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Newslinks for 1/31/2006

CCRKBA Urges Wisconsin Gun Owners to Call Legislature
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Citizens Committee for the Right to keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) is urging grassroots gun rights activists in Wisconsin to call the State Assembly in advance of Tuesday's scheduled vote in the State Assembly to override the veto of the state's concealed carry law by anti-gun Gov. Jim Doyle." ...

"'It's time for the Wisconsin Legislature to stand up to anti- self-defense rights extremism and pass a law that lives up to the state constitution,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan M. Gottlieb. 'Right now, the vote looks like it will be close, so there is no better time for gun owners who believe in the right of self- defense to call the Assembly and make their feelings known.'" ...

Guns Win
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Politicians and political advisors are finally realizing that gun control is a losing issue in elections. What they can’t seem to grasp is that gun rights is a winning issue."

"In the 2004 elections, both parties demonstrated a willingness to risk offending their base supporters by giving lip service to opponent’s issues. Nowhere was this more evident than in the presidential campaigns and the gun issue."

"John Kerry, with a long anti-gun record in the Senate and backing from gun control groups made quite a show of his support of hunting and the second amendment, '…as it has been interpreted in our society.' ...'" ...

Rifle has gone through many variations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Space limitations prevented me from completing my fascination with the .30-06 and the rifles that use this cartridge. My brother had a Springfield that had been manufactured during World War II. It had a cutoff device that once loaded with five rounds you switched to single-shot capability loading one shot at a time and then you could reverse the process and fire off the five cartridges in the magazine. That was pretty neat. It was put there to prevent soldiers from firing off too much ammunition. What could they be possibly be thinking?" ...

NJ: Self defense or murder?: Trial for Lodi business owner set to begin
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's been more than two years since Lodi business owner Paul Alamo was charged with murder in the shooting death of a neighbor."

"Nobody disputes the fact that Alamo and Mark Hasty were both outside a home under construction ... And nobody disputes the fact that Alamo shot Hasty ..." ...

"Alamo was allegedly driving around the area because of recent burglaries, and was at a home under construction when Hasty arrived. The two men got into a confrontation in the driveway, and Alamo ultimately shot Hasty twice. ..."

"Alamo maintained that Hasty had a knife and was making threats, but investigators found no knife at the scene."

"Alamo was questioned and released, and prosecutors decided a month later to charge him with murder. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: See here about two-thirds of the way down for more details on the shooting.

NJ: Mayor Healy shrugs off city's crime (letter)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"I am both saddened and outraged by Mayor Healy's comment that there's 'only so much we can do about crime.' If my local government cannot control the increasing violent crime problem in Jersey City, then who can? Is Mayor Healy saying that we are doomed and have to accept the fact that criminals are terrorizing the residents of Jersey City?" ...

Submitter's Note: Who can? The citizens can!

We all know what would improve the situation: offer city-sponsored firearms training for all qualified residents and urge the state to loosen up on CCW. But this is the People's Republic of New Jersey, so that won't happen. They'd rather keep the citizenry in a state of fearful dependence on government.

AK: Bills would ease self-defense laws
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Alaska lawmakers are eyeing legislation to loosen the limits on when people can justifiably kill attackers and to shield them from lawsuits if they do."

"Proponents say the state's standards for self-defense don't do enough to protect law-abiding citizens, leaving them vulnerable to attack and liable to prosecution if they fight back."

"Some police agencies and prosecutors, however, worry that the proposed new law could make it easier for murderers, gang members and other criminals to elude prosecution by claiming self-defense." ...

WI: Will Townsend Vote His Conscience or Cave to NRA & GOP Party Bosses?
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Fond du Lac Republican State Representative John Townsend faces a very important test tomorrow. Will he cave to the National Rifle Association and his Republican Party bosses and vote to allow concealed weapons in Wisconsin? Or will he follow his conscience and vote to uphold a veto of a bill he personally does not support?" ...

DE: DE Lawmakers Consider Legislation Against Real-Looking Toy Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More and more people are talking about the dangers of real-looking BB and pellet guns."

"In Delaware, lawmakers have said there may be some legislation introduced this session."

"Earlier this month, a 12-year-old was arrested for pointing one at classmates, and
during the holidays, Salisbury police chief Alan Webster held a press conference where he asked parents not to buy them as gifts for their children."

"Ron Marvel sells them at his hardware store. But his rule is, you have to be 18 to buy one, or be with a parent."

"'When you take a police officer...he sees the weapon is there, it looks real, he's going to react to that. Certainly, I can't blame him for anything that he would do. It's a split-second decision,' Marvel said." ...

KS: Lawmakers address conceal-and-carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun dealer Dale Lauver is weary of the state firing blanks at a bill that would allow people to carry concealed firearms."

"He said it was time Kansas governors -- in the past, Republican Bill Graves but now Democrat Kathleen Sebelius -- let the will of the majority prevail on legislation making it legal to tuck away a weapon so it can be handy in an emergency."

"'I like the idea,' said Lauver, of the High Plains Gun Shop west of Topeka. 'It's been proven, in states that have had the right-to-carry law, major crime goes down.'"

"Last year, the Legislature passed and Sebelius signed into law a bill granting to retired law enforcement officers the privilege of packing heat." ...

Submitter's Note: It is not a 'privilege', it is a fundamental, G-d given, Constitutional, civil and human right.

WI: Bill to let 8-year-olds hunt shows adults short on sense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Has everyone in the Wisconsin Legislature abandoned common sense?"

"Yes, OK, hunting is 'part of the culture' in Wisconsin. I get that. And, yes, the Department of Natural Resources needs the money from hunting licenses to carry out its programs. I don't have a problem with all that. (Except, as a person who spends time nearly every weekend tromping around on public land, I'd be more than happy to pay for a 'public lands access' license - if the state would just ask me to.)"

"But sanctioning allowing 8-year-olds to hunt? 8-year-olds?! What kind of adult would think that's a good idea?" ...

"The bill would allow children as young as 8 to hunt, with an accompanying adult age 18 or older. The duo could have one gun between them. ..." ...

OH: Ohioans For Concealed Carry has Endorsed J. Kenneth Blackwell for Governor of the State of Ohio (OFCC)
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"'Ken Blackwell, a Life Member of the NRA, has been a strong, consistent supporter of the rights of gun owners,' said Jeff Garvas, president of Ohioans For Concealed Carry (OFCC). 'As Governor, we believe he will be instrumental in furthering concealed carry reform in Ohio.'" ...

OH: Blackwell & Petro both see positives in latest GOP polling data (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"Late last year, Ohio GOP Chairman Bob Bennett announced that the party would conduct a poll before the Feb. 16 candidate filing deadline in hopes of persuading at least one seeking the Republican nomination for governor to seek another office."

"It became obvious last week that the results of that poll were made known to the candidates, and that Bennett had achieved his goal, when (to the delight of Ohio gun owners) Betty Montgomery quit the race for governor ..."

"Secretary of State Ken Blackwell and Attorney General Jim Petro, now the two GOP front-runners, are now left to put their own spin on the polling data, and judging by press releases from each campaign, both saw things they liked..." ...

OH: Buckeye Firearms Assoc. on hand as Petro names Sen. Joy Padgett as running mate (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"Buckeye Firearms Assocation Legislative Chair Ken Hanson was on hand at the Statehouse Monday as Current Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Jim Petro announced that state Sen. Joy Padgett, of Coshocton, will be his Republican running mate for governor." ...

"A 2004 Buckeye Firearms Association endorsee, Sen. Padgett has been steadfast and tenacious in her defense of firearm rights and a friend to the sportsmen of Ohio for many years." ...

IN: Gun, Other Gear Stolen From Bloomington PD Officer's Car
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A case of theft hit close to home for Bloomington police after guns and other gear were stolen from a police officer's car."

"Bloomington police are passing around copies of a photograph showing the kinds of equipment someone grabbed from an officer's car."

"'Really, I think it should bother everybody. It gives someone a definite advantage with a gun, radio, handcuffs and a badge,' said Gene Perkins, Bloomington resident."

"The thief also made off with an ammunition clip. Department officials say they let officers take gear home so they can continue their police work. But this incident has left some Bloomington residents worried that police officers are getting careless." ...

FL: Police Want Real Penalties For Fake Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Brevard County police chief is vowing to get tougher on toy guns."

"He said he thinks the punishment is too light for people who commit crimes using fake firearms ..."

"Police say criminals are increasingly using toy guns or air guns because of the criminal benefits. For example, if someone holds up a convenience store using a real gun, they could face life in prison. But if they use a toy or air gun, the most they could get is just 15 years."

"'It's definitely becoming a big problem,' said Palm Bay Police Chief Bill Berger."

"It's a problem in Palm Bay, where police say a man held up a pizza restaurant with a fake gun. It's a problem in Titusville, where police shot and killed a man who tried to hold up a store with a toy gun." ...

WA: Pullman police sold pistol that was used in recent killings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The handgun used in a double-homicide and suicide was once owned by the police, but how it wound up in the hands of the man blamed for the shooting cannot be conclusively established, investigators say."

"Detectives have an idea about how Trevor S. Saunders, 29, of nearby Moscow, Idaho, wound up with the .45-caliber Beretta he apparently used to kill Louissa A. Thompson, 27, of Pullman, and Peter A. Zornes, 25, of Oakesdale, who worked with her, but police Cmdr. Christian Tennant would not elaborate." ...

OH: Officer Suspended for Leaving Rifle at School
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A southwest Ohio police department suspended an officer for three days without pay for leaving his unloaded assault rifle in a high school parking lot.

The Fairfield Township Police Chief Richard St. John said Officer Doug Lanier, 32, was distracted when he left a SWAT training exercise Monday at Edgewood high school. He drove off without realized he hadn’t put his rifle in his vehicle.

A student arriving for basketball practice found the weapon and alerted his coach.

Lanier, who has worked on the force for four years, began serving the suspension Wednesday. He also was suspended from the SWAT team until he receives further training, St. John said.

India: 18 BSF personnel detained for disorderly conduct
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police on Sunday detained 18 Border Security Force (BSF) personnel for allegedly going on the rampage in the Kamakhya temple premises. Several people, including a temple priest and a jawan, were injured."

"The condition of three persons including the priest is stated to be critical. According to the police, temple authorities complained that the BSF personnel resorted to blank fire and hit people with bamboo poles and rifle butt."

"Trouble began when the BSF personnel had a scuffle with the temple security and devotees over entering the temple, City Senior Superintendent of Police Nitul Gogoi told The Hindu." ...

Brazil: Police Violence in Rio de Janeiro
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Death is nothing new to the Morro do Estado, a mish-mash of redbrick favela housing that clings to the slopes high above central Niteroi, a city near Rio de Janeiro. But as locals crowded into the Bar do Raimundo for a game of snooker one Sunday night in December they had little idea just how close it was."

"Within minutes five residents – among them three boys under the age of 15 – lay dead. The weathered cement walls outside the bar were pockmarked with gunshots and the pavement covered in a thick coat of blood." ...

"Human rights activists believe deaths like these underline the increasingly aggressive and often illegal tactics being used by police across Brazil to crack down on the burgeoning drug trade with devastating results. ..."

UK: Ashley family plan to sue police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Relatives of a man shot dead by police eight years ago are to ask the Royal Court of Justice for permission to sue the force's former chief constable."

"James Ashley, 39, of Liverpool, was unarmed and naked when he was shot during a drugs raid at his flat ... in 1998."

"Sussex Police admitted negligence at the time of the shooting."

"Mr Ashley's family now want to sue Paul Whitehouse for misfeasance - carrying out a legal act illegally." ...

"Liverpool Riverside MP Louise Ellman said there is 'no doubt that a grave injustice was done to James Ashley'."

"'I can fully understand how the Ashley family feel,' she added."

"'He should not have died, and there was a deliberate attempt to cover up what had happened.'" ...

GA: Gunmaker scaling back
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When German gunmaker Heckler & Koch showed up in Columbus more than two years ago, it had big plans for becoming one of the city's major local companies."

"On the drawing board was a 100,000-square-foot manufacturing facility, a $25 million capital investment and at least 200 high-paying jobs -- maybe more. Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue even visited Columbus to attend a groundbreaking ..."

"But Sterling, Va.-based Heckler & Koch (pronounced 'coke') had to scale back its strategy in a major way after learning last October that the U.S. military had cancelled competitive bidding for the next-generation assault rifle. H&K was hoping to land a lucrative contract with the government to replace its 40-year-old M4 carbine and M16 rifle." ...

CT: It’s time to change Sunday hunting ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let’s see, it’s Sunday, so that means there is no fishing, no hiking, no golf, no football, no basketball, no stock car racing, in fact, no sports of any kind including hunting because it’s Sunday."

"What’s that? Whattaya mean you can do any of those sports on a Sunday? Well yes, almost any of them, but you still can’t hunt on a Sunday here in Connecticut, not even on private lands other than a hunting preserve. Doesn’t that seem sort of odd?"

"I mean the days of burning a witch at the stake have supposed to have been outlawed many years ago, yet it seems that we still use an archaic blue law to discriminate against those of us who might want to get into the woods on a Sunday and do some hunting. ..." ...

VA: Fredericksburg Expo kicks off
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Fredericksburg Expo & Conference Center threw open its doors to the public this past weekend."

"The kickoff event was the Fredericksburg Gun and Knife Show, which drew large crowds of hunters and firearms enthusiasts, as well as history buffs."

"Tom Ballantine, president of Ballantine Management Group, the center's owner and operator, estimated that between 6,000 and 8,000 people poured into the 120,000-square-foot facility on Saturday, the first day of the show. Ballantine did not have attendance estimates for yesterday." ...

OH: Rifle Team Shoots at the Roger Withrow Invitational
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The Ohio State rifle team took part in the Roger Withrow Invitational Saturday at Murray State in Kentucky. Ryan Kohatsu (Sr., Hilo, Hawaii) shot a team-high 1,168 two-gun aggregate score with a team-high 589 in smallbore rifle and a 579 in air rifle. Buckeye Linnea Nygren (Sr., Hayward, Calif.) had a aggregate score of 1,145 with a 564 in smallbore rifle and a team-high 581 in air rifle.

The Buckeyes will go to the firing line Saturday when they host Xavier and West Virginia.

ME: Maine Hosts Biathlon Junior World Championships
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The event is being held in the U.S. for the first time and is expected to pump more than four million dollars into the state's economy."

"Athletes from nearly 30 countries are taking part in the competition, which began Saturday and ends Friday."

"While none of the competitors will be in next week's Winter Olympics in Italy, some are expected to be serious contenders four years from now at the 2010 Olympics in Canada."

"Among those in attendance at the event was former NFL star Herschel Walker." ...

"Walker also tried out a rifle Sunday at the invitation of organizers, hitting all five shots while firing from the prone position, but missing all five while standing."

MT: Tags given to hunters banned from guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hundreds of felons on parole or probation who are barred from having guns are getting hunting licenses in Montana with no questions asked, an Associated Press investigation has found."

"Montana may not be alone. While nearly all states ban felons from possessing guns, only a handful have specific laws prohibiting them from receiving hunting permits, and even fewer have any means of checking to see if applicants are banned from hunting or carrying a firearm."

"'Our license dealers have no way of checking,' said Lt. Rich Mann, with the enforcement program for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. 'If someone wants to play with the system and beat you at it, they will.'" ...

VA: Haulin' out the swine
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Local hunters are hungry for a hog kill."

"In an effort to help area farmers and landowners eradicate destructive feral hogs, which are tearing up fields and eating crops, hunters have supplied Culpeper County officials with their names and phone numbers."

"The list, which will give landowners a possible solution in eradicating the animals that government agencies are not obligated to eliminate, is scheduled to be available today on"

"Hogs, domestic and feral, can be characterized as a nuisance species, similar to coyotes, snakes or skunks, which means they are not the responsibility of any governmental agency." ...

TX: Rifle continues to rewrite the record books
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The TCU women's rifle team continued to rewrite the record books in their victory over UTEP and the New Mexico Military Institute last weekend at the UTEP Triangular in El Paso, Texas. Freshman standout Tanya Gorin broke the school record in 60-shot air rifle for the third time this season and the team set new records in both smallbore and air rifle."

"With a score of 586, Gorin demolished her own 60-shot air rifle record of 581, which she set in November of last year against Arkansas-Fort Smith. She also finished with a 571 in smallbore. Senior Celeste Green, junior Emily Conway and freshman Kristine Tisinger all added personal-best scores at the weekend competition. ..." ...

MA: MIT Finishes Second Overall at Annual Bean-Pot Shoot-Off
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"MIT rifle opened the 2006 portion of its slate by hosting the annual Bean-Pot Shoot-Off. The U.S. Coast Guard Academy relied on its depth to secure the team championship, while the Engineers held off Wentworth and John Jay College enroute to a second-place finish. Anton Katz served as the weekend's top marksman, winning both the smallbore and air rifle events."

"The Bears scored 4416 to outpace MIT's total of 4342. Wentworth tallied 4112, while John Jay finished fourth with a final score of 4079." ...

UK: New laws, less sense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Do you feel safer as a result of the 30,000 pages of new law passed each year by this Government? Or freer? Or clearer about your rights as a citizen? Has your life in any way been ameliorated by the avalanche of legislation unleashed since 1997? No? Then what in Heaven's name was the point of it all?"

"The answer, sadly, is that statutes are no longer passed to remedy specific grievances. ..." ...

"So with the pistols ban or the police reforms that followed the Macpherson report or the Draconian crackdown that followed 9/11. In each case, ministers awarded themselves new powers rather than using the ones they already have at their disposal. The result is a society with more laws but less justice."

Liberty is not a means to a political end. It is itself the highest political end. — LORD ACTON

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