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Newslinks for 1/18/2013

Obama gun speech shows misdirection, desperation and weakness
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Announcing anti-gun measures in front of a theatrical backdrop of children, itself a tactic associated with troubling historical precedents, President Barack Obama yesterday proposed specific legislative efforts related to guns for Congress to pass, and also outlined 23 measures he says can be implemented under executive authority."

"To set the stage for using children, the White House, along with a complicit anti-gun media, made a point of sharing letters from children, particularly those that resonate with the childish emotions of those who don’t know enough about guns to know they’re being manipulated. ..." ...

Obama's illegal executive orders for 'gun control' undermine rule of law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Wednesday, President Obama and President of Vice Biden unveiled their 'plan' (being charitable here) for reducing 'gun violence.' Much of their sought for infringement on that which shall not be infringed is beyond what even they have the audacity to try without Congressional complicity. Many believe that such complicity is a tall order, particularly in the House." ...

More bluster from the collectivists' phalanx of useful idiots.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"GOP Responds to Obama’s Gun Control Executive Orders With Threats of Civil War. What is it about these morons that they always think that the GOP and the NRA are their worst problems?"

"One of the comments struck my interest. ..."
"'Civil War? Just how much chance do these racist malcontents think they are going to have against the military might of the United States?'"
"Leaving aside the ignorant ad hominem attack of calling us 'racists,' your analysis and historical sense is fundamentally flawed Who is it, do you think, that makes up the bulk of the military tip-of-the-spear units? Why it is our sons (and in lesser numbers daughters). When issued an illegal and unconstitutional order which way will their guns face? ..." ...

New York Declares War on the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The ruin of the Million Mom March, along with Al Gore's self-destruction in three or so pro-Second Amendment states, bought gun owners only about 12 years of relative peace, just as Israel's so-called victories over Arab aggressors buy only interludes of peace. Mass fire-bombings of Axis cities followed by invasion (in Europe) and two nuclear bombs (in Japan), in contrast, ended Nazi and Imperial Japanese aggression for all time. New York has just shown why we must now apply the moral equivalent of this approach to the openly declared enemies of the Bill of Rights." ...

Ann Coulter: ‘If You Compare White Populations, U.S. Has Same Murder Rate As Belgium’
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"According to right wing pundit Ann Coulter, gun crime is largely an African-American and Latino problem, and one shouldn’t equate American gun crime with black and brown crime."

"Ann Coulter said ... that the United States has a demographic problem rather than a gun problem, arguing that the country has a comparable murder rate to Belgium 'if you compare white populations.'"

"Coulter, who said she has just returned from a trip to England, noted that residents there 'have not bought into this whole diversity enthusiasm.'"

"'On the gun crimes, we keep hearing how low they are in Europe, and oh, they’re so low, and they have no guns,' Coulter told Fox’s Sean Hannity. 'If you compare white populations, we have the same murder rate as Belgium.'" ...

Bad news aplenty for leftist gun-haters…
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s a bad day for the leftists of the world at war with the Constitution."

"They say they are at war with the NRA, but the NRA is nothing more than regular Americans seeking to protect and defend civil rights!"

"The gun control fanatics are losing in the political realm, ,and in the cultural realm as well!" ...

Young Americans plan to purchase firearms…
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Poor Brady Campaign."

"News came out today that almost two-thirds to today’s high school and college-age young people fully intend to purchase guns at a later stage in life."

"Why not?"

"After all, guns are hip. Guns are cool!"

"And guns save life!" ...

Project Amendment 28 – Amend the Constitution for Common Sense Gun Ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Our 28th Amendment shall be:"

"In order to provide for the security of the individual, state and general wellbeing of the country, all able bodied individuals shall be required to own one modern firearm and a minimum of ten rounds of associated ammunition." ...

"Exceptions shall be made for those adjudicated mentally ill, convicted of a crime of domestic violence, a felony, or have been separated from the military with a Dishonorable Discharge."

"Individuals that are fundamentally opposed to owning a firearm shall be taxed and each year shall register with the government as firearms objectors until age 62 or until proven by a medical doctor to be unable to operate a firearm." ...

Brit says: Self-defense is a skill beyond most of us…
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To all at GunsSaveLives,"

"I’m sorry guys, you have got it wrong. Guns don’t save lives, they take them. Since I am not a US citizen you might wonder what I know about it. I live in the UK where gun control is much tighter. That’s not to say we don’t have gun crime, every now and then some lunatic goes on the rampage with a gun (usually one they legally have access to). In fact one of the worst shooting incidents we have had recently in the UK began a few miles from my home ... But I don’t believe that arming 'good people' would have helped. Being able to use a gun effectively to defend yourself and others and avoid harming bystanders is a skill beyond most of us. ..." ...

Are we even on the right track?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Reaction to President Barack Obama’s sweeping gun-control proposals featured a mix of confusion and negativity among many in Cumberland County. That’s hardly surprising given the right-leaning makeup of huge swaths of our region."

"But the most frequently heard rebuttal to the president’s proposal is perhaps the most powerful: Nothing in the president’s proposals would have prevented the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. At the end of the day, critics of the president’s plan point out, nothing will stop someone intent on doing harm from carrying out their acts." ...

The purpose of the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On April 19, 1775, British regulars marched on Lexington and Concord to seize the guns American colonists had stockpiled in case of revolution."

"It may be an abstract concept for us. It may be distant. But when the 1st Congress of the United States met in 1789, the memory of 1775 was fresh. More so, what they saw as an abridgment of their freedoms in 1775, our Founders viewed as an abridgment of their freedoms going back to the Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England." ...

Nation of laws must protect the rights of the lawful
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"IN laying out his ideas for curbing gun violence, President Barack Obama urged Americans to ask their elected officials whether they back renewal of a ban on military-style weapons and high-capacity magazines. 'And if they say no, ask them why not,' Obama said."

"Oklahoma's congressional delegation was glad to explain why. All seven made it clear Wednesday they're not fans of Obama's proposal to reinstate the assault-weapons ban that was in place from 1994-2004. They're concerned about protecting the Second Amendment, for one thing, but they also may wonder, as we do, what difference such a ban would actually make." ...

Changes must not infringe on rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States - particularly the 14 words in that last, independent clause - are what keep firearm ownership rights of Americans from being, well, infringed. Indeed, those who do not believe the advent of arms affordable for the common man merely was coincidental to the securing of democracies here and elsewhere in the world may feel correct in thinking the second item in the bill of rights preserves all other freedoms."

"There are Americans who, for reasons based in good intent, would favor restrictions on firearm sales and possession, if not an outright ban. Short of passing another amendment, it would be difficult for Congress to grant that wish without violating the Constitution." ...

The irrationality of gun and magazine bans in America
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "We now know that David G of NBC gets a pass. You will recall that he willfully violated DC law by brandishing a 30 round magazine in Wayne LaPierre's face. If you wonder who LaPierre is, go to my Good Hill Press blog, and look at the top left. There you will see the link to join the NRA. LaPierre is the EVP of the NRA. While you are there, click on the link and join. While you are there, also join the SAF. These two organizations have done more than all others to advance firearms rights."

"Now, back to David G. It seems like in spite of all the efforts, checks, and balances the Founders put in place, we still have elitists getting away with ignoring the law. ..." ...

How gun rights radicals took over the NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "What unfolded that hot night in Cincinnati forever reoriented the NRA. And this was an event with broader national reverberations. The NRA did not get swept up in the culture wars of the past century so much as it helped invent them - and kept inflaming them. In the process, the NRA overcame tremendous internal tumult and existential crises, developed an astonishing grass-roots operation and became closely aligned with the Republican Party." ...

Question for the President: Will You Go After the Terrorists or the Terror-Assault Rifles?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Who exactly will the administration hunt down and bring to justice no matter how long it takes, no matter where they hide. The gun of course. ..."

Draw the Line in the Sand
Submitted by: Bryan Sampsel

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... "Second, let's examine what 'compromise' really means. When two parties compromise, both gain something, just not as much as each desired. When the anti-gunners and guilt-ridden gun owners discuss compromise, what they're talking about is yielding on one side and not the other. To put it more clearly, the anti-gunners consider it 'compromise' to demand we give up gun rights or specific guns and for us to gain nothing. I wrote to Senator Michael Bennet, Senator of Colorado. He replied to me that he was considering accepting the ban of lists of specific firearms. That is not a compromise, it's surrender." ...

A Second Look At The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Sandy Hook shooting hit me hard. The least of our parental concerns should be sending our children off to school. Ask my little girl, 'What’s daddy’s number one job?' and she will reply without hesitation, 'To keep me safe.'"

"I have reminded her of this since she was a toddler. I want her to feel as secure in this world as possible. It also helps reinforce my credibility when explaining or instructing her in other precarious subjects that she does not understand. ..."

"She also knows that if an individual were to pose any kind of physical threat to either of us, Daddy is going to handle it. I’m not necessarily proud of it, but she has witnessed my paternal rage on a few occasions." ...

The Threat Posed by Gun Magazine Limits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A limit on magazine capacity is emerging as a leading contender for the something that supposedly must be done in response to last month's massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. ..."

"The rationale for such limits is that mass murderers need 'large-capacity' magazines, while law-abiding citizens don't. Both premises are questionable, and so is the notion that politicians should be the arbiters of necessity under the Second Amendment." ...

"Magazine size is more likely to matter for people defending against aggressors, which is why it is dangerously presumptuous for the government to declare that no one needs to fire more than X number of rounds. ..." ...

Caching the Snubby Revolver
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I recently finished reading the book, Amarillo Slim in a World Full of Fat People. It’s not a gun book, but a very entertaining read about the life of a gambler. In the book, he mentions that throughout his gambling days he always carried a .38 Special snub-nosed revolver in his pocket. I imagine there are still plenty of gamblers you can find in seedy bars who have this gun in their pocket today."

"But then again, so do a lot of Americans, myself included. The particular snubby I have is a Smith & Wesson model 642 Centennial Airweight. The fact is, the .38 Special snubby revolver has been around since the late 1800’s and is still one of the most popular firearms in the world." ...

Back (Again) From Ithaca: Featherlight 20 Gauge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you’ve never racked the slide on a classic Ithaca Model 37 shotgun, you’ve missed one of the smoothest and most innovative pump-action shotguns ever made. Long a favorite of left-handed shooters, John M. Browning’s design feeds and ejects through the bottom of the receiver." ...

Montana Rifle Company: $1,000 And Up, 100% American-Made
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Montana’s Flathead valley has become a beehive of custom gunsmiths and small manufacturers. The Montana Rifle Company builds custom rifles on its own Mauser based actions, in calibers from .243 to .505 Gibbs." ...

New Introductions From Mossberg (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When I read the release last week on the new youth/compact models of the Mossberg 500 and Maverick 88 in 20 gauge, I was very interested. I had been looking for a home defense shotgun in 20 gauge for the Complementary Spouse." ...

Deceptive Mayors Against Illegal Guns Campaign Prompts No Concern from Ohio Members
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio members of Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) appear unconcerned that the group's latest campaign suggests more gun control would have prevented the recent school shooting in Connecticut. Media Trackers contacted thirteen of the Ohio mayors listed as members of MAIG, offering a chance to comment on the 'Demand A Plan' campaign, but only two mayors have responded in over two weeks."

"The Newtown shooter stole his mother's legally-purchased guns, in a state which already has some of America's strictest gun control laws. Neither of these facts seem to matter to MAIG, a liberal organization managed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg's office in New York." ...

Wild gun rhetoric undermines serious debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Inordinate fear, unfortunately, drives the politics of guns in this country, making it extremely difficult to have a rational discussion on reasonable regulation."

"Any mention of regulation and the cry goes up – 'Get them now before they are taken away!' – though no one is talking about confiscating firearms. Gun sales skyrocket, particularly of military-style semi-automatic rifles, as we've seen since the school massacre in Connecticut."

"At a gun show at the state-owned Cow Palace near San Francisco over the weekend, people were loading up guns and ammo by the cartload." ...

H/t to David Codrea who notes: I don't even have words for such a shameless lie. I guess that means they're going to keep pushing until words don't factor into things.

A call to arms: Obama, Colorado governor plans can reduce gun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let's see what happens."

"President Barack Obama has belatedly revived the push for stronger gun control legislation. ... Obama signed 23 executive actions not requiring congressional approval to strengthen gun laws, make changes in mental health evaluations and improve school safety."

"But his call for Congress to revive an assault weapons ban that expired in 2004, restrict ammunition clips to hold no more than 10 rounds, and to vastly expand the background check system for would-be gun purchasers faces a difficult road."

"What's sad about the knee-jerk opposition from gun-rights advocates and some legislators is that the president's proposals ... are modest." ...

Submitter's Note: Hey, I thought we "gun nuts" were, well, nuts for thinking that you antis won't be satisfied with such "modest" proposals and will keep pushing for more?

Obama's good push for saner gun safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The much-needed push for gun safety in America is on."

"President Barack Obama set the wheels in motion Wednesday by announcing 23 executive orders aimed at reducing gun violence. He asked Congress to pass substantial laws, including bans on assault weapons and magazines of more than 10 rounds. He also called for background checks on all firearms purchases, including private sales and those made at gun shows."

"Those steps alone would decrease the likelihood of casualties in shootings and make the United States a safer and saner nation." ...

In Wake of Newtown, It's Time for America to Meet the NRA
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"This week, America has been taken aback by the National Rifle Association's ad politicizing President Obama's daughters. With this latest episode, it's become patently obvious that unhinged attacks are the NRA leadership's calling card. As pundits cover the obstructionism and handwringing of high-profile NRA executives like David Keene, it's important to take a look at lesser-known NRA leaders and understand just how far to the fringe the organization has moved in recent decades." ...

Submitter's comment: Feeling a bit jealous, Josh?
I can assure you that far more Americans are familiar with, and approve of, the NRA than are familiar with you and your little gang. Josh who?

Let's take a fresh look at the Bill of Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Regrettably, we have too many people in this country who are chiefly concerned with self-interests rather than the interests of the general population."

"Three examples relating to American ideals come to mind: 1) people who abuse the 'right to free speech,' 2) people who are paranoid that their guns will be confiscated by the government; and 3) those people who promote the idea that the possession of more guns deters violence." ...

US measures on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One would have thought that the massacre at the Sandy Hook elementary school was the final push the US needed to enact some sensible gun control measures. And that is undoubtedly what President Barack Obama wanted. He tasked his vice-president, Joe Biden, to come up with workable solutions to this issue. Thanks, however, to the Second Amendment to the US Constitution ... and the ultra-powerful [NRA], there are few concrete measures the president can take. What President Obama has instead proposed is a series of commonsensical measures, such as directing the police to trace the ownership of any guns used in a crime. The tameness of these measures shows just how powerless the president is to do anything about gun violence." ...

The right to rebel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There isn't one. Do you hear that, conservatives?"

"There is nothing in the Second Amendment about arming the citizenry to keep our government in check. In a democracy, you vote to do that."

"Your whole mythology (about defending personal freedom against jack-booted thugs coming to take your guns and impose socialism) is fantasy."

"The founding fathers did NOT arm the populace as part of the "checks and balances" system of democracy." ...

Gun control doesn’t violate the Second Amendment!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Just as important, though, is the second lesson to come out of Jones’ diatribe – the one about the gun discourse’s underlying message."

"Whether it is Jones, a firearms training company CEO promising to 'start killing people' if gun regulations are tightened or an outgoing GOP congressman saying 'we may have to shed blood (to) preserve our freedoms' — the desire to intimidate is clear. Regardless of the particular demagogue, we are being repeatedly told that in a nation with the industrialized world’s highest rate of gun homicide, those raising questions about our existing firearms laws risk being targeted as a traitors." ...

Submitter's Note: It can learn.

Second Amendment insanity: A lack of logic on guns kills people
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As you know, cookies don’t fatten people, people fatten themselves by eating cookies — and if that makes any sense to you, congratulations, because you have won a prize. To claim the prize, just pull my other leg and wait until you hear the bell ring. An operator will assist you."

"The arguments against gun control are a bit like that — much puzzling nonsense and a long wait before anything happens, if it happens at all."

"While the Obama administration figures out how to proceed with sensible rules on gun purchases that will take America from being armed to the teeth to being armed only to the elbows, let us look at a couple of the major obstacles to the cause of sanity." ...

NRA, Congress stymied CDC gun research budget (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"On Monday, President Obama ordered the Centers for Disease Control to begin research on the causes of gun violence. That was something that Congress specifically prevented the CDC from doing."

"'There is absolutely no question. These are preventable deaths,' said Dr. Mark Rosenberg, who used to oversee research into gun violence and prevention at the Centers for Disease Control." ...

"The NRA was infuriated with a 1993 study sponsored by the CDC that concluded having a gun at home offered little protection, but it increased almost three-fold the risk of one family member shooting another." ...

Submitter's comment: Obama again ignores Congress and takes the law into his own hands.

KABA Note: Actually the NRA was infuriated by the pre-judgement of researchers like Dr. Rosenberg who stated in 1994: "We need to revolutionize the way we look at guns, like what we did with cigarettes. Now it [sic] is dirty, deadly, and banned."

White House Reaches a New Low on Gun Control (video story)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Submitter's Note: This is down right despicable.

NJ: Today's children are fascinated by guns, exposed to violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For the past 18 years, I’ve worked with Mercer County teenagers and served as co-chairman of the Mercer County Gang Task Force from 2007 to the present."

"During this time, 34 young men I have known, most of them former students, have been murdered by gunfire in the City of Trenton. In our back yard — before the tragedy of Newtown, Conn. Right here, in our capital city." ...

Submitter's Note: Yes, right there in the capital of the Brady Campaign's #2 ranked safest state in the country.

WI: NRA serves only its corporate backers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dear Editor: The NRA is no longer is interested in gun owners; they are only interested in their corporate backers, and their corporate backers want to create more paranoia so they can sell more guns."

"The NRA’s proposal to put armed guards in schools is just another form of corporate welfare. If the gun industry thinks the solution to gun violence in this country is to put armed guards in schools, they should pay for it. They are the ones profiting from the slaughter they helped create. Why should the taxpayers pay while they profit?" ...

WV: Second Amendment a threat to society
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Given the level of carnage by firearms in this country, nothing short of comprehensive regulation and control will be sufficient to begin curbing the threat to peace and security that unregulated arms represents."

"The Second Amendment has become obsolete, based on its original intent, which was to allow for the rapid deployment of a militia to deal with a possible foreign invasion. A militia is obsolete, given the status of the U.S. Armed Forces and National Guards today."

MI: The Second Amendment: Times have changed since 1791
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I don’t understand the arguments of people who protest against limitations on any kind of guns. They at least imply that banning high capacity guns from civilians would take away their Second Amendment rights."

"The Second Amendment was adopted in 1791, along with the rest of the Bill of Rights. At that time the most common firearm was a muzzle-loaded single-shot musket. The purpose was to have citizens ready to join a well-regulated militia. (Note the 'well-regulated' word.) I am sure the framers of that amendment could not possibly have imagined guns with the capability of firing many bullets in seconds." ...

Submitter's Note: Three words for you Scooter: Girandoni air rifle.

LA: Let states decide gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Second Amendment, as originally penned, serves neither a modern society nor America’s best interest."

"The first part of this amendment, 'A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,' is outdated and irrelevant, better suited to the 18th century than the 21st. It should be scrapped." ...

WA: Violence an infringement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Freedom isn’t free. You hear this saying a lot nowadays. Gun advocates are always reminding us of their Second Amendment rights. This amendment was enacted in 1791 when the weapon of choice was a single-shot musket. Isn’t there something about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in our Declaration of Independence? Shouldn’t my family have a reasonable expectation of coming home alive from our house of worship, mall, movie theater, elementary school, high school and college? I am sorry, but right now I do not feel very free. Where does one person’s rights end and my rights begin?" ...

Submitter's Note: Simple; your right to throw a punch ends at the tip of my nose.

Statistic – You Are More Likely to Be Struck By Lightning Than Killed by a Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According the FBI’s 2010 homicide data, there were 358 people killed by rifles of any kind in 2010. Note that this includes people shot by any sort of rifle, homicides by police, and self defense homicides. (Source: FBI Crime Stats)"

"According the National Weather Service, approximately 400 people, on average (based on annual averages 2001-2010) are struck by lightning each year. (Source: National Weather Service)."

"I’m not a statistician or anything, but hopefully this puts things into perspective." ...

TX: Attorney General Tries to Lure New York Gun Owners to Texas With New Web Advertisement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Texas is looking better and better everyday…"

"A new web ad by the Texas Attorney General tells users the following:"

"Here in Texas, you will have the liberty and the opportunity to achieve your dreams. On top of that, we have no income tax, yet still manage to have a multi-billion dollar budget surplus." ...

4 Pinocchios for a slashing NRA ad on security at Sidwell Friends School
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The National Rifle Association, in a tough television ad on gun-control measures and in a longer 4-minute video presentation, has highlighted what it see as 'elitist' hypocrisy by President Obama because his children are 'protected by armed guards at their school.'" ...
While some news organizations reported that the ad was referencing the Secret Service protection provided to the Obama family — as required by federal law — the longer ad makes it clear that the NRA is specifically referring to the security force at Sidwell Friends.

NRA 'more popular' than Hollywood
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"So much for vilifying the National Rifle Association in popular culture. A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Thursday finds that the organization is more popular than the entertainment industry."

"'Forty-one percent of adults see the NRA — the nation's top gun lobby — in a positive light, while 34 percent view it in a negative light,' the poll reports."

"'By comparison, just 24 percent have positive feelings about the entertainment industry, and 39 percent have negative ones.'"

"The NRA's score is virtually unchanged from its 41 percent-to-29 percent rating in the January 2011 NBC/WSJ poll, nearly two years before the Newtown shootings." ...

TX: Employee at Texas Scrap Yard Shoots 1 of 2 Burglars
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An employee checking on a scrap metal yard in Texas, which had been burglarized several times prior, confronted two would be burglars."

"The employee opened fire on the pair, hitting one in the leg."

"The injured suspect was taken to an area hospital where is in in critical condition." ...

TX: Texas Homeowner Shoots and Kills 2 Men Who Broke Into His SUV (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yet another story out of the state of Texas."

"When a San Antonio homeowner heard someone breaking into his car at around 2am he grabbed his gun and went outside to investigate."

"As the homeowner approached the vehicle to confront the would be thieves, he thought he saw a gun and shot one of the suspects."

"The other suspect then tried to flee in the SUV, but was also shot by the homeowner." ...

TX: Homeowner Holds Would Be Burglar at Shotgun-point Until Police Arrive (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A TX homeowner refused to be a victim when someone tried to burglarize his home."

"The homeowner grabbed his shotgun and confronted the thief."

"The homeowner held the suspect at gunpoint until police arrived." ...

PA: Homeowner Shoots and Kills Home Invader Armed With a Shovel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A PA homeowner heard someone break into his home through his kitchen door."

"The intruder was armed with a shovel and made it to the living room of the home before being confronted by the homeowner."

"The homeowner fired 3 shots at the would be intruder, striking him in the chest with all three shots."

"The suspect was pronounced dead at the scene." ...

IN: Indiana Homeowner Shoots 2 Home Invaders, Captures One, Both End Up in Hospital (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A homeowner in Indiana was forced to defend himself when 2 men burst into his home earlier this week."

"The homeowner grabbed a gun, shot both men and held one of the men at gunpoint until police arrived."

"The second suspect got away, but was found by police hiding in an abandoned house nearby." ...

Senator Rand Paul to Introduce Legislation to Nullify Executive Orders Signed by President Obama
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to, Sen. Rand Paul is pledging to undo some of President Barack Obama’s executive orders on guns that the Kentucky Republican believes overreach."

"'In this bill we will nullify anything the president does that smacks of legislation,' Rand said Wednesday on Fox’s 'Hannity,' referencing his legislation that is slated to be introduced in Congress next week. 'And there are several of the executive orders that appear as if he’s writing new law. That cannot happen.'" ...

Using Children To Pass Gun Laws Is Grotesque And Childish
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Parents are often asked by their children to solve unsolvable problems. When woken by nightmares, my daughter seeks reassurance that bad dreams won’t return when she closes her eyes again. I offer a fresh pillow, inviting her to think that somehow it will foster only happy visions."

"If I cajoled them to, my kids could scratch out some tear-jerking pleas for the President to put an end to nightmares, lost stuffed animals, and illnesses of all kinds. Yet that really shouldn’t be the impetuous for nation-altering legislation. Grown-ups—including politicians—may have a duty to offer children reassurance after a trauma, but we cannot pretend that we have the power to wipe bad things out of existence." ...

Democrats Are Split Over How to Shape Approach to Gun Bills
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As Congressional Democrats shape their strategy for considering President Obama’s proposals to curb gun violence, sharp divisions are forming between lawmakers who believe the best path to success is through narrowly written bills and a meticulous legislative process, and those who advocate a more guerrilla approach."

"Many Democrats, and some Senate Republicans, believe the only legislation that has a whisper of a chance of passing would be bills that are tightly focused on more consensus elements like enhancing background checks or limits on magazines, subjected to debate in committee and then brought to a vote after building bipartisan support." ...

Obama goes big on gun control, but can he deliver?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The first general reaction to President Barack Obama's package of gun control ideas seems to be criticism that it's too ambitious. Predictions are being heard that he will fall far short of his aspirations and even fail to restore the ban on assault weapons, which Congress allowed to lapse in 2004."

"Even gun-control advocates speculate that the most that Mr. Obama may be able to achieve on the proposals fashioned by Vice President Joe Biden's task force will be limits on ammunition clips and magazines used on such weapons, along with more comprehensive background checks on gun buyers." ...

Reagan understood gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the wake of the massacre at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., many conservatives have shown little inclination to consider new legislation on gun access. Those of us on the right who have expressed receptiveness to new proposals have been criticized within our own ranks."

"By the standards of certain modern-day conservatives, however, even Ronald Reagan was a traitor to the Second Amendment and the conservative cause. After all, he signed into law gun restrictions that still exist today and was a strong voice in ensuring passage of others after his presidency." ...

Submitter's Note: Proof positive that no one is perfect.

Universal Background Checks
Submitted by: Bryan Sampsel

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"Recently, the White House has made it clear that it backs universal background checks for any and all firearms sales. While this appears to be a Second Amendment issue, a short analysis will demonstrate that it violates a much more fundamental right: Property." ...

Letter from Senator Michael Bennet
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... "Senator Dianne Feinstein of California plans to introduce a bill in the 113th Congress that will prohibit the sale, transfer, importation and manufacturing of assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition feeding devices. The ban will include 120 specifically-named firearms and will apply to large-capacity ammunition feeding devices capable of accepting more than 10 rounds. The bill will also require grandfathered weapons to be registered under the National Firearms Act and will include a background check of the owner and any future transferees. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: I recently wrote Sen Michael Bennet of Colorado and here's a snippet of his response.

NAPOLITANO: Shooting up the Constitution -- Feds have no legitimate role in regulating firearms
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"If you have listened to President Obama and Vice President Joseph R. Biden talk about guns in the past month, you have heard them express a decided commitment to use the powers of the federal government to maintain safety in the United States. You also have heard congressional voices from politicians in both parties condemning violence and promising to do something about it. This sounds very caring and inside the wheelhouse of what we hire and pay the federal government to do."

"Yet it is clearly unconstitutional." ...

CA: California: Ammo Background Check, Registry (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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SC: SC bill would exempt state militia from federal gun rules
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While a handful of states have moved to nullify President Barack Obama’s recent executive orders on guns, a quartet of tea-party state senators in South Carolina introduced a bill Wednesday claiming to offer pro-gun citizens a different way around the federal rules: exempt the state’s unorganized militia from federal gun regulations."

"The unorganized militia consists of all able-bodied people over the age of 17 who are U.S. citizens residing in South Carolina and legally allowed to purchase a firearm, according to current state law." ...

PA: Gun-control debate is not going away
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This week, President Obama put forth a series of executive orders and a sweeping legislative package to implement, finally, some kind of lasting gun control."

"All these are measures that have been called for, at one time or another, by Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey."

"But Ramsey is not at all optimistic those recommendations will become the law of the land - on the federal or state levels." ...

OK: Local citizens, representatives comment on potential gun legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Local federal representatives voiced their opinions yesterday over whether they agreed with the president's plan to stop gun violence in the United States."

"Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe said although he supports the president's intentions he does not support his methods."

"'I will adamantly oppose any executive order that I believe infringes upon duly enacted laws by the Congress or on our Constitutional rights. Where I do disagree with the President is on his recommendations for laws Congress should pass,' Inhofe said. 'We know from experience that an assault weapons ban will have no meaningful effect on gun violence, as many of the changes that are implemented by a such a ban are cosmetic in nature. ...'" ...

PA: Roae now co-sponsoring teacher-gun bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Rep. Brad Roae is co-sponsoring state Rep. Greg Lucas’ legislation to allow qualified school personnel in Pennsylvania to carry firearms on school property — while state Rep. Michele Brooks is taking a more restrained stance."

"The three state House members, all Republicans, represent different portions of Crawford County."

"Lucas, who represents northwestern Crawford and western Erie counties, recently introduced the 'School Personnel Right To Carry Act.'"

"If passed, it would allow but not require teachers, principals, administrators and other school personnel to carry a firearm if they pass a three-point check system." ...

NY: Sound Handgun Legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a tough, new gun control bill into law on Tuesday. The ban went into effect as soon as Governor Cuomo signed the bill into law. Those who already own such guns are grandfathered in, but will have to register them with the state. The new law, known as the NY Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Act, includes a ban on ammunition magazines that hold more than seven rounds, a ban on certain semi-automatic rifles and pistols, and a mandatory background check for all gun sales, including private sales." ...

FL: Gov. Rick Scott: No plans for gun-law changes (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gov. Rick Scott plans no proposals to change any Florida gun laws, a spokeswoman said Thursday, though he still wants to hear ideas for improving the safety of schools."

"Scott had repeatedly declined to say whether he supported any changes to gun laws since the Newtown, Conn., school shooting last month."

"But after Scott again refused to rule it out on Wednesday, leading the Tampa Bay Times to report that the governor 'voiced his support for a broad review of Florida’s gun laws,' the governor’s office clarified on Thursday that he isn’t suggesting any gun law changes." ...

NC: GRNC takes aim at Sen. Hagan's tepid support of the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Grass Roots North Carolina (GRNC) is taking aim at Sen. Kay Hagan for here tepid support of the Second Amendment. We recently published an article that asks 'So where does Sen. Kay Hagan stand on gun control?' The article received over 27,000 view in two days. Obviously there are many people in North Carolina interested in how effectively Sen. Hagan is going to be in fighting to protect our Second Amendment rights. ..." ...

NY: Cuomo: Gun Law Isn’t Divisive
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Armed with the latest Siena College polling information that shows across-the-board support for his gun control law, Gov. Andrew Cuomo sparred with New York Post columnist Fred Dicker on his Talk-1300 radio show."

"Dicker, who has been critical of the measure’s provisions that update the state’s assault weapons ban and for the way in which it was passed through the Legislature, began the interview by telling the governor the law was one of the more 'divisive' in New York history."

"Needless to say, Cuomo disagreed."
"'It’s not divisive, it’s passion,' Cuomo said. 'They’re passionate in their opposition.'"
"To use Cuomo’s word, the gun control law has indeed created a passionate — and negative — response ..." ...

NY: Cuomo takes to the air to defend SAFE Act
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"Gov. Andrew Cuomo returned to Fred Dicker’s Talk 1300 AM radio program Thursday morning, and spent most of his time addressing the Tuesday passage of the NY SAFE Act. The radio host has been hammering the legislation, and Cuomo, for several days, leading Capitol observers to wonder if the cozy relationship between the two had hit the rocks." ...

NY: Additions to be made to gun laws for law enforcement
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"A troubling oversight has been found within New York State's sweeping new gun laws."

"The ban on having high-capacity magazines, as it's written, would also include law enforcement officers."

"Magazines with more than seven rounds will be illegal under the new law when that part takes effect in March." ...

NC: Rights Watch Files Park Carry Suit Against Winston-Salem
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rights Watch International, the non-profit arm of Grass Roots North Carolina, has filed suit in Forsyth County Superior Court against the City of Winston-Salem. The case, Childs et al v. City of Winston-Salem et al, is seeking a declaratory judgment and a permanent injunction against Winston-Salem over the city's park carry ordinance on the grounds that it exceeded its authority, is unconstitutionally vague, and violates both the North Carolina and US Constitution." ...

Will the NRA take New York's new gun control law to court?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association says it will take to court New York’s tough new gun bill, signed into law by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) on Tuesday."

"The new law, called New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act or NY SAFE Act, is particularly tough on the high-capacity ammunition magazines used in semiautomatic assault rifles. Residents of the state will not be allowed to use magazines that carry more than seven rounds and will be required to sell, within a year, any magazines that hold eight or more rounds." ...

The Next Second Amendment War
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Still, there is a hot question bouncing around the lower courts: whether the constitutional right to bear arms, as laid out in Heller and McDonald, extends outside the home. The answer matters especially, but not only, for how tightly the states or Congress can limit people from carrying concealed weapons. Judges are dividing on that question, and the upshot is this: If the Supreme Court wants to stop the recognition of a right to bear arms outside the home, it will have to step up and say so."

"Judge Richard Posner basically dared the justices to do that in a December opinion for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit ..." ...

AL: And Another Sheriff Comes Out to Publicly Oppose Any New Gun Legislation!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Another sheriff, this time from AL, comes out to support the Second Amendment."

"Sheriff Hughes of Houston County, AL announced the following on Facebook." ...

OR: Another Oregon Sheriff Says He Will Not Enforce Any New Guns Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yet another sheriff throws his support behind his constituents."

"Just a day after we reported about this Oregon sheriff sending a letter to VP Biden saying he will oppose any new gun legislation, a second Oregon sheriff has joined him."

"Crook County Sheriff Jim Hensley said Tuesday he sent the same letter to Vice President Joe Biden that was sent Monday by Linn County Sheriff Tim Mueller." ...

IL: Clark County sheriff, authorities nationwide balk at gun control talk
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"A local sheriff followed suit with several law enforcement professionals across the country and publicly vowed to protect the Second Amendment despite debates over gun control in Springfield and Washington."

"Clark County Sheriff Jerry Parsley posted a message from the Clark County Sheriff's Office Facebook page around noon Thursday explaining his mission to protect the Constitution."

"'As your sheriff I take the responsibility in assuring that the law protecting you and protecting your rights are maintained,' the message said. 'I have taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and will do just that.'" ...

MS: MS Gov. Vows To Block Obama Orders on Guns (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mississippi is making national headlines after the Governor announced he would fight any limitations the President would put on the Second Amendment."

"Local state representatives say they are standing behind their governor who made his feelings clear at a news conference Wednesday."

"'It is our right to send a clear message to Washington D. C. and say that we will resist,' Governor Phil Bryant said." ...

GA: Gun Control — Sheriff reaffirms Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the aftermath of the recent criminal events, the president, vice president and many members of Congress are attempting to exploit the deaths of innocent victims by attempting to enact laws, restrictions and, even through use of executive order, prevent law-abiding American citizens from possessing certain firearms and ammunition magazines."

"As the duly elected sheriff of Cherokee County, I want you to know and understand my position on this issue."

"I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment."

"In Georgia, as in most states, sheriffs are elected constitutional officers. Duly elected sheriffs are held accountable by no one other than the electorate of their respective counties." ...

OR: Oregon Sheriffs Claim Gun Control Unconstitutional (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following the unveiling of new gun control measures- some executive orders and proposals made for congress, several Oregon Sheriff's called the presidents move a 'knee-jerk reaction' even though many hadn't seen the literature themselves.That let loose online debate about the constitution and the Second Amendment with some calling the presidents action unconstitutional." ...

Lawmakers, law enforcers talk of non-enforcement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From Oregon to Mississippi, President Barack Obama's proposed ban on new assault weapons and large-capacity magazines struck a nerve among rural lawmen and lawmakers, many of whom vowed to ignore any restrictions — and even try to stop federal officials from enforcing gun policy in their jurisdictions."

"'A lot of sheriffs are now standing up and saying, 'Follow the Constitution,' said Josephine County Sheriff Gil Gilbertson, whose territory covers the timbered mountains of southwestern Oregon." ...

SecDef: US Civilians Do Not Need “Assault Weapons”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Leon Panetta doesn’t think you should be able to own 'assault weapons,' whatever they are. This should surprise exactly nobody, considering that Panetta was President Clinton’s chief of staff when the original AWB was passed in 1994. But why is he using his position as Secretary of Defense as a bully pulpit to indoctrinate U.S. troops about the 2nd Amendment?"

"Speaking to U.S. troops at a base in Italy, the SecDef pontificated 'I’ve been duck hunting since I was 10-years-old. I love to hunt and I love to be able to share that joy with my kids. But for the life of me, I don’t know why the hell people have to have an assault weapon.'" ...

MA: Boston police officer charged with rape
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A veteran Boston police officer who has been suspended in the past for a domestic altercation pleaded not guilty on Monday to charges of raping and indecently assaulting a woman, officials said." ...

FL: Margate police officer fired for carrying guns while drunk at nightclub
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A rookie police officer has been fired for carrying guns while drunk at a Fort Lauderdale nightclub, according to Internal Affairs documents released Monday."

"The incident happened just before Halloween at the Off The Hookah nightclub at Riverfront after police were called to help a security guard with a patron described as 'extremely intoxicated.'" ...

GA: Trooper indicted for stealing marijuana
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Georgia State Patrol Trooper is indicted for stealing marijuana from the Post evidence locker, and giving it to teenage girls." ...

NY: Ex-trooper among 10 in region charged in mob trash-hauling probe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Reputed Genovese family associate Carmine “Papa Smurf” Franco and a recently retired state trooper from Peekskill were among 32 people indicted on federal charges Wednesday morning after a four-year investigation into organized crime’s influence on the carting industry in the New York metro area." ...

TN: Lawsuit filed against city and former Chattanooga officers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A lawsuit seeking $50 million in damages names two former Chattanooga police officers, the city of Chattanooga and Erlanger Health Systems after an inmate sustained a compound fracture and other injuries from a beating by officers."

"The 22-page lawsuit filed today in Hamilton County Circuit Court by Adam Tatum’s attorney, alleges officers 'bludgeoned, strangled and battered' his client, causing six fractures to his right leg and two fractures to his left leg." ...

WATCH: Andrea Mitchell argues government can infringe on Americans' 'inalienable rights'
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"MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell on Wednesday argued that even Americans’ 'inalienable rights' may be infringed upon by the federal government, including our freedom of speech and Second Amendment rights."

"The claim may seem outrageous, but here’s how Mitchell defended her stance after her guest claimed the Obama administration can’t infringe upon Americans’ inalienable rights:" ...

"'Well, they can be infringed ... so every right also carries with it responsibilities and obligations.'"

"In response, Eric[h] Pratt, of Gun Owners for[sic] America, provided a well thought out analogy that seemingly dismantled Mitchell’s argument." ...

OH: Ohio media outlet releases name of teacher authorized to go armed at Orrville City Schools
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Williams Co., Ohio's Montpelier Schools Board of Education made the announcement that they would allow certain employees to carry concealed in the school as a part of their security plans, we noted that the school was not the first school in Ohio to allow certain members of its staff to go armed ..." ...

"These schools, however, have made the choice not to release this information about their security plan publicly, to prevent the information from being used against them in a potential attack."

"Despite the knowledge of this risk, WEWS's (NBC Cleveland) Dave Arnold is reporting that a public records request has revealed that Orrville City Schools in Ohio's Wayne County has also made the decision to allow an armed employee into the building." ...

NY: Journal News map-listed guns, permits stolen from New City home, cops say
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"Two handguns and two pistol permits were stolen from the New City home of a man whose name and address are listed on the website of a local newspaper as possessing gun permits, police said."

"The thieves ransacked the house Wednesday night, breaking into two safes on the home's third floor and stealing a third safe. The guns were in the stolen safe, police said."

"Clarkstown police said they had no evidence the burglary was connected to the controversial map." ...

The War of the States
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the 23 executive actions that Obama has set forth on top of his desire to reinstate the assault weapons ban one can see the federal fight shaping up for the future of the 2nd Amendment. But I wonder if that is where the real fight is going to take place."

"I think that for every New York State, that pushes senseless and ineffective measures under the auspices of reducing gun violence, you will have a half dozen states like Texas and Wyoming who seek to strengthen their gun rights. States that are going so far as arresting federal agents who try and enforce federally backed infringements to the 2nd Amendment." ...

American Preppers Network: New York Gun Ban Will Get Ugly
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'We have around 600 Facebook members from rural New York who are affected by the New York gun ban,' Phil Burns told TTAG in the SHOT Show press room. 'They’re liberty-minded, self-reliant. They have firearms [that hold more than seven rounds] and Cuomo wants them and they’re not likely to give them over happily.' So what happens if the local SWAT team comes calling? . . ."

"The man behind American Preppers Network reckons 'It’s gonna be bad. ...'" ...

Maryland Shall Issue Needs Your Help
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"Patrick Shomo, President of Maryland Shall Issue, has requested our help in getting the word out. We've seen what happened in New York and Maryland could be next. Gov. Martin O'Malley (D-MD) like Andrew Cuomo has his eyes on the White House and is not above trashing the Second Amendment to get there." ...

I'm Proud Of My Local Military Surplus Store
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"I've written in the past about Old Grouch Military Surplus. They are my local military surplus store and harken back to the days when surplus stores were just that. On Tuesday, they took a stand in support of the gun owners of New York who just had their Second Amendment rights trampled upon." ...

Ammo Shortages Widespread, Gun Stocks Surge As Obama Pushes For Tighter Controls
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"Charles Biddle of Downers Grove, Ill., considers himself a gun-control moderate. He said he is agnostic on whether the government should ban, for example, the kind of high-capacity magazines used in many of the recent mass shootings that occurred around the country."

"But that hasn't stopped him from spending about $1,000 over the last month to stock up on high-capacity magazines and other assault-style accessories for his AR-15. He would have spent more, he said, but for a problem reported by many gun owners across the U.S. who are loading up on supplies in advance of proposed new legislation to restrict firearm sales: Gun store shelves are cleaned out, leaving only online retailers charging outrageous prices ..." ...

OR: Lane County Sheriff says court has final say on guns
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"In contrast to some other county sheriffs across Oregon and the country, Lane County Sheriff Tom Turner is putting his faith in the U.S. legal system, including the Supreme Court."

"Turner on Thursday released a letter asserting that neither he, nor any other U.S. citizen, has the right to determine which laws are legally valid and which ones are not."

"That’s a job, ultimately, for the Supreme Court, he said."

"Turner released his letter, addressed to Lane County residents, in the wake of other law enforcement officials who have declared that they may ignore any restrictions the federal government imposes as part of President Obama’s proposed ban on new assault weapons and large-capacity ammunition clips." ...

OH: Sheriff: Butler County schools to have armed substitute teacher
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"The Dayton Daily News is reporting that Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones has announced a retired officer will serve in Butler County schools as an armed substitute teacher." ...

"This is the second decision by an Ohio school system to publicly announce a plan to arm school personnel. William's County's Montpelier schools made the announcement last week." ...

MI: Milford store participating in National Gun Appreciation Day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 2008, then-presidential candidate Barack Obama spoke of small-town residents 'cling(ing) to guns or religion' — insulting some citizens nationwide and fueling concern that rights under the United States Constitution could be jeopardized by an Obama administration."

"More than four years later, and just days before Obama takes his second oath of office as president, the Second Amendment right to bear arms is under extreme scrutiny and, some believe, under threat." ...

FL: Gun Appreciation Day moniker doesn’t go far enough
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In case you haven’t been paying attention, Saturday will be our nation’s first celebration of Gun Appreciation Day."

"'Go to your local gun store, gun range or gun show with your Constitution, American flags and your 'Hands off my Guns' sign to send a loud and clear message to Congress and President Obama,' says the Gun Appreciation Day website."

"I’m not sure why you need to bring the Constitution to the gun range. I would think the ranges supply paper depictions of human targets to shoot holes in." ...

MI: America does not need more gun control, it needs better control of mentally ill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with our gun control laws as they now stand. Well, maybe with the exception of how they are written in violation of the Second Amendment of United States Constitution."

"The problem is not the guns. The problem is the people who get a hold of the guns. As long as we had mental health institutions we never had any major mass gun incidents." ...

AZ: Legislation fears spur high gun show prices
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than 20,000 people are expected to be at the Crossroads of the West Gun Show this weekend taking place at the State Fairgrounds in Phoenix."

"Many of them will be looking for AR-15 semi-automatic rifles, which are practically impossible to find at Valley firearms dealers because of fears they could be banned."

"Thanks to the banning fear, items that used to sell for around $1,000 dollars at a Crossroads show will be much higher now."

"'It's difficult to find something for $1,800 but they're still available,' said Bob Templeton with the show."

"Templeton said $2,000 for an AR-15 might seem like a bargain in just a few short months." ...

NJ: Nation's freedoms based on right to bear arms
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"Those who advocate the government further restricting gun ownership or banning guns altogether have absolutely no idea what the Second Amendment is really about. It is not about hunting."

"Read the Second Amendment: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

"What part of 'shall not be infringed' do anti-gun folks not understand?" ...

OK: Repealing the Second Amendment possible
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"Some people are missing from the gun debate. They're the people who think the Second Amendment should be repealed altogether and guns should be regulated like cars. They're the people who think that owning and using a gun should be a regulated privilege, rather than a constitutional right. These people need to get organized and get to work. That's because there's no chance of a reasonable compromise without somebody pulling just as hard as the National Rifle Association, but in the opposite direction." ...

NH: Find common ground before next mass murder
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"Concerning Mr. Lesser's recent column, the Second Amendment is about protection from foreign invasion. We did not have a state militia when the Second Amendment was written. Only the most disillusioned would believe that U.S. military personnel would take part in any domestic takeover."

"Universal background checks seem reasonable ..."

"Police or armed guards in all schools is foolishness. In order to stop one person with a semi-automatic military style weapon with high-capacity magazines, each door and window would need to be guarded. In New Hampshire, we do not care to pay for the most basic education, nor do we embrace government interference with local issues. ... Turning schools into fortresses is not conducive to education." ...

NY: Citizens never asked what gun control they want
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"Once again, New York has shown the country how ignorant and dysfunctional it is. Elected officials passed gun legislation stripping citizens of the right to bear arms, the right to choose, the right to own, the right to free commerce."

"These elected officials supposedly work for the people, but they never asked citizens what they wanted. ..." ...

FL: Second Amendment protects citizens from government (first letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Regarding the letter 'Time to disarm all but police,' the writer stated, 'For every law-abiding citizen who foils a crime with a gun, 20 crimes are committed with a gun.' I ask which group he would rather be in, the 5 percent who take care of themselves and others or the 95 percent who are happy to be victims?" ...

UT: Own up on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We live in a democracy that depends in no small part on the glue of the U.S. Constitution to hold it together. Regardless of your position on the Second Amendment and gun control, we need to respect the legal rights of the people as determined by Congress and the Supreme Court."

"Gun ownership is legal for almost everyone. I do not agree with that interpretation of the Second Amendment, but I respect that right as much as I respect the right to free speech."

"What I don’t respect is the lack of responsibility that gun advocates have for the gun culture they have created. ..." ...

CA: Get real on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let us be real about gun control. I believe in the Second Amendment of our Constitution. But let us be real. The authors of the Constitution had no idea of automatic weapons."

"The weapons today that are made for war certainly did not exist when our forefathers wrote the Constitution. And I do not think our forefathers would approve of weapons of mass destruction like AK-47s, etc., taking the lives of innocent people in the United States" ...

SD: SD Gun rights group reacts to Obama's executive orders (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"While the NRA is promising the 'fight of the century' over the president's call for action, we wanted to know what other gun advocacy groups are thinking."

"South Dakota Open Carry agrees with some of the president's points, like urging congress to require universal background checks."

"But Jesse Rierson of South Dakota Open Carry he had differing opinions on parts of the president's executive orders on gun control."

"He told us much of the debate on gun control is not focusing on the right issues."

"For Rierson, exercising your right to bear arms is not about hunting. He says it goes back to our founding fathers." ...

UT: Man raises questions after carrying rifle into JC Penney (video available)
Submitted by: repeal1968guncontrolact

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"Pictures of a man carrying a rifle inside a big box store in Riverdale are raising a lot of eyebrows. The woman who took them tells KSL the man had no business bringing the gun where he did."

"It was supposed to be just a regular trip to the JC Penney. Wednesday night, Cindy Yorgason was in line to return something when she saw a man with some pretty heavy fire power." ...

Submitter's note: I like this guy. All you pro gun folk who say the guy shouldn't have done this and made us look bad are WEAK. This is exactly what we need to take away the emotional b.s. of the public, which was trained into them by the media. Sure, the media will report this in a biased way, but triple the number of open carriers and slowly the public starts to accept it and realize that AR15 does not equal spree killer.

British Engineering Student Builds Functional, Life Size Replicas of Popular Guns Using Legos
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On the lighter side of the news, 18 year old British student Jack Streat is making Internet waves by building life size, functional replicas of popular guns using only Legos."

"The weapons fire small projectiles similar to toy Nerf guns." ...

"Sadly, this is pretty much one of the only ways British firearms enthusiasts can enjoy this style of weapon."

Australia: Local laws on firearm ownership hit the mark
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"TODAY is Gun Appreciation Day in the United States. Don't care? Well, you should. Because it again reinforces how far apart we are from America on the gun issue."

"And for that we can be thankful."

"And it also shows that we need to be careful we don't swing too hard towards tighter gun control that will affect legitimate users of firearms."

"We really need to appreciate that we don't have the absurdity of the US Constitution's Second Amendment ..."

"The authors of the amendment never had assault rifles and semi-automatic pistols in mind."

"Yet the nutcases of America's National Rifle Association have distorted the amendment to whip up a religious fervour over gun ownership." ...

In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all — security, comfort, and freedom. When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give to them, when the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again. — EDWARD GIBBON [On ancient Athens]

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