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Newslinks for 10/13/2005

LA: Firearms ban at FEMA trailer park has gun rights group up in arms
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Under pressure from gun rights groups, FEMA said today it is reconsidering a ban on firearms at a trailer park established to temporarily house Hurricane Katrina victims."

"The dispute involves a nearly 600-trailer encampment that opened last week near Baton Rouge. Katrina evacuees will be allowed to stay there rent-free while they try to find permanent housing."

"The Federal Emergency Management Agency said it has been general policy at FEMA for several years to prohibit guns at such parks anywhere in the country."

"But the National Rifle Association threatened to sue, and another gun rights group, the Second Amendment Foundation, said it, too, was looking at legal action."

DC: Single Glass of Wine Immerses D.C. Driver in Legal Battle
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Debra Bolton had a glass of red wine with dinner. That's what she told the police officer who pulled her over. That's what the Intoxilyzer 5000 breath test indicated -- .03, comfortably below the legal limit."

"She had been pulled over in Georgetown about 12:30 a.m. for driving without headlights. She apologized and explained that the parking attendant must have turned off her vehicle's automatic-light feature."

"Bolton thought she might get a ticket. Instead, she was handcuffed, searched, arrested, put in a jail cell until 4:30 a.m. and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol."

No guns, no alcohol, no FREEDOM!

DC: Violence Policy Center Urges Washington Redskins to Withdraw From Shooting Fundraiser With National Rifle Association as NRA Lobbies on Capitol Hill to Overturn D.C.'s Gun Laws
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Citing the Washington Redskins Charitable Foundation's dedication to the 'health and wellness' of youth, and the price exacted on D.C. children and teens by gun violence, the letter urges the Redskins and the Washington Redskins Charitable Foundation to end all participation in this event,
stating, 'The Washington Redskins Charitable Foundation's involvement with an organization whose mission is to repeal Washington D.C.'s gun laws cannot be reconciled with the mission of the foundation.'"

FL: Safety Nazis decree: No weapons, see-saws, or swings on playgrounds
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Andrea Levin is grateful that Broward County schools care about her daughter's safety. But this year when they posted a sign that demanded 'no running' on the playground, it seemed like overkill."

Employer rules are beyond feds' reach
Submitted by: News Admin

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"It seems hardly a week goes by that one group or another tries to pit one of our rights against another. It's usually the result of someone claiming an absolute right or misreading the Constitution." ...

"Although we're supporters of gun rights and the right to self-defense, employers and other property owners have the right to limit behavior on their property. Arguments that the Constitution guarantees one's right to carry a firearm don't apply in this case because the Constitution limits the government's actions, not those of individuals or companies."

KABA Note: Of course, we, as citizens, also reserve the right to take our business elsewhere.

Book review: Enemies Foreign and Domestic (David Codrea)
Submitted by: News Admin

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"...back a man into a corner with other men--all proficient in modern weaponry, and all unbending believers in liberty--make it clear that you mean to destroy them, and a most dangerous type of resistance is born: a competent one."

Book review: Enemies Foreign and Domestic (blog)
Submitted by: News Admin

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"...Government corruption is nothing new. Knee-jerk reactions and a rush to pass new laws after a national tragedy is certainly not a novel idea, especially in light of the quick and uninformed passage of the 'Patriot' Act after the September 11 attacks. Note how quickly Brady and her cohorts begin their blood dance and concurrent demands for extra gun control legislation after any well-publicized shooting. And, of course, the concept of 'If it bleeds, it leads' is still alive and well in the media. Death and destruction make for much more captive audiences."

"Bracken skillfully combines this set of circumstances and shows us a frightening, and all too realistic, glimpse into what could happen when ordinary, freedom-loving Americans are pushed too far by a band of would-be tyrants set on furthering their own power and agenda."

VA: Fredericksburg: Gun Lobby Blasts Culpeper Official
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"Despite strong words from members of a state gun lobby, Culpeper Town Manager Brannon Godfrey offered no apology last night for an e-mail that the group's leader called 'condescending especially from a public servant.'"

"Philip Van Cleave of Midlothian, president of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, told the Town Council that Godfrey's reply to VCDL member Mike Stollenwerk's e-mail addressing a gun ban at Yowell Meadow Park was inappropriate."

"That reply, directed to 'Herr Stollenwerk,' was written in German and said, 'Many thanks for serving as our moral conscience. Culpeper would be lost without the patronizing guidance of the people like you in Northern Virginia.'"

"Long live the state!"

"It was signed by Godfrey."

News Director's Note: I know Mike Stollenwerk personally. He is an officer in the United States Army, a tireless fighter for our rights and a kind and gentle person. Godfrey's reply was repugnant and deserves the indignation of anyone who fights for our rights. His email is:

Letter: What's Up With Wallace?
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"Two weeks ago, Mike Wallace hosted a Brady Center fundraiser (and birthday party for Buchwald) in Washington, D.C. At the event, held at the French Embassy, Wallace played a clip of his "60 Minutes" interview with then-NRA president Charlton Heston, whom he described as the "self-righteous enemy of the Jim and Sarah Brady Bunch".

"Listen, I've got no problem with Mike Wallace having an opinion on an issue like gun control. I disagree with Wallace's position on gun control, but he has a right to his opinion."

Submitters Note: More talent from See BS

VA: “Pandering” Kilgore’s “Reckless Disregard of Gun Trafficking”
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Brady Campaign released a scathing indictment of Jerry W. Kilgore’s decision to consider a repeal of the one-handgun-a-month law." ...

"Before the one-handgun-a-month law 34 percent of guns recovered from crimes in the Northeast came from Virginia. That’s right. Before this law, a full third of all crime guns could be traced to Virginia distribution. Within 2 years of the law going in to effect, that number dropped by more than half."

"Jim Solo of the Virginians Against Handgun Violence, had this to say, 'The law is working to reduce crime in our state, we don’t understand why politicians would pander to the criminal element.'"

OH: Aslanides to Gun Week: HB347 to be out of committee this year
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"Aslanides told Gun Week that his intent is to have 'a single, common law that everyone in Ohio can live with, so that traveling from city to city doesn’t catch gunowners' in conflict with some local ordinance."

"Almost immediately, the Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA) endorsed the legislation, filed as House Bill 347 (HB-347). Aslanides already has 47 co-sponsors out of a 99-member House of Representatives, and he insisted that other lawmakers will support the measure. He hopes to have it out of committee by the year’s end."

Anti-Violence Group Asking Redskins to Withdraw From Fund-Raiser
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Examiner reports The Violence Policy Center is asking the team withdraw its participation in a shooting fund-raiser sponsored by the National Rifle Association set for later this month."

"The N.R.A. is backing legislation to repeal the District's ban on handguns and strict regulations of rifles."

"The executive director of the Violence Policy Center, which is working to reduce gun violence, has sent a letter to Redskins owner Dan Snyder asking him to 'end all participation' in the event."

MA: Revolver Club offers 'safest sport' to kids
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Norm Desilets is proud of the safety record of the Holyoke Revolver Club and knows how important it is."

"'Since 1914 there have been no injuries,' he said. 'We are in a sport which is the safest sport in the country.'"

"Desilets is on the board of directors of the club and he is also director of the Rock Valley Junior Rifle Team, which was started by the club three years ago."

NC: Gun advocates have it all wrong (Letter)
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"With all the misinformation we hear and read from the NRA and gun owners, the writer's clear and concise explanation of what the Second Amendment really says is like a breath of springtime."

"The Second Amendment does not do what advocates of guns say it does. It establishes the right to a militia. The Bill of Rights does not give 'mountain boys' the right to hunt or wackos to carry guns."

"Rules for the use of guns come from elsewhere, not the Constitution. The truth that worries gun advocates is that local, state and national legislators can change the rules for all guns."

Someone ought to give this writer a lesson on what the militia actually is. Here is a good start.

Florida self-defense law battle prompts vacationer advisory
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"We at Buckeye Firearms Association have watched the passage of Florida's new 'Stand Your Ground' law with keen interest. For in the past twenty years, as Florida's pro-gun law goes, so goes the nation."

"We have also watched with shameless claims being recycled by gun ban extremists about this law, including a large advertising purchase by the Brady bunch that tries to warn would-be Florida tourists not to get into fights with natives during their visit."

"We thought we'd have our own fun with the vacationer advisory, and we hope you'll share it with your friends (note to our Brady bunch friends: this one didn't cost thousands of dollars)..."

Click here for .pdf file

MD: Shooting was self-defense
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Murder charges against a 20-year-old New Jersey man were dropped last week after Somerset County Circuit Court Judge Daniel Long ruled the shooting of a 23-year-old Crisfield man last October was in self-defense."

"According to the initial report filed by Princess Anne Police, Steven Elmore, 23, of Crisfield, died Oct. 27, 2004, after receiving a gunshot wound to the head during a shootout in what police thought was a drug deal gone wrong in a Princess Anne apartment."

"Last Wednesday, the court ruled Mr. Elmore had been an intruder in the residence of Al-Sawab Sawab, who fired the shot that killed him. The ruling cleared Sawab of a charge of first-degree murder."

UK: Gang members jailed for murder of schoolgirl
Submitted by: News Admin

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"The killers of Danielle Beccan, the 14 year-old schoolgirl shot dead in a drive-by attack as she returned from a fairground with her friends, were yesterday convicted of murder and jailed for life at Birmingham crown court."

KY: Clean gun can equal a good hunt
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Hunting season is upon us. Firearms should be cleaned and inspected before taking them to the field on the first hunting trip of the season."

"In a recent interview with Shawn Nahan, sporting goods manager for Birchwood Casey, he offered a number of tips and suggestions about getting your gun ready for the season."

Australia: Armed men carjack luxury convertible
Submitted by: News Admin

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"MASKED, armed thieves stole a luxury convertible car worth more than $200,000 in Sydney's inner west last night."

"The driver of a BMW pulled into a service station in Lewisham about 11.15pm (AEST) yesterday to fill up with petrol, a NSW police spokeswoman said."

"Two balaclava-clad men armed with a gun forced the 24-year-old Kogarah Bay man onto the ground before speeding off in the vehicle from the station on the corner of Wardell and New Canterbury roads."

KY: Police Arrest Home Invasion Suspect
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Police have arrested a man wanted in connection to a home invasion in Maysville."

"Police say Sam Jones broke into a home on Lake Charles Road while the homeowner was asleep, but took off when the homeowner pulled out a gun and fired shots."

Canada: Police ready to register their guns, even if Firearms Centre says they're not
Submitted by: News Admin

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"The country's two largest police associations say their members are ready, willing and anxious to register their guns with the Canada Firearms Centre immediately."

"They say they're at a loss to understand why police registration under the Firearms Act has been delayed for another year, especially since the delay has been attributed to them."

Goodman would disarm good guys
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Howard Goodman's column, 'Bring a gun to work? What's the NRA thinking?' (Sunday), was breathtaking in its hysterical hyperbole."

"Goodman, in supporting his thesis, blew the dust off four incidents where someone used a gun to assault or murder people in a workplace." ...

"If Mr. Goodman can muster evidence on these anecdotes, I would love to know more. I will even make a challenge. I'll wager a $10 contribution to Handgun Control Inc. that none of the perpetrators in his anecdotes had a valid concealed-carry permit. Criminals and psychos do not care one flyspeck about laws against murder, or of carrying guns, or of 'safe workplace' policies, which misguidedly intimidate employees from carrying their own self-defense weapons."

Brazil: Brazilians to vote whether to ban gun sales nationwide
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Latin America’s largest country is debating: Should the sale of guns and ammunition be prohibited in Brazil?"

"On Oct. 23, Brazilians will give their answer. More than 100 million Brazilians are expected to vote, in a referendum the government calls the world’s biggest. Brazilians as young as 16 can vote, and voting is compulsory for citizens from 18 to 70."

"And the issue has touched a nerve in this country, where gun violence is a fact of daily life."

WI: Promoting Gun Safety With Project Child Safe
Submitted by: News Admin

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"'We have them in a gun safe and my husband built a gun cabinet that is locked,' says Sue Wiskowski. Wiskowski knows the rules of having guns in the house. 'And the ammunition of course is always separate from the gun, never with the guns,' she says."

"And with a four-year-old grandson at home, 'It’s just our responsibility to make sure they understand that they aren't toys, and you don't play with them,' she says. So she's jumping on this opportunity to pick up gun safety kits from Project Child Safe, 25 of them for her hunter safety course. And that's nothing."

GA: Senior Deputy Sheriff from Atlanta Busted in Montgomery - Cocaine Charges
Submitted by: News Admin

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"A senior sheriff's deputy from Atlanta is behind bars in Montgomery, accused of selling marijuana and cocaine."

"The FBI arrested the officer in front of hundreds of people during lunch at a popular East Boulevard restaurant. The deputy was already disciplined for improper behavior while on duty in Georgia."

"His name is Dwayne Turner, and until yesterday he was an officer in good standing in Georgia. Until yesterday, because that's when the FBI arrested him on the Eastern Bypass. The charge? Conspiracy to possess and distribute cocaine."

UK: Airgun laws not tough enough
Submitted by: News Admin

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"THE Government were yesterday slammed for failing to take tough enough action to clamp down on airgun sales."

"Home Office minister Hazel Blears will today announce amendments to the Violent Crime Reduction Bill restricting sales of air-powered weapons to registered gun dealers."

"But the SNP yesterday said the proposals do not going far enough."

NC: Proposed limit on handguns draws fire
Submitted by: News Admin

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"The Charlotte City Council has stalled a proposed ban on openly carrying handguns."

"City staffers, who suggested the idea, will study it for several more weeks and respond to the complaints aired by council members on Monday."

"Police Chief Darrel Stephens wanted the council to send the issue to the community safety committee. But gun-rights advocates in the audience Monday evening and sharp questions from council members showed he had stepped into controversial territory."

VA: Suicides outpace homicides nationally [by about 30%]
Submitted by: Anonymous

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More people killed themselves than were killed by others in 2003, according to a new state report that examines details of more than 1,300 suicides, homicides and other violent deaths in Virginia that year." ...

"In all, the Virginia report focused on 1,332 violent deaths, involving 799 suicides, 435 homicides, 68 deaths of undetermined intent, 18 involving firearm accidents, and 12 cases of 'legal intervention,' defined as being killed by a law enforcement officer in the line of duty." ...

"Of the suicides, the data show military veterans and elderly males are at particular risk. Nationally, suicides tend to outnumber homicides."

Submitter's comment: Looks like the despair and hopelessness problem is bigger than the hate problem. It just doesn't further government's need for control, so it's not big news.

VA: 'Hardy Boy' outrage on both sides (follow up)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Many of you reacted quite strongly to the report detailing the three-day school suspension of 11-year-old Rhodes Hardy, a sixth-grader willing to defend his chum from violence."

"This Hardy boy, as you may recall, violated Henrico County school policy 10 days ago by pushing a seventh-grader attempting to give Rhodes' much-smaller pal, also a sixth-grader, a knuckle sandwich." ...

"Many of you say you've taught your children to defend themselves and others, regardless of school policy." ...

"I asked Mychael Dickerson, spokesman for the Henrico school system, when it would be OK for a student to intervene in a fight situation. When blood is spilled? When bone is sticking out?"

"His response: 'We encourage the students to find an adult not to get involved.'"

"Which would seem to indicate that Henrico would've preferred that passengers aboard Flight 93 stayed in their seats, called for help and then watched the plane fly into the White House."

TX: City Defends Judge's Gun Ruling Regarding Hinojosa
Submitted by: News Admin

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"The city of McAllen stands by a municipal judge at the center of a controversial decision. Judge Kathleen Henley dropped gun charges against State Senator Juan Hinojosa." ...

"At a news conference Wednesday McAllen City Attorney James Darling defended Henley's decision to dismiss gun charges against senator Hinojosa." ...

"'This has nothing to do with whether the senator is above the law or below the law. All of us should be treated equally by the law. If you get arrested or detained at the police department because you forgot to declare a handgun at the airport, I would give you the same treatment and I would request the PD to do the same thing,' the district attorney said."

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero (42B.C)

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