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David Codrea: We're the Only Ones Worth Protecting Enough
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man shot dead by police at a village near Sevenoaks in Kent had been reported wielding an Uzi-type sub-machine gun ..."
"Wait a minute--are you saying 'gun control' in the UK doesn't stop criminals from getting guns?"

"Unarmed Kent Police officers went to Stansted village on Saturday morning in response to a call that a man was threatening a member of the public ..."
"So if a member of the public's life is being threatened, someone who is prohibited by law from protecting himself, that's not important enough to send someone 'round capable of giving him the protection he's denied?"

"Two armed response units joined the officers and challenged the man ..."
"But once 'The Only Ones' feel threatened, the means of defense are made available?" ...

John Longnecker: Critique Of The Virginia Tech Review Panel: Nothing Has Changed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In analyzing the Virginia Tech Review Panel's Report to the Governor since it came out, I have praise for the overall analysis. I have praise for the Police and EMS who responded with a well-organized response plan. It was a good report, but I have criticisms for Virginia Tech itself, of course, for her conclusions."

"... The Review is replete with mistaken assumptions, not in the reporting, but in conclusions, perhaps well-meaning, perhaps hostile, but in the end, immaterial, because it refuses to address one of the most effective and legal ways to meet the problem of school shooters — especially in Virginia." ...

2008: The Year of the Second Amendment?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"OK--perhaps the title is a bit overly dramatic, but District of Columbia v. Heller gives me reason for optimism. Without wanting to count my chickens before they hatch, I have some confidence that the Supreme Court will indeed find that the Second Amendment means what it says, and that the government cannot ban gun ownership."

"I base that confidence on a number of factors (one of which being the growing shrillness on the part of the citizen disarmament advocates), but perhaps the most important of them is the fact that even Constitutional scholars who have little enthusiasm for gun rights ... are finding themselves unable to sustain the rhetorical gymnastics required to plausibly argue a 'collective right' interpretation ..." ...

DC: Killings increase in DC after dropping for 5 years
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Homicides rose 7 percent in the District of Columbia in 2007 following several years of decline, an increase that police attributed in part to violence stemming from gang fights and drugs."

"The city had recorded 181 killings as of late Monday, up from a 21-year low of 169 homicides in 2006. The number of killings had been dropping since 2002. Nonfatal shootings and other gun crimes also were up, according to preliminary police data."

"The increase in violence comes as the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments this year on whether the district's 31-year ban on handgun ownership violates the Constitution. The case could produce the most in-depth examination of the right to 'keep and bear arms' in nearly 70 years." ...

DC: City Officials To File Briefs In D.C. Gun Ban Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"City officials must file legal briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court this week on why justices should not overturn the city's 30-year-old ban on handguns in homes ..."

"Acting D.C. Attorney General Peter Nickles will file the city's formal brief on Friday, kicking off the 2008 defense of the law ..."

"D.C. officials said they fear violent crimes will increase if the Supreme Court overturns the ban."

"The district's 2007 murder rate was slightly higher than in 2006, but still far lower than record numbers in the 1980s and 1990s."

"Opponents of the ban say it violates the constitutional right to bear arms. They say the city's crime rate might drop if homeowners were given the ability to defend themselves." ...

MS: Teen kills intruder in county's 1st homicide of the year
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A teen shot and killed a home intruder Sunday night, stopping a theft in progress ... said Sheriff Martin Pace."

"Found dead in front of a mobile home in South Warren County was Jonathan Bruce ..." ...

"Pace said the adults who lived in the home where Bruce was shot made a living as street vendors. He said Bruce and two other men had forced their way into the mobile home ... The teen and several other juveniles were alone when the trio entered."

"Pace said after the men got inside, they started 'loading up merchandise' until the teen got a shotgun and fired it at Bruce, who had a handgun in his pocket. After being shot, Bruce turned and walked out onto the lawn, where he was found when deputies arrived ..." ...

MN: Mpls. teen shot by off-duty officer suffers non-life threatening injuries
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A teenager shot by an off-duty Minneapolis police officer suffered a non-life-threatening injury over the weekend in north Minneapolis, police said.

Police spokesman Sgt. Jesse Garcia said the officer was in uniform and working security for the Kemps dairy company when he saw the 17-year-old shooting at the occupants of a parked van on Sunday.

Garcia said the teen refused the officer's order to drop his handgun, so the officer - who feared for his life - shot at him. The teen was taken to North Memorial Medical Center in Robbinsdale.

It's not known why the teen was shooting at the van. The occupants weren't hurt.

The officer, whose name was not released, was placed on routine three-day paid administrative leave.

Fired, for doing the right thing: the 'Culture of Sheep' strikes again
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On a chilly December night, John Schultz had just clocked out for a break at the Whole Foods store in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He heard the manager yell there was a shoplifter trying to exit the store. Having been a US Marine, with a sense of duty, John was not about to let this miscreant get away with his crime. ..."

"The next day, Christmas Eve, John was called into the office. For doing the right thing, the 'sheep' at Whole Foods fired this fine young man. It seems they have a policy against 'touching' a customer…As I read this comment, I thought, 'the crook is a customer?' It never ceases to amaze me how many ... have adopted the moronic attitude of let the criminal have their way, lay down and submit. ..." ...

Chris Matthews: GOP Candidates Want to Kill Bugs Bunny
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Sunday's The Chris Matthews Show, the host used one of Mike Huckabee's Iowa photo-ops as an excuse to launch into an elitist attack on Republicans and hunters. 'Who made killing small animals the test of Republican manhood?' Matthews challenged at the top of his show. Over a clip of a vintage Looney Tunes cartoon, Matthews further upped the ante: 'Who declared war on Bugs Bunny?!'"

"Later with his panel, an appalled Matthews noted how Huckabee 'told a reporter that he loved to bag squirrels because he fried ’em up and ate ’em with biscuits and a Coca-Cola. What have we come to!'" ...

Ron Paul Praised by American Cops
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While most of the politicians vying for their party's nomination for President of the United States pay lip service to the nation's law enforcement officers, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) is actually doing something to earn the respect and gratitude of America's cops, according to many police officers and organizations." ...

"... Congressman Ron Paul believes that the Second Amendment is 'not about duck hunting.' It is an individual right that is guaranteed. He stated that he believes it is about the citizenry having the ability to restrain tyrannical governments and would be dictators."

"He believes the Second Amendment is about self-defense from criminal attack and from governments that break away from the chains of the Constitution. ..." ...

Ron Paul's opinions on various issues
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Second Amendment"

"I share our Founders' belief that in a free society each citizen must have the right to keep and bear arms. They ratified the Second Amendment knowing that this right is the guardian of every other right, and they all would be horrified by the proliferation of unconstitutional legislation that prevents law-abiding Americans from exercising this right."

"I have always supported the Second Amendment and these are some of the bills I have introduced in the current Congress to help restore respect for it:"

"H.R. 1096 includes provisions repealing the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act and the Federal Firearms License Reform Act of 1993, two invasive and unconstitutional bills." ...

Candidates ring out the year with verbal fireworks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Eyes puffy and voices hoarse, presidential hopefuls Sunday did their best to get in final digs at their opponents before New Year's ..." ...

"Huckabee attacked Romney for claiming to support gun-owner rights after backing restrictions on firearms and for touting opposition to abortion after approving a $50 co-pay for elective abortions under Massachusetts' health-care plan."

"'Those are not the marks of a person who's pro-life and pro-Second Amendment,' Huckabee said."

"But Romney fired back, saying ... he does not support any new gun-control laws, including any new ban on semiautomatic weapons." ...

Submitter's Note: So he'd be okay with the old ban?

IA: Editor's Mailbag: The Iowa Caucuses
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Thompson is right for the job"

"By ROBERT E. WOLFF, Clear Lake"

"I will attend the Iowa caucus on Jan. 3 and will support the only candidate with clear principles and the right priorities to lead this great country. That candidate is Fred Thompson."

"He is pro-life, pro Second Amendment, pro national defense and he always has been these things. He does not have to make excuses for his record, unlike some candidates. I urge anyone that plans to attend the caucus to consider Fred Thompson. He is the best candidate with the experience and the wisdom supported by the right values and principles to be our next president." ...

OH: All Politicians are not the Same - an Interview with State Sen. Tim Schaffer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Our second interview of pro-gun politicians is with State Senator Tim Schaffer, a long time defender of the 2nd Amendment, and friend to gun owners in Ohio. Senator Schaffer followed a productive career in the Ohio House ... with his new position in the Senate."

"In his short time in the Senate he has started off ... with resolute support of self-defense rights and Ohioans right to keep and bear arms."

"Chatting with Senator Schaffer left no doubt about his strong feelings for gun rights and gun voters based on his statement that, 'pro-gun voters mean the world to me, they are resolute, dependable, they say what they mean, mean what they say and are dedicated to preserving constitutional rights.'" ...

Miranda v. Arizona, U.S. Supreme Court, "and who, without it, can only engage in violent self-help with guns, knives and the help of their neighbors similarly inclined", June 13, 1966
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"...and that's why you carried a gun -- for your own protection..."

"..."illegitimate and unconstitutional practices get their first footing . . . by silent approaches and slight deviations from legal modes of procedure."..."

"...Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rulemaking or legislation which would abrogate them..."

"...The real concern is not the unfortunate consequences of this new decision on the criminal law as an abstract . . . but the impact on those who rely on the public authority for protection, and who, without it, can only engage in violent self-help with guns, knives and the help of their neighbors similarly inclined..."

NY: DEC to stop using bullets made of lead
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The state Department of Environmental Conservation is reducing its negative impact on the environment by giving up lead-based bullets used for firearms training in favor of less harmful 'green' ammunition, Commissioner Alexander 'Pete' Grannis announced Monday."

"'(The) DEC is committed to leading the way in finding new ways -- large and small -- to reduce the amount of contamination that is released into our environment,' the commissioner said in statement. 'DEC's 464 environmental conservation officers and forest rangers are leading the state by implementing a common-sense change to use non-toxic ammunition in order to protect public health and the environment from the effects of lead.'" ...

Philippines: Traffic enforcer, policemen charged
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two policemen and a traffic enforcer were charged in court with frustrated robbery and intimidation upon persons."

"Senior Police Officer 1 Glen Burlas, Senior Police Officer 4 Rolando Evalle ... and Tabunok traffic enforcer Niño Bacalso were charged before the Regional Trial Court for extorting P1,000 from taxi driver Alfredo Nacilla."

"Nacilla said Bacalso stopped him ... while on his way to a construction site. Evalle joined them and confiscated his driver’s license." ...

"Nacilla said Burlas demanded P1,000 from him and the case against him will be dropped upon payment." ...

"Graft Investigator and Prosecution Officer Katherine Legarda-Pajaron said conspiracy existed between the policemen and the traffic enforcer." ...

TN: Give legal gun owners a break
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the turn of the new year, criminals using guns in the commission of a felony will receive drastically tougher criminal sentencing in Tennessee. The new 'Crooks with Guns' law is a victory for law enforcement officers and regular citizens alike."

"Now, so-called conservatives from both parties in the Tennessee General Assembly should turn some of their energy and attention on the issue of gun laws to drawing down some of the financial drain government regulation causes law-abiding gun owners."

"The math is pretty simple. In order for a Tennessee resident to legally own and carry a firearm for self-defense purposes, state government exacts somewhere in the neighborhood of $200 to $300 in fees, taxes and charges." ...

NY: A scary number
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the pocket-sized city of Kingston, police in 2007 confiscated 22 illegal guns. That number, nearly twice the amount confiscated in 2006, should make residents sit up and take notice." ...

"And the U.S. Supreme Court has taken up a case that could remake the legal landscape for weapons ownership in America."

"The increasingly conservative court will decide in 2008 whether the Second Amendment primarily protects the collective right of a militia to be armed or the rights of individuals to keep a weapon. ... the case potentially could have an effect on the efforts of local policing agencies, including the Kingston Police Department, to limit the spread of firearms, particularly handguns." ...

Canada: Police bust cap gun caper
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Scott Drakeford ... and two friends had been in the basement of his father's house working on a high school film festival entry when there was a loud knock at the door. ..."

"When he opened the door he saw a Toronto police officer, 'heavily armed' ..." ...

"... The police and the Emergency Task Force were called to his father's home ... after a neighbour saw a young man brandishing what appeared to be a gun. In fact, it was a cap gun."

"... Drakeford was running a bit late. His friends were waiting for him on the front porch. When he got there one of his friends took out the cap gun and jokingly shouted: 'Freeze.' ..."

"Meanwhile, a neighbour saw the episode and called police, thinking it was a real incident. ..." ...

The triumph of persuasion over force is the sign of a civilized society. — MARK SKOUSEN

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