned only in the Senate gallery and the governor's office. "Our focus is to keep everybody safe," said Democratic House speaker Eileen Filler-Corn. "These are policies and rules that should have passed a long, long time ago."


New for 2020: Kriss USA Vector .22 Long Rifle
Submitted by: David Williamson

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One of the most unique firearms introduced in recent years is the Kriss USA Vector platform, which incorporated an innovative "Super-V" recoil-mitigation system that made the compact platform more manageable to shoot, particularly in its original .45 ACP chambering. Though Kriss USA expanded its Vector lineup in multiple ways, including different calibers and configurations, one chambering that never made its way into the company's lineup was .22 Long Rifle. All that changes in 2020 with the launch of the all-new Kriss Vector .22 Long Rifle.


A “Red-Flag Law” Horror Story
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Those within the gun-control movement who like to blithely ask, “What’s the worst that could happen?” should look no further than what happened to Stephen Nichols. In September, Nichols, an 84-year-old Korean War veteran and retired police officer, was summarily fired from his job as a school crossing guard in Tisbury, Mass. Worse still, Nichols’ guns and firearms license (which he had held since 1958) were seized from him under Massachusetts’ broad “red-flag” law.

Virginia Bill Seeks To Ban Indoor Shooting Ranges
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A Democratic state delegate introduced legislation banning indoor shooting ranges that would shut down even the popular range at the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) Virginia headquarters and cancel reciprocity for concealed-carry holders from other states.

WA: List of Firearms Bills to be Proposed at Legislature
Submitted by: David Williamson

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When lawmakers return to Olympia on Monday for the 2020 legislative session, they’ll take up a list of bills that aim to prevent gun violence, ranging from bans on certain types of weapons to an increase in training and background checks.

10 Videos of People Shooting Big Revolvers
Submitted by: David Williamson

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There is just something fun about shooting big bore handguns. The popularity of large revolvers took off in 1971 with the release of Dirty Harry. Overnight, Clint Eastwood's use of the .44 Magnum Smith & Wesson Model 29 as a sidearm made the gun a household name..


MI: United Sportsmen's Club Holds Their Annual Winter "Gun and Knife Show"
Submitted by: David Williamson

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An event happening in Iron Mountain brought together gun and knife collectors. The United Sportsmen’s Club held their winter Gun and Knife show Jan. 10-11. More than 50 vendors were set up on both levels of the club building. A wide range of items were available to buy, sell and trade. Hunting rifles, pistols, antique and designer guns could be found at the event

CO: Colorado Judge Denies Red Flag Gun Confiscation Request
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A judge denied a woman’s request to take away a man’s guns under Colorado’s new “Red Flag” law. The Limon woman claimed the man, who she had a relationship with, had threatened her with a gun. a gun.

If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government that is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. — JAMES MADISON

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