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Why Does Anybody Need a 30-Round Magazine?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senator Dianne Feinstein's latest divide-and-conquer attack on the Second Amendment has made even Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) a sucker for the argument that private citizens do not need high-capacity magazines. These include not only 30-round rifle magazines, but 17-round magazines for handguns like the Glock."

"Why does anybody need a high capacity magazine? If Senator Manchin were to educate himself by, for example, attending Front Sight's four-day defensive handgun class, he would learn the two primary answers:"

"(1) Failure to stop the aggressor, and

(2) Multiple aggressors" ...

EXCLUSIVE: Feeding Frenzy
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Meanwhile, a Gannett newspaper in New York published an interactive map with the addresses of gun permit holders, and another of their papers in Iowa published an editorial calling for repeal of the Second Amendment, declaring the NRA a terrorist organization, making ownership of semi-autos a felony, and killing gun owners who refused to give theirs up. Really." ...

LAPD endangers selves and public with gun safety violation at ‘buyback’
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "But here’s the one question I really wanted to ask, and since all 'official' media members covering the event are evidently oblivious, someone sure needs to: What the hell is one of Beck’s 'Only Ones' (and where that term came from is especially significant here) doing with his booger hook on the bang switch at the 'buyback'? ..." ...

Feinstein's 'assault weapon' ban probably not gun grabbers' main effort
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Perhaps the most likely of the 'lesser infringements' is a ban of private firearms sales, as we discussed last month. That abomination has been supported by numerous Republicans--including some who afterward received glowing endorsements from the NRA. In fact, the Firearms Coalition pointed out in comments that the NRA itself not long ago supported mandatory background checks at gun shows, 'so long as there was an assurance that they wouldn't unduly 'inconvenience' gun buyers.'" ...

Jews Are For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rabbi Judah Freeman wrote the following article for the JPFO (Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership). It is republished here with their permission."

"On December 28, 2012, the Forward published an article entitled After Newtown, Jews Lead Renewed Push on Guns: Lawmakers and Community Play Key Role in Debate. The article was written by Larry Cohler-Esses. The piece presents a sad and frightening snapshot of a self-important corner of the Jewish world in America . . ." ...

Voice your disapproval with your wallet
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Much like your average politician, many businesses are spineless craven entities that have little backbone and will only do what is in their best interest at a given moment."

"Then there are true believers. Politicians and businesses and voices that will stand up for what they believe in all the time, regardless of backlash, political expediency, or loss of revenue. These latter true believers should not only be admired but also supported."

"Being principled is a difficult road to travel."

"That is why we must support principled politicians who have always stood strong by the 2nd Amendment as well as businesses who will not cave under the sensationalized media hysteria and astro turf activism by liberty hating gun grabbers" ...

High Capacity, Standard Capacity, Or Reduced Capacity
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I had a thought provoking comment left the other day by a John Ryan that bears repeating. It was in regard to an infographic I had posted by the American Preppers Network that discussed 'high capacity' magazines."
"We have to be better at getting the right terms out there. Especially getting them to the talking heads on our side ( they are making lots of mistakes). Otherwise hyperbole wins the day. 'Standard capacity' is the winning term. They are proposing 'reduced capacity'. 'Reduced capacity magazines' diminish a persons ability to defend themselves. 10 is a random # made up out of thin air." ...

The ‘Chicago Way’ is not what Washington wants
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Depending upon whose numbers one believes, Chicago in 2012 logged either 506 murders or 532, according to the Chicago Sun-Times or the Weekly Standard, respectively."

"The Windy City is off to a great start for 2013, too. The Chicago Tribune reported that there were three homicides on New Year's Day."

"Chicago was sued successfully by the Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation, ending that city’s gun ban but the anti-gun city administration persists in making it virtually impossible for a Chicago resident to legally obtain a handgun. ..." ...

Gun rights activist goes after Hollywood A-listers in YouTube video splicing their calls for gun control with violent images from their films
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"A gun rights activist has a message for Hollywood actors calling for tighter gun control laws following the massacre at a Connecticut elementary school: 'Go f-k themelves.'"

"A new YouTube video takes aim at 'hypocrite celebrities and their anti gun agenda' by editing together a recent Public Service Announcement with clips of Hollywood actors in violent, gun-filled movies." ...

Gunfight: Newspaper's decision to out firearms owners sparks ongoing battle (video available)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Now it is the advertisers and readers of a New York newspaper who are caught in the crossfire, after its controversial decision to publish the names and addresses of gun owners in its community."

"The initial story ... prompted a bitter backlash by gun advocates, who published the names and addresses of some of the newspaper’s staff. Since then, supporters and critics ... have been taking potshots at each other in a near-daily exchange that has drawn national attention."

"'The data posted also includes active and retired police officers, judges, battered and stalked individuals, FBI agents, and more,' the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association said in a release that marked the latest escalation. ..."

"The association is calling for a possible boycott of the Gannett-owned newspaper's national advertisers. ..." ...

Armed Defenders DO Stop Mass Murders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here’s a story about the mass murder that didn’t happen at San Antonio’s Santikos Mayan Palace 14 theater." ...

Overreaching government still a concern
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I never thought much about the Second Amendment, just took it for granted while growing up in western Pennsylvania, then traveling around as a Navy wife. I never heard the phrase 'gun control' until I moved to Massachusetts in my late 20s. I had no idea what that meant and was shocked when I found out." ...

Taxing Guns to Pay for Cops in Classrooms
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Last Friday, National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre suggested putting armed police officers in every school in America as a means of warding off the kind of tragedies as recently occurred in Newtown, Connecticut. ..."

"While many Americans may agree with this sentiment, it is not an inexpensive proposition. ..." ...

"As a thought experiment, one option would be to levy a 'Peguvian'[sic] tax on guns in the same way we put excise taxes on tobacco or polution[sic] as a means of offsetting the externalities that they impose on society. ..." ...

KABA Note: Information on Pigovian taxes can be found here.

“Gun Control” Interest Back to Pre-Newtown Levels
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nothing lasts forever. Especially in the world of 24 hour cable news, stories fall off the radar faster than free cupcakes disappear at my day job. As for 'gun control' being a topic in the forefront of the American public’s mind, it looks like the public may already have moved on. The Don’t Be Evil people provide something called 'Google Trends' that gives people a glimpse into the search terms that their bazillions of users are looking for and how they change over time. And according to their results, people have stopped searching the web for gun control-related info . . ." ...

New from Eagle Imports: MAC Bobcut 1911
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Looking for options to cover your bases in what could be a ten-round-max world? Eagle Imports has just the thing…another 1911! The Hector Rodriguez-designed pistol gives you everything you want in a JMB classic: cold hard steel, 8+1 rounds that start with a 4 and a little over two pounds tugging on your pants all day. Press release after the jump . . ." ...

New from Remington: Model 783 Bolt Action Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Well, it looks like American Rifleman got their hands on the new Remington bolt action rifle before anyone else. I’m only slightly miffed; we’re the #1 firearms-related news and reviews website on the internet after all. And AR’s rifle review left a little something something to be desired. ('The 783 is a bolt-action rifle that shoots like a model 700 and costs as much as a 700 did 20 years ago.') ..."

The Second Amendment and some common sense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For the sixth time in the past four years, and the third time in just the last six months, we have another mass killing, the most recent being by far the most heart-rending. All of these tragedies have two things in common — a deranged mind and mass-murder weapons." ...

Submitter's Note: Don't forget the third commonality. 5 out of the 6 (and 3 out of the 3) took place in "gun free" zones. In fact, with the exception of the Tucson shooting, every single mass casualty shooting in the last 30 years has occurred in a "gun free" zone.

Robert Treadway: Why It’s OK to Ban the AR-15
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As Illinois Senate President John Cullerton and California Senator Dianne Feinstein ready their assault weapons ban bills, columnist Robert Treadway at tries to explain why AR-15s deserve civilian oblivion. 'The AR-15 and its variants are fundamentally different from any other rifle on the market: It is light, effective, fast and easy to use to the point that it is in a different category of rifle than those coming before. The AR-15, far more than any other weapon, is easy for an inexperienced shooter to learn to use, because of its light recoil and pistol grip, and the fact that its light recoil makes firing multiple rounds without breaking sight far easier ...' You know where this is going . . ." ...

Second Amendment written with flintlock in mind
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Once again, it takes a mass murder — the death of 20 schoolchildren and six adults — to bring back the gun control issue. It seems to me in the defense of the Second Amendment by the NRA and others, a history lesson must be given."

"When the Second Amendment was written by James Madison and adopted in 1791, the most advanced weapon of the time was a flintlock rifle. The best marksman of the times could reload it maybe three or four times in a minute. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Actually I would argue that the Girandoni air rifle was the most advanced weapon of the time. It had the ballistics of the modern .45 ACP, could fire 20 times before reloading and 30 times before changing the reservoir or recharging.

What about the survivors?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "As far as I know there is no constitutional amendment on our behalf like[sic] there is for the NRA. So, without an amendment, does this mean that we can be slaughtered at will by America’s vast gun culture whenever it gets a hair across its brow about some perceived offense or slight? Do those of us who choose not to carry semi-automatics have to constantly live in fear that we may be shot down at will ... As a survivor of a drive-by shooting, I want to know the answers to these questions. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Sheesh; and they call us paranoid!

Guns sole purpose is to kill, period
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yet more letters that defend guns by blaming anything and everything but the guns. Despite those who blame persons of various stripes for their defects, and claim it is not the fault of the gun, those who kill with a gun are using the gun exactly according to its purpose. Guns exist to kill people, to kill living creatures. Again, simply put, guns exist to kill." ...

Submitter's Note: Well then cops are seriously derelict since, according to the CDC's WISQARS website, from 1999 through 2010 they only averaged 324.5 "Legal Intervention Firearm Deaths" per yer.

Pay the price for the common-sense gun laws we need
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s a one-word key to getting a sensible gun law — money."

"Everyone knows the elements of a basic, common-sense gun law:"

"First, a complete ban on possession of all high-volume guns and magazines, with a reasonable buyback period for existing weapons after which they would be contraband and mere possession would be a crime." ...

Submitter's Note: If you try to implement your "basic, common-sense" gun laws the price won't be money, it will be a bloody civil war. And remember, we gun nuts are the ones with the guns . . .

Conservatives In Media Urge Defiance Against Proposed Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) revealed a plan to introduce legislation banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, members of the right-wing media have launched hysterical, and often false, attacks against her proposal to crack down on weapons like the one used in the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT." ...

NY: Little New York Regulation of Rifle Used in Deadly Shootings
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Almost 19,000 New Yorkers applied for a handgun license in 2009. The state police know who they are, the type of gun they own and where the guns were sold. But when it comes to rifles like the one used to kill 20 first-graders in Newtown, they haven’t got a clue."

"Despite having some of the toughest gun laws in the country, New York State does not require any kind of license to buy a rifle or shotgun and doesn’t bother to track such weapons." ...

KABA Note: Oleg Volk nailed it.

Guns and Piers Morgan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"CNN's Piers Morgan writes that the pro-gun crowd's anger toward him stems from anti-British bias: 'This gun debate is an ongoing war of verbal attrition in America -- and I'm just the latest target, the advantage to the gun lobbyists being that I'm British, a breed of human being who burned down the White House in 1814 and had to be forcefully deported en masse, as no American will ever be allowed to forget.'"

"Scads of 'in-sourced' Brits appear on our telly without us Yanks calling for their deportation. Hell, we just let a Brit play Abe Lincoln. Fox's Stuart Varney seems to escape this anti-mother country xenophobia."

"Maybe, just maybe, it's the way Morgan -- as well as much of the guns-kill-people-crowd -- holds 'debates' on the matter." ...

Ted Nugent’s Open Letter to Joe Biden
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Congratulations on your appointment to lead a presidential commission to end gun-related violence."

"As a National Rifle Association board member, husband, father, grandfather, law enforcement officer and genuinely concerned American, I too want nothing more than to see evil, senseless massacres stopped. I concur with the president and caring people everywhere: It’s time to end these slaughters . . ."

"As you gather your team to study massacres and how to stop them, I offer to you my services and a lifetime of expertise on guns in all their implementations. While I strongly differ with President Obama on many issues, I agree with him that we must work with all we can possibly muster to end these tragedies." ...

Movie Review: “Jack Reacher”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 'Jack Reacher,' a sniper with a scoped M1A has just killed five Pirates fans in front of PNC Park with six long distance shots. Even Roberto Clemente rarely went five for six, so the shooter had to have some skills. Because the Pirates can ill afford to lose what’s left of their dwindling fan base, the Pittsburgh Five-O jumps all over the case. A suspect named Barr – one name, like Beyonce – is quickly picked up by the fuzz. The case against him is so strong that even Marcia Clark could win it. The accused man, who is a former military sniper, refuses to talk to the cops. Instead, he writes the name of Jack Reacher on the DA’s legal pad. I don’t know about you, but I’d be writing 'Gerry Spence.'" ...

KS: Kansas Homeowner Shoots 1 Intruder and Captures a Second
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Details are still emerging in this story and we will update it once we know more."

"What we do know is that a homeowner in Kansas shot and injured one home intruder and held another at gunpoint until police arrived." ...

OH: Ohio Homeowner Shoots 2 Different Home Intruders in 6 Weeks (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is a follow up to the story we posted yesterday about a Cleveland, OH homeowner who was attacked by a man who broke into his home."

"We have more details to report."

"Apparently the homeowner does not live in this home full-time, but has been staying there recently to try and restore the home and make repairs."

"He has been plagued by break ins and people stealing his tools and other possessions. That’s when the the homeowner decided to defend his home by staying there at night."

"Six weeks ago the homeowner shot a man in the face as he tried to break into the home. That man has a history of burglary. This man died of his wounds."

"The second suspect that we reported on yesterday was a little more lucky. ..." ...

Confronting the political problem of guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We hope 2013 brings a civil, intelligent, and constructive national debate about gun policy. Past debates often failed to get traction because Americans have a fundamental disagreement about the meaning of the Second Amendment. Emotions and anger take over – and rational discourse disappears."

"But we all now owe the 26 little children and teachers murdered in the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, a sincere effort to bring light rather than heat to this debate. It does not advance progress for one side to insist that all guns should be confiscated while the other side argues 'good guys' should shoot the 'bad guys.'" ...

Second Amendment sacrifices
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have refrained from commenting on the back and forth on gun control and gun-related violent crime that has been going on in this paper since the Newton school shootings until I could not only do so with a cool head, but I also had time to do a little research and analysis."

"The two arguments I have heard recently; that banning semi-automatic firearms, or increasing gun ownership, especially for teachers, would have any reduction on gun deaths, are just ridiculous." ...

America should uphold the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As expected the media, the politicians, the simple-minded Hollywood celebrities, and countless others have all jumped on the anti-gun bandwagon in the wake of the tragedy in Newtown, Conn."

"When a school shooting happens, they no doubt see another golden opportunity to demand that the American people part company with their Second Amendment liberties! Suppose those school children had been on a bus going on a class field trip and the bus was involved in a horrific highway accident, would the media, President Obama, Mayor Bloomberg, Senators Lautenberg, Feinstein and Schumer all be carrying on as they have been for the past week? I think not! Those innocent children would still be dead and their families grieving ..." ...

Gun control laws aim at ensuring public safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Poor Wayne LaPierre. He is only standing up for the [NRA], that great protector of the Second Amendment, 'the right to bear arms.' LaPierre is in very important company, that of the far-right neo-cons, gun manufacturers, etc. ..."

"The suggestion to arm teachers in all American schools, or have an armed police officer stationed in every American school is a very onerous one. What surprises me the most is that LaPierre did not suggest that Congress pass a law that would require every child entering the first grade to be educated and trained in the use of firearms, tested, licensed and issued a firearm to be kept with them at all times throughout their tenure in the school system." ...

Submitter's Note: Don't be silly! You can (and should) start teaching them gun safety in first grade, but you should wait until they are at least 12 before issuing them their guns.

Second Amendment not intended for hunters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Why won’t anyone come right out and say it? The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was never intended for hunters. The second most important thing on the minds of those who created our country, after protecting freedom of (not from) religion, was to protect the citizens from its own government. In fact, the whole intent of the Bill of Rights was to restrict the branches of government and the agencies it would create from abusing its power." ...

Plan for gun control should include repeal of 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Vice-president Biden had been given a month to come up with a plan for gun control. I hope that he would adopt the following policies:"

"• Repeal the Second Amendment. It serves no useful purpose. If the boys in the street want to form a 'well-regulated militia' when the government starts acting bossy, they won't bother to seek Constitutional approval." ...

Submitter's Note: If it is so outmoded then why bother repealing it?

Any gun is merely a tool in the hands of a law-abiding citizen
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Obama and the anti-gun zealots either don't know, don't understand or don't care about the context in which the Second Amendment to the Constitution was adopted."

"... They were concerned about citizens maintaining the means to resist any overreaching and/or oppressive government ...."

"Obama and those of his ilk now choose to stand on the coffins of murdered children and advocate that we respond to the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School by making it more difficult for law-abiding people to defend themselves or others. Make no mistake; their ultimate goal is to disarm the civilian population and, to that end, they scoff at suggestions that could provide meaningful protections to the most vulnerable among us,

Knee-jerk gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Most of you know me to be an Independent when it comes to my political persuasion. I am a strong American Patriot. My husband was proud to serve 4-1/2 years in the U.S. Navy. We are proud to live in America and be Americans. He felt his time served was to defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights ..."

"I am deeply saddened for the people who lost their lives, both adult and children alike. However, I do not think America should make a knee-jerk reaction to this sad shooting in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. Right off the bat, the politicians are wanting to modify the Second Amendment. Why? Because it will help in their efforts to be re-elected. I'm sure most of you know what it says, but this will refresh your memory;" ...

The AR-15: The Gun Liberals Love to Hate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Politician after politician have joined the television talking heads in calling for a new 'assault weapons ban' patterned after the ten-year Clinton ban that was allowed to lapse in 2004 after ... studies concluded it had no impact whatsoever on murder and violent crime rates and had become a symbol of wrong-headed governmental attempts to restrict firearms ownership in this country."

"... Sen. Dianne Feinstein has called for reinstituting the old Clinton ban to outlaw the sale, transfer and possession of such guns in the future while grandfathering those already in the hands of private parties. Others, like New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, have gone so far as to suggest 'confiscation' or forced 'buy back' programs ..." ...

Here's Why Someone Would Need To Own An 'Assault' Rifle
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Guns: The left keeps asking why anyone needs an 'assault' rifle. Here's one reason — in 2010, a Texas teen used a rifle similar to the one used in Newtown to defend his younger sister and himself from home invaders."

"The left quite often exposes its raging elitism through its odious habit of asking why anyone would need the things that it doesn't like, from guns to big homes to monster trucks."

"The implication is that if the elitists don't want whatever it is, then no one should be allowed to have it — except, of course, it's fine for the elitists themselves to live in energy-sucking mansions, hire armed bodyguards and drive around in gas-guzzling limousines and SUVs." ...

The 2nd Amendment, First Among Equals for Many Conservatives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From Conor Friedersdorf, a question for the conservative movement: Why is the Second Amendment valued more than any other part of the Bill of Rights? The Fourth and Fifth Amendments seem like important amendments, too, after all:"

"Even if we presume that the 2nd Amendment exists partly so that citizens can rise up if the government gets tyrannical, it is undeniable that the Framers built other safeguards into the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to prevent things from ever getting so bad as to warrant an insurrection. Federalism was one such safeguard; the separation of powers into three branches was another; and the balance of the Bill of Rights was the last of the major safeguards." ...

Submitter's Note: Well I can only speak for myself and I am more libertarian than conservative. That being said, I focus on the Second Amendment because the government is shredding so many civil liberties so rapidly that I don't have the time or energy to keep up with them all so I have chosen to concentrate on the Second.

History says leave Second Amendment to its original purpose
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You’re bound to catch a few inquisitive eyes with a headline that reads: 'Second Amendment needs to be updated to protect US citizens.' ..."

"Indeed! Our nation continues to mourn the loss of innocence and we’re all agonizing over solutions. So with great interest, I began reading in search of new ideas that may help us all create a safer society. My curiosity then turned to confusion over the suggested post-war timeline in which the amendment was written. ..."

"Reading further, I scratched my head once again at the implication that the Second Amendment protects hunting with military weapons. ..." ...

Gun insurance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Re: Eugene Robinson’s Jan. 1 column, “'Urgent resolution: End gun lunacy':"

"Robinson just repeated all the usual unrealistic arguments for restricting gun ownership. He says hunters don't need semi-automatic guns with big magazines. True. He says that statistically you're in more danger from a gun you own than from some criminal. True. He says these guns result in more fatalities in mass shootings. True."

"All that's beside the point. First, there's the Second Amendment. It's not there for hunters or self protection. It's there for citizens to oppose armies - and for that, military-type rifles are exactly what is needed." ...

NY: 48 of 51 City Council members sign Daily News petition to ban assault weapons
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Nearly every member of the City Council has joined the Daily News campaign to ban assault weapons. The Council itself has been deeply touched by gun violence, losing one of its own members in 2003 when Councilman James Davis was shot to death by a political rival." ...

Harry Reid Prepares to Annihilate Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Election Day last November, several Democrat Senators were campaigning for reelection in pro-gun states. And in order to get their constituents’ votes, they promised fealty to the Second Amendment."

"On November 6, [three] Democrat Senators ... won their respective elections. These seats, among others, were crucial to helping Harry Reid return to the top post in the Senate."

"But only a month after the election returns were tallied, the Senate -- under Majority Leader Harry Reid’s control -- is now crusading to implement:"

"* Gun bans on semiautomatic firearms and magazines;"

"* An effective ban on gun shows;"

"* A ban on private gun sales, without going through a gun dealer; ..." ...

Marine Tells Di Feinstein, ‘No Ma’am’ Over Gun Grabbing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Joshua Boston, a retired Corporal in the U.S. Marine Corps, has a message for Senator Dianne Feinstein (D, CA) concerning her newest gun banning bill. Corporal Boston says, 'No Ma’Am.'"

"Boston posted an open letter to Senator Feinstein at CNN’s ireport site on December 27 to let DiFi know that he, at least, would not submit to the government denuding him of his Second Amendment rights." ...

NY: Cuomo Says Microstamping Of Bullets Unlikely To Be Adopted
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he plans to soon introduce a proposal for tougher gun-control laws, but he didn’t expect passage of a measure for microstamping of bullet casings."

"New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a staunch gun-control advocate, has pushed Albany in recent years to legalize microstamping technology, which would imprint a unique code on the casings that could help police track a gun’s purchase and owner."

"'I support microstamping. I think it’s highly improbable at this point that you would get agreement on it,' Cuomo said at a cabinet meeting today in Albany." ...

KABA Note: Given the $45 Million waste that was CoBIS I'm not surprised the Legislature is not going to let themselves be fooled again.

IL: BREAKING: Illinois Modern Firearms Ban and Mag Cap Bills Pass Out of Committee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Both Illinois HB1263 (banning various firearms) and HB815 (regulating the bejesus out of magazines and shooting ranges) have passed out of a Public Health hearing (I swear) by a vote of 6 – 3. Before passing HB1263, the Committee added a sixth amendment. According to its dictates, firearms specified in the bill (e.g. a semi-automatic rifle such as the ones shown above only with longer barrels) must be registered with the Illinois State Police within 240 days of the bill’s passage, at $10 per gun ($15 for a .50). ..."

NY: Gianaris Participates In Gun Control Conference
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"State Senator Michael Gianaris spoke at a gun violence prevention press conference to support the immediate passage of more sensible gun laws. The conference was held at City Hall, December 20, in response to the mass shooting of 27, mostly children at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut. The event was hosted by Assemblymembers Michelle Schimel (DNassau County) and Brian Kavanagh (DManhattan), co-chairs of a bipartisan coalition of 50 New York officials, State Legislators Against Illegal Guns (SLAIG)." ...

Dana Safety Supply Stops Selling Semi Auto Rifles to Civilians So Sheriff Pulls His Business
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Well, another vendor has joined the ranks of those that fail to completely honor the Second Amendment."

"Dana Safety Supply has stated that they will no longer sell self loading rifles to civilians and will reserve those rifles for sale only to law enforcement agencies." ...

"Well hey, at least they have their law enforcement sales to keep them in business, right?"

"Wait, not so fast?"

"One Sheriff in Oconee County, GA begs to differ. Sheriff Scott Barry tells us:"

"Well, I have done business in the past with DSS and found them to be an excellent source of products that we buy…however, I just sent them this email" ...

"Kudos to Sheriff Berry for standing up for the civilian right to bear arms."

"If anyone is interested the following companies are also owned by the same people who own Dana Safety Supply:" ...

PA: Philadelphia Deputy Police Commissioner trolled department's personnel files looking for dates: report
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Philadelphia deputy police commissioner was so desperate for dates that he trolled the department's personnel files looking for female officers to hit on, according to a report."

"Deputy Commissioner William Blackburn ordered aides to bring him head shots of comely female cops, and then instructed the underlings to set up meet-and-greets with the ones he liked best, the Philadelphia Daily News reported."

"Blackburn's alleged creepy behavior came to light as part of testimony from former aides in a discrimination lawsuit brought by a female police captain." ...

A newspaper hires armed guards over a lame story.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here’s a question: Just because you can do something, should you?"

"It’s been on my mind for days, and at the base of it is the mass killing of 6 – and 7-year-old children in their Connecticut classroom and the raging debate it’s created about gun control, the Second Amendment and, most recently, the First Amendment as well. But it’s also been pushed along by the normal end-of-the-year ruminations about what directions the Weekly should take in 2013; and, oh yeah, if the idea of buying my husband a shotgun for Christmas was a bad one.

" ...

New York-based Journal News evacuated in anthrax scare following gun map
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Hazmat crews responded to the Journal News this morning following the discovery of white powder inside an envelope."

"White Plains Police Commissioner David Chong said initial preliminary results of tests on the substance showed it to be non-toxic. The envelope was handled by a worker in the mail room of the Journal News' office at 1133 Westchester Avenue in White Plains, who was decontaminated by Hazmat, Chong said."

"He would not comment on who the envelope was addressed to."

"The newspaper has been at the center of controversy following its decision to publish a map last week which included the names and addresses of registered gun owners in Westchester and Rockland counties, just north of New York City." ...

NY: Got Guns? Rye Resident Reacts to Gun Database
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Recently, at a family Christmas party, my cousin, a retired police officer, asked if I knew that I was in the newspaper. It was at that time I was informed that as a pistol permit holder, my name and address were listed in the local paper. First I thought why, what did I do but exercise my Constitutional rights? With a wife and two children at home, why would Dwight Worley, also a gun owner, list our names, addresses, and even apartment numbers? Why not just a general location? Why list our names and addresses? It seems he was trying to hang a Scarlet letter on our necks. ..." ...

NY: Publishing list of gun permits invites crime
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"I cannot believe that a newspaper has published a map of legal holders of pistol permits in White Plains, and there are plans to do so in Putnam County."

"I can’t wait for the first lawsuit against these newspapers. Talk about an invitation to criminals to tell them not only who has a gun, but those who may not have one! What homes do you now think criminals will break in to?" ...

NY: Putnam clerk refuses to release gun owner list (video available)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"There is a new twist in the battle over releasing the names of gun permit owners."

"The Putnam County clerk is refusing to release the names in his county."

"The Journal News has outraged many gun owners in Westchester and Rockland counties by publishing their names and home addresses."

"It wants to do the same in Putnam, but County Clerk Dennis Sant said he would defer a request for information about permit holders." ...

Gun checks soar 39 percent, set new record: FBI
Submitted by: D. Smith

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... "The FBI said it recorded 2.8 million background checks during the month, surpassing the mark set in November of 2 million checks. The number was up 49 percent over December 2011, when the FBI performed a then-record 1.9 million checks." ...

Consumer demand for guns appears to have accounted for the uptick in activity. There were no changes in FBI background check procedures that would have affected the December numbers, FBI spokesman Stephen Fischer said.

FBI checks for all of 2012 totaled 19.6 million, an annual record and an increase of 19 percent over 2011.


Al Sharpton: Knife Control May Be Next
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"According to Al Sharpton, knife control may be next. On his radio show last week, Sharpton, a gun-control advocate, argued that, in a civilized society, massacres such as those that have taken place in Newtown, Aurora and Columbine simply do not occur."

"A caller asked, 'What happens when the criminal goes to knives, Al?' 'Then you deal with that,' Sharpton said. 'The job of society is to deal with whatever problem confronts it.'" ...

Submitter's comment: Remember that the Second Amendment covers "arms." This includes knives as well as firearms.

Rush on CPLs in Washington, guns nationwide
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are now more Evergreen State gun owners who are legally licensed to carry concealed handguns than ever before, and it goes along with a nationwide trend toward more gun ownership as the FBI has reported a record number of background checks for December." ...

CA: The need for a well-regulated militia
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The tragedy of Newtown would probably have happened even if stricter gun laws had been in force and, despite the hysterical ravings of the gun lobby, the tragedy would not have been averted had 6-year-olds been permitted to pack heat." ...

Submitter's Note: Okay, how about if Principal Dawn Hochsprung and school psychologist Mary Sherlach (the first two victims at the school) had been armed when they faced the shooter?

AL: Stricter gun laws needed for safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The horrific mass killings and daily murders seem to have reached a point that something must be done to stop them. There is no quick fix or one solution that can stop it instantly, but we must start now. We must take assault weapons and large-round magazines out of the marketplace and out of the hands of killers. Handguns must be taken off the streets. Handguns should be sold to any individuals after a proper background check. They should be kept in the home for personal and home protection." ...

NY: Strict gun law proposals worry Ilion officials (video available)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Calls to stiffen gun laws are worrying officials in the village of Ilion, just outside of Utica, built around the gun manufacturing company Remington Arms."

"The company recently moved its Bushmaster rifle manufacturing to its plant in Ilion. It’s the gun used in both the Newtown and Webster shootings last month."

"Villagers in Ilion say banning certain weapons as a response to the shootings would devastate their community." ...

TN: A variety of viewpoints take aim at gun control, pro and con
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "No less conflicted than the rest of the country on the issue, the Scene opens the floor to five Nashvillians representing a range of positions on gun control. They raise questions on both sides that must be addressed in any serious consideration of weapons regulation. If restrictions are lifted, will it result in a safer populace or armed anarchy? If restrictions are tightened, will only criminals have access to the strongest firepower? Do 'gun free zones' reduce citizens (and children) to defenseless targets, or does opening schools to permit carriers create new risk of incident or accident?" ...

MD: Maryland first-grader suspended for pointing fingers at friends, saying 'pow'
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"A Maryland first-grader has been suspended for pointing his fingers like a gun at school."

"The boy, a student at Roscoe Nix Elementary School in Silver Spring, was suspended for one day. The incident happened a week after the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting in Newtown, Conn."

"The family's attorney says the 6-year-old was playing with friends, not making threats." ...

Canada: Gunning for a chance at equal firepower
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Interesting Matthew Claxton column on guns and America's Second Amendment (I don't second that amendment, Times, Dec. 24). I like the concept of sticking with the 'arms arsenal of the times'."

"However, the Second Amendment has to do with maintaining the people's ability to defend themselves against government, in the event it gets out of hand." ...

Canada: Assault weapons banned in Canada allowed to be exported to Colombia
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Just one day before last month’s elementary school massacre in Newtown, Conn., Canada offered its gun merchants “new market opportunities” to export banned assault weapons to Colombia, one of the world’s most violent countries."

"Canada quietly eased its ban on the export of assault-style weapons to Colombia after Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird recommended an order amending the Automatic Firearms Country Control List (AFCCL)."

"That opened the door for Canadian gun merchants to sell fully automatic weapons with high-capacity magazines — banned in Canada — to Colombia." ...

India: Indian bus rape: Delhi sees rush for guns
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Hundreds of women in Delhi have applied for gun licences following the gang rape and murder of a 23-year-old woman by six men in a bus in the city last month."

"The news underlines the widespread sense of insecurity in the city, deep before the incident and deeper now, and the lack of faith in law enforcement agencies." ...

"The rush for firearms will cause concern, however. Police in Delhi have received 274 requests for licences and 1,200 inquiries from women since 18 December ..." ...

"'We had to patiently tell them that one needs to have a clear danger to one's life to be given a licence. However some … said that with even public transport no longer safe in the city they just cannot take chances,' an unnamed official told the newspaper." ...

KABA Note: I guess the risk of being gang raped and murdered isn't a clear enough danger for a woman.

The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full possession of them. — Zachariah Johnson, 3 Elliot, Debates at 646

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