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Newslinks for 1/26/2008

NRA offers free program to students
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The National Rifle Association is now accepting applications for the 2008 NRA Youth Education Summit, a free summer program for high school sophomores and juniors."

"Forty students from across the United States will be selected to spend a week with NRA staff in Washington, D.C. Attendees are responsible only for transportation to and from Washington, D.C." ...

BREAKING NEWS!! Judge DENIES ATF's Request for Summary Judgment, Red's Trading Post case now goes on to trial
Submitted by: ChareltonHest

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"US District Court Judge Edward J. Lodge has denied the BATFE's request for summary judgment in our case and has moved it on to trial. Here is a copy of the memorandum order:"

"I am of course bouncing off the walls in excitement, it has been nearly a year now that the ATF moved to revoke our license after 72 years in business. ..." ...

"Gun Owners Foundation has set up a tax deductible legal defense fund in our name. Since I hate asking for money, I would rather people support us in another way...BUY A GUN!!" ...

I'll Trade That Tax Rebate For Something With A Chrome Finish
Submitted by: Randall Walker

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"Thank you President Bush, Speaker Pelosi and Sen. Reid for the neat little rebate you plan to give me to help jump-start the economy. ..."

"Until now, I guess I never understood your unwavering belief in me and my power over the economy. Thus, I am truly humbled that you have empowered me with this awesome responsibility."

"Soooo, in order to help boost the economy, I plan to immediately plow that 'up to $1,200' right back into my community with a local retailer. There is a nicely-fitted little chromed item I have had my eye on for some time now."

"It needs a home. I will give it a home. And in doing so, I will do my part as a patriotic American to support your economic stimulus package, and our future."

Wolfowitz to head arms control panel
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"PAUL Wolfowitz, an architect of the war in Iraq in the Bush administration who became World Bank president only to resign in a pay scandal, has been named head of a US government advisory panel on arms control." ...

"The ISAB is 'a source of independent insight, advice, and innovation on all aspects of arms control, disarmament, nonproliferation, political-military issues, and international security and related aspects of public diplomacy.'"

"'The ISAB provides analysis and insight into current issues of interest for the secretary on a regular basis,' the department said." ...

"Mr Wolfowitz ... agreed to leave his [World Bank] post on June 30 in the face of accusations he violated bank rules in arranging a promotion for his girlfriend, a bank employee." ...

Guns in national parks is a bad idea
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Every now and then, the people who work for us in Washington, D.C., propose a solution to a problem that doesn't exist."

"That's what happened last week when 47 senators proposed ending regulations that forbid carrying firearms in national parks."

"It's a foolish idea."

"The senators said the no-firearms rule in national parks 'infringe on the rights of law-abiding gun owners who wish to transport and carry firearms on or across these lands.'"

"What a load of hooey."

"It's easy to transport a pistol, shotgun or rifle in a national park. All you have to do is unload the weapon ... put it into a case and then stow it in the car trunk or some other secure place that isn't easily accessible to the people in the vehicle." ...

Matthews Machine-Guns 2nd Amendment: 'I Want People Disarmed'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Living in the DC area, Chris Matthews has surely been stuck in traffic more than once behind someone sporting the classic NRA bumper sticker: 'If Guns Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Have Guns.' Was Chris was listening too intently to NPR to consider the the truth of that pithy aphorism? You might think so, considering his anti-gun rant that seemed to assume that criminals, rather than law-abiding citizens, will obey restrictions on gun ownership."

"On this evening's Hardball, riffing off Mitt Romney's Second Amendment defense during last night's GOP debate, Chris took aim at National Review's Deroy Murdock, a Giuliani backer." ...

IN: Assault rifle discovery raises questions for Purdue students, city
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have noisy neighbors; that I can deal with." ...

"But last week, police found a loaded AK-47 assault rifle in one of my neighbors' apartment. ..."

"West Lafayette Police Chief Jason Dombkowski said the gun was loaded with 30 rounds, with additional magazines of ammunition nearby ..." ...

"As of right now, the student is facing only drug charges. Why are there no charges concerning the weapon? Answer: The gun was probably in the residence legally."

"I spoke with Dombkowski last week and he said the state requires permits for handguns but not necessarily for ... rifles. Because the federal assault weapons ban expired in 2004, if you can pass a background check, you can legally own such automatic guns[sic]." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

UK: 'I decided to die like a man', says tycoon who took on 'armed gang who threatened to kill his daughter'
Submitted by: none

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"A millionaire yesterday told how he fought off three armed burglars who were holding a knife to his daughter's throat, saying he 'would rather die like a man than a dog'."

"Bernard Dwyer, 51, was convinced he and his family were about to be killed so he chose to take on the men ..."

"Mr Dwyer came to his 13-year-old daughter Aisling's rescue after hearing her piercing screams for help ..."

"Despite being threatened with a gun, stabbed three times in the head and beaten unconscious with a knuckle-duster, Mr Dwyer fought back as one of his attackers screamed 'kill the b******'."

"He managed to wrestle a gun from one of the masked raiders and chased them from his luxury home ..." ...

KABA Note: If he'd had a gun to begin with he probably could have avoided the "broken ribs and 30 cuts to his body and head".

NY: Selden murder-suicide couple had troubled past
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Linda Murphy put her children on the school bus early Tuesday morning and walked back into her family's quaint Selden home ..."

"It was the last time she'd ever see her children."

"An hour later, Suffolk police said, her estranged husband, Sean Murphy, 38, against whom she had an order of protection, drove to Oakdale Avenue and committed a series of heinous crimes: He stabbed his wife dozens of times; brought a teenage girl to the house under the pretext of baby-sitting his children, and sexually assaulted her; and then killed himself with a shotgun ..." [emphasis added] ...

Submitter's Note: So Linda, how's that Colin Goddardesque 'full trust in the police' thing working out for your?

Why John McCain is wrong for the right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For conservatives with long memories, John McCain is about the worst possible Republican presidential nominee - unless, of course, anyone still thinks Mike Huckabee actually has a shot at the brass ring, or you like seeing the GOP split asunder. And the reason why can perhaps best be summed up in two words: McCain-Feingold." ...

"... If John McCain can chuck the First Amendment overboard, no other constitutional protections would be safe under his watch either. Indeed, Sen. McCain has also gone after the Second Amendment with efforts to close the so-called 'gun show loophole.' But for gun rights advocates, that was no 'loophole.' It was just another chapter in the gun-grabbers never-ending quest to disarm American citizens." ...

Mitt Romney And The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"During the debate last night, Mitt Romney was asked about his support of Brady and a ban on assault weapons."

"MR. ROMNEY: I do support the Second Amendment, and I believe that this is an individual right of citizens and not a right of government. And I hope the Supreme Court reaches that same conclusion."

"I also, like the president, would have signed the assault weapon ban that came to his desk. I said I would have supported that and signed a similar bill in our state. It was a bill worked out, by the way, between pro-gun lobby and anti-gun lobby individuals. ..." ...

VA: Dueling Banjos: Saslaw responds, makes matter worse
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "... The spectacle of armed men and women trolling the halls of the General Assembly makes some lawmakers nervous, especially those who represent areas of the state that generally support gun control."

"According to Pierce [cofounder of Open], Saslaw said 'I see we're debating a gun bill. Half of the cast of 'Deliverance' is in town,' ..."

"In an interview today, Saslaw didn't deny he made the remark. But he added, 'How do they know I was referring to them and not the other side? I never said anything other than we must be debating the gun bill. I never said which side. Some of those people must have one hell of an inferiority complex.'" [emphasis added]

NY: Bloomberg's gun sting not illegal, judge says
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A federal judge said Friday that Mayor Michael Bloomberg's administration did not commit a crime when it sent undercover investigators into gun shops to attempt illegal weapons purchases."

"The city, which is suing the gun dealers, said the ruling was good news for its case, but the gun dealers believe it may also help their argument that they didn't do anything wrong either." ...

"Gun rights advocates and organizations ... also have complained that Bloomberg's gun sting was a criminal stunt. And the Justice Department even did its own inquiry as to whether the city was out of bounds."

"But U.S. Magistrate Judge Cheryl Pollak said Friday the court had found 'that the city's actions do not constitute a crime or fraud.'" ...

PA: Nutter: Enforce Phila.'s gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mayor Nutter yesterday said he would enforce new city gun-control laws even without state authorization to do so - setting up a possible legal and political showdown between the state and the new mayor."

"At the first regular meeting of the new City Council yesterday, Council members Darrell L. Clarke and Donna Reed Miller introduced the same package of gun-control measures that languished last year while the state legislature refused to authorize them." ...

"'If these bills pass and if I sign them, then I expect to enforce them,' Nutter said. 'If you believe we can have a safer city by putting these measures in place, I think as good public servants we are compelled to take some type of action ...'" ...

VA: Two Virginia Tech Parents slander VCDL members
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "[Andrew] Goddard said that public opinion is overwhelmingly supportive of closing the gun show loophole and requiring background checks, 'even amongst gun owners' (including 70%-80% of NRA members). 'Background checks are not trying to remove anyone's right.' ... Andrew Goddard's comments here are classic:"

"While we would never consider from our side attacking anyone on the other side on a personal level because we respect their rights to own weapons if they're law abiding people. It appears that they do harbor amongst themselves a number of people that don't have the same moral character. And when you consider that those are people who are also armed, I think that in and of itself is a little disconcerting." [emphasis added] ...

IL: Gun proposal stirs debate, not action
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A proposed Cook County ordinance that would effectively put several gun shops out of business has enraged gun enthusiasts, but many political observers doubt it will garner the necessary votes to pass."

"Commissioner Larry Suffredin, an Evanston Democrat running for state's attorney, has proposed banning gun shows and severely limiting gun shop permits."

"He introduced the measure in December and immediately sent it to a committee he chairs. Suffredin admits he doesn't yet have the votes to pass it, but denies charges that the ordinance is simply an election-year measure he can tout in his state's attorney campaign." ...

OH: SB184 (Castle Doctrine): Senate Proponent/ Opponent hearing scheduled January 30
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senate Bill 184 will have a third hearing next week. The bill has been added to the Senate Judiciary on Criminal Justice Committee's agenda for January 30 at 10:00 a.m. in Senate Building, North Hearing Room."

"This legislation would restore the right of individuals to respond in force in defense of their lives and family without fear of civil lawsuits by criminals."

"The purpose for Wednesday's hearing is so that the committee may hear testimony on SB184 from proponents and opponents of the legislation, and other interested parties. Buckeye Firearms Association leaders will be on hand."

"Filling hearing rooms as this legislation nears a committee vote will make a serious statement of support. ..." ...

VA: Virginia Senator's 'Deliverance' comment riles gun-rights supporters
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Virginia man sparked a statewide political reaction after he said he heard the state Senate's majority leader insult rural gun owners while standing in a public elevator."

"'He turns to his companion and says, 'You can tell we're debating a gun bill today. Half the cast of 'Deliverance' is in town,' said John Pierce, a local gun-rights activist who was in Richmond to lobby the General Assembly against a bill to close the so-called gun-show loophole."

"'I was absolutely floored. ... I think what you're seeing is bigotry aimed at rural voters and the issues that they tend to support,' Pierce said." ...

Speech of Hon. A.P. Dostie, "which refuses freemen the right to hold public meetings, to preach, or to carry arms", Jan. 27, 1866
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"...We want no more Opelousas ordinance, which prohibits freedmen from coming to town without special permission; which prohibits them liberty on the streets after ten o'clock at night; which declares that freemen shall not reside within the limits of the town, unless they be in the regular service of some white person or former master; which refuses freemen the right to hold public meetings, to preach, or to carry arms; which refuses them the liberty to barter, or to sell goods, without the special permission of their employers, under the penalty of imprisonments, fines or hard labor on the public roads..."

In Committee Chamber, "in derogation of common right, depriving him of his arms, an infraction on liberty", Nov. 18, 1776
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"...and the time is hastening, when there can be no neutters, no drones in the hive;--As the restraining an Englishman to a single town is in derogation of common right, depriving him of his arms, an infraction on liberty, and recording him a tory, flaming him with infamy, & cannot be justified, but upon principles of public necessity: As a preparation for war, is a duty inspired by the laws of our being, and the weapons of death, are necessary for the preservation of our own and the lives of our neighbours..."

"...that it be recommended to the good people of this Town . . . equip themselves with every implement of war, as the necessary means of defence..."

The Governor of the State, To the People of South Carolina, "let the men stand with their arms in their hands . . . He is only safe who is armed", [1860-61(?)]
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"...I call now upon the people of South Carolina to rise up and defend, at once, their own rights and the honor of their State. I call upon every man to lay aside selfish considerations, and prepare to do his duty to his State. Let the suggestions of ease and comfort become inglorious and unworthy; let those ends only be honorable which conduce to the defeat of the foe; let all who falter now, or hesitate, be henceforth marked..."

"...If any one is so ignorant of the temper with which this war has been waged by the foe, as to suppose that resistance provokes punishment, which unarmed he would not incur, let him be quickly undeceived. He is only safe who is armed; he is only spared who defends himself..."

Printed from the New-York Gazetteer, "Not less than an hundred and fifty thousand gentlemen, women, and farmers, are now in arms, determined to preserve their liberties or perish", June 7, 1775
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"...I have ran through almost the whole colonies, from the north to the south, and from the south to the north. I have conversed with all orders of men, from the first estated gentlemen to the lowest planters and farmers, and can assure you that the same spirit animates the whole. Not less than an hundred and fifty thousand gentlemen, women, and farmers, are now in arms, determined to preserve their liberties or perish...."

"...What I have seen of courts and Princes convinces me, that power cannot be lodged in worse hands than in theirs; and of all courts I am persuaded that ours is the most corrupt and hostile to the rights of humanity...."

Commonwealth of Massachusetts, "and shall obtain an order for the re-delivery of such arms", Feb. 16, 1787
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"...Provided, they should deliver up their arms, and take and subscribe the oath of allegiance to this Commonwealth, within such time as might be limited by his Excellency, for that purpose:" ..."

" give such directions as he may think necessary, for the safe keeping such arms, in order that they may be returned to the person or persons who delivered the same, at the expiration of the said term of three years, in case such person or persons shall have complied with the conditions above-mentioned, and shall obtain an order for the re-delivery of such arms..."

" have borne arms against the Government of this Commonwealth, who afterwards voluntarily took up arms..."

FRAGMENT of an ORIGINAL LETTER, "Whenever, therefore, civil government tends to destroy and confound the rights of nature, it ceases to have any claim to our obedience; it becomes tyranny, corruption, and despotism", 1784
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"...But this cause is only the united cause and interest of every particular man; those rights which the Great Creator taught him to discover when he gave him season, which he urges him to defend by passion, and which a mind like yours prizes beyond all the gratifications of sense, and dares to grasp at even while it is perishing..."

"...On the contrary, every disposition, which, either by fraud or violence, tends to interrupt the personal security of individuals, or to deprive them of those things which they have acquired by their industry, is detrimental to the sum of happiness, and would, if carried to the greatest possible degree, entirely destroy that part of the species..."

NY: 5-year-old boy handcuffed in school, taken to hospital for misbehaving
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A 5-year-old boy was handcuffed and hauled off to a psych ward for misbehaving in kindergarten - but the tot's parents say NYPD school safety agents are the ones who need their heads examined."

"'He's 5 years old. He was scared to death,' Dennis Rivera's mother, Jasmina Vasquez, told the Daily News. 'You cannot imagine what it's done to him.'"

"Dennis - who suffers from speech problems, asthma and attention deficit disorder - never went back to class at Public School 81 in Queens after the traumatic incident." ...

NY: Cop in drug probe also accused of hiding another officer's gun from investigators
Submitted by: Dennis

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"A veteran cop suspended in the ongoing NYPD narcotics corruption probe is accused of hiding another officer's gun from investigators ..."

"Detective Ana Marie Raimondi, 42, was among six cops suspended as part of a corruption probe into Brooklyn South narcotics. The 20-year veteran got into trouble for helping Officer Jerry Bowens ..."

"Bowens got wind that he was going to be arrested by investigators ... and began calling his buddies at Brooklyn South narcotics, the sources said."

"He asked them to remove a long rifle he kept in his stationhouse locker so investigators wouldn't find it, the sources said."

"Whether Raimondi removed the weapon or simply knew about it and failed to tell her superiors was unclear yesterday." ...

NY: Detectives don't want jury in NYPD fatal shooting case
Submitted by: Dennis

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"Three detectives charged in the fatal shooting of an unarmed man on his wedding day want to tried by a judge, instead of a jury, prosecutors and a representative for the detectives' union said."

"A hearing was set for Friday afternoon to formalize the officers' plan to waive their right to a jury trial, said Michael Palladino, president of the Detectives' Endowment Association. The union is representing the officers."

"The hearing comes two days after an appeals court turned down defense lawyers' bid to move the trial out of New York City, rejecting their claims that the jury pool was 'incurably poisoned' because of publicity about the death of Sean Bell." ...

NY: Nassau district attorney tackles illegal guns
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"First drugs. Now guns."

"Two weeks after unveiling an ambitious plan to eradicate a tenacious drug market in Hempstead, Nassau District Attorney Kathleen Rice unleashed a crime strategy yesterday with county Police Commissioner Lawrence Mulvey that targets illegal guns by rooting out suppliers and severing national distribution lines."

"The plan includes undercover gun investigations and an effort to help those convicted of gun-related crimes from committing new crimes." ...

MI: Gun rights (third letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have read with interest the Pulse comments of David Lee Smith ('Trained officers and guns,' Jan. 2), Doug Anderson ('Just the gun facts,' Jan. 12), and the latest by Dick Ward ('The reach of gun rights,' Jan. 19) regarding Second Amendment gun rights. Mr. Smith and Mr. Ward apparently have never read any of the literature surrounding the adoption of the Second Amendment. If they had, they would know the following:"

"1. The phrase 'the right of the people' in the first, second, and fourth amendments, refers to individual rights."

"2. The term 'militia' in the second amendment was defined by the framers as 'the armed populace' or 'the body of the people, trained to arms.'" ...

The threat posed by humans to the natural environment is nothing compared to the threat to humans posed by global environmental policy. — FRED L. SMITH (1992)

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