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Newslinks for 10/14/2001

For some women, a call to arms
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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So much has changed since September 11, some of the change more obvious than other: the Manhattan skyline, airline security, politics in Washington, an awareness of anthrax. However, determination to find new forms of self defense is also part of the change. And guns are a big part of that.

SHE could be a soccer mom, student, or doctor — just the woman next door. But since the September 11 attack, women around the United States are adding one more skill to their resumes: sharp shooting.

Wanted - Dead or Alive
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May the Eye of Justice Be With You...

Project: Safe Skies radio appearance by Sunni Maravillosa
Submitted by: Project: Safe Skies

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Sunni Maravillosa, co-founder of Project: Safe Skies, will appear on the Jack Riccardi show on San Antonio, TX radio station KTSA 550 AM, Monday, October 15 starting at 3:30PM Central time. KTSA's call-in lines are 210.599.5555 and 800.299.5872. Gracious thanks to for their assistance in arranging this appearance.

If you would like to arrange an interview with a member of the Project: Safe Skies team, please contact us.

It's the Constitution, stupid!
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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"...the only real act of successfully opposing terrorists was when civilians took matters into their own hands and foiled the fourth hijacked plane on Sept 11. While our government has failed miserably to protect anyone, this foiling of a fourth attack ... shows that our fellow citizens are still our best defense.

Homeland security and wars against terrorism are not enough ... Americans demand and deserve something far more important: Protect and defend America's Bill of Rights." Steve Kubby

Rep. Paul Denounces NATO's Patrol of U.S.
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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"National security is the most basic sovereign duty of the federal government in our constitutional republic. Neither Congress nor the president can cede that duty to a foreign nation or body.

"We cannot allow the security of our own borders to become the responsibility of any coalition or international organization, whether it's NATO or the United Nations. The national security of the U.S. is the province of the American people - and the American people only." Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)

While law enforcement focused on drugs, Americans became terrorists' victims
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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"Mr. Ashcroft and Mr. Bush, I've got a better idea. Before you ask for sweeping new police powers to combat terrorism, why not end the war on drugs? Some $18.1 billion in federal money alone would become immediately available for use in the real war, the one against terrorists. Since this money has already been plundered from the citizens of the United States, no tax increase would be necessary. ... what will it take to change law-enforcement priorities in this country?" Scott Davison

GUT The United Nations! UN Flag Raising PROTEST
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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What Flag Will It Be? - It's Time To Choose!

Gainesville City Hall, Gainesville, Florida
7am, Thursday, October 25th, 2001

At 7:00am, the United Nations Association of the City of Gainesville will raise the UN flag on the same pole as the U.S. flag, in violation of United States Code, Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 7.

Unable to join us in person? Protest by Phone, FAX, and Email!

Women Taking Lessons on Using Guns
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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SOUTHAVEN, MS -- The police department here armed 50 women this week and Chief Tom Long gave them this frank advice: "It's better to be judged by 12 than carried by six."

"We're not trying to tell anyone to violate the law," Long said. "But we have to stress that personal safety should be everyone's primary goal."

The class, devoted to handguns, drew an overflow crowd. Capt. Phil Cox said about 100 women were turned away because there wasn't enough room.

Firearms owners fear bill could be used to seize, destroy weapons
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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A bill working its way through Congress has firearms owners worried about a covert gun grab in the making.

Section 1062 of the Department of Defense Authorization Bill, S.1438, gives authority to the secretary of defense to "ensure demilitarization of significant military equipment formerly owned by the Department of Defense."

"Demilitarization" refers to the process of rendering equipment inoperable, such as dismantling or removing the firing mechanism of a particular weapon.

Defending Yourself Against Terror
Submitted by: Tom Buckley

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"Terrorism is a diffuse threat that cries out for diffuse solutions. One practical step toward combating domestic terrorism is an armed citizenry who exercise their Second Amendment right to bear arms. ..." Wendy McElroy

'Common Sense about Kids and Guns' Applauds Decline in Children's "Gun Deaths"
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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"Common Sense about Kids and Guns is encouraged by this downward trend in firearm deaths. We applaud the responsible adults who followed our Common Sense Safety Tips and assured that no child or teen encountered a loaded or improperly stored firearm in their home."

Common Sense about Kids and Guns is a "nonpartisan" group co-founded by Kennedy that has worked for more than two years to promote responsible gun ownership and firearm storage practices.

Nominate a Join Together Hero of the Month!
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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The women and men profiled as Heroes of the Month are true leaders of the gun violence prevention movement.

Join Together is accepting nominations for future Hero of the Months. If you would like to nominate someone, email the nominee's name, contact information and brief description of why this person is a hero to Please include your own name, email address and telephone number.

Firing Range Business Booms
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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Pistol fire has been booming at the Bullet Hole, a west Bexar County firing range, where the business also has surged. All kinds of people, including inexperienced shooters, have started to show up at his firing range, buying guns, renting guns and taking shooting lessons.

"The more training that occurs with these weapons, the less accidents we have with children and the less accidents we have in the home," the instructor said.

So What Does a Freedom Lover Do NOW?
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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"We don’t know whether -- or when -- or how -- our unknown enemies may strike again against us. Could we be hit with a biowar attack, a backpack nuke, a bomb aimed at a major dam? Could the power grid go down? Communications go out? Food shortages hit, locally or nationally? ... So in this moment of patriotism and paralysis, what’s a freedom lover to do?

Whatever else we do, let’s be as reasonably prepared as we can be -- both to protect our lives and to protect our rights:..." Claire Wolfe

Media Hyped Fraud - We Need to Restore the 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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"The absence of the availability of a home front militia is the direct result of the incremental abolition of our Second Amendment protections by Hollywood, the left-liberal media, and well-intentioned emotionally charged female groups desiring to end violence by restricting access to firearms. Only people who obey the law and are afraid of ruining their reputations and losing their jobs obey gun-control laws, while criminals continue to arm themselves." Ted Lang

When the government's boot is on your throat, whether it is a left boot or a right boot is of no consequence. — GARY LLOYD

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