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Newslinks for 10/11/2000

NRA Declares War
Submitted by: NRA

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"The war is on, but it is the controversial National Rifle Association who claims it has the power to determine who will win the election next month. And it has set its sights on defeating Gore, as millions of gun owners are angry."

Feds target Indiana as source of firearms used in crimes
Submitted by: Federal Scum

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"Federal authorities have targeted Indiana as one of the nation's "source states" for firearms purchased legally and later used in crimes."

"Police say the ease with which weapons can be bought in Indiana, coupled with demand from neighboring Illinois with its more restrictive gun laws, creates a steady flow of weapons between the two states."
Wow. These guys are brilliant. Not. They are looking to close the GUN loophole.

Armed man robs fast-food restaurant
Submitted by: Criminal Alert

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"The robber approached a female employee shortly before 11 p.m. while she entered the back entrance at McDonald's, 1201 S.W. Gage. The man indicated he was carrying a gun and the employee reported seeing the handle of weapon..."
Gee. Guess what color he was.

The VAST majority of gun crimes are committed by blacks and hispanics. Not that there aren't white scumbags; there are. In the case of gun crimes, whites, however, are the MINORITY. But the NAACP pushes to disarm WHITES!

Two boys with toys - Widow of man killed by police speaks out
Submitted by: Cop Screwup

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"They need to get rid of those men, boys with toys," she said.

"Boys with toys, Lorraine Adams called them - inexperienced, gung-ho, cowboys, shooting first and asking questions later. But when someone is killed, it's too late to ask questions."
Bet they keep their jobs, full pay, formal "apology", next. What we are learning is that cops can kill you and go right back to doing "their jobs".

Police shoot and kill robbery suspect in north St. Louis
Submitted by: Dead Bad Guy

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"ST. LOUIS (AP) -- An off-duty St. Louis city police officer shot and killed a robbery suspect Sunday night inside a fast-food restaurant on the city's north side."
The guy had a hostage, and when she fainted and he pointed his gun at the officer, BLAM! Dead asshole.

Somebody should give the shooter an award called the "Appreciated Killer of Scumbag" award.

Gun Group Halts Lock Giveaway Program
Submitted by: Gun Locks

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"A national organization representing gun makers said on Tuesday it halted its program of distributing free gun locks until it could check reports that some of the devices were faulty."

"The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), based in Newtown, had distributed about 400,000 cable locks through more than 600 law-enforcement agencies across the United States since last September."

"...the locks -- which look like bicycle cable locks -- could be sprung open without a key."

As I See It -- More laws, more government not the answers
Submitted by: Hmmm

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Interesting read from a guy in Mississippi...

Man accidentally shoots woman through apartment wall
Submitted by: Idiot Alert

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"A man allegedly trying to repair a rifle instead fired the gun, shooting a bullet through a bedroom wall and killing a woman on the other side, police said."
He fled, returned, was let out of jail, may face charges. IDIOT!! If a gun is malfunctioning, you DO NOT test it out with live ammo in a friggin' apartment!!!!

Boulder considering crackdown on weapons
Submitted by: Colorado

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"The proposals, announced Monday, also would require that guns be carried in gun cases while in public. Assault weapons would have to be kept in safe storage, but would not be banned."
An assault weapon is any weapon that is being used against me in any way. Making my gun unavailable in my travels leaves me vulnerable to attack. (Why are these people so devoid of the common sense they preach about?)

Convicted Nixon Aide Has Rights Restored
Submitted by: Rights Restored

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"TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -- Florida has quietly restored the civil rights of Charles Colson more than 25 years after he was convicted of trying to cover up the Watergate scandal."

"Colson, 68, regained the right to vote, own a gun and practice law."

"The former special counsel to President Nixon served seven months in federal prison for obstruction of justice."
Wonder how many non-violent drug "offenders" got THEIR rights back? Hmmm?

Store Clerk Killer Executed in Va.
Submitted by: Dead Murderer

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"A man convicted of killing a convenience store clerk during a 1992 robbery was executed Tuesday night, nearly a year after the Supreme Court halted his scheduled execution so it could hear his appeal."

"Bobby Lee Ramdass, 29, was condemned for the killing of Mohammad Kayani during a robbery of the store in Fairfax County. Ramdass was executed by injection."
Took 'em long enough. If criminals knew they'd die faster there WOULD be less violent crime.

Freedom of Speech, Religion ... and Hunting?
Submitted by: Fed Up

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"We like to say that during hunting season, we have the third-largest army in the world," said state Rep. Scott Suder, R-Abbottsford.

Suder wants to amend Wisconsin's constitution to make hunting, fishing and trapping protected activities.

"With sportsmen's rights constantly under attack, we need to make certain of these rights are guaranteed in Wisconsin's constitution," Suder said.

Doing Freedom Newsletter is Out
Submitted by: Doing Freedom

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As always, Don Lobo Tiggre and Sunni Maravillosa rock, as do their cohorts.

Americans need not fear the federal government because they enjoy the advantage of being armed, which you possess over the people of almost every other nation. — James Madison.

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