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Newslinks for 1/29/2011

What do ‘sporting purposes’ have to do with Second Amendment?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "The sporting purposes/militia suitability fraud gives the government cover for the perfect Catch-22 pincer strategy/squeeze play: You can’t have this gun because it has military characteristics. And you can’t have this gun because it doesn’t have military characteristics." ...

Gun Control Emotions vs. Gun Control Facts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just 24 hours after the shooting in Tucson, politicians were calling for more gun control. And the drumbeat has continued." ...

"But while the emotional reaction to a mass shooting is understandable, the fact is that some of the proposals would at best only make people feel better and at worst make them less safe." ...

"Over" or "On"? A question for politicians of the citizen disarmament persuasion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the next firearm, magazine and ammunition stockpiling frenzy begins, heralded by the announced drive for another AWB, here's a question:"

"Are people spending their hard-earned money in the middle of a semi-depression on extended magazines and semi-auto weapons of military utility just to turn them OVER to politicians after they ban them, or to turn them ON said politicians after they ban them?" ...

What will the Obama administration's 'gun control' agenda look like?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A couple days ago, we discussed the forcible citizen disarmament lobby's dismay at President Obama's avoidance of their pet tyranny in his State of the Union address Tuesday night. We also learned that, according to MSNBC's Chris 'Furrowing Up His Leg' Matthews, Obama would soon devote a speech to his vision for 'gun control' in the U.S."

"Since then, there have been some more hints along those lines." ...

Para-military groups help strengthen forces
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The number of hunters in North Carolina is small when compared to some other states. Our numbers pale in comparison to the 750,000 who are in the woods of Pennsylvania. Michigan is reported to have 700,000 hunters in the fields every year and a 250,000 hunters (close to the number here in North Carolina) are in West Virginia. A somewhat conservative estimate of the total number of hunters in America today is 23 million."

"If you should even cut that estimated total number of licensed hunters in the United States by half, and that number of hunters should become a volunteer guerilla army of volunteers to fight off some invader, we would still be looking a the largest army in the world ...

'Coyote Derby' will help whitetail deer herd; Gun bills won't help anybody
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Evergreen State hunters interested in helping the whitetail deer herds north of Spokane (while driving Seattle-area animal rights advocates bonkers) should use this weekend to zero in their varmint rifles, because – according to a flyer circulating across the Internet – a month-long 'Coyote Derby' is about to open ..." ...

"MEANWHILE, perennial anti-gun New Jersey Democrat Sen. Frank Lautenberg this week introduced three anti-gun bills that, according to his press release, will keep guns out of the hands of criminals and terrorists. Lautenberg knows better than that, but this is the kind of language that makes the rubes believe these measures will actually do something to fight crime." ...

Thank the NRA for defending freedoms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms, not the government. The Bill of Rights uses the words 'people' and 'persons' seven times. Why would it apply to the individual six times, but to the government once? The militia mentioned is simply the armed populace. ..." ...

Drop That Gun (second item)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The shooting in Tucson on Jan. 8 can be just one more moment of televised grief or it can be the door, if we dare to open it, to a sane and more just society."

"The cover of The Economist for Jan. 15 summed up our situation well: a cartoon drawing of two screaming heads, mouths wide open and, in place of tongues, two hands sticking out clutching pistols. In American culture many people seem to think any problem can be resolved at gunpoint—from an imagined insult to a paranoid fear that appeals to the Second Amendment to protect us from 'big government.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Yes, because J.F.K. was such a right-wing paranoid wack-job.

Bloomberg Talks Constitution, Democracy and Guns on MSNBC
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mike Bloomberg was on "The Last Word" last night and had some choice words for President Obama and other officials who have refused to stand up to the power of the National Rifle Association." ...

It makes sense to go for the most firepower
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The United Kingdom – six guns for every 100 persons. The United States – 90 guns for every 100 persons. And the death rate from shootings is 40 times higher in the United States. Every shooting episode such as that in Tucson, Ariz., reopens the debate over the Second Amendment and gun control." ...

Submitter's Note: Unmentioned in this polemic are the facts that the UK suffers 2.5 to 4 times as many violent crimes (excepting murder) as the US. Also unmentioned is that the non-firearm homicide rate in the UK is also significantly lower than the US rate. So our 'lax gun laws' cause more beatings, stabbings and bludgeonings? Run that by me one more time?

NRA twisting the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Do we have our heads in the sand? I support Mayor Bloomberg's petition to Congress supporting a bipartisan proposal from Mayors Against Illegal Guns. They propose to 1) Put all the names of people who should be prohibited from carrying guns into the background check system 2) Require a background check for every gun sale in America." ...

IN: Police: Homeowner Opens Fire, Shoots Burglar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A homeowner on Indianapolis' south side shot a man who broke into his house early Thursday, police said." ...

"The homeowner told police he grabbed his gun when he heard glass breaking and found a man in a back bedroom."

"The homeowner opened fire, hitting the man in the buttocks, police said." ...

TN: Man pulls own gun on armed robbery suspects
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Chattanooga man says he pulled his own weapon on armed robbers." ...

"The victim said after being hit, he stumbled back and dropped his keys, then pulled out his own gun. As he did so, the first suspect grabbed the keys, walked into the street and fired. The suspects says he returned the fire and retreated into his home." ...

TX: Soldier handles battle at his S.A. home against suspected burglar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When a homeowner saw a suspect attempt to break into his Ford Expedition, he took actions into his own hands, police say." ...

"... the man got his gun and went outside to confront the suspected burglar, coming face-to-face with the barrel of the suspect's gun."

"... the homeowner fired three shots in the air to scare the suspect away. No one suffered injuries." ...

VA: Beach store where clerk shot at man had been robbed recently
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "About 7 p.m. Wednesday, a man, dressed in black with a bandanna covering his face, entered the Indian Lakes Food Mart in the 1100 block of Indian Lakes Blvd. A clerk saw he was carrying a gun, so he pulled out his own weapon and fired a single shot at the man ..."

"The man fled the store on foot. Investigators said there were no indications that he had been injured." ...

MO: Man keeps gun pointed at burglar until police arrive
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The husband told police he went outside after hearing his dogs barking and seeing the lights on inside both of his cars."

"Once outside, the man found a toolbox from one of his cars sitting on the ground and started looking around for the thief."

"He eventually found Taylor sitting inside his truck and pulled out his gun and pointed it at Taylor until police arrived." ...

Tucson Shooting: Gun Laws Are Latest In The Blame Game
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Jan. 8 a shooting spree ... killed six and wounded Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords outside a Safeway store in Tucson, Arizona."

"Since the tragedy, everyone and everything is being blamed. There is no sign that the finger pointing will cease anytime soon."

"First it was the Tea Party and Sarah Palin. Now, misinformed pundits are pointing to guns as the cause." ...

Bullet talk: Part II
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Bet you're sorry you did that,' a friend said after I posted a blog item raising my own doubts about the availability of high-capacity magazines following the shootings in Tucson."

"Actually, I'm still glad I did. Despite the nasty-grams from people who accused me of being a homosexual, a tool of the left and spawn of the devil, I received a lot of thoughtful responses from readers about why attempts to regulate firearms and ammunition wouldn't have changed the outcome or made society better."

"I like to revisit my own beliefs. I like a good argument. That's what you gave me. Thanks. I thought I'd share with you some of the best comments." ...

Hey, this would be a great time to grab some guns
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Never let a good crisis go to waste. I’ve lost track of the number of articles I’ve written at Hot Air warning against the loss of gun rights following rampages by maniacs, but this seems to be pretty much right on schedule." ...

State of Omission (audio available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Appropriately, President Barack Obama began his speech with tributes to Congresswoman Giffords and the other victims and their families. But - that was it. In his report to the American people on the State of the Union, the president ignored the eight hundred pound gorilla front and center in the House chamber - the laws, or lack of same, that made the Tucson tragedy possible." ...

Gun Rights Battle Heads To Bars, Churches, Doctors' Offices And Day Care
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After ignoring the issue of gun control for his entire presidency to date, aides to President Barack Obama said Wednesday he'd take up the issue within the next few weeks. Even former Vice President Dick Cheney has said he'd be okay with banning high-capacity clips in the wake of the mass shooting that nearly killed Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and left six others dead."

"But there's a whole other lot of Second Amendment supporters who, instead of discussing middle-of-the-road measures to curb gun violence, are advocating to rescind or roll back even current restrictions." ...

Will Stricter Gun Laws Really Protect Us Or Just Cause More Chaos
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the White House prepares its strategy, several gun-policy groups are saying they were burned by the lack of any mention of guns in the president’s highest-profile speech of the year. 'President Obama tonight failed to challenge old assumptions on the need for, and political possibilities of, reducing the gun violence—which he suggested should be done'" ...

Was It Wise of President Obama to Leave Gun Control Out of the State of the Union?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Obama covered quite a bit of ground in his State of the Union address this week, mostly focusing on the economy while paying homage to Tucson victim Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and issuing his 'Sputnik moment' challenge to America."

"But considering the heated rhetoric about the dangers of guns in the hands of the mentally unstable and calls for more gun control in light of [the] murderous rampage in Arizona, some critics wondered why the president didn't make any mention of gun control in his speech." ...

Legislation wrong response to shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., has announced that as a result of the terribly unfortunate Arizona shooting he will be introducing new legislation that will impose increasing restrictions on gun laws. ... However, I think such a response should be weighed against better judgment."

"While I certainly repudiate the tragic loss of life in Arizona, I grow increasingly concerned of this attitude that with every tragedy a 'legislative response' must follow." ...

Is The Other Shoe About To Drop?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Obama was vehemently anti-gun before he entered the White House. He has been conspicuously silent on the issue since, for obvious reasons. Bill Clinton himself made it clear that the Assault Weapons Ban came back to bite the Democratic Party hard in the subsequent election, and Al Gore’s position on the issue may well have cost him the election. Why NOT let it drop? Barack Obama has many very pressing issues, and a man as smart as he SHOULDN’T be wasting time on hollow, feel-good legislation while he sits in the Oval Office."

"However, we’re now ominously told that a statement on 'gun control' is forthcoming from POTUS: ..." ...

IA: A rundown of firearms legislation currently being considered in Des Moines
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here is a list of all of the firearms related legislation currently being considered under the gold dome in Des Moines:" ...

FL: Proposed laws: Allow guns on campus, prohibit local gun ordinances, stop doctors from asking about guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three separate bills have been filed seeking to restrict the ability of government to regulate firearms in Florida, and a rash of recent shootings serve for some as further confirmation of their argument that more guns will ultimately keep us safe." ...

OH: Reps. Bubp, Johnson introduce concealed carry legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Representatives Danny Bubp (R-West Union) and Terry Johnson (R-McDermott) recently introduced legislation to amend Ohio’s concealed carry laws to make them simpler and consistent with other states."

"Specifically, House Bill 45 will simplify the provisions related to the carrying of firearms in vehicles by eliminating the 'micromanaging' provisions that dictate where a gun must be stored in a vehicle ..." ...

WY: Gun bill clears Wyoming Senate
Submitted by: jac

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"Wyoming residents would be able to carry concealed guns without a permit under a bill that cleared the state Senate on Monday." ...

NY: Photos from Sportsmen and Outdoor Recreation Legislative Awareness Day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The second annual Sportsmen and Outdoor Recreation Legislative Awareness Day was held Tuesday and according to those who were in attendance, it was a successful event." ...

FL: Palm Beach County commissioner pushing for statewide ban on selling extended ammunition clips
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Florida should outlaw the sale of extended-size ammunition clips like those used in the Tucson shooting, Palm Beach County Commissioner Burt Aaronson said Friday."

"Aaronson called for state lawmakers to prohibit the sale of ammunition clips that hold more than 10 bullets. Aaronson said he also will ask the County Commission to pass a local ban." ...

OH: Bill (re)introduced to restore gun ownership right to Ohio citizens
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA) has announced that a bill to restore gun ownership rights has been introduced in the Ohio House."

"Representativess Ron Maag (R-Lebanon) and Jarrod Martin (R-Beavercreek) introduced HB54, which contains language from SB247 in the 128th General Assembly. The bill will align Ohio law with federal statutes regarding the restoration of rights to Ohio firearms purchasers. ..." ...

CA: My bad: When S.F. cops accidentally shoot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"During an instructional class for crime scene investigators inside San Francisco's Hall of Justice at 850 Bryant St.,a veteran inspector began a discussion on single action vs. double action firearms when -- kaboom! -- his gun fired a bullet straight through a cubicle wall."

"No one was hurt, but a person familiar with the Aug. 8 incident inside Room 442 later joked, 'The investigators got a crime scene to investigate all right -- their office.'"

"The accidental discharge was just one of 29 unplanned shootings by the city's police officers since 2005 ..." ...

TX: Indictment: Officer Stole $250,000 From Crime Stoppers
Submitted by: jac

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"The Dallas police officer who headed Crime Stoppers for seven years is accused of stealing money from the program."

"Senior Cpl. Theodora Ross was arrested Wednesday afternoon and taken to a Dallas federal court. Investigators say she stole more than $250,000 from the program over a five-year span with the help of a co-conspirator, Melva Delley." ...

PA: Push to stop unemployment for ex-officer in sex case
Submitted by: jac

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"A southeastern Pennsylvania official says it's reprehensible that a former police officer convicted of sexual assault is collecting unemployment compensation." ...

CA: LAUSD: School Cop Who Lied About Shooting Will Be Fired
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The LAUSD police officer who said he was shot and wounded in a confrontation with an armed suspect outside a Woodland Hills high school has been arrested, accused of making up the whole story. School officials say the officer will be fired." ...

AZ: Time, place and manner for all things
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The First Amendment to the United States Constitution gives us all the right to free speech. That right is controlled by time, place and manner. You don’t have the right to yell 'fire' in a theater. The Second Amendment gives us each the right to keep and bear arms. That right may also be controlled by time, place and manner. Each of those sets of controls are based on the safety of the public." ...

FL: More guns mean less crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Daniel Ruth's basic premise that expanded firearm rights have had a negative effect on Florida is false."

"It began in 1987 when Republican Gov. Bob Martinez signed Florida's concealed-carry bill, repeatedly passed by the Legislature but vetoed time and again by Democratic Gov. Bob Graham. Since then, Florida's murder and violent crime rates have plummeted, according to statistics from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Since 1987, the number of licensed concealed-carry citizens has mushroomed to more than 780,000." ...

OH: What the heck is a WOCRMS? (And why is it important to Ohio's sportsmen & women?)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The world is full of acronyms. What is a WOCRMS and why is it important to Ohio's sportsmen and women?"

"WOCRMS stands for Wild Ohio Customer Relationship Management System. It's the state of the art way for sportsmen to interact with the Division of Wildlife. It's been several years from concept, to the pilot program and now to the roll-out starting March 1. I met with Kathy Garza-Behr, District 5 Wildlife Communications Specialist, for an overview and demonstration of the new system." ...

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid. —Dwight D. Eisenhower

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