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Newslinks for 10/14/2000

Israel's security comes from a gun
Submitted by: Israel

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"If the Israeli military is ordered to "impose" peace on Ramallah and elsewhere, believe me, violence will recede. Israelis won't be loved, but they'll be respected more than rubber bullets are feared."

"Young Israeli soldiers deserve better than being sacrificed to political unreality and wishful thinking -- which is what Bill Clinton and Madeleine Albright represent."
Pretty good assessment of Israel's need to be armed.

Part of Gary gun suit dismissed
Submitted by: Good!!

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"The city's attorneys failed to show that the American Shooting Sports Council, the National Shooting Sports Foundation and the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Association had enough of a presence in Indiana to make them subject to state negligence laws, according to the judge."

"We're obviously pleased," said Doug Kliever, attorney for the groups.
Now if they would just HANG the mayor for treason against this nation...

South Africa: Assembly passes gun control bill now
Submitted by: South Africa

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This is an interesting if not somewhat twisted report on the status of South Africa's latest gun grabber move.

Councilman Won't Give Up Police Weapon at Meetings
Submitted by: WOW

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"Fountain Valley Councilman Chuck Conlosh...has stirred new controversy by insisting on placing his police-issued handgun on the dais during council meetings."

"Conlosh, a veteran Huntington Beach police officer elected to the Fountain Valley council in 1996, said he will continue to place the weapon in a fanny pack within easy reach despite objections from three council members who say the gun makes them uncomfortable."
But "regular" citizens in California can't carry!!!

Kentucky gun dealer getting screwed, suing county
Submitted by: Too Funny

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Guy is being pushed out of business and blocked from expanding to other locations by liberal bedwetters offering fear-based claims. He is suing, and defendants are asking for case to be dismissed.

To the tune of America, the Beautiful:

Oh, Beautiful for spacious skies
And Buckshot by my bed
For purple mountains majesty
This stuff makes me see red
America, America
God pukes when he sees thee
So cowardly, such travesty
From sea to shining sea.

Transcript of Mark David Chapman's Parole Board hearing
Submitted by: Transcript

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The guy who shot John Lennon is up for parole. This is the entire transcript of the hearing. This guy was whacked, and still seems a bit whacked. Let him rot in prison.

Put a Muzzle on It
Submitted by: Arming America

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"Due to the questionable data and arguments in the recently released (and acclaimed) Arming America, this is the second review of the book to appear on NRO. Reviewer James Swan's criticism of the book differs from that of NRO's original reviewer, Clayton Cramer, by taking particular exception to the way muzzle-loading is portrayed in this history."

Armed, Loaded and Cocked, or How I Became a Gun Nut
Submitted by: Armed Citizen

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"Never in my life had I fired a pistol, revolver or a rifle. Never in my life had I owned any sort of gun other than a BB gun. After 39 years, 342 days, all of that changed."

Cop finds out: 'No ID, no gun'
Submitted by: Too Funny

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When Gary police Patrolman Doug Garriott went into Shema's Outdoor Sports Thursday to retrieve a handgun he had left at the store pending a trade, he was surprised, frustrated and angry to learn he couldn't have it back.

Although Garriott contends Shema's owners, Jim and Kathy Shema, were punishing him because of the lawsuit filed against their business and other local gun dealers by Gary Mayor Scott King, the owners have a simpler explanation.

"We followed the law."
FUNNY! :-)

Pro Gun Group Sues School Disctrict for promoting gun control without equal access to other side!!
Submitted by: Yeah Baby!!

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The school district refused to help promote rally AGAINST so called "smart guns" but sent flyers home PROMOTING so called "smart guns". And now they are getting sued!! hee hee

The school promotes gun control, and they are about to get spanked like the bad little children they are!! YES!!

Police: Man sought gun to kill officer
Submitted by: Hmmm

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Guy allegedly tried to buy a .22 with a sound suppressor in order to kill a cop.

Can't help but wonder why someone would plan a murder with a .22. Sounds fishy.

Prisoners locked in cells in N.B. penitentiary as guards hunt for gun
Submitted by: Gun in Prison??

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"Prisoners in a maximum-security penitentiary in northern New Brunswick were restricted to their cells Friday as guards hunted for a homemade gun and some ammunition."

"Part of the Atlantic Institution at Renous has been on lockdown since Tuesday when prisoners angered by a cell search by guards lit small fires and smashed windows and lights."
Not the place to be this weekend...

NRA set to enter ad wars
Submitted by: Advertising Battle

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The National Rifle Association is set to launch TV ads boosting George W. Bush and other gun control opponents as interest groups and campaigns plot strategy for the three weeks to Election Day.

Both Republican Bush and Democrat Al Gore have cut back their ad spending in Louisiana and Ohio. Gore's pullback comes even as he increases his overall ad buy to more than $5 million next week, about what Bush is spending overall.
NAACP is for Gore. (They still support slavery, apparently.)

Shots that killed Joe Parrella came from his own gun
Submitted by: Grrrrrrrr

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"The shots that killed the father of San Diego Chargers defensive tackle John Parrella came from his own gun, officials said Friday."
You know the anti-gunners love to tell this story to "prove" that guns in the home are dangerous.

Why to ALWAYS answer your door with your gun in your hand AFTER you look out the peephole
Submitted by: Gunless Dummy Alert

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"Two men, one in a gorilla mask and the other armed with a handgun and wearing a white stocking, white ball cap, black sunglasses and rubber surgical gloves, forced their way into a home in the 8600 block of Vining Street and stole $250."

"While lying in bed watching TV, a 34-year-old man heard a knock on his front door at 10 p.m. Monday,, police said."

"When he opened the door, the man wearing the stocking struck him in the mouth with the gun and knocked him to the floor, police said."

Every 13 seconds in America someone uses a gun to stop a crime. —SEN. LARRY CRAIG

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