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Newslinks for 1/29/2013

NY: A Thank You Note From Andrew Cuomo
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Gov. Andrew Cuomo is saying “thank you” to the state lawmakers who backed his sweeping gun control law in letter that’s being sent to members today. The letter comes as gun control advocacy groups and some Republican lawmakers who voted no blast the law, which tightens the state’s assault weapons ban, limits the number of rounds in a high capacity magazine and tightens criminal penalties for illegal weapons. And the governor, who has a consistently high approval rating, acknowledges that backing the law can come at a cost.

Obama: Congressional action on guns is needed
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"The only way that we're going to be able to do everything that needs to be done is with the cooperation of Congress," he said at the start of a meeting with Vice President Joe Biden and law enforcement officials from the Major Cities Chiefs Association and the Major County Sheriffs Association.

"That means passing serious laws that restrict the access and availability of assault weapons and magazine clips that aren't necessary for hunters and sportsmen, those responsible gun owners who are out there. It means that we are serious about universal background checks, it means that we take seriously issues of mental health and school safety," he said.

Personal Defense Weapon
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The Department of Homeland Security does not call an M-4 a military weapon . . . Now if a full auto carbine is just a self defense weapon, how the heck do you classify a semi-automatic AR-15? Perhaps a tin can plinker or a youth rifle? Yeah, it's that good people.

OH: Man arrested after posting Facebook photo of baby & gun
Submitted by: D. Smith

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Police have arrested a Colerain man after he posted a photo of himself on Facebook holding his 1-year-old daughter and a BB gun.

Domonic Gaines, 22, was arrested after the incident which occurred at his home on Suliner Drive Sunday.

The photo depicted Gaines holding his daughter, Paradise Gaines, along with the BB gun. Police say that the close proximity of the gun to the child created a substantial risk of physical harm.

Dykes claims that it was the baby's maternal mother who saw the photo and called the police.

Gaines was arranged on Monday morning on Child Endangerment charges. He's being held without bond in the Hamilton County Jail.

NY: A gunmaker, a new law, subsidies and irony
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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The Herkimer County factory that now makes the assault rifle used in the Newtown massacre received $5.5 million from the state. Have a problem with that? I suspect that many of you do. We're still just six weeks removed from the Sandy Hook mayhem, so it's understandable if you feel revulsion at taxpayer money boosting Remington Arms Co. or any other weapons maker.

NY: Gun law debate continues
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Competing petitions related to the recently passed New York gun laws are being circulated on the Internet. Freshman Sen. Kathleen Marchione, R-Halfmoon, last week launched a petition that calls for the repeal and replacement of what she calls "unconstitutional" provisions of the NY SAFE Act.

VT: Police barred from Vermont gun range over proposed semi-automatic rifle ban
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The battle over the right to bear arms is flaring in Vermont, where a local gun range has moved to prohibit the Burlington Police Department from training at its facilities after the City Council voted to advance a measure banning semi-automatic rifles and large-capacity magazines.
The leadership of the Lamoille Valley Fish and Game Club explained that it's "difficult" for the club to support the city -- even its officers -- given the actions of the council. ...
"It is a constitutional issue. I mean, it's not just a Second Amendment constitutional issue; but it's also a constitutional issue for Vermont. We have laws that have the state governing our gun controls in this area and they're looking to supersede those," he said.

Gun Control Advocates Need to Listen to Gun Owners, Obama Says
Submitted by: D. Smith

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President Obama said that he and his guests go skeet shooting at Camp David “all the time” and that gun control advocates need “to do a little more listening” to understand why so many Americans are wary of government limits on firearms.

“Up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time,” he told The New Republic in the interview, conducted Jan. 16, just after he unveiled his gun proposals.

Asked about his family, he said, “Not the girls, but oftentimes guests of mine go up there. And I have a profound respect for the traditions of hunting that trace back in this country for generations. And I think those who dismiss that out of hand make a big mistake.”

Stephen King [the author of "Rage"]: NRA Should 'Clean Up Blood, Brains and Chunks of Intestine' After Next Massacre
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"One only wishes Wayne LaPierre and his NRA board of directors could be drafted to some of these [violent] scenes, where they would be required to put on booties and rubber gloves and help clean up the blood, the brains, and the chunks of intestine still containing the poor wads of half-digested food that were some innocent bystander’s last meal."
So wrote horror writer Stephen King in a Kindle essay Friday entitled "Guns."

(NE) Sheriff's office reports interest in handgun permits continues to surge
Submitted by: Anonymous

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In a typical month, the sheriff's office issues 10 to 20 permits to purchase a handgun. In the three weeks after the shooting, the sheriff's office issued over 60 permits.


Huff Post Blogger Walks Into a Gun Range and Picks up an AR15…
Submitted by: Anonymous

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… no, he didnt go on a shooting spree, but perhaps we should still be worried when he goes home and writes stuff like this:

‘Look at the A** on Her’: Mayor Bloomberg’s Surprise Alleged Response to Gun Control Thanks
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been lauded by many in recent weeks for his support of strict gun control measures in New York. In a profile of his potential successor City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, New York Magazine’s Jonathan Van Meter related a number of startling comments by the prestigious billionaire. “Look at the a** on her,” the mayor allegedly said of a woman in a tight dress, paying little attention to the thanks he had just received for his efforts to limit gun access.

16 Yr old Stabbed to death in central London
Submitted by: Mike

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Gun control you say?

Police Chief: Within A Generation, Guns Will Be Taken Off The Streets
Submitted by: D. Smith

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San Diego Police Chief, William Lansdowne said in an interview that the implementation of new gun laws will take guns off the streets of America within a generation.

According to San Diego 6, Lansdowne said that it may take a generation but guns will eventually be taken off the streets through new laws like Senator Dianne Feinstein's proposed assault weapons ban.

Lansdowne called for tougher gun laws in an interview with KPBS, and praised President Obama for his initiative on gun control.

"We broke the NRA," Lansdowne said off-camera.

As previously reported, sheriffs from Florida to California have stated publicly that they will not comply with any new gun control measures proposed by the federal government.

Docs vs. Glocks - Is the AAP/AMA telling the whole story?
Submitted by: Rich Nascak/Florida Carry, Inc.

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As is true with so many anti-gun editorials and articles, the uninformed editorial board has swallowed the disinformation campaign orchestrated by the American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Medical Association (AMA).

Selling a New Generation on Guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Threatened by long-term declining participation in shooting sports, the firearms industry has poured millions of dollars into a broad campaign to ensure its future by getting guns into the hands of more, and younger, children.
The industry’s strategies include giving firearms, ammunition and cash to youth groups; weakening state restrictions on hunting by young children; marketing an affordable military-style rifle for “junior shooters” and sponsoring semiautomatic-handgun competitions for youths; and developing a target-shooting video game that promotes brand-name weapons, with links to the Web sites of their makers.

There are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by the gradual and silent encroachment of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpation. — James Madison

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