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Newslinks for 1/27/2006

ACLU too left-oriented
Submitted by: News Director

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"While the ACLU claims to uphold and protect civil liberties granted to Americans under the Constitution, they are quick to protect First Amendment rights, but they refuse to take a stance on the Second Amendment. The group claims that they are neutral on gun control; however, the group states on its Web site that Americans are not constitutionally granted the right to own arms. The group’s opinion is that the Second Amendment only grants States the right to form militias and bear arms to deter tyranny from the central government."

"To date, the ACLU has denied nearly every case that involved gun control."

Google founder defends China portal
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Google founder Sergey Brin defends role in Chinese censorship.

"...In France and Germany there are Nazi material laws. One thing we do, and which we are implementing in China as well, is that if there's any kind of material blocked by local regulations we put a message to that effect at the bottom of the search engine. 'Local regulations prevent us from showing all the results.' And we're doing that in China also, and that makes us transparent..."

"...It's not that I'm expert in these questions, but I remember what it feels like. So I'm definitely sympathetic. People will criticize us for this, and I think both kinds of viewpoints are perfectly valid. I'm comfortable with the decision that we made..."

The UN Attack on America Gun Owners
Submitted by: News Director

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"...we know that the UN wants to ban firearms from civilians and they want to impose this radical idea on the United States. We must thank President Bush for his superb nomination of John Bolton because it was Mr. Bolton that stood up to the bullies of the ever corrupt United Nations."

"John Bolton made it very clear that the United States is a sovereign nation and had its own constitution to follow and therefore did not follow the whims of the UN. He is what he had to say: 'The United States will not join consensus on a final document that contains measures contrary to our constitutional Right to keep and bear arms.' "

Buying a Gun For Your Son (Blog)
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Good article on The War on Guns, (Blog), about the 'good' old days......

"My son, Johnnie, is only 12 years old but he has been pestering my husband and me for several years to buy him a gun. My husband had his fill of rifles in the army, and for a long time I told Johnnie that 'I wouldn’t have a gun around the house. They are too dangerous.' "

Howard Nemerov: Gun Control: Taken for a Ride in New York
Submitted by: News Director

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"Senators Schumer and Clinton wish to manufacture a crisis, using the death of two police officers to promote their own agenda of creating a registration database: the next step necessary to institute a national policy of civilian disarmament."

AL: Resident shoots burglar
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Capitol Heights residents were in shock Wednesday afternoon as they watched detectives investigate a fatal shooting that occurred when a man surprised an intruder he said was burglarizing his apartment." ...

"Thornton said the shooter, whom he would not identify, told detectives he saw something black in Hampton's hand and thought it was a gun. Police have not found a gun, but did find a small black bag near where Hampton's body was found."

"Hampton's car was found in the back of the apartment building, with the apartment resident's television set sticking out of the trunk."

FL: NRA-backed measure survives
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A National Rifle Association-backed bill that would force businesses that sell hunting and fishing licenses to help register customers to vote cleared its first legislative hurdle Wednesday."

"The House Ethics & Elections Committee voted 8-2 in favor of the plan (HB 125), which is modeled after a law in Georgia dubbed the 'Shooter Voter' bill."

"The bill would require places ranging from Wal-Mart to bait-and-tackle shops to have voter-registration forms and offer them to customers who buy a hunting, fishing or trapping license or permit."

GA: Gun bills send wrong message of deadly force
Submitted by: News Director

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"HB 998 — co-sponsored by Republican state Reps. Earl Ehrhart of Powder Springs and Jan Jones of Alpharetta, among others — is not by any stretch of the imagination a Second Amendment issue."

"Even under the NRA's expansive and at times ludicrous interpretation, the Second Amendment can only be said to bar government from restricting gun possession. It cannot be twisted to say that private property owners cannot bar guns from their property if they choose."

"Furthermore, a study conducted in North Carolina and published last spring in the American Journal of Public Health found that workplaces that allowed possession of weapons were far more likely to be the site of a workplace murder than those that banned weapons."

GA: Education campaign targets "straw" gun purchasers, dealers
Submitted by: News Director

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"Law enforcement officials on Thursday launched an education campaign in northern Georgia designed to warn those purchasing a gun for someone else that they could face federal charges."

"'Don't Lie for the Other Guy' is intended also to inform firearm retailers how to spot and deter so-called straw purchasers."

"Making a straw purchase is punishable by up to 10 years in prison, U.S. Attorney David Nahmias said.
Appearing with federal law enforcement officials, Gov. Sonny Perdue, said while he is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment it is also important to keep weapons out of the hands of criminals."

NY: Bloomberg promises new ground zero role, gun crackdown
Submitted by: News Director

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"Mayor Michael Bloomberg used his State of the City address on Thursday to muscle his way into some thorny second-term battles: He wants greater control over World Trade Center redevelopment and plans to be a national anti-gun spokesman."

New Zealand: Police appeal to retailers over fake gun sales
Submitted by: News Director

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"Retailers are being urged to think twice before stocking imitation guns."

"A 23-year-old Auckland man has escaped being charged, despite causing panic on board a bus in the central city yesterday. A passenger saw him with what appeared to be a gun. It turned out to be a cigarette lighter which he had just bought from Victoria Park Market. Police took the man into custody before deciding he had no criminal intent."

"Acting Detective Sergeant Reece Sirl says retailers should think twice about selling the guns and about the type of people who purchase them. He says fake guns are becoming an increasing problem."

IN: Student Suspended After Loaded Gun Found In Vehicle
Submitted by: News Director

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Arsenal Technical High School suspended a senior Thursday after officers allegedly found a loaded gun in his vehicle outside the school, officials said.

Police said they were acting on an anonymous tip when they searched the student's vehicle at about 12:30 p.m. Authorities said they found a loaded 9-mm handgun.

The student wasn't arrested, but he was released to his parents, RTV6 reported.

The Marion County prosecutor's office is expected to review the case.

UK: Labour continue to fail on violent and gun crime
Submitted by: News Director

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"Tony Blair said that 'crime figures are the measure of whether this Government is succeeding or failing'. On this test the Government is clearly failing the public when it comes to violent crime.

"The rise in violent crime and robberies is particularly worrying. We cannot rely on short-term blitzes on these problems when the Prime Minister happens to be giving them his attention. Serious police reform is needed to deal with the fact that officers are only spending 17 per cent of their time on the beat. Communities need a strong, visible police presence to deter crime and tackle it when it occurs."

OH: Buckeye Firearms Assoc. announces more 2006 Primary endorsements
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"The Buckeye Firearms Association is proud to announce several more endorsements in both party primaries, focused on key races to be decided on May 2, 2006."

"Endorsement announcements have been previously made for U.S. Congresswoman Jean Schmidt (R-2), and state Rep. Tim Schaeffer (R-33) for State Senate, and additional attention is now being brought into focus in races for party nominations for state Attorney General, Auditor of State, and state Representative, among others."

VA: Virginia Delegate Accidentally Discharges Gun
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Virginia lawmaker accidentally discharged a handgun in his General Assembly office Thursday morning, firing a bullet into a bulletproof vest that was hanging on the wall of his office. No one was hurt."

"Reid said he has a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon and regularly brings his gun to the legislative session." ...

"Other lawmakers said they were stunned to find out that Reid carried a gun and even more surprised to hear it had gone off in the busy building."

"'He had no business bringing it into the General Assembly,' said Sen. Richard Saslaw (D-Fairfax), a frequent critic of guns. 'I think guns should be banned for all these government buildings.'"

KABA Note: What a shock. The Democrat wants to immediately knee-jerk into banning guns.

South Africa: New gun lobby to fight weapons restrictions
Submitted by: News Director

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"South African gun lobbyists were launching a new organisation on Thursday to press their case that more - not fewer - weapons are needed to curb crime in a country notorious for murders and armed robberies."

"The outspoken executive director of Gun Owners of America, Larry Pratt, was drafted in to back demands for the scrapping of post-apartheid legislation restricting ownership of firearms."

"'I can predict that the violent crime rate and murder will increase if this law continues to be implemented... The only way to tackle this Wild West scenario is to allow the good guys to have guns ... The criminal in South Africa has too much freedom of action, too much job security.'"

South Africa: Hijacker with toy gun shot
Submitted by: News Director

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"A man brandishing a toy gun was shot in both legs when he allegedly attempted to hijack a BMW in Isithebe, north of Durban, on Wednesday afternoon, police said."

"The 23-year-old allegedly approached a motorist stopped at a traffic light at about 14:00 and pulled a gun from a black plastic bag, spokesman Superintendent Jay Naicker said on Thursday."

"The 51-year-old driver also drew his personal firearm and opened fire on the suspect, hitting him in both legs."

New Zealand: Imitation gun lighter sparks armed police callout
Submitted by: News Director

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"An Auckland bus passenger with a cigarette lighter that looked like a handgun will not face charges despite sparking an armed police callout today."

"The 23-year-old man was apprehended by armed police officers on Queen St about 2.55pm today after the lighter alarmed the bus driver and about 12 passengers."

"The lighter had been bought a short time earlier from an outlet and the nearby Victoria Park Market."

"Police said the man would not be charged as they ascertained he had no criminal intent but warned people who bought the lighter about taking them out in public places."

"Give it up," gun group tells Doyle in campaign money scandal
Submitted by: News Director

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"Anti-gun Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle should return $20,000 to executives of a company that was awarded a state travel contract, now that an official in Doyle's administration has been indicted on felony fraud charges in connection with that award, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) said today."

"'Just last week,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, 'Gov. Doyle did criminals a big favor with his veto of concealed carry legislation that would have empowered Wisconsin citizens to fight back. While he's been treating honest citizens like criminals for demanding their constitutional right to bear arms, a member of his administration is now facing criminal charges.'"

Famed gun maker nears extinction
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"While it is now hard to believe that it's been that long, in 1997 I won a Winchester pump action shotgun at one the many Friends of NRA dinners I've attended since the first one was held in 1994." ...

"As far as this particular gun goes, there is no 'rest of the story.' It has never been fired; not one load of shot or a single deer slug has ever roared down the barrel at a target, paper or otherwise. In fact, I have not worked even one round of ammunition through the gun's mechanism."

"Now I'm glad that I never got around to firing the gun. Winchester — often billed as 'The Gun That Won The West' — has announced that its New Haven, Conn., factory will be closing and production will soon cease on many of the company's favorite models, including the Model 1300."

"Actually, the Winchester label is owned by U.S. Repeating Arms. According to published reports, unless a buyer is found before March 31, the plant will be shuttered."

VA: Gun bill targets colleges
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Regardless of whatever permits they may have, those students and employees are not allowed to possess guns on campus."

"Tech's regulations are similar to gun policies at public colleges throughout the state, such as the University of Virginia, Virginia Military Institute and Radford University."

"But a bill being considered in the state House of Delegates challenges the authority of public universities to create such policies."

"House Bill 1572, proposed by Del. Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah County, would prohibit universities from making 'rules or regulations limiting or abridging the ability of a student who possesses a valid concealed handgun permit ... from lawfully carrying a concealed handgun.'"

UK: AK47 'Ad' Pushes Gun Control
Submitted by: News Director

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"British moviegoers will be shown a spoof TV-shopping advertisement for an AK47 assault rifle as part of a shock campaign designed to increase awareness of the illegal arms trade."

"Viewers are even told they will receive free ammunition when they call to place their orders with the phony advertiser, Teleshop."

"The cinema ad is part of a much wider campaign. A glossy mail order 'small arms catalog' will be sent to thousands of homes and will feature models posing with machine guns and automatic pistols. A viral e-mail campaign will surprise Internet users with fake special offers for weapons."

TX: Gun Scare At Brushy Creek Elementary
Submitted by: News Director

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"Now to a new gun scare at another Central Texas school, this time in Round Rock. Williamson County sheriff's deputies responded after getting a report of a possible gun at Brushy Creek Elementary."

"They searched the area, but no gun was found."

"Authorities say that it all started when a group of students from another school was asked to leave, and that led to trash-talking and accusations."

Canada: Gun dealer offers amnesty alternative
Submitted by: News Director

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"AMNESTY or cold hard cash?"

"Area residents looking to get rid of unwanted firearms now have another option, according to one Gatineau gun dealer who said he'd like to buy them rather than see them destroyed by Ottawa police."

"Archerot Plus owner Daniel Larocque said he's willing to pay top dollar for decent-shape hunting firearms and is urging people who were thinking of taking advantage of the Ottawa police gun amnesty program, which officially kicked off yesterday, to give him a call first."

MA: Student with pellet gun penalized
Submitted by: News Director

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"Boys, pellet guns and shortcuts might seem an innocuous, even natural, mix -- but not when they intersect on school property and bump against today's tough zero-tolerance policies."

"An Ahern Middle School student learned that lesson the hard way, when he was disciplined for cutting across school property with a pellet gun after school hours while on the way to a friend's house."

OH: HB347: House OPPONENT hearing scheduled January 31
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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House Bill 347 will have another hearing next week. The bill has been added to the House Committee on Criminal Justice's agenda for January 31 at 2:30 p.m. in Statehouse Hearing Room 121.

The purpose for Tuesday's hearing is so that the committee may hear testimony on HB347 from opponents of the legislation. Buckeye Firearms Association will be on hand, but will not testify.

Filling hearing rooms as this legislation moves forward will make a serious statement of support. Your presence at this meeting is beneficial to the cause. Please consider making the trip to Columbus to be a visible show of support for HB347 and its sponsor, Rep. Aslanides.

TN: Gun found in local school
Submitted by: News Director

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A Jefferson County school resource officer received a tip just before three this afternoon that a student possibly had a gun at the high school.

The student was found and a loaded pistol was recovered.

The school was placed in lockdown as part of procedure.

The student was taken into custody and removed from campus.

No one was injured in the incident.


Canada: Gun Amnesty Going Well
Submitted by: News Director

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Ottawa police say their three week long gun amnesty program is off to a great start.

During yesterday's first day, 31 firearms were turned in. The program runs until February 15th, and people won't be charged for having unlicensed weapons, unless they were used in a crime.

Police add they don't have any problems with a Gatineau gun store owner's offer to buy firearms to avoid them being destroyed. They say their objective is to get illegal weapons off the street, and the dealer can't purchase unlicensed guns.


UK: Violent crime and robbery on rise
Submitted by: News Director

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"Robberies in England and Wales rose by 11% between July and September last year, with overall violent crime up 4%, Home Office figures show."

"The rise came after robberies jumped 4% in the previous quarter following the ending of a government scheme to target the problem of street crime."

"Total recorded crimes fell 1% to 1.37m incidents compared with the same period a year ago, and burglaries were lower."

GA: Loaded Gun Found in Student's Backpack
Submitted by: News Director

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"While Robert Smalls Middle School in Beaufort remains under heightened security after someone made a threat against the school earlier this week, another middle school in Beaufort County is dealing with a very serious situation. Yesterday, school officials in Bluffton found a loaded handgun in the backpack of a McCracken Middle School student."

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