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Newslinks for 1/26/2013

Fort Drum brass destruction threatens reloading supply and more
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Add to this another source of shortage: The Department of Homeland Security has bought up 'more than 10 times what U.S. troops used in a full year of Iraqi combat,' stoking fears that the government is preparing for some anticipated action. This is likely to provoke concerns among activist gun owners that the renewed brass destruction is intended for the purpose (articulated the last time this came up by ATK) of keeping it out of civilian hands while the government increases and hoards its stores as if its planning something big." ...

Feinstein gun ban bill draft now online
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"A draft of the much-anticipated 'assault weapon' ban bill authored by Sen. Dianne Feinstein was posted online this afternoon in advance of it's posting on the Library of Congress THOMAS legislative database site. Gun Rights Examiner has received a copy and posted it on the SCRIBD document archive site." ...

It’s Time to Accept Gun Limits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a recent letter to, William Kautz of South Lebanon, PA, makes the case that 'we should accept some gun limits.' It may come as a surprise to people who know my feelings on the subject of civil rights, but I actually agree with Bill. Everybody, across the country should accept whatever limits on gun ownership make them comfortable. Personally, I would set my gun limits as follows . . ." ...

Paul M. Bangiola, Esq. Responds to Bruce Krafft
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Paul M. Bangiola, Esq. wrote an editorial for called Shooting Holes in the Second Amendment. [Click here to read it.] TTAG’s Bruce Krafft wrote a response to that post entitled Shooting Holes in Shooting Holes in the Second Amendment. [Click here to read it.] Mr. Bangiola has now responded to Bruce’s response in the comments section underneath his post. I know, it’s all a bit confusing. Read the above links and make the jump or make the jump and then read the links. That didn’t help, did it? Anyway, props to Mr. B. for responding to all of his critics both here and on his own site . . ." ...

Second Amendment Foundation to Launch National Ad Campaign
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Aside from the NRA ad naming and shaming the President for his “guns of my daughters” hypocrisy, the battle against civilian disarmament has mostly been here, in the trenches. The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) plans on busting through the Maginot line next month with a nationwide print, radio and TV campaign. SAF Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb is tight-lipped (i.e. silent) about the message conveyed. Meanwhile, Alan told TTAG the SAF’s 10 lawyers are working on 30+ lawsuits, burning through $80k a month in fees. “Money is the mother’s milk of politics,” Alan said, not-so-subtly asking for a contribution to upend unconstitutional anti-gun laws like New York’s SAFE Act. ... Speaking of New York . . ." ...

The catch-22s surrounding universal background checks (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nobody wants criminals to be armed. Ever. That’s what makes the concept of the universal—that is to say mandatory—background checks so appealing. But in truth, the practice of mandatory background checks raises a lot of flags and may put the brakes on the entire background check system."

"Firearms ownership is a right. And in the U.S., that means a few things. Chiefly that firearms ownership may not be taxed and may not be registered. The Supreme Court and the Firearm Owners Protection Act (FOPA) have reinforced this: enumerated rights have a protected status. Unlike property, income or health insurance, rights cannot be taxed and registries are prohibited." ...

Poop on Groupon
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Internet 'daily deal site' Groupon traffics in big discounts for classes, steak dinners, and a broad variety of products and services. Not being much of an Internet denizen, I’ve never used them, though my significant other is one of their regulars. No more, though; she just swore them off in anger after Groupon announced they’ll have nothing to do with the gun industry or firearms instructors any longer. Many gun owners are doing the same, and making it known to the company." ...

Gun Laws and the Fools of Chelm†
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The individual is not only best qualified to provide his own personal defense, he is the only one qualified to do so."

"Karl Marx summed up Communism as 'from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.' This is a good, pithy saying, which, in practice, has succeeded in bringing, upon those under its sway, misery, poverty, rape, torture, slavery, and death."

"For the saying implies but does not name the effective agency of its supposed utopia. The agency is called 'The State,' and the motto, fleshed out, for the benefit of the easily confused must read 'The State will take from each according to his ability: the State will give to each according to his needs.' ..." ...

NRA Members strongly oppose new gun restrictions, poll finds
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Strong majorities of National Rifle Association members reject newly proposed gun restrictions, according to a survey released Thursday by the gun advocacy organization." ...

Meet Kevin Tully – Vet who passionately defended 2nd Amendment at anti-gun event
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Legal Insurrection has come across a YouTube video of a self-described veteran eloquently defending the Constitution at the recent anti-gun rally in Glenview, IL."

"That rally blew up in the faces of organizers and this video shows one example of many of why it went so poorly for those opposed to the Constitution and the rights it enshrines and protects." ...

HSGI "TACO" Universal Mag Pouch (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Sig Sauer MPX
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While not a lot of new products were introduced at SHOT this year, it’s fair to say that one of the new products was the darling of the show, and that was the Sig Sauer MPX. The LE/Military version and a couple of the civilian versions were on display at the SHOW, and were constantly surrounded by a crowd of onlookers, for good reason." ...

Gear Review: Marti Davis chooses the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield in 9mm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last April, Smith & Wesson unveiled the M&P Shield, in 9mm and .40 calibers. This past summer I had the chance to test out Smith & Wesson’s new M&P Shield 9mm. I also purchased another brand of 9mm, designed for conceal carry. So, I spent some time at the range with both pistols for a side-by-side comparison, using Winchester 115-grain full metal jacket target ammunition." ...

5 Shot Leather’s S.M.E Holster
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have mentioned in previous blog posts that I tend to favor Appendix Inside the Waist Band concealed carry, colloquially known as AIWB for short. While there are a number of different benefits to 'appendix carry', my primary reason for using it is quite simple: It’s better at hiding a pistol than just about any other method I’ve tried. One of the downsides of appendix carry is that shoving a handgun down the front of your pants can be quite uncomfortable." ...

9 Handguns enter ‘The Ugly Pistol Club’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let’s face it guys, most guns are a work of functional art that blends something mechanical into something magical. However, what can’t be denied is that there are a few firearms out there that never really worked out that magical part. Handguns it seems are the worst of the offenders, with more than a few horribly ugly designs floating around. Sure, this is a cosmetic issue and as long as the gun goes bang reliably, who really cares what it looks like? Well for those who do, we wrote this article." ...

2013 SHOT Show - Day 3 With Michael Bane & Ed Head (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I know the SHOT Show was over last week but I just came across this report from day three by Michael Bane and Ed Head. They discuss AR pistols, Nightforce scopes, the Ruger Bearcat Shopkeeper revolver in .22LR, and the growth in reloading sales. ..."

Doug Koenig On Speeding Up Your Draw (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Sheriffs vs feds -- Grandstanding is useless exercise
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In light of the Utah Sheriffs Association’s recent rant, there are a few clarifications to make concerning the changes in federal gun-control laws being proposed by President Obama." ...

"Assault weapons that can fire numerous times in seconds are designed for only one thing: killing large numbers of people. The military and law enforcement officers need that ability; ordinary law-abiding citizens do not." ...

Submitter's comment: The cacophony of the braying statist!

Second Amendment Hypocrites: Senators Schumer and Feinstein Pack Heat
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"A recent poll conducted by the National Association of Chiefs of Police indicated that almost 64 percent of police commanders and sheriffs favor a law allowing private citizens to carry concealed firearms for protection. Almost 73 percent said that citizens should not be restricted from purchasing more than one weapon, and 96 percent say they believe criminals obtain firearms from illegal sources." ...

"At the same time, there are outspoken opponents of gun ownership, such as Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Diane Feinstein (D-CA), who are carrying concealed weapons, according to WABC Radio's Mark Levin. Levin, a recognized constitutional expert, heads the Landmark Legal Foundation." ...

Submitted by: Anonymous

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"For its 2010 product line, Weatherby, Inc. decided to go after a growing segment of its market with a new offering: the PA-459 pump-action shotgun. The numbers in the model name weren’t chosen at random, or because they trip nicely over the tongue. 'Our new pump shotgun is named after Penal Code 459, which covers 'burglary in progress,' Brad Ruddell, Weatherby’s vice president of sales and marketing, said in a press release at the time. 'For this reason, we’ve been careful to do our homework in designing this firearm with features that deliver top-flight performance in threat response situations.'" ...

Submitter's comment: Most who regularly visit this Web site know that out in America, "The N.R.A. Dystopia" is cold, hard reality.

The ‘Playboy’ Rebel With a Taste for ‘Extreme Action’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"All this week, the Volokh Conspiracy is kindly allowing me to run excerpts from my newly released book, Invisible Armies: an Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare from Ancient Times to the Modern Day. Today’s section concerns Michael Collins, the strategist who was the driving force behind Irish success in winning independence from Britain in 1922:"

"Twenty-nine years old in 1919, Collins was already a veteran revolutionary who had spent time in a prison camp in Wales after taking part in the Easter Rising. He had grown up in county Cork, the youngest of eight children born to a prosperous if elderly farmer who died when Collins was still a boy." ...

GSL profiled in hometown paper
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Guns Save Life nailed down some very favorable publicity in the hometown paper. Dave Hinton, working for the Rantoul Press, came out and joined us at our last monthly meeting and it sounds as though he had a good time."

"He did interviews with the audience and met a surprising cross-section of the community."

"In reading it, there were a couple of minor errors, but from my own experience writing up what speakers say, I’m certainly less than flawless and make mistakes now and then with the little things." ...

NY: Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Black Rifle Edition (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Rochester (NY) Institute of Technology student Christopher Boise saw two intruders — one armed — in his apartment, he screamed. That was all it took for his roomy, Raymond, to reach for his rifle. And it wasn’t just any rifle, it was an AR-15! The burglars were apparently well-versed on the latest gun control industry mantra that ARs are only good for one thing . . ." ...

PA: Homeowner Shoots and Kills Masked Gunman Who Tried to Break Into Home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A resident in PA and another person inside a Garfield home were both shot when a masked gunman tried to break into the home by shooting through the front door."

"One of the residents grabbed a gun and returned fire. During the confrontation the second resident managed to get the intruder’s gun away from him and used it to fire more shots at the suspect."

"The suspect was hit multiple times and died at the scene." ...

FL: Gregory Matthew Bruni, Naked Intruder, Pooped And Masturbated In Tony Lands' Florida Home
Submitted by: none

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... "The Lands told police they were in their bedroom at around 7 p.m. Monday when they heard a noise that sounded like thunder, according to Fox 4 Now. Tony went outside and says he saw Bruni on top of the roof, completely naked. Bruni allegedly jumped down on top of Land, ABC 7 reported, then knocked him over by hitting him in the shoulder."

"The Lands say Bruni ran into the house, pulled a big-screen TV off the wall, and spilled the contents of a vacuum onto the floor. Around this time, LaDonna grabbed a gun and began firing at the nude intruder. She missed, and the couple called 911." ...

Joe Biden: “Assault Weapons” Aren’t Used by Criminals to Commit Crimes, So No One Needs Them (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Biden went off the deep end trying to answer this question. When asked about what Biden hopes to gain from a new 'Assault Weapons Ban' when the numbers prove that there was no noticeable impact on crime due to the law, Biden tried to turn it around. His argument: since criminals don’t use 'assault weapons' in their crimes, then no one needs one!" ...

Gun Rights Advocates Put the Pressure on Pols
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia are not the most passive of pro-gun partisans. They’ve reacted to the post-Sandy Hook gun-grabbing hysteria by commenting on the site (thanks for that) and unleashing a veritable blizzard of emails to their local, state and federal representatives. We know this because you guys are cc’ing us your handiwork. Unfortunately, we don’t have the brand bandwidth to publish them all. Or the responses from elected officials. ... We will post examples from time to time so you can see what arguments your fellow AI use to remind their reps to defend their Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. At the risk of wandering over the borderline from blog to pro-gun activism, keep up the good work! ..." ...

John Cornyn Gets It
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dear Mr. Kee:

Thank you for contacting me regarding federal firearms laws. I appreciate having the benefit of your comments on this matter."

"As a strong proponent of the Second Amendment, I believe it is essential to safeguard the law-abiding citizen’s constitutional right to own and use firearms designed for legitimate purposes such as hunting, target shooting, collecting, and self-protection. Restricting this right runs counter to the intent of our Founding Fathers, who expressly guaranteed that citizens would retain the right to keep and bear arms . . ." ...

Sample Letter Opposing Senate Gun Control Bills
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the problems in keeping up the pressure weekly on Senators and Representatives is coming up with new ways to say "no more gun control". Below is a letter that I sent today to both of my senators. I took the approach that magazine restrictions and bans on AR-15s are anti-woman and anti-family which it is. How many Senators want to be seen as being anti-woman and anti-family?"

"Both the Complementary Spouse and I have North Carolina Concealed Handgun Permits. I used that in the intro to illustrate that we were the 'good guys'. If you have a CCW, say so. If not, leave that part out." ...

I Like The Cut Of His Jib
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is the junior senator from Texas and the former Solicitor General of Texas. He was responsible for organizing the amicus brief from 31 states in support of Heller in DC v. Heller."

"Today he fired back at Sen. Dianne Feinstein and her Assault Weapons (sic) Ban of 2013." ...

Holder begins gun-control push
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Justice Department is taking the first steps toward carrying out President Obama’s executive actions on gun control."

"Attorney General Eric Holder on Friday released three proposals to strengthen the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which was one of the 23 actions ordered by Obama last week to tackle gun violence."

"The proposed regulations would give local law-enforcement agencies access to the gun-sale database that is maintained by the FBI. The rules would also preserve records of denied weapons sales indefinitely." ...

Gun control proposals could split President Obama, Harry Reid
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The success of President Obama’s starkly liberal second-term agenda will rest largely on the shoulders of Senate Majority leader Harry M. Reid, who has been a rock-solid political ally and a valued legislative tactician for Obama during his first term."

"But for the first time since Obama became president four years ago, his political interests and Reid’s may be diverging. Not so much because there is huge disagreement on the president’s agenda, but because helping Obama may hurt vulnerable Democrats in the Senate." ...

Communists Cheer On Obama’s Gun Grab
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"It should come as no surprise that the Communist Party USA is on board with President Obama’s plan to attack Americans’ right to keep and bear arms as a means to 'end gun violence.' A cardinal feature of communist regimes, like all dictatorships, is the prohibition of private ownership of arms, creating a monopoly of force in the hands of the State."

"In a January 18 article, People’s World, an official publication of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), declared that 'the ability to live free from the fear or threat of gun violence is a fundamental democratic right — one that far supercedes any so-called personal gun rights allegedly contained in the Second Amendment.'" ...

Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Officials
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Not everyone will have to abide by Senator Dianne Feinstein's gun control bill. If the proposed legislation becomes law, government officials and others will be exempt."

"'Mrs. Feinstein's measure would exempt more than 2,200 types of hunting and sporting rifles; guns manually operated by bolt, pump, lever or slide action; and weapons used by government officials, law enforcement and retired law enforcement personnel,' the Washington Times reports." [emphasis in original]

"The Huffington Post confirms these exemptions, and adds that guns owned prior to the legislation becoming law will be permissible, too. ..." ...

Assault Weapons Ban Lacks Democratic Votes to Pass Senate
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A proposed ban on sales of assault weapons would be defeated in the U.S. Senate unless some lawmakers changed their current views, based on a Bloomberg review of recent lawmaker statements and interviews."

"At least six of the 55 senators in the Democratic caucus have expressed skepticism or outright opposition to a ban, the review found. That means Democrats wouldn’t have a 51-vote majority to pass the measure, let alone the 60 needed to break a Republican filibuster to bring it to a floor vote." ...

Democrats attack gun manufacturers access to banking
Submitted by: John Pierce

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"Vice-President Biden sent an email to supporters today in which he touted the Obama Administration’s efforts to pass gun control."

"In the email, Biden continued to pander to gun-owning Democrats by promising that 'Every step we intend to take will preserve the tradition of responsible gun ownership in our country and uphold the Second Amendment.'"

"Having read that, Democrat gun owners should rest assured that their precious hunting rifles are safe … right? After all, it is only those black, scary rifles that Democrats want to ban … isn’t it?"

"Well … while Vice-President Biden is doing his best to divide and conquer gun owners, former Obama Chief-of-Staff Rahm Emanuel is trying to have banks drop gun manufacturers as customers ..." ...

Feinstein Fiasco
Submitted by: Bryan Sampsel

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... "Remember, the best lie is based on a mere nugget of truth. Her legislation doesn't mandate kicking in front doors, it merely puts obstacles in the path of changing ownership. Since most gunowners do their level best to follow the myriad thousands of gun laws on the books, it's a cheap, painless way for the government to get these weapons." ...

The State Supremacy Firearms Act and the Supremacy Clause
Submitted by: Greg

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... "... To read the Supremacy Clause as big government proponents would have you—that all federal laws are supreme—would render the remainder of the Constitution meaningless. ..." ...

Senator Feinstein declares war on pistol grips
Submitted by: Mike Stollenwerk

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"Yesterday in a dramatic ceremony on Capitol Hill, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D – California), amidst a backdrop of normal garden variety one-shot-per-trigger-pull firearms, declared war on pistol grips. Feinstein stated that because '[o]ur weak gun laws allow . . . mass killings to be carried out again, and again, and again in our country . . . the bill she and her colleagues are introducing would bar the sale, transfer, manufacture and importation" of . . . rifles [with] pistol grip[s].'" ...

CA: California Gun Ban Bill Revealed: SB-47 Hits the Street
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Many of you remember Leland Yee from California. He introduced his AB 249 last year, known fondly as the bullet button ban. Most of the free world gets to simply push a nice button to release their magazines, but here in California we have this nifty little piece of crap bullet button. This was a work-around to bypass California’s AWB. Leland’s original legislation had no grand fathering and no financial restitution. Turn them in or be a felon. That was the choice. Now Leland is back, embolden by the tragedy at Sandy Hook and subsequent bloody T-Shirt waving. Lee’s SB 47 is currently sitting in committee. [Click here for the text.] This is not the only gun ban bill California is facing, but it’s one that reaches pretty deep . . ." ...

IL: Emanuel To Banks: Stop Supporting Gun Makers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is putting more pressure on gun makers to get behind his push for an assault weapons ban and criminal background checks for gun purchasers."

"This time, he wants to go after their bottom line."

"Emanuel is pushing two major financial institutions to stop their financial backing of gun makers, unless those companies support 'commonsense reforms, including requiring criminal background checks on all gun sales.'" ...

IL: Illinois Police Still Arresting Citizens who Record them on Eavesdropping Charges (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Illinois citizens are still being arrested under the state’s controversial Eavesdropping Law even though police were ordered not to make these arrests after the law was deemed unconstitutional last year."

"A woman was arrested Thursday in Naperville on an eavesdropping charge as she video recordered her friend getting arrested trying to block city workers from installing a smart meter in her home." ...

MI: 4 Highland Park officers under federal probe, mayor says (video available)
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"A scheme that began with two Highland Park police officers taking bribes from a criminal defendant grew into a conspiracy with two other colleagues to deliver cocaine to a drug trafficker, authorities said Friday."

"The four officers were arraigned in federal court on drug trafficking, bribery and firearm charges."

"Charged are: Anthony Bynum, 29, of Highland Park; Price Montgomery, 38, of Highland Park; Shawn Williams, 33, of Detroit; and Craig Clayton, 55, of Highland Park." ...

WI: Sheriff's radio ad says 911 not best option, urges residents to take firearms classes
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. set off alarm bells Friday with a radio spot some view as a call for citizens to arm themselves."

"In the radio ad, Clarke tells residents personal safety isn't a spectator sport anymore, and that 'I need you in the game.'"

"'With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option,' Clarke intones."

"'You could beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back.'" ...

NY: When Police Violate the Constitution
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The federal courts are bearing down on the New York City Police Department’s constitutionally suspect stop-and-frisk program, under which hundreds of thousands of citizens are stopped on the streets each year, often illegally and for no discernible reason. Earlier this month, the federal judge who is presiding over three lawsuits that challenge different parts of the program issued her harshest ruling yet, putting the city on notice that some aspects of stop and frisk are clearly unconstitutional." ...

WI: Critics cry danger over sheriff's ad urging citizens to arm themselves
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A sheriff who released a radio ad urging Milwaukee-area residents to learn to handle firearms so they can defend themselves while waiting for police said Friday that law enforcement cutbacks have changed the way police can respond to crime."

"In the 30-second commercial, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. says personal safety is no longer a spectator sport."

"'I need you in the game,' he says." ...

Daily Digest: Piers Morgan Doesn’t Read TTAG (videos available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m a Second Amendment absolutist. No to background checks, mandatory firearms training and paperwork. Yes to machine guns and restoring felons’ gun rights. And yes to not appearing like a total nutcase in the media. During close encounters with jobbing journos I try to make my perspective palatable to people on the fence re: gun rights. Not by changing my views. By combining passion, humor and common sense. Equally, I’m careful not to deride the journalists’ skepticism or outright antagonism. In the main, their prejudice is based on ignorance. ..." ...

Daily Digest: SCARed for Life
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Evolution is a bitch. Literally. As a twice divorced man I consider beautiful women nature’s way of perpetuating the crazy gene. I’m not passing judgement. How could I? I have three bio daughters from those two wives. But by the same token I reckon the AR-15 is the world’s most beautiful rifle. Where Dianne Feinstein sees evil incarnate I see evolutionary perfection. Nick says the AR-15 has “issues” and Ralph gives its aesthetics the Bronx cheer. But the AR has exactly the right blend of ergonomics, reliability, capacity, accuracy and affordability for tens of millions of American shooters. That’s why it’s popular. ..." ...

CT: Elected Officials Are Fundamentally Dishonest (Letter to the Editor)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Gun control has long been a focus of many in this country. Though I'm not knowledgeable of all the nuances of the Second Amendment, based on the Founding Fathers' circumstances, it had far more to do with enabling the citizenry to protect themselves against tyrannical government than against local psychopaths. It is about providing a balanced firepower so when King George's successor came knocking on your door, you could fight back. Government today is no less inclined to abuse its authority than it was then. Based on the absurd and ongoing power grab that is present day Washington, it's as threatening as ever." ...

OMG! A Stash of Guns! In the UK! OMG!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Put yourself in Simon Berni’s shoes. You’re renovating your uncle’s home in Dinas Powys (Wales, outside Cardiff) when you come upon a stash of . . . guns! Behind a wall! In the UK no less! 'There were eight shelves absolutely chock-a-block with firearms and ammunition. ... I’d rather have found a big stack of money but it was still quite something. The guns obviously belonged to somebody who knew what they were doing as they were all greased and beautifully wrapped in newspaper.' Newspaper dated just after the Dunblane massacre. And the former owner of the home and the guns — thirty shotguns and at least four pistols — didn’t need the British equivalent of Willard Scott to see which way the wind was blowing . . ." ...

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. — C. S. LEWIS

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