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Newslinks for 10/14/2011

‘The Bloody Professor’ spawns sequels-in more ways than one
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "But Vann doesn’t stop there. He recounts his own history with guns, contemplating a school shooting." ...

Ban Everything
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The anti-gun crowd can come up with some amazing (and creative) arguments why no one should be allowed to own firearms, in spite of what the Constitution says. But what if the same arguments were applied to other 'dangerous' things? For example . . ."

"Cars are nothing more than instruments of death. Statistics prove that households with cars are much more likely to have a car-related fatality than households without cars. Every year thousands of people, including many innocent children, are killed by cars. And the cars don’t even have to have be running – every summer we hear of children who are killed when they play in cars and accidently lock themselves inside. Obviously there’s no such thing as a 'safe' car." ...

Is Top Shot Safe?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We already know that Top Shot isn't 'real.' The bullets you see hitting the targets are not fired by the competitors. The competitors' strings are edited to remove malfunctions (which may or may not be mechanical). But TTAG's heard from courageous sources—production workers bound by NDAs so punitive their reproductive organs are at risk—that there have been safety issues on the set. As I value both my balls and my business (and I promised confidentiality to my sources) I can’t tell you everything I've heard. However . . ." ...

Tenther Radio Episode 17: States’ Rights Under Heavy Attack! (podcast available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Obama administration has really upped the ante in its attack on states’ rights. Paul Armentano of NORML and Larry Pratty of Gun Owners of America join us to discuss the recent threats against medical marijuana AND the 2nd Amendment at the same time. The ATF, IRS, DEA, DOJ and others are all joining forces to advance an ideology of centralized control in Washington DC." ...

Get Rid Of Some Junk, Annoy A Gun Grabber
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wanna to piss of an anti-gun liberal academic? Have a drawer full of crappy old holsters you bought before you knew which end was up? Who doesn’t? From Rob Allen comes news that the good people at Florida Carry will be holding empty holster carry events on campuses around the Sunshine State to protest the schools’ status as designated free-fire, rights abridgement zones. Come on, get rid of that old unused junk cluttering up your dresser. It’s just sitting there collecting dust anyway, right? Send it to some people who can make some good use of it. Details after the jump…" ...

Emily Gets Her Gun Series (videos available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Emily Miller is a senior editor at the Washington Times. She also lives within the District of Columbia and wants to have a handgun for self-protection. In a series of articles, Ms. Miller is finding out just how hard it is to obtain a handgun in the District of Columbia. If it is this hard for someone who presumably is well connected, just imagine how hard it is for ordinary people to obtain the tools for self-defense in the District of Columbia." ...

First Look: Kel-Tec KSG (videos available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was going to be a typical Thursday evening at the range. But my old friend and former TTAG contributor Capt. John Raguso was able to procure a testing and evaluation sample of the much-anticipated Kel-Tec KSG. That would be the gunmaker’s plastic fantastic bullpup shotgun—the prototypical star of last year’s SHOT Show. Note: Capt. John, now scribing for Gun World magazine, is not a sales rep for Kel Tec. He just sounds that way. The net effect is the same (so to speak) . . ." ...

Seal Beach: Is the SCOTUS' View on Second Amendment to Blame?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "We have such a romance with guns in our culture, they are glorified and sanctified, and yet we never really deal with the issue of their only function, their only reason for existing. Spin it how you like, whether it's a highbrow use of the Constitution or a run-of-the mill 'guns are cool,' guns are built for only one reason."

"Guns are made to kill."

"And they do an excellent job of it. Never mind that the Constitution clearly does not allow for guns in every household for any purpose. ..." ...

A sane person’s guide to ‘Fast and Furious’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One Republican congressman has suggested that Attorney General Eric Holder ought to be arrested and face criminal charges of being an accessory to murder, and that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and even President Obama might be implicated."

"Wayne LaPierre of the [NRA] calls it 'the biggest cover-up since Watergate' and describes Operation Fast and Furious as 'just one part of Barack Obama’s agenda to attack gun owners and our Second Amendment rights.' Conservative bloggers are even arguing that the 'Fast and Furious' case constitutes grounds for impeachment, with claims that it’s 'the Reichstag fire of the Second Amendment.'"

"An excitable little bunch, aren’t they?" ...

Submitter's Note: At least two US LEOs dead, scores of foreign nationals dead, Federal officials violating local, state, national and international laws, as well as violating several treaties, an Attorney General lying under oath and claiming he is so incompetent he didn't read memos and briefing statements, stonewalling and obfuscation of Congressional Oversight investigations by high level administration officials and indications that the cover-up leads at least to the White House if not the Oval Office.
Nah, nothing to get excited about here.

I Like A Company With Humor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Brownells is getting on the Zombie bandwagon and doing it with a lot of humor. They have a set up a special webpage just in anticipation of the Zombie Apocalypse. Or maybe it is just because All Hallow's Eve is almost upon us."
"The newly formed Brownells Center For Zombie Awareness (CZA) was created, as company President Pete Brownell said, '...because we all know the Zombie outbreak is coming and we want our customers to be educated, equipped and ready to engage the undead.'" ...

Vaya con Dios, Dennis .308. A loyal Threeper and Oath Keeper has gone to his reward.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I just received notice from Oath Keepers that the great American known as Dennis .308 on this blog has passed. Here is the first of what I am sure will be many eulogies:" ...

Weapon of Choice -- My husband insists we buy a gun to protect our family, but I disdain firearms.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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..." ...You two come at this with strong but rather inchoate views: You’re a pacifist who loathes guns. He’s a Second Amendment purist who needs protection from the hordes stalking your city. Instead of digging in, it would be helpful if you each could concede the other has a point. If everyone shared your view there would be no need for guns; but they don’t, so there is. If he acts as if the world outside your door resembles Grand Theft Auto, he needs to be more realistic about the actual threat. ... My guess is that for him this is less about crime than his desire to be the kind of all-protective figure his father was, and that requires a gun. ... Maybe one way to get over this impasse would be for both of you to go to a firing range. ..."

Arming college students: Recipe for safety or disaster?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech, a number of states started considering seriously proposals that would permit students, faculty, and staff to possess concealed firearms on public college campuses."

"Thus far, 2011 has been a particularly busy year for such legislative proposals with 14 states dealing with legislation that would permit in some fashion concealed carry weapons on campus. Also in 2011, two states are deliberating over proposals that prohibit such weapons on campus." ...

IL: Homeowner says he shot robber after wrestling gun away
Submitted by: Raymond Shaw

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"A homeowner in the Englewood neighborhood says he wrestled a gun from two robbers and shot one of them early this morning."

"Perry Pearce told reporters outside his home in the 5700 block of South Ada Street that the robbers apparently cut a hole in his fence and confronted him as he was leaving for work around 6:45 a.m." ...

"The robbers told him to take them to his safe, according to police. When one of the men tried to open it, Pearce said he started struggling with one of the robbers, got the gun and fired. The other robber then fought with the robber and finally ran off, police said." ...

Submitter's Note: Chicagoan defends his home against armed invaders, without a gun of his own!

ATF Death Watch 103: What’s At Stake (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the Gunwalker scandal chugs along, the 'meaning' of the Operation Fast and Furious seems set in stone. As I’ve asserted in this series and in my Washington Times editorial, the mainstream media has bought what the ATF and the Obama Administration have been selling: F&F was a 'botched sting.' Which would make U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s murder at the hands of drug thugs wielding ATF-enabled firearms nothing more than bad luck. And U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s role nothing more than that of a busy bureaucrat betrayed by rogue underlings. As House Oversight Committee member Paul Gosar points out even if that’s true—which it isn’t—Holder needs to go . . ." ...

Iran, Mexico, Furious Assassins: Manufactured Crisis, World War III?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Eric Holder, no stranger to counter-constitutional measures is being slowly encircled by constitutional investigations. The subpoena he dreaded arrived in his office this week."

"Anticipating the Fast and Furious subpoena, walls closing in around him, Holder-Obama sprung a surprise–Iran plans an attack on American soil!"

"A manufactured crisis leading to war is the only way out for these malefactors. ..." ...

Sipsey Street Exclusive: Was the Gunwalker Plot Bill Newell's idea and the Obama National Security Council's opportunity? Will O'Reilly survive?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sources familiar with the congressional investigation into the Gunwalker Plot say that investigators are homing in on early conversations -- and meetings -- between ATF Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix Field Division William Newell and his self-described 'long-time friend,' Kevin O'Reilly, a State Department employee then on the National Security Council. This is reflected, say the sources, in the subpoena issued this week by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee seeking, among other things, 'All communications to or from William Newell, former Special agent in Charge for ATF's Phoenix Field Division, between . . . March 16, 2009 to March 19, 2009.'" ...

WA gun sting should have been model for Fast & Furious
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Guilty pleas have already been entered by two of four Washington State men indicted earlier this year in a gun sting operation mounted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and how ATF handled this should have provided a model for their colleagues in Arizona who launched Operation Fast and Furious." ...

Fire Eric Holder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"America needs to Fire Attorney General Eric Holder and Investigate the ATF!"

"Smuggled weapons. Drug cartels. Murdered American border patrol agents. Cover-ups. Perjury."

"One of these alone should be enough to get those responsible fired. Put together, and there’s no other choice:"

"We must fire Attorney General Eric Holder and Investigate the ATF!" ...

Submitter's Note: Carthago delenda est! Keep up the refrain!

Ever vigilant: Fast and Furious an attempt at more gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) undercover operation known as 'Fast and Furious' has taken a new turn." ...

Bagley cartoon: Fast and Furious Fail
Submitted by: repeal1968guncontrolact

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{editorial cartoon published in the Salt Lake tribune}


Submitter's note: Be prepared for the stupidest, most inaccurate editorial cartoon in history. You THOUGHT the left lived in a deeply partisan fantasy land, but you'll need boots up to your waist and anti nausea medication for this one. This was unbelievably published in the largest (by circulation) "news"paper in Utah. A few of the comments are intelligent though.

PA: Welch Joins Crowded Senate Primary
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Steve Welch is running for for U.S. Senate. The Chester County entrepreneur, former congressional candidate and father of three announced today that he will seek the Republican nomination to take on Bob Casey." ...

"On social issues, Welch says, 'I’m pro-life. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I think the second amendment is critical. I’m a gun owner, I’ve hunted.'" ...

OK: Wallace to run for Congress
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former district attorney and assistant U.S. Attorney Rob Wallace, a Democrat, has announced he will enter the race for the 2nd Congressional District seat currently held by Congressman Dan Boren." ...

"Wallace also noted that he was a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, and is a gun owner. As U.S. attorney, he led major criminal investigations into felony gun crimes."

"'As someone who has been on the front lines fighting crime, I know we have all the laws on the books we need to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals. We don’t need, and I won’t support, gun control. We need to strongly enforce those existing laws,' he said." ...

States' rights can be so inconvenient
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Dan Lungren has a decision to make."

"Lungren must weigh his background as a former California attorney general and his belief in states' rights against the hard reality that he will anger the National Rifle Association if he votes against the NRA's top priority, a bill that would dramatically weaken California's strict gun laws."

"The conflict likely will play out in Washington today when the House Judiciary Committee takes up H.R. 822. The legislation would require all states, California included, to honor concealed weapons permits issued by any other state, no matter how low that other state's standards might be." ...

Submitter's Note: I wonder if Mr. Morain would support the same impassioned "states' rights" argument to oppose federal enforcement of desegregation and minority voting rights. After all, 'it is absolutely not a civil rights issue, it is a local control issue.' I mean we can't have just anyone voting!

House Passes Veterans Second Amendment Protection Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This important legislation has been languishing in both houses of Congress for the past several years in spite of bi-partisan efforts to get it moving."

"The Senate version of the bill ... was passed out of the Judiciary Committee in 2009 and placed on the Senate Calendar under General Orders where it remained awaiting action from self-avowed Second Amendment supporter, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV)."

"Reid allowed the bill to die with the close of the 111th Congress and it was not reintroduced in the Senate in the 112th Congress."

"Now that a version of the legislation has passed out of the House, the pressure needs to be on for Senators to sign off on it and send it to the President." ...

House Committee To Vote On Concealed Carry Weapon Reciprocity Soon
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The House Judiciary Committee will soon be voting on legislation that will guarantee the right of citizens to carry firearms out-of-state."

"And the vote could come as early as today or tomorrow!"

"GOA has alerted you to H.R. 822 — introduced by Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-FL) – and explained the weaknesses in his bill. Many of you have taken action on our alerts and informed your Representative that there is a better approach."

"That approach has been championed by Rep. Paul Broun of Georgia, the author of H.R. 2900 — or the Secure Access to Firearms Enhancement (SAFE) Act." ...

Gohmert's Concealed Carry Proposal Fails
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A proposal by Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) to allow residents of other states with conceal carry permits to similarly carry concealed weapons in the District failed today in a surprising 24-3-1 vote ..." ...

"Gohmert found little support, though, with two fellow Texas Republicans arguing that the amendment had no place in the legislation -- which would allow reciprocity between states that have conceal carry laws on the books -- and that it didn't actually grant D.C. residents any additional rights as Gohmert claimed."

"Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) pointed out that Gohmert's amendment would only give rights to residents of other states that had concealed weapons permits, and not to any D.C. residents." ...

House committee defeats D.C. concealed gun amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The House Judiciary Committee easily defeated a proposal Thursday that would have allowed out-of-state residents to bring concealed weapons into the District, an unusual vote in which conservative members put their allegiance to states’ rights ahead of their frequent forays into D.C. affairs." ...

McCarthy to Governors: Protect Your State from Nationwide Concealed Handgun Policy
Submitted by: GunPOliticsNY

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"Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, a gun safety and anti-violence advocate who believes that Second Amendment rights must be better balanced with the need for public health and safety, sent a letter to 50 U.S. governors today warning that a new bill in Congress is a direct threat to their ability to set their own gun safety policy."

"A copy of one of the letters is attached." ...

WI: Wisconsin Carry, Inc. reaches settlement in lawsuit against City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wisconsin Carry, Inc., a pro-gun group which, with the help of the Buckeye Firearms Foundation and readers of this website, recently successfully defended a group of five of its members who had been arrested for legally open carrying in their local Culvers restaurant, has brought another open carry case to a successful outcome." ...

ID: Idaho university's gun ban goes to court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The University of Idaho and one of its law students faced off in Latah County Second District Court on Wednesday afternoon regarding the university's ban of weapons in on-campus student apartments."

"UI law student Aaron Tribble filed the lawsuit against the university in January and motioned for summary judgment in March. Judge John Stegner denied that request and set Wednesday as the final summary judgment hearing date." ...

DEA Agent Lee Paige Still Won’t Go Away (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Everyone’s favorite gun-handling expert, DEA agent Lee Paige of the agency’s Orlando office, has provided gunnies with years of YouTube guffaws and keyboard-fouling coffeespits as we’ve relived the, er, 'professional' demonstrating gun safety for a room full of impressionable yoots back in 2004. You might think that kind of publicly self-inflicted beclowning would induce someone to slink away and keep a generally low profile. You’d be wrong. The now former undercover agent has been on a personal crusade ever since the indisputable video evidence of his incompetence hit the intertubes. His quest: to wring some cash out of his employer over the release of the video…" ...

FL: Miami Commission Approves $500,000 Settlement to Cop Rapist's Victim (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Miami City Commission unanimously approved a $550,000 settlement Thursday for a woman who filed a lawsuit after she was kidnapped and sexually assaulted by a police officer."

"The woman was attacked on March 19, 2007 by Officer Michael Ragusa, who was sentenced in 2008 to 10 years behind bars for sexual attacks on three women." ...

CO: Finally, Denver settles over mass arrests during 2008 Democratic National Convention
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In just a little over a year, the nation will vote in the next presidential election."

"On Wednesday, Denver finally unwound the last entanglement from its role in the previous contest. It took only 1,140 days."

"Senior U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch on Wednesday agreed to sign off on a settlement agreement that ends a lawsuit brought by people who said they were wrongly arrested amid a protest during the Democratic National Convention, in August 2008. The lawsuit, which was filed in 2009 and came to involve 93 plaintiffs, was the last outstanding piece of litigation against the city for its role in hosting the convention, at which then-U.S. Sen. Barack Obama received the Democratic presidential nomination." ...

OH: West Chester officer indicted on three felonies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Butler County grand jury on Thursday indicted a West Chester police officer on three felony charges for allegedly releasing classified information."

"Officer David Busemeyer, 37, of Hamilton Township in Warren County, a nine-year veteran of the department, faces charges of obstruction of official business, obstruction of justice and attempted tampering with evidence." ...

NY: NYPD Detective Admits to Framing People on Drug Charges
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"In New York City, former NYPD narcotics detective Stephen Anderson testified it was common practice to fabricate drug charges against innocent people to meet arrest quotas."

"His testimony is the first public account of false arrests in the Brooklyn South and Queens narcotic squads, which led to the arrests of eight police officers." ...

Howling mad: Idaho wolf situation a preview for Washingtonians?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Wolf advocates who tried to stop hunting in Idaho and Montana – the same people who can be expected to oppose any kind of hunting of wolves in Washington (Congress removed protections for wolves in Montana, Idaho and part of eastern Washington earlier this year), because wolf advocates never seem satisfied that enough is enough, as this column noted – look at hunters as if they didn’t count. How ironic, because hunters provide the lion’s share of operating revenues for state fish and game agencies and their programs, through license and tag sales, and special excise taxes on firearms, ammunition and hunting equipment. Their expenditures are also a boon to local economies." ...

CA: “Open Carry” Banned by Brown: The Day Logic Flew Out The Window
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"During the second weekend of October 2011 democratic Governor of California, Jerry Brown, signed into law (AB144) the ban on 'Open Carry,' the right of law abiding citizens to carry an 'exposed' hand gun (provided the gun is not loaded). As of Jan 1st, 2012 it will be a misdemeanor to carry an exposed and unloaded handgun in public. ... The reasoning for the ban: the police chiefs throughout the state were not comfortable with 'Open Carry.' Quoting the president of the California Police Chiefs Association, David Maggard Jr. (above, right), 'the bill will help assure that felons and gang members cannot openly carry an unloaded gun with impunity.' Really, Mr. Maggard?" ...

OH: Arrest of man accused of brandishing firearm in bar proves new law is enforceable
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The arrest of a man accused of brandishing a firearm during an argument in a Cincinnati bar proves Ohio's new law allowing law-abiding citizens with concealed handgun licenses in restaurants and other locations that serve alcohol is enforcable, contrary to the claims of opponents." ...

OH: Ohio 'Guns In Bars' Law Faces First Test
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"A new gun law in Ohio allows people, with a gun permit, to carry guns into bars, restaurants, nightclubs, any place that serves alcohol. However, It also says that the person carrying the gun shouldn't drink."

"Recently, Chad O'Reilly, who has a permit to carry a concealed weapon, pulled out his loaded, semi-automatic Gluck .40 and started waving it around during an argument in the H&H Tavern in Deer Park, Ohio." ...

KABA Note: I don't see how this is a "test" of Ohio's law: you have an idiot who broke the law, he will be punished.

CA: Calguns Foundation Publishes Report On 2011 Statewide Carry License Statistics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As part of its ongoing Carry License Sunshine and Compliance Initiative, the Calguns Foundation has released a report containing Licence to Carry ('LTC') statistics on all reported active carry licenses for all licensing authorities across the state of California."

"Read more about the report and how Gov. Brown’s signing of AB 144 impacts Californians’ ability to bear arms for self-defense at the CGF Blog." ...

AZ: The Bill of Rights comes to Arizona (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Perhaps never in our history have our constitutional rights been under such grave assault. Thanks to groups like the Goldwater Institute, some parts of the Bill of Rights—such as freedom of speech under the First Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment, and state autonomy under the Tenth Amendment—stand taller than before. Soon, we will have a physical reminder of the precious rights whose endurance requires our eternal vigilance."

IN: Letter characterized NRA members unfairly
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The letter of William Scarbrough regarding 'need for stricter gun laws' requires a response."

"I've been an NRA member for some years, and I resent his attempt to group our membership as a bunch of 'law-abiding gunslinging yahoos.' Throughout his letter he uses similar inflammatory language, such as 'a handgun holstered at his hip,' 'handgun slingers' and, finally, 'insanity.' Not finished, he includes some Hollywood terminology such as 'packin heat,' in case your readers are not sufficiently enraged." ...

NJ: Firearms Lawyer EVAN NAPPEN to Address the New Jersey Second Amendment Society
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You all know Evan Nappen as the Attorney who wrote the book on New Jersey Gun Laws. NJ Firearms owners have been relying upon the information in Evan’s book since the first edition. Now Evan has released a new book entitled"

"'The Bulletproof Gun Owner – How NOT to Become a Victim of NJ Gun Laws!'"

"Evan will be talking about his new book as well as current issues of concern to NJ Firearms owners. Most importantly, he has agreed to open things up for an extensive Q&A session after his presentation. During the Q&A, Evan will address the NUMEROUS concerns that we have as gun owners in New Jersey." ...

"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun." — The Dalai Lama, (May 15, 2001, The Seattle Times) speaking at the "Educating Heart Summit" in Portland, Oregon, when asked by a girl how to react when a shooter takes aim at a classmate

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