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Coalition sends open letter opposing gun ban to Congress
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'Members of the National Coalition to Stop the Gun Ban demand that Congress refuse to use lawful gun owners as political scapegoats and instead reduce school violence by defeating any attempt to pass gun control including, but not limited to, banning semi-automatic firearms or magazines, or requiring private gun transfers to be registered through the National Instant Check System; and repealing the Gun Free School Zones Act of 1996,' the letter states." ...

Gannett requested to investigate ethics of anti-gun personnel
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "... Because we're not talking mere opinion here -- their reckless, agenda and in Kaul's case, hate-driven actions could actually endanger lives in the communities you claim you have a 'sacred opportunity' to 'serve' with 'integrity.'" ...

A Compromise Gun Control Bill I Can Live With
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Covering for Glenn Beck the other day, Doc Thompson talked about the possibility of the GOP selling out on gun rights. He posted an e-mail exchange in which a high-level Congresscritter’s staffer said (in part):"
"So we’re going to stand up for our principles, but I don’t necessarily think that means refusing to do anything…This is just my hunch as a political hack, but I would guess there would be bipartisan, bicameral, in Congress for a bill addressing high-capacity magazines, mental health, enforcement of existing law, and making some tweaks to background check laws."
"Normally I’m loathe to offer Leviathan any help whatsoever. But in this case, I believe we should propose our own gun control bill. Here’s my modest proposal . . ." ...

A Woman’s Perspective: Why I Own Guns
Submitted by: Greg

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"Why do I own guns?"

"I am a mother of four sons and grandmother of two. I am an egghead. I’m an attorney and a writer and, according to society, the least likely person to want to own a gun. So why do I?"

"I grew up in Detroit, Michigan. I can remember ... the race riots when Detroit was burning. I can remember being afraid. But in Detroit, only criminals owned guns. Not reasonable, sane people. I didn’t know a soul who owned a gun or would even consider owning one—even when we were afraid."

"I married a man who grew up in Utah. I think he was given his first gun when he turned eight years old. He grew up hunting with his grandpa and his dad. I was appalled. ... I thought I had to deduct ten IQ points because he was a gun owner." ...

Illinois Dems vote to penalize gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Democrats in the Illinois State Senate seem determined to demonstrate to the entire nation why the Democrats are known as the 'party of gun control' with the passage in committee Wednesday of two extremist measures that could outlaw a majority of firearms in the state."

"Fox News is reporting that one measure would 'ban the possession, delivery, sale and transfer of semiautomatic handguns and rifles.'"

"This is not unlike the way Seattle-area Democrats in the Washington Legislature would like to handle gun control measures in the Evergreen State beginning next week. ..." ...

IL Dems think 11-round magazines more dangerous than outdated nuclear plants
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The first bill to get this treatment is Illinois House Bill 0815 ... What did HB 815 do, before Senator Dan Kotowski got hold of it yesterday? It dealt with nuclear power plant safety, requiring among other things that plant owners set aside money for improved monitoring and control gear. After Fukushima, that sounds like a pretty decent idea, does it not?"

"Not, apparently, to Sen. Kotowski. He believes that public safety in Illinois can better be served by banning 11-round and larger magazines, and imposing such a burdensome regulatory regime on shooting ranges as to make it economically unfeasible to operate them, so he introduced amendments to remove the nuclear safety language, and ban magazines and gun ranges. ..." ...

FBI: More People Killed with Hammers, Clubs Each Year Than Rifles
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"According to the FBI annual crime statistics, the number of murders committed annually with hammers and clubs far outnumbers the number of murders committed with a rifle."

"This is an interesting fact, particularly amid the Democrats' feverish push to ban many different rifles, ostensibly to keep us safe of course."

"However, it appears the zeal of Sens. like Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) is misdirected. For in looking at the FBI numbers from 2005 to 2011, the number of murders by hammers and clubs consistently exceeds the number of murders committed with a rifle." ...

Why Are People Stocking Up On Guns? Fear Of Government
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new-year stampede is developing that we have not seen for a long time. Gun stores are swamped with panicking customers. They are looking for handguns, semiautomatic rifles and as much ammunition as they can afford."

"But buyers are not just camouflaged hunters, conspiracy theorists and gun hoarders. Instead, many of those purchasing firearms and ammo are so-called ordinary people, convinced that this administration will soon begin to centrally register — then ban — far more than assault rifles." ...

The Doomsday Provision
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Why do we have the Second Amendment? Wait, let’s back up. Why do we have the First Amendment? Speech is important to happiness and flourishing, we can all agree. But that is not the reason that right was expressed, is it? If it were, we should be puzzled to find in the remaining amendments so few other aids in service of happiness and flourishing. ... It is something else about the rights of speech and of assembly that demands recognition in a free society and that makes their service to happiness and flourishing, though deeply important, yet secondary."

"That something else is the expression, in the First Amendment and, I will argue, in the Second, of those rights that reflect the sovereignty of the people.." ...

TTAG Daily Digest: Sam Harris is an Idiot (And That’s Not a Rifle)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'A renewed ban on 'assault rifles'—nearly the only concrete measure that anyone is talking about—will do very little to make our society safer,' Sam Harris writes, after eviscerating the logic underpinning an assault weapons ban. '... By all means, let us ban these weapons. But when the next lunatic arrives at a school armed with legal pistols and a dozen ten-round magazines, we should be prepared to talk about how an assault weapons ban was a distraction from the real issue of gun violence.' It gets worse. Harris attacks the Second Amendment ... and then re-flaunts his stupidity. 'I support much stricter gun laws. But I am under no illusions that such restrictions would make it difficult for bad people to acquire guns illegally.' ..." ...

Gun ban won’t cure evil
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What does 'the right to keep and bear arms' mean?"

"I believe in the existence of unalienable rights, but for those who believe all rights exist only through the divine benevolence of government, then what follows will have no meaning."

"Among our unalienable rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What use are these rights if one cannot protect them?"

"Unless an individual can protect these rights, they are rendered meaningless. The Second Amendment was written for the purpose of protecting these rights."

"With the right to protect comes an awesome responsibility, and most people who acquire guns legally are responsible with them. Gun laws restrict only lawful gun owners, not unlawful ones." ...

Don’t blame guns for atrocity in Conn.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As said by many before me, guns in this country are not the problem."

"They may be a symptom of the problem of shootings, they may exacerbate the extent of shootings, but, in and of themselves, guns do not hurt people."

"We live in a society of laws that protect the ownership of guns, as outlined in the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment cannot arbitrarily be repealed, it cannot be ignored, and Americans should not be so willing to surrender their rights whenever such an atrocity as Sandy Hook Elementary School occurs."

"Our Bill of Rights exists to ensure that Americans don’t lose rights when the opportunity arises to take them." ...

More thoughts on mind blowing December gun sales
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The FBI reports 2.78 million gun buying background checks in December. And many of those buyers, in the grab-all-you-can panic after Feinstein's gun ban proposal, may have bought multiple guns.

So, it's conceivable that more than 3 million guns were bought last month. The number of buyers documented by background checks would likely have been higher had retail and distributor inventories not been stripped."

"To show the extreme levels of gun buying here's a point to ponder: Total WWII wartime production of the M-1 Garand, the American military's primary battle rifle of the era, was just over 4 million." ...

Gun Test: Uzi Rifle .22 Long Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Uzi submachine gun is one of the most iconic firearms of the 20th century. Semi-automatic-only carbines, firing from a closed bolt and chambered in 9 mm Luger, were imported beginning in 1981, but ceased altogether with the 1989 executive import ban. Now guns bearing the Uzi trademark are back, this time as semi-automatic-only carbines—and pistols—chambered in .22 Long Rifle." ...

Company targeting police, bounty hunters with safer ammo
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Executives with a Boise-based company are poised to begin marketing a new type of ammunition specifically for law enforcement teams and designed to avoid causing serious or fatal injuries to their targets and bystanders."

"The technology was created at Integrity Ballistics LLC ... The round fires a synthetic ball that flattens upon impact and is intended to stun or subdue the target and the plan is to make it available only to law enforcement." ...

Coming Soon: Rimfire Nation?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tyler and I were recently kvetching on Google Chat about the new price of magazines (bad) and the sudden unavailability of ammo (even worse.) The coolest AR race gun I’ve ever seen is currently sitting in my gun safe doing absolutely nothing, and Tyler may have to back out from a tactical shooting clinic, all because 5.56mm ammo is simply not available in the quantities we need . . ." ...

Gun Test: Franchi Instinct
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A common question NRA staff receives from members and friends is: 'What ____ do you recommend?' Gun or gear, it’s a difficult question because after a level of quality is met, it comes down to brand perception—how it seems—and mainly to personal opinion—how it feels. Sure we can adapt and use anything decently with practice, but to realize its potential it should feel good. ..." ...

5 Out-of-the-ordinary Defense Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you ask most shooters what they would consider to be a defensive long gun, the answer you will likely hear back will be an AR-15 rifle of some sort or perhaps a nice, reliable pump action shotgun. If you ask about handguns, the response will likely be a something like a Glock pistol or maybe a small pocket gun like a Ruger LCP or a snub nosed concealed carry revolver. But we’re not most shooters and there are some other options out there you might not have considered to be 'defensive weapons' but under the right circumstances will fill in nicely." ...

New from Winchester: .17 Winchester Super Magnum (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Winchester’s new .17 Winchester Super Magnum may not be the most hotly anticipated ammo development of our time—I’m thinking actually having some for sale sets that bar—but it certainly can claim one of the most interesting provenance stories. 'We have a power fastener division of the company,' Winchester Ammunition's Rimfire Senior Product Manager told 'They make cartridges for power nail guns and such. Well, we based this case off of the .27-caliber power fastener case. It gives us more case capacity, can handle higher pressures and ultimately more velocity. Lots more velocity.' ..."

Incendiary Image of the Day: We Didn’t Know That Was Possible Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"That’s the Mossberg MVP Varmint rifle that Joe Grine’s meticulously testing as we speak write. You can look forward to one of those uber-comprehensive reviews that only he can produce in the next week or two. In the mean time, though, do you see what he’s done there? The MVP Varmint takes standard 5.56 AR assault clips. And that’s one of those Aurora-style 100-round drum mags that Joe’s attached to the innocent bolt-action’s undercarriage. ..."

Let’s Repeal the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... Almost 1,000 innocent Americans have been shot in the last 30 years in these bloodbaths. And at each instance, the National Rifle Association and company try to shame us with this 'not the time' argument so that we can’t discuss adopting laws to protect ourselves; eventually, the horror recedes, we move on with our lives, and we walk out into the world never knowing whether our heads will be the next to explode after being struck by a madman’s bullet."

"Enough. We talk now. And my position is going to be direct: America needs to repeal the Second Amendment." ...

Says founders would be ashamed of gun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am so livid. It boggles the mind that assault and high-capacity weapons are legal."

"No one needs an assault weapon to hunt. If you have to hunt with an assault weapon, then you shouldn't be hunting, and no one needs an assault weapon to protect themselves." ...

Submitter's Note: Unless they are abandoned in New Orleans after Katrina or L.A. during the riots, or facing three or four attackers, or facing one attacker who is hyped on (insert evil drug of the day here), or you are so scared that you are only hitting with one in ten of your shots or . . .

Guns, gun culture, and madness in the United States
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... For some time now it has been a common belief that, in a great many ways, the United States is a dysfunctional country. But in one area — in its attitude toward guns and gun culture — a large part of America can only be described as deranged."

"In the wake of the horrifying Newtown massacre, and in addition to genuine grief and mourning, there has been great deal of hopeful rhetoric and the beginnings of action. But only time will tell whether the rhetoric will lead to serious action and direct confrontation with the [NRA] and its hordes of supporters."

"As evidence of the extent to which those hordes are deranged, one need only consider some of the arguments used against any real attempt to control guns:" ...

Teachers respond to NRA call for guns in schools
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Armed guards in schools? We’re not protecting them. We’re robbing them,' charged a principal of a Brooklyn elementary school who did want to be named, but was outraged by the National Rifle Association’s proposal to have armed teachers and armed guards in every school in the nation."

"Anti-gun-violence advocates who have fought for decades to have inner-city gun violence addressed almost popped a blood vessel when, in the wake of this month’s fatal shooting of 20 first-graders in Connecticut, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre and like-minded supporters called for the introduction of armed teachers and strapped retired officers in every American school." ...

A well regulated Militia
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.' So reads the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights, one complete sentence expressing a complete thought. Despite grammar and punctuation which clearly creates one complete sentence, both judges and social critics have illogically treated the the opening phrase about 'Militia' as a separate thought. Thus the phrase about 'the right to bear arms' has illogically been culled from the sentence as a whole, radically changing its meaning, with dire results." ...

Activist court increased gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment has a history that is quite different than is often understood or portrayed. To view the Second Amendment’s historical context, one must understand the history of the Bill of Rights (henceforth BR)." ...

Time for reasonable gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This country seems to have gone crazy over guns and gun control. Every time there is a mass shooting, there is an outcry for some type of gun control to be enacted, but then the memory of the event begins to fade and so does the need for action on some type of reasonable gun control measures."

"The NRA and other anti-gun-control fanatics would like for you to believe that these measures would mean people would have their guns confiscated or that people would not be able to buy or own guns. This is not true; the proposed measures would ban the sale of assault weapons and large magazines. These laws would not keep people from buying or owning most types of weapons." ...

For 2013, Let's Ban Cars and Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cars and guns kill people. In America, guns kill over 30,000 Americans annually -- that's more than ten 9/11's, every year. It's trending slightly down from a high of 37,666 in 1993, but U.S. gun deaths are projected to exceed deaths from auto accidents in the next three years."

"No one is suggesting we ban all cars -- and no one is suggesting we ban all guns. ..." ...

"But cars kill people ... They're both inanimate objects that are very dangerous to the user and to those around them but that are considered indispensable to the American way of life, so the analogy seems a very strong one: sensible measures we take to regulate cars ... are also probably sensible regulatory measures for guns." ...

Submitter's Note: Actually I'm in favor; see here for why.

The Second Amendment is Not an Unfettered Right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The slayings of twenty children and seven adults in Newton, Connecticut proves something is wrong with gun control in America. Congress passed the Brady Law in 1994. The law banned the sale or possession of assault weapons, but Congress let the ban expire ten years later. Likewise, criminal background checks are not always required at gun shows because the Brady Law does not apply to unlicensed gun dealers. Many of the dealers at gun shows are unlicensed. Meanwhile gun owners clamor that their 2nd Amendment rights are infringed upon if there are any restrictions imposed upon gun ownership. ..." ...

The Only Way To Disarm Is To Disarm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The country is armed to the teeth. Since the unspeakable atrocity in Newtown, Connecticut, gun sales have soared, and NRA membership has reportedly surged to roughly 8,000 new registrations per day. As activist Rap Brown, currently serving a life sentence for the shooting of two Fulton County, Georgia Sheriff’s deputies famously said, 'I say violence is as American as cherry pie.'"

"Our pathetic politicians talk of gun control, but as we move away from the tragedy, the chances of anything meaningful coming out of Washington diminish." ...

Some Good Advice On Writing To Politicians
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Grant Cunningham, revolversmith, trainer, and blogger, had an excellent post yesterday on writing to those in Congress. As he notes with regard to Feinstein's anticipated assault weapons (sic) ban, 'If we, the shooting community, don't act immediately her little scheme might just work.'"

"This is one fight that we can't leave to the NRA, GOA, NSSF, or SAF. They do work but can only do so much. We have to get in there and do some heavy lifting."

"Grant lists a series of things he's learned about communicating with Congress. Many of them aren't new but do bear repeating. I'm just going to list the high points and urge you to read his full blog post." ...

What state buys the most guns?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If we use the National Instant Criminal Background Check System , or NICS, as a proxy for gun sales we see that Kentucky is the runaway leader in gun sales for 2012."

"Four states exceeded one million Federal Bureau of Investigation NICS checks; Kentucky, Texas, California and Illinois. Kentucky is the only state to exceed two million background checks."

"Background checks are only a proxy measure for gun sales. A buyer may purchase more than one gun through a gun dealer, depending on the local laws, once the background check comes back authorizing the purchase." ...

This is The Rifle Owned by the Marine Who Told Senator Feinstein to FOAD
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Not the exact gun, but still . . . 'My Windham Weaponry SRC sits in my home loaded and ready to be used should the need ever arise,' Marine Corporal Joshua Boston [ret.] told 'It does not make me a criminal.' Make the jump for the text of Boston’s letter to Dianne Feinstein—which has gone viral in a big way . . ." ...

Dreams From My Father
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve already told you how my father used to wake-up in the middle of the night, screaming, powerless, reliving the beatings that almost took his life. Perhaps it’s genetic. I’ve been having nightmares over the last couple of weeks, since Newtown . . ."

"In one dream, my daughter is in school, somewhere. Shooting begins. I have a gun, my Glock 30SF. But I can’t get to her. I can’t find her. I can’t save her."

"In another dream, I’ve got my SCAR-16 in my hands. I’m confident I can save my child from the madman. I’m determined. Ready to go. The police arrest me. I’m screaming. I HAVE TO GET MY DAUGHTER. They laugh." ...

Liberal Guest Covers His Ears Rather Than Listen to Question from Sean Hannity
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's no secret that the debate over gun rights has been a contentious one, and that was clearly on display during Wednesday night's edition of Fox News Channel's 'Hannity' program."

"Throughout the segment, the guests -- left-wing attorney Leo Terrell and conservative lawyer Jay Sekulow -- tried to talk over each other to get their points across, but before it was done, Terrell put his hands over his ears and stopped responding." ...

Does Second Amendment guarantee right of armed rebellion?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The renewed debate over gun rights that has followed the massacre of elementary schoolchildren in Newtown, Conn., has included scrutiny over why gun advocates believe they need a right to bear arms. Among the reasons: Many advocates believe that individual gun ownership helps preserve American liberty, making government fearful of trampling on rights of its citizens. If government goes too far, the argument goes, Americans have the right to revolt by force."

"Is that argument correct? Or does it belong to fringe gun enthusiasts? Joel Mathis and Ben Boychuk, the RedBlueAmerica columnists, debate the question." ...

OH: Meat Market Clerk Wins Gunfight With 2 Armed Robbers – Sends Both to Hospital
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gunfight erupted at a family meat market in Canton, OH."

"Two armed men entered the store in an attempt to rob it in the middle of the day."

"When the men began firing inside the store, a store clerk drew his own weapon and returned fire."

"Both suspects were hit by the gunfire of the clerk and immediately fled the scene." ...

Armed Citizens In Schools: Policies and Procedures
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s a mistake to designate anyplace a 'gun free zone.' Mass murderers, somehow motivated to achieve the dubious 'glory' they’ve read about in previous shootings, are drawn to places where the likelihood of meeting an armed response is minimal. ... one particularly horrifying place to create a gun free zone is a school. Arming the faculty and staff of the places that are in charge of our children for a good portion of the day would seem a common-sense response. And despite some of the predictable initial reactions ... I have found that at least some people who are adamantly opposed to the idea can be turned once they learn about the training a responsible armed citizen goes through to get a concealed carry license . . ." ...

NBC’s David Gregory Remains Free while Iraq Vet was Jailed for Breaking the same Gun Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Intrepid reporter Emily Miller of the Washington Times wrote an interesting article on Tuesday concerning the two systems of justice that exist in our Nation’s Capital. That is, the justice system that applies to political elites and the justice system that applies to ordinary citizens."

"To highlight the inequity in the DC legal system, Miller pointed to two different cases, one involving an Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran Adam Meckler and another involving NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ host David Gregory." ...

Dick Swett was right about the assault weapons ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The horrible tragedy in Newtown, Conn., stunned the American people. We saw in the faces of the victims our spouses, our friends and, most of all, our children. We thought of them. We mourned them. And we promised - as we did after Virginia Tech, Aurora, Tucson, Columbine, and so many other senseless tragedies - that we would take action so that history would not repeat itself. Again."

"We asked: Why does our society continue to allow the arming of criminals and the insane with weapons designed for the sole purpose of killing large numbers of people? ..." ...

Submitter's Note: We should ask, why do legislators and administrators mandate that teachers and adult students must be defenseless in the face of madmen?

Gun owners are like most other people - we just want a safe society
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Like all of you, the tragic mass killing at a Connecticut school made my heart sink."

"What people who seek gun control do not seem to realize is that we, as gun owners, want a safe community to live in and raise our families, a safe work environment, and safe schools for our children to learn."

"We are not crazy people, as the anti-gun crowd portrays us. We are fathers, mothers, Scout leaders, doctors, pastors, teachers, blue collar workers and come from many other professions. Above all else, many of us are parents, first and foremost."

"We share a common thread with almost all other Americans, whether gun owners or not, we value our family's safety and our own. ..." ...

Air marshals are a good model for school protection
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As weapons technology improves, the day may come when Second-Amendment supporters may have to accept a ban on large-capacity clips and magazines that can do so much damage before even nearby help could intervene."

"The Second Amendment is not a guarantee that hunters and target shooters will be allowed to continue their sports. The Second Amendment is deadly serious."

"Its original purpose went beyond personal protection. The amendment was to provide for protection of a free state. In the event of invasion, as Japan contemplated just over seven decades ago, if the military falters, well-armed American citizens would resist." ...

Don’t believe the NRA on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The only thing that can stop a bad person with a gun is a good person with a gun.' No one is better than the [NRA] at coming up with simple canards designed to mislead the public to a bizarre result. We’ll soon see how many Americans are gullible enough to buy it."

"Even though the NRA would like that simple ditty to be the last word, just think about the unintended consequences. When I take my grandchildren up on the boardwalk to go on the merry-go-round it would not make me feel safer knowing all the adults in the crowd were packing guns. Even good people lose their tempers. Are you likely to have more violence or less if lethal force were just a pocket away?" ...

Submitter's Note: Less. But if you think you'll lose your temper and shoot someone on the boardwalk then you should probably continue to not carry.

Blacks Should Embrace NRA Gun Proposal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What is the essence of freedom? Property and a gun."

"I never met my grandfather, but that's the lesson I took from his life. He was one generation out of slavery and bought property and guns."

"It's so predictable that today's discussion on gun control is similar to the noise we hear from liberals every time there is a mass shooting. What is new this time is that the NRA, under the direction of Wayne LaPierre, David Keene and Asa Hutchinson, has put forth a concrete plan that most American parents should appreciate will keep children safer at school." ...

Guns and faith: Who is the NRA calling a 'good guy'?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the days following the murderous rampage in Newtown, Connecticut on Dec. 14, I was hopeful when I heard that the National Rifle Association was going to break with its standard policy of not commenting on such events of gun violence."

"Finally, I thought, this immensely powerful organization that has done so much to re-define the Second Amendment and to politicize any and all attempts to rationally limit gun sales and ownership has had its conscience awakened. The murder of so many children has shaken even the NRA. Finally, even they cannot stand it. They will say, 'No more,' or 'We repent,' or 'This isn’t working.'" ...

Guns are not the solution to gun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have watched the public debate unfurl in light of the horror in Newtown, Conn. It seemed obvious that guns were the problem. Guns are readily available to almost anyone." ...

"In light of this latest horror to befall us as a result of gun violence, the National Rifle Association finally offered its condolences and analysis on how to proceed."

"And what is the NRA’s solution? No limitations on guns; no cutback on the sale of guns; no limitations on purchasing."

"The NRA’s solution is more guns."

"Let me repeat that: The NRA’s solution is more guns." ...

Submitter's Note: So Roger, are you advocating that cops entering an active shooter situation disarm first? After all we don't want more guns on the scene, right?

The natural logic of Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Though this reasoning applies to the exercise of any natural right, it is especially clear when it comes to acts of violence. As we are obliged to preserve ourselves, we have the right to prepare and use our arms as necessary in order to do so. But we are also obliged to prepare ourselves for their use as necessary 'to preserve the rest of mankind.' The right to arms is therefore an individual right, in the first instance, but it entails an obligation to humanity in general, and to every human being or community determined to respect the natural law. As it is right to preserve oneself from wrongdoing, so it is wrong to refuse aid, where possible, to those determined to do the same." ...

Congress should not limit our right to own guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In regard to U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright's Your View about finding the courage to ban assault weapons: Aside from the principle that no one has the right to tell you what you can or cannot own, there are three good arguments against banning assault weapons." ...

The Gun Control Debate: Assumption, Generalization, and Emotion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A sad reality of life is that those who are hell bent on destruction will find a way to destroy. As a result, we are left sitting in the fog of confusion that always follows tragedy. Beyond the fog, there is always an uproar from the media, politicians, and a portion the general populace crying for the government to do more to protect us. ... Now, the United States has been confronted with another tragedy. This was not a characteristic terrorist attack or an overt act of war, it was a manifestation of evil that took the lives of the innocent and defenseless. In this time of pain, mourning, and reflection, many are searching for a way to end this madness, they are crying for government protection in the form of gun control." ...

The Founding Fathers and gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Every mass shooting is a horror that should shock the conscience and chill the soul. What happened in Newtown, Conn., is a special kind of evil words cannot even begin to describe."

"I do not often agree with our president, but on this subject, we are in accord. We must act. This madness cannot continue. We have read and heard much since this terrible tragedy, most of it concerning gun control."

"What would our Founding Fathers say? ..." ...

When the First and Second Amendments Clash
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Battles over either the First Amendment or the Second Amendment often share similar dynamics, with defender/exercisers of the amendments arguing that the freedoms granted by the founding fathers are (nearly) absolute, and should not be modified just because sometimes people get hurt by them. But the issue gets stickier when a situation pits the First against the Second."

"A newspaper in White Plains, N.Y., has enraged local (and not-so-local) gun owners by publishing an interactive map revealing the names and addresses of gun owners in the area. ..." ...

Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords to visit Newtown, Conn.
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle 'Gabby' Giffords, who survived a shooting at a campaign event in Arizona two years ago and now advocates stricter gun laws, will be in Newtown, Conn., on Friday for a private late afternoon meeting." ...

"Giffords was shot in the head outside a supermarket in Tucson at a meet-the-congresswoman event in 2011. Six people were killed in that attack."

"Since then, Giffords and her husband, former astronaut Mark Kelly, have campaigned against gun violence and have been outspoken in their support of an assault weapons ban." ...

The smoking gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I grew up in the US mid-West in a family with five guns. We had four hunting guns — two shotguns for birds and two rifles for hunting deer — and a target rifle that my mother, the best shot, used as a child. The guns, all licensed, were locked up in a cupboard too high for children to reach and rarely taken out."

"Michigan, the state where I dwelt, had well defined seasons for shooting pheasants, ducks, and deer. A number of deer had to be culled so they could survive our cold, snowy winters when there was little for them to eat. No one thought of acquiring assault weapons or even using the weapons they owned for self-defence. This is the justification given by owners of assault weapons for buying and holding such arms." ...

Controlling guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Weapons enthusiasts have also adopted a common approach. The National Rifle Association insists that weapons are harmless. According to the NRA, ‘people’ are the problem, which can be solved by ‘good guys’ using guns to intimidate or kill ‘bad guys’. Adopting much the same position, the military-industrial complex and its fans contend that the people of their nation are ‘good’, and need superior armaments to deter or destroy the ‘bad’ people." ...

Williams: People who support gun control want to 'control and dictate our lives'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As said by many before me, guns in this country are not the problem."

"Nationally syndicated columnist and retired professor of economics Walter E. Williams stated Wednesday that the people who support gun control are the very ones who wish to control and dictate our lives, according to Townhall."

"Williams was incensed that U.S. Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., had called for significant restrictions on the Second Amendment ... stating, 'The British are not coming. We don't need all these guns to kill people.'"

"But the rationale of the Founders in insisting on an amendment within the Bill of Rights to protect the right of the ordinary citizens to own and keep firearms, according to Williams, had nothing to do with the British. ..." ...

Sandy Hook and the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the aftermath of the tragedy in Newtown, Ct., and the wanton murders of firefighters in Webster, N.Y. emotions run high. Americans tired of violence may wish to rush through gun control bills. Others think an emotional reaction, fueled by fear will threaten cherished freedoms. All agree limiting gun use by felons, the mentally incompetent, and children is essential." ...

School’s back…but what has changed?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today marks the first day back for students and faculty of Sandy Hook Elementary after a lunatic murdered 20 children and six adults. They are holding the classes in another building seven miles away from where the massacre took place."

"That is one difference. But I was wondering, with all this agenda driven, gun control hysteria that’s being stoked by the likes of Sen. Feinstein and Pres. Obama what has actually been done to make these children safer?"

"I mean, if the gun control zealots are going to exploit the deaths of 26 people for their own agenda you’d think they would offer up solutions that would have stopped the massacre in the first place." ...

Draw the line somewhere
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The staggering news of the horrific shooting in Newtown, Conn., hit people like a shockwave across the country." ...

"Before we go too far, let’s remember one thing – guns don’t kill people, people kill people, the gun is simply their tool of choice."

"That being said, what do we do to prevent similar occurrences? Where do we draw the line to allow our citizens the right to keep and bear arms, and yet protect the innocent from mass murder?"

"I don’t have the answer. I wish I did." ...

Submitter's Note: I have the answer: Allow people to exercise their natural, fundamental, and inalienable human, individual, civil and Constitutional right to own and carry the weapon of their choice.

Enough’s Enough: Make Voices Heard On Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "A well-regulated militia is what most gun advocates seem not to have read. The Amendment does not say we have a right to own semi-automatic assault rifles, a cache of bullets for those weapons, not does it say that it would be very easy to buy these deadly weapons at gun shows or over the Internet. Statistically, more people are killed by guns in the home, by accident, but in the case of the horrendous killing of Nancy Lanza, the mother of her disturbed son ... it was no accident. He then went on to kill 20 innocent 6 and 7-year-old children ... It is a hideous fact that this young man knew about guns in the home and was taken to target practice by his mother. ..." ...

Switzerland, though armed, not as violent as US
Submitted by: jay thompson

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"After a gunman killed three people in a village in southern Switzerland, experts examine how, although gun ownership is almost as widespread as in the United States, shooting sprees in the neutral Alpine nation are rare."

"Gun ownership and recreational shooting are widespread in Switzerland. According to estimates - there are no official figures - at least one in every three of its less than eight million inhabitants holds a gun. In fact, after the US and Yemen, Switzerland ranks third on the list of most guns per person." ...

Carolyn McCarthy On Her Magazine Ban Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) and Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) will be introducing a bill today that will mandate reduced-capacity magazines and will ban sale and transfer of standard-capacity magazines. Checking the Library of Congress service Thomas, no bills are listed as having been introduced but I think there is probably some lag in the system."

"This move by McCarthy and DeGette was fully expected. Sebastian feels that the magazine ban will be harder to fight than any AWB due to many on the center-right who feel it is reasonable. He makes a number of good points especially that the criminal class will have no trouble in obtaining magazines." ...

Dianne Feinstein is Out of Her Mind With New Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) had published the summary of her new assault weapons ban that she is proposing in the new 113th Congress. She first mentioned her intention to introduce the bill in the first session of Congress a mere two days after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. ..."

"In a recent statement Feinstein said of the new legislation:"

"I have been working with my staff for over a year on this legislation. It will be carefully focused on the most dangerous guns that have killed so many people over the years while protecting the rights of gun owners by exempting hundreds of weapons that fall outside the bill’s scope. We must take these dangerous weapons of war off our streets." ...

Submitter's Note: In other words she was just waiting for a horrific tragedy to take advantage of.

Gun-Control Converts Could Pave Way to New Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Robert Casey, D-Pa., does not shy away from the 'pro-gun Democrat' label. He has a B-plus rating with the National Rifle Association, a score docked only because he supported the confirmation of Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, and he represents a state with a strong hunting tradition."

"But for Casey, last month's massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School was a pivotal moment. ..." ...

"Its emotional weight has forced him to reconsider two gun-control provisions: banning assault weapons and limiting high-capacity ammunition[sic]." ...

"Casey’s introspection isn’t a unique tale among normally pro-gun Democrats. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: With friends like these, who needs enemies?

Boston Mayor Says Vice President ‘Guaranteed’ Him Obama Will Pass Major Gun Control Reform By End Of January
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Vice President Joe Biden 'guaranteed' that President Barack Obama will pass sweeping gun control legislation by the end of January, according to Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino."

"'He said, 'Tommy, I guarantee you, we’ll get it done by the end of January,' Menino reportedly said at City Hall on Thursday. 'They’re going to get it done.'"

"Menino, a leading gun control advocate, has been recovering from a myriad of health issues over the last two months, but said Biden has called him a number of times while he was in the hospital. One of the calls came after the Newtown, Conn. school shooting and concerned gun control ..." ...

IL: Democrats pull plug on gun, ammo bans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s not enough support in the Illinois Senate to impose tough new restrictions on semiautomatic weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips."

"In a setback for gun-control advocates in the wake of the killings of school children in Connecticut, the Illinois Senate was poised to adjourn Thursday without voting on two pieces of legislation aimed at limiting access to certain kinds of weapons and bullets." ...

BREAKING: New York Legislature to Introduce Bills Making Posession of Any AWB Firearms Illegal, Remove Grandfathering
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The New York Legislature is set to consider a bill that would vastly expand the state’s current 'assault weapons ban.' Here’s some of the, er, highlights:
  • All firearms must either be rendered inoperative or surrendered to the police. No grandfathering, no exceptions.

  • Removes the 'grandfathering' exception for possession of magazines with a greater than 10 round capacity.

  • Bumps up AWB-firearm possession from 3rd degree 'criminal possession of a weapon' to first degree, putting simple possession of such a firearm at the same level of punishment as Rape 1 or Manslaughter 1."
"Oh, and the whole thing is severable. ... There are also two other bills being considered . . ." ...

IL: Move To Ban Assault Weapons Stalls In State Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Illinois Senate vote to ban semi-automatic assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips has been delayed, because supporters have yet to line up enough votes to pass the two measures."

"CBS 2’s Dana Kozlov reports the proposals have the backing of Mayor Rahm Emanuel, but opponents have argued the measures are too prohibitive for law-abiding gun owners." ...

CT: Malloy creates panel on preventing school attacks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A panel of police, educators and doctors will make policy recommendations on what the state can do to prevent another school shooting, Gov. Dannel P. Malloy announced Thursday."

"'We will work to make this state a model for this issue,' he said."

"Malloy appointed Hamden Mayor Scott Jackson chairman of the 15-member commission. Other appointments will be made in the coming days."

"The panel will provide recommendations by March 15 on gun control, mental health access and school safety measures. Members will include law enforcement, school and mental health officials, Malloy said." ...

CT: Debate Begins Early Over Bill To Disclose State Handgun Owners' Names, Addresses
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The names and addresses of about 170,000 handgun permit holders in Connecticut, now kept confidential by law, could be made public under a proposed bill that pits gun owners against would-be reformers in the aftermath of the Dec. 14 Newtown school massacre."

"The bill, introduced by Rep. Stephen D. Dargan, D-West Haven, co-chairman of the legislature's public safety committee, would make public the names and addresses of permit holders under Connecticut's Freedom of Information Act — and would reverse lawmakers' decision to protect that personal information from disclosure nearly two decades ago." ...

NY: Council toughens gun show talk
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The City Council unanimously passed a more strongly worded resolution urging organizers of an upcoming gun show to not display — or sell — high-powered weapons similar to those used in the Newtown, Conn., massacre."

"The successful effort to toughen the language of the original proposal was led Wednesday by Commissioner Michele Madigan, who repeatedly described the symbolic vote as a 'gesture towards the healing.'" ...

TN: Rep. Sparks Announces Special Second Amendment Event: Rally and Pistol Shoot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Representative Mike Sparks, who if fully behind the second amendment, will hold a Rally and Pistol Shoot this Saturday (1/5/13) from 12-2pm. The event will feature the author of 'More Guns, Less Crime,' John Lott. The $20-event should be well received in Rutherford County, as we are ranked number five in the state for having the most citizens with a handgun permit."

"The event will be in Murfreesboro at 8000 Burleson Lane off the Old Nashville Highway. Sparks told us homemade chili and hot dogs will be served for lunch." ...

Congresswoman proposes bill to ban high-capacity mags
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congresswoman Diana DeGette proposed a new bill Thursday that would ban high-capacity magazines."

"Some local residents said the bill wouldn't prevent mass shootings but it could spare lives. However, Second Amendment supporters say they fear this could be the start of a slippery slope leading to further limitations on their rights." ...

Virgina Ducks Suit Over Nonresident Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The 4th Circuit affirmed dismissal of claims that Virginia violates the Second Amendment in banning the sale of handguns to out-of-state residents."

"Individual plaintiffs Michelle Lane and Matthew and Amanda Welling, all of Washington, D.C., joined the Second Amendment Foundation in suing Attorney General Eric Holder and Virginia State Police superintendent Steven Flaherty."

"In their complaint, they challenged the constitutionality of a federal statute that restricts the interstate transfers of handguns ..." ...

"Lane complained that she wanted to purchase two handguns in Virginia, but was initially unable to take possession of them because Washington's sole FFL had lost his lease and temporarily gone out of business. ..." ...

Rise in Guns Confiscated at Airports
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"The number of guns confiscated at airports across the United States is on the rise, the Transportation Security Administration says."

"A record-setting 1,500 firearms were detected by security screeners in 2012, according to the agency. That number is up from about 1,300 in 2011. And nearly 85 percent of the weapons were loaded."

"'It does concern us that this number is rising,' said Lisa Farbstein, an agency spokeswoman. 'But we will not speculate on the causes.'" ...

KABA Note: Here's some speculation: As the number of permit-holders goes up, the number of people who forget that they used their carry-on as a range-bag goes up.
Oh and 1,500 a year means (if they were all permit-holders) that 18.75 per 100,000 permit-holders had a brain fart last year.

PA: Whitaker police officer held for trial on official oppression, false statement charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A suspended Whitaker police officer will stand trial in January on charges that he used his gun to break a driver's window during a traffic stop and threatened charges unless she paid to fix his damaged gun."

"William S. Davis, 35, is charged with official oppression, making a false statement, criminal mischief and a criminal attempt related to a threat in connection with a June 27 traffic stop." ...

MA: Lowell police officer charged with assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A veteran Lowell police officer who recently confirmed he was questioned in a department internal-affairs investigation is facing assault charges."

"Capt. Kelly Richardson said in an email that Officer David Pender, who works as a resource officer in the School Department, was arrested by Lowell police at about 1:30 a.m. on New Year's Day at his Lowell residence where he lives with his wife."

"Pender, 47, was charged with domestic assault and battery. ..." ...

IN: 17 charges filed against IMPD officer accused of hitting wife, pulling gun on fellow officer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Seventeen felony and misdemeanor charges have been filed against an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department officer who was arrested last week."

"Officer John Haggard, 40, faces charges including criminal confinement, intimidation, battery and criminal recklessness after a Dec. 23 domestic violence incident involving his wife and their neighbors." ...

IL: Police Kicked Out Of Belleville Denny’s For Being Armed
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"Belleville police chief Bill Clay is ordering his officers to get their pancakes from anywhere but Denny’s, calling the restaurant 'political stupidness.'"

"The new orders come after a New Year’s Day clash between five detectives and one Denny’s manager."

"The department says the detectives were out of uniform but wearing their badges, when manager David Rice asked them to either leave or put their guns in their vehicle."

"Rice, told the detectives that one of their weapons, specifically a female detective’s gun, was making another diner feel uncomfortable." ...

Coulter Tears Into Liberal Gun Hypocrisy: Why Can’t We Publish List Of Women Who Get Abortions? (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sean Hannity continued his pushback against gun control advocates with Ann Coulter tonight. They focused on how strongly liberals work in the wake of every mass shooting to crack down on guns. ..l."

"Hannity first brought up the newspaper that published the names of all local gun owners, pointing out the list inadvertently alerts all criminals to which houses do not have guns. Coulter claimed that home invasions are more common in England than in the United States because of their strong gun laws. She asked why gun owners can be publicly identified but criminal records cannot be released in a similar fashion." ...

Submitter's Note: What "claimed"? 59% of burglaries in the UK occur when someone is at home; in the US that number is 13%.

NY: Rockland Politicos to 'Condemn' Gun Map
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"In a press release sent out late Wednesday afternoon, Rockland lawmakers announced they will join the growing ranks of public servants and Lower Hudson Valley residents angered by the recent publication of a map pinpointing local gun owners." ...

NY: Senator Ball, County Clerk To JNews: “Take A Hike” Officials Unite To Protect Law-Abiding Gun Owners
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"Today Senator Greg Ball (Patterson – R, C, I) joined Putnam County Clerk, Dennis Sant and other officials at the Putnam County Court House to announce that Putnam County will not be releasing the records of Putnam Pistol Permits to the Journal News." ...

NY: N.Y. newspaper's map of local gun owners: A cheat sheet for burglars?
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Did the Lower Hudson (N.Y.) Journal News, which recently published a 'gun map' showing the names and addresses of registered gun owners, ultimately provide a service for criminals by showing which non-gun-owning homes may be safer to burglarize?" ...

Gun-control talk has sales shooting through the roof
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Who says the Obama administration and its congressional allies don't understand or respect basic economics?"

"Certainly not the producer of the gun and knife show to be held at the Memorial Coliseum this weekend, who says renewed enthusiasm for gun-control legislation in the wake of the recent school shootings in Newtown, Conn., has verified the law of supply and demand. And he has FBI statistics to back him up."

"'Normally I have about 300 tables (at the show). Now I'm looking at 225. I lost three dealers last week because they don't have enough stock to sell,' said Bob Parker of CPI Inc." ...

Armed Teachers: Over 600 Have Applied for Training
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the mass murder at a Newtown, Connecticut elementary school, Buckeye Firearms Foundation announced that they would provide free firearms training to teachers and school administrative staff."

"So far, the Armed Teacher Training Program has attracted more than 600 applicants from all parts of Ohio and several from other states ..." ...

WA: Washington in top ten for NICS checks, gun sales
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Not only is the Evergreen State high on the number of per capita concealed pistol licenses, it’s also in the top ten for background checks in 2012, indicating that gun sales are reportedly among the highest in the nation."

"According to data published by the Daily Caller, Washington ranks No. 8 in the top ten, behind Kentucky, Texas, California, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Florida and Tennessee. Filling out the top ten states for National Instant Check System (NICS) checks last year were Missouri and North Carolina." ...

AZ: Tucson's Gun Buyback program will dispose of unwanted weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since the recent shootings in Connecticut, cities across the nation have resumed community conversations about the causes and measures that may be taken to prevent these sorts of senseless acts. Tucson is uniquely positioned to engage in such a conversation, especially during the month of January, as we remember our own tragic incident."

"There is no single cause or solution to these shootings. We must have open conversations about how we treat the mentally ill, the impact of pharmaceuticals on our youth, involuntary psychiatric evaluations and cultural issues such as the impact of violent video games. All of that must be open for conversation." ...

MA: Hold gun makers liable for selling to mass killers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "[Redacted] could not have killed those first- and second-graders, after killing his mother, if she had not been induced to purchase high-capacity firearms through advertising by the arms manufacturers, abetted by NRA Second Amendment propaganda, feeding her paranoid survivalist fantasies. That fact makes both the NRA and Bushmaster de facto accomplices to mass murder."

"We have civil and criminal laws against negligently serving alcohol to people who are already impaired, so why shouldn't the gun makers be held to a similar standard of liability when they put guns into the hands of people like Adam Lanza and his mother, who then foreseeably use those weapons to kill innocent adults and children?"

OH: ODNR Division of Wildlife to Hold Muzzleloader Deer Season in January
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio's white-tailed deer muzzleloader hunting season will open statewide Jan. 5-8, 2013, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources' (ODNR) Division of Wildlife."

"Ohio hunters have harvested 188,853 deer this season. During the 2012 four-day muzzleloader season, 19,459 deer were harvested." ...

OR: Second amendment had specific meaning
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Responding to Richard Reid’s Dec. 26 letter, the Second Amendment’s reference to a 'well-regulated militia' had a very clear and specific meaning to its 18th century drafters." ...

CT: Gun show goes on in Stamford
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While other area gun shows have been canceled following the shooting rampage that killed 20 first-graders and six teachers and administrators in Newtown last month, a gun show in Stamford is to go on as planned this weekend."

"Promoter Westchester Collectors Inc., of Mahopac Falls, N.Y., is to hold one of the few gun shows that has not been canceled at the Crowne Plaza Hotel on Summer Street on Saturday and Sunday."

"Given the timing of the show and the city's proximity to Newtown -- about 30 miles -- Stamford Mayor Michael Pavia said 'it would make more sense and be more sensitive to cancel' the event." ...

IL: Tyrannical government
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Second Amendment has nothing to do with how long it takes to fire one round. Our forefathers recognized the fact that all governments become tyrannical over time, and it is the right of every citizen to have the means to protect themselves from this and/or shed the bonds of said government, if need be." ...

NC: A few rhetorical questions to ponder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If the Second Amendment only applies to muskets, shouldn’t the First Amendment not be applicable to telephones, radios, television, telegraphy, the internet or text messages?" ...

MN: Retired UMD professor raises eyebrows with school shooting theory
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A retired University of Minnesota Duluth professor known for his conspiracy theories on John F. Kennedy’s assassination, the 9/11 attacks and the Paul Wellstone plane crash has found himself in the news again — this time for claiming the U.S. government was involved in the Newtown, Conn., school shootings."

"In his online writings, James Fetzer cites chief among his credentials his ties to UMD ..."

"Fetzer, also an author and former Marine Corps officer, claims in an online journal that Israeli Mossad death squads and the U.S. government might have been behind the school shootings in Connecticut. At the end of his piece, Fetzer describes himself as an emeritus professor at UMD ..." ...

MD: Law-abiding gun owners are not the problem
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I would like to correct a few misconceptions in Ron Meservey's recent letter about gun control ('Hunters and target shooters don't need assault rifles,' Dec. 31)."

"While the school shooting in Newtown, Conn., was the act of a disturbed individual, and I do not condone such behavior by anyone, the fact that politicians are once again crying for more gun laws is not the answer to this problem."

"This country has more gun laws than it knows what to do with. What we need is not gun control but control of criminals and crime." ...

OR: The Real Second Amendment
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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"A number of historians have recently convincingly argued against the oft-heard opinion that the purpose of the Second Amendment to the Constitution was to enable American citizens to thwart a potentially tyrannical federal government. The intent of the Framers of the Constitution, based on the historical context of the times, was undoubtedly the opposite." ...

FL: Gun owners should enlist in local militias
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "A lot has been said about the right to keep and bear arms as provided in the Second Amendment. Little has been said about the ‘well regulated militia’ portion. The wording of this amendment would seem to imply that the right to bear arms is dependent upon being a part of a well regulated militia. Let’s enforce the whole amendment."

"Each new gun owner will have to register, enlist, in the militia of the state where the gun was purchased. ... Those who refuse to enlist would lose their right to bear arms." ...

Submitter's Note: And who is going to go around and collect all those guns? And how many people will die in the process? And when you make your estimate, please recall Bill Clinton's rules of engagement as applied to the Serbs in 1999; the political leaders, bureaucratic support structure, media infrastructure and intellectual underpinnings of his enemies' war effort were legitimate targets of war.

 QUOTES TO REMEMBER disarm the people - that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them. — George Mason, 3 Elliot, Debates at 380.

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