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Newslinks for 1/28/2013

NJ: Cory Booker, once firm on firearms, now gun-shy about weapons ban
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Amid the contentious debate on America’s relationship with guns, and a full-court press by President Obama and Democrats in Congress to pass an assault weapons ban, the mayor of Newark, who hopes to be a U.S. senator come 2015, has staked out a decidedly centrist position on guns. Booker called the issue "tiring" during a recent roundtable discussion on "Meet The Press," saying he would support an assault weapons ban but doubted it would do much to control violence in America.

Government procurement reveals hypocrisy on ‘assault weapon’ terminology
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"No less an authority than our own federal government, under Janet Napolitano and Barack Obama, officially designates these 'personal defense weapons.' Why would you want to ban those?

"You’re not against personal defense, are you?"

TX: Magnolia Mother Fires Back At Burglary Suspects
Submitted by: jac

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Investigators are looking for three burglary suspects who forced themselves into a Magnolia home where there was a mother and her 6 year-old child inside.

The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office says around 9:30 last night, they were called out to a home on the 18700 block of Mink Lake Drive in Magnolia. Investigators say three male suspects went into the home where they found a 33-year-old female with a pistol in her hand and her 6-year-old child alone inside.

Investigators say the mother fired the pistol at the burglars and thought she hit one of them, but they all escaped.

NY: Proposed Resolution Opposes NY SAFE Act
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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The subject of guns is dominating the political landscape across the United States, especially in New York State. The recently passed NY SAFE Act is the toughest set of gun laws in the nation. The Association of Erie County Governments is looking into a resolution opposing the legislation, while a local top cop voices his support for the tough gun legislation. The Association says many members are "concerned" about the way in which the SAFE Act passed.

Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show: What Postponement of the U.S.'s Largest Gun Show Says About America
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The media is missing the real story behind the “postponement” of the largest outdoor show in America. This is a story of ignorance, bias and a gross misunderstanding of America and Americans.
This unfortunate fight began when Reed Exhibitions, a British events organizing company, announced that firearms and products associated with modern sporting rifles (guns the media has given the dubious label “assault rifles”) wouldn’t be allowed at the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show. The show was scheduled to begin on February 2 in Harrisburg, Penn.

Submitter's comment: The Brits haven't been this surprised since Washington crossed the Delaware.

Why I gave up my guns
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Late one night in the spring of 2008, I was jolted awake by the sound of yet another a burglar trying to break into my Atlanta home. We’d already had a series of scary close calls, but this time I was ready: I had staged my shotgun and a box of shells in a broom closet right by the back door, next to the umbrellas.

Obama Guide to Gun Confiscation - 101
Submitted by: Gala Poola

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Then there's this executive order:

16. Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors
asking their patients about guns in their homes.

OK, now we're talking. Said another way, "hey, you doctors, we need you to begin asking everyone about their guns". So you go in for your annual exam and the nurse is asking you questions. Unless you say up front you will not answer any questions other than what aches & pains you, you'll have to give a yes/no when queried, "Do you have any firearms in the home?"

Anti-and pro-gun voices heard loud and clear across Georgia and the nation
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Pro- and anti-gun control advocates across the country demonstrated their First and Second Amendment rights Saturday to assemble peaceably, protest freely and display proudly the same type of weapon, among others, that killed 26 people last month in Newtown, Conn.
Gun enthusiasts waited 45 minutes and paid $10 ($3 for children) to enter a packed-to-the-rafters gun show at the Gwinnett County Fairgrounds.
Meanwhile, in Washington thousands of placard-waving protesters marched down Constitution Avenue Saturday, demanding “Gun Control Now” and “Stop NRA.”
Back in Georgia, a couple of sheriffs joined officials vowing to ignore any federal attempt to limit gun ownership.

MI: Lapeer school officer who left gun unattended keeps job
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Officials say a security officer who left his gun unattended in a Lapeer charter school's restroom will keep his job.

According to Chatfield School Director Matt Young, the school reviewed the incident and has decided the unnamed officer "is a good fit for the position."

But Young says the K-8 school about 45 miles northwest of Detroit has revised its security procedures and added additional protocols. The Flint Journal reports they include installing "a lock box in a male staff restroom for our security officer to secure his weapon in while he uses that restroom."

PA: Gilberton, PA Borough Council Passes 2nd Amendment Preservation Resolution (VIDEO)
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Gilberton, PA Borough Council Passes 2nd Amendment Preservation Resolution

Submitter's comment: This video is inspirational! It shows small-town America at its best!
There's even musical accompaniment by a gentleman from Lock Haven!

Gun Laws and the Fools of Chelm
Submitted by: Greg

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The individual is not only best qualified to provide his own personal defense, he is the only one qualified to do so.

PA: Gilberton council shows its support for Second Amendment
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The national debate about gun control came to Gilberton on Thursday evening as the borough council unanimously adopted a resolution in support of the right to bear arms as declared in the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
The "Second Amendment Preservation Resolution" was composed by borough police Chief Mark Kessler, who has been watching the news on gun rights and gun control and decided to show where he stands on the issue.
"I'm a Second Amendment supporter, and over the past four years I've been watching what's going on in Washington specifically," Kessler said. "After the school shooting, these guys are going to do something against the Second Amendment. They've been trying for long before my time."

IL: NRA ally Debbie Halvorson could win Jesse Jackson Jr.’s Chicago seat
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A white ex-congresswoman with an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association is the front-runner to replace former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. in a majority-black Chicagoland district with inner-city neighborhoods wracked by gun violence.
At first glance, Debbie Halvorson should have no business winning the Feb. 26 special election. The former Democratic congresswoman was crushed by Jackson in a primary last year. She’s a white Democrat seeking to represent a district in which 54 percent of voters are African-American.
And she’s an unapologetic Second Amendment backer — with endorsements from the NRA in two of her previous congressional campaigns — despite an outpouring of concern among voters and her campaign rivals about gun violence.

CO: Colorado Democrats propose banning high-capacity magazines
Submitted by: Anonymous

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U.S. Congresswoman Diana DeGette has introduced a bill to ban high-capacity magazines, even as State Representative Rhonda Fields has introduced similar legislation at the state level.
High-capacity magazines contain more than 10 rounds of ammunition and were used during the Aurora theater shooting and at Sandy Hook Elementary.

Submitter's comment: In their abysmal ignorance, these reporters "define" "high-capacity magazines" as those which contain "more than 10 rounds." Meanwhile others define them as containing more than seven, or more than 15. I guess it all depends on who you talk to.

If ‘Assault Weapons’ Are Bad…Why Does DHS Want to Buy 7,000 of Them for ‘Personal Defense’?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The Department of Homeland Security is seeking to acquire 7,000 5.56x45mm NATO “personal defense weapons” (PDW) — also known as “assault weapons” when owned by civilians. The solicitation, originally posted on June 7, 2012, comes to light as the Obama administration is calling for a ban on semi-automatic rifles and high capacity magazines.
Citing a General Service Administration (GSA) request for proposal (RFP), Steve McGough of reports that DHS is asking for the 7,000 “select-fire” firearms because they are “suitable for personal defense use in close quarters.” The term select-fire means the weapon can be both semi-automatic and automatic. Civilians are prohibited from obtaining these kinds of weapons.

Judge rejects prosecution motion to bar public from Reese hearing
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"With evidence of improprieties mounting, the government’s attempt to keep the public from witnessing further proceedings, in violation of the Justice Department’s own policy, becomes understandable..."

Stephen King Pulls 'Rage' From Bookshelves Citing 'Possible Accelerant' For School Shooters
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Stephen King has injected himself into the American debate over gun control with a new essay titled only, “Guns.” The 25-page essay, published as part of Amazon’s Kindle Singles collection, includes possible solutions to the mass shooting epidemic that’s plagued the nation, but also announces King’s decision to remove his first novel from bookshelves.
Before there was Carrie, Jack Torrance or “The Stand,” King penned “Rage,” about a student who brings a gun to school and kills members of the faculty before taking his class hostage. ...
Four different teenagers who had committed shootings said they had copies of “Rage.” The book was originally published in 1977 under King’s pseudonym Richard Bachman.

Stephen King: NRA Should 'Clean Up Blood, Brains and Chunks of Intestine' After Next Massacre
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"One only wishes Wayne LaPierre and his NRA board of directors could be drafted to some of these [violent] scenes, where they would be required to put on booties and rubber gloves and help clean up the blood, the brains, and the chunks of intestine still containing the poor wads of half-digested food that were some innocent bystander’s last meal."
So wrote horror writer Stephen King in a Kindle essay Friday entitled "Guns." ...
In 1977, under the pseudonym Richard Bachman, King published "Rage," a book about a Maine high school senior who kills his algebra teacher and holds the class hostage. ... numerous school murders occurred around the country with the assailants saying they had gotten the idea directly or loosely from "Rage."

NE: Woman may have known intruder her husband shot in South Omaha
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A homeowner who shot and killed an intruder in South Omaha told others he had no idea who the man was.

His wife apparently couldn't say the same.

The homeowner, David Erives, told others that he had no idea why the man was grabbing at his wife shortly after trying to get in the back door of the couple's house at 1607 Drexel St. late Thursday.

However, Erives' wife, Lydia, apparently knew the man, Raul Rivas, from her work as a cocktail waitress at a Council Bluffs casino.

Rivas, 43, died of his injuries at Creighton University Medical Center.


NE: Nebraska tries to avoid NY controversy by keeping information in gun permits private
Submitted by: Anonymous

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LINCOLN – A Nebraska lawmaker, looking to avoid the type of controversy that enveloped a New York newspaper, has introduced a bill that would ban the release of information about holders of handgun permits.

Sen. Bill Kintner, R-Papillion, said his proposal, LB293, is designed to prevent a scenario such as the one involving The Journal News, which published the names and addresses of people holding handgun permits, sparking the ire of gun owners.


NE: Former Omaha bank exec won't face gun charges
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OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Prosecutors have decided not to file charges against the former president of Omaha State Bank who brought his new gun to work in November to show it to a friend.

Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine told The Omaha World-Herald ( ) that he won't file charges against Michael Dahir because the bank vice president who filed the complaint doesn't want to pursue the case.


NE: Nebraskans could store guns in their parked vehicles under new bill
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LINCOLN — Nebraska employers could ban guns in their workplaces but not in their parking lots under a proposal sponsored Thursday by one of the Legislature's strongest gun-rights advocates.

The bill by State Sen. Mark Christensen of Imperial takes the concept a step further by holding parking lot owners civilly liable if their policies disarm a gun owner who later is unable to defend himself from an act of violence.


Barack Obama is Not Pleased
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Barack Obama's pre-presidential manifesto, The Audacity of Hope, has only one extended riff on gun control—not a homily on behalf of the cause or even a meditation on the deep divisions opened by the debate, but a story of crummy luck. While State Senator Barack Obama was vacationing in Hawaii, visiting his grandmother and hoping to "reacquaint myself with Michelle," the Illinois legislature abruptly returned to consider bills making the possession of illegal firearms a felony offense. Joining this special session would have required him to backtrack thousands of miles with a sick 18-month old in tow. So Obama stayed put on the islands, while back in Springfield, the package failed by a slim margin.

Stephen King writes post-Newtown essay on guns
Submitted by: D. Smith

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Horror writer Stephen King is seeking to provoke a discussion on gun control and gun rights following the school shooting massacre in Newtown, Conn.

The Maine native is a gun owner. He calls for three "reasonable measures" to curb gun violence in an essay titled "Guns," released Friday as a Kindle single through Amazon.

King says he wants background checks on all gun sales and bans on high-capacity magazines and military-style weapons like the rifle used in the Newtown shooting, which killed 20 children and six school officials.

Gun Control Advocates Need to Listen to Gun Owners, Obama Says
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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President Obama said that he and his guests go skeet shooting at Camp David “all the time” and that gun control advocates need “to do a little more listening” to understand why so many Americans are wary of government limits on firearms.

Obama: Gun control supporters must listen more
Submitted by: Anonymous

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President Obama said gun control proponents "have to do a little more listening" to second-amendment advocates in an interview with The New Republic, noting that he has a "profound respect" for hunting as a tradition and urging those who support stricter gun laws not to dismiss that tradition "out of hand." ...
"Part of being able to move this forward is understanding the reality of guns in urban areas are very different from the realities of guns in rural areas," he said.

Submitter's comments: Ever the divider, he tries to separate urban from rural "folks" and hunters from other shooters.
Mr. Obama also has "to do a little more listening." THE SECOND AMENDMENT IS NOT ABOUT HUNTING!

FL: FLPD Uses High-Tech Water To Catch Thieves
Submitted by: Anonymous

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As a mist showers down onto a man from a spigot on the ceiling, some might think it’s a shower, but it’s not. It’s SmartWater.
You could call it a crime fighting spray. Under a special light, you’ll see why. It leaves a harmless chemical staining the skin and clothes, explains SmartWater Founder Philip Cleary.
It’s the latest crime-fighting tool being introduced in Fort Lauderdale. It’s already used in Europe and can be used in several ways.

The history of liberty is the history of the limitations placed on the government. — WOODROW WILSON

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