The Third Wave, CNC, Stereolithography, and the end of gun control
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rick schwartz
Website: http://www.weprotectyourkids.com
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Due to forces of technology (CNC controlled machine tools, cheap computation, open source ethics, and social sharing of designs) gun control is utterly dead. It’s a corpse, staggering along, not yet aware that it’s been gut shot, it’s blood pressure has dropped to zero, and its brain (such as it is) is about to die the True Death. |
Drug Kingpin had "Fast & Furious" Guns; Should Eric Holder Resign?
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Opposing Views
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Some of the guns the government lost track of as part of the highly criticized "Fast and Furious" operation have turned up in the possession of a Mexican drug cartel leader, as calls intensify for Attorney General Eric Holder to step down over the scandal. The Daily Mail reports that some of the guns were part of an arsenal found in April in a secret room in the home of Jose Antonio Torres Marrufo, leader of the murderous Sinaloa drug cartel in Juarez, Mexico.
New Stats: More Guns Mean Less Crime
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Opposing Views
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To those who've heard the repetitive song of the gun control crowd, the hysterical refrain is a familiar one: "more handguns and more freedom will lead to more crime and more violence." Since the landmark Supreme Court decisions that struck down restrictive gun ban laws in Washington, D.C. and Chicago, the "more-guns-equals-more-crime" contingent has predicted soaring murder and violent crime rates. Anti-gun politicians and their media sycophants decried the Supreme Court's rulings and assured us that mayhem would follow. |
CA: California Gov. Jerry Brown Doesn't "Respect" 2nd Amendment
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Opposing Views
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California Gov. Jerry Brown waited until literally the last hour on Sunday to act on firearms-related legislation sent to his desk this session. Several anti-gun and anti-industry bills were signed into law, including long-gun registration. Sadly, the steady erosion of the Second Amendment in California continues. Gov. Brown has now proven that he no more respects freedom and the individual right protected by the Second Amendment than his predecessor. |
CA: California Bans Open Carry of Guns
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Opposing Views
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California Gov. Jerry Brown cleared his desk of bills over the weekend, slipping a big one through -- banning the open carrying of guns in public. "I listened to the California police chiefs," Brown said in a statement, according to the Los Angeles Times. Those police chiefs pressed Brown and the legislature to pass the ban, saying officers waste valuable time responding to calls of "suspects" carrying guns.
Pirate-Fighting Mercs Arrested in Africa for Carrying Guns
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In two years of operations, a Virginia-based maritime security company has escorted commercial vessels through pirate-infested East African waters 300 times without incident. Nexus Consulting Group of Alexandria’s impressive record is the latest evidence of a surprising turn in the five-year-old international war on Somali pirates. More and more, for-profit security guards are taking over from the world’s navies on the maritime front lines.
But as it grows its protection business, Nexus — “the world’s leading provider of private maritime security solutions,” according to a company press release — might want to heed the hard lessons learned by one of its rivals. As it turns out, the ship-protection biz is rife with risk, of the diplomatic |
GOA: Where is Cain on 2nd Amendment?
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Is he aware that the authors of the 14A wanted to impose the Bill of Rights -- and specifically the 2A -- upon the states?
..about the Supreme’s decision in McDonald? ..agree that states and localities -- subsequent to the 14A -- are constitutionally barred from banning guns?
And what about concealed carry outside of one’s home state? As President, would Cain sign or veto a bill like H.R. 2900, which provides for concealed carry recognition amongst the states?
We don’t have answers to these questions, and that’s why GOA’s Survey is so important. It asks about concealed carry recognition, the renewal of the semi-auto ban and repealing gun restrictions (like the Brady law and various import bans). Plus it gets the candidates’ views o |
Philippines: Llamas says AK-47 for self-defense
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Mark A. Taff
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Ronald Llamas claims he has been receiving death threats as President Benigno Aquino III’s political adviser and his weapon of choice to defend himself is the AK-47.
The Soviet-designed assault rifle is not too complicated and is of high caliber, according to Llamas.
“It can perform well if there is an ambush, or when a high caliber firearm is fired at you. So, that combination of simplicity and capacity, I think, it’s the right choice,” said Llamas, who sometimes joins Mr. Aquino, a gun enthusiast himself, on the shooting range. |
OH: When Can A Person Use Deadly Force In Self Defense?
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Mark A. Taff
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Shoot or don't shoot? When you feel threatened, what are your rights?
Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O'Brien said, "The right of self defense exists regardless of location, which gives the right to use deadly force to protect the life of yourself or another. It does not exist to protect property outside a home," he said. "There has to be a reasonable basis that if they don't use deadly force someone will die or be seriously injured. The person must not have started the affray, must have sought to retreat and not used any more force than was necessary to protect themselves." |
MT: Beyond Politics: Let’s go shooting
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Mark A. Taff
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Besides, we already have too many laws restricting citizens' fundamental right to self-defense. For example, felons are prohibited from owning firearms, but felons' crimes vary widely. Did you know that you can get a felony for making a sparkler bomb or using a fake ID that doesn't have your own name on it? It doesn't make sense to take away the same rights from a 20-year-old college student buying beer at a gas station and a serial killer! |
CA: Home Invasions: Is it Time to Get Your Guns?
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Mark A. Taff
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After the Patch top news about home invasion burglaries, more than a few commenters suggested a call to arms.
More believed it was time to get back into neighborhood watch mode. The latter suggestion is probably the more prudent one given the circumstances. Despite what appears to be an upswing in crime, Livermore’s still a fairly safe town in which to live and there’s no real proof that blowing away would-be home intruders is a deterrent to crime. |
NRA Pouring Millions into Failed Attempts to Attack Anti-Gun Laws
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Mark A. Taff
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The NRA since then has spent millions of dollars on lawyers to challenge state gun laws, believing the 2008 District of Columbia v. Hellerdecision signaled the judicial system was on its side. Instead, the gun-rights organization has lost numerous court cases, including in Second Amendment-friendly Texas, where a judge ruled against the NRA’s effort to give teenagers the right to buy semi-automatic handguns. “Never before have so many courts so cogently affirmed the constitutionality of so many strong gun laws in such a short span of time,” wrote Dennis Henigan, acting president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. |
GA: Court to Rule on Georgia's Ban on Guns in Churches
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Mark A. Taff
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Tensions are building in Georgia over a controversial new law which would restrict the rights of gun owners, and the judges of the 11th Circuit Court may be weighing precisely how many of the fundamental rights of the American people will be at stake when they issue their ruling in a case involving the right of licensed gun owners to carry their firearms with them to church. |
PA: Big City Gun Crime, Gun Control
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Mark A. Taff
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The fact is that Philadelphians who choose to apply for a Florida gun permit are not circumventing anything. They are exercising their legally valid privilege to apply for a non-resident Florida gun permit that is legally recognized by more than 30 states including the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at the time of this writing. The reporter also states that “because Pennsylvania and Florida have a reciprocal agreement to respect each other's gun licenses, local police are compelled to honor his permit, despite their opposition”. Shouldn’t the local police be required to obey state law?
CA: Governor signs ban on openly carrying handguns
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Mark A. Taff
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California will be the fifth state to prohibit openly carrying handguns in public under legislation signed by Gov. Jerry Brown despite heavy opposition from gun enthusiasts, many of whom staged demonstrations in the South Bay.
AB 144 by state Assemblyman Anthony Portantino, D-Pasadena, makes it a misdemeanor to carry an exposed and unloaded gun in public or in vehicles, with violators facing up to a year in prison or a potential fine of $1,000 when the law takes effect on Jan 1. |
TX: Cabdriver gunned down on N.E. Side
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Mark A. Taff
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“I would not go over there; it's unsafe,” he said.
His caution, he said, stems from his own experience with violent encounters in the half-dozen years he's been a cabdriver. Andrade said his cab was hit from behind at a red light a few years ago, and when he got out to check his cab, he was accosted by a group of people who threw him to the ground. A bullet that grazed him across the nose left a scar.
“We are at the risk of our lives on a daily basis, and there is nothing you can do,” Andrade said. “We are not allowed to carry weapons or anything for self-defense.” |
Congressman Darrell Issa to Eric Holder- ‘You Own Fast and Furious’
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Mark A. Taff
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As you will recall, Attorney General Eric Holder sent a letter to Senate and Congressional investigators on Friday, October 7th. It was a self-serving attempt to get Congressman Issa and Senator Charles Grassley to call off the chase that was clearly leading investigators to Holder’s front door.
To make a long story short, I just received an email from Congressman Issa’s office that proves the investigators are not only going to continue their pursuit, but that Holder is their central focus. |
CA: Responsible Citizens of California Weigh In Against The Passage Of AB 144
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Mark A. Taff
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The Responsible Citizens of California are disappointed with Governor Jerry Brown’s decision to sign AB 144, a bill to ban the Unloaded Open Carry of handguns, into law. Furthermore, we express very strong opposition to the passage of AB 809 (long gun registration) and SB 819 (misappropriation of DROS fees) into law.
The right to Open Carry has been legal in the State of California since its inception, and there has never been a single case of an Open Carry advocate ever committing a violent crime in the Golden State's entire 160-year history. Since no problem has ever existed that needs to be addressed or fixed, there was no reason for AB 144 in the first place. |