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Newslinks for 10/15/2001

More armed police to patrol UK 'hotspots'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Scotland Yard is looking to increase the number of police officers allowed to carry guns in the wake of the terrorist attacks on 11 September. The new measures could lead to armed officers routinely patrolling London's streets in areas at high risk of terrorist attack."

"Approval for new gun carriers can take as little as two weeks but requires "character" approval from senior officers and includes such details as drinking habits."

Gun Control - We Must Have It
Submitted by: Annie

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"Gun registration, permits to purchase, license to own, and license to carry are very important safety precautions. States like New Jersey require all of these, depending on specific uses of the weapon. Vermont, however, requires none, and the minimum age is 16. ... Vermont, unfortunately, is a very rare example of a state with a low crime rate."

They want to know what you think of this essay... so tell them!

Guns "go unaccounted for" in domestic abuse cases
Submitted by: Anonymous

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When a domestic violent offender owns guns... How do cops make sure they don't have guns when they can't get a warrant? Why can people convicted of domestic violence purchase gun hunting licenses?

"This (federal) law was passed to make people feel good... Make tougher sentences, make it sound tough, but it doesn't affect (anything)... does nothing... sounds good... gets people elected. People feel safe when the law is out there. It's an illusion."

Man arrested after attempting to enter courthouse with gun
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"LOS ANGELES – Authorities arrested a man who brought a handgun into a federal courthouse Friday on his way to a bankruptcy hearing."

"Moments later a security guard said, 'We have a gun,' according to an affidavit in support of the charge. It wasn't known if the gun was loaded."

"Sampson, hometown unknown, was arrested and charged with felony attempt to bring a firearm into a federal court facility... He will remain in custody until a Tuesday hearing."

Wrongful-death lawsuit filed by 13-year-old shooting victim's family
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A teen-age boy who accidentally shot and killed his classmate is being sued by the family of his victim. The shooter, who was 14 at the time, said he shot 13-year-old Osborne on while playing with a .45.

"Kyle Proffit's mother and former stepfather also are named in the wrongful-death lawsuit that was filed this week in Franklin County Common Pleas Court on behalf of the family of Matthew M. Osborne. The suit seeks in excess of $100,000."

Schoolkid who "Thought About" Bringing A Gun to School is Arrested
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The incident flared up after an eighth-grade boy went home from school Monday and confided to a friend that he had been getting picked on ... He was frustrated, and he shared with his friend that he had thought about bringing a gun into school."

The child was arrested and is now "undergoing psychological evaluations."

U.S. Attorney and Gun-control Activist Slain by Sniper
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Cloaked by darkness, the assassin crept to a backyard window, leveled a gun at the federal prosecutor and high-profile gun-control activist and squeezed the trigger," authorities said.

"In recent years, Wales lobbied hard for gun control, pushing a statewide citizens' initiative in 1997 to require trigger locks to accompany all gun sales, and force all gun owners to obtain a license after completing a safety course."

Man hit with baseball bat dies; Attacker "could" face murder charges
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An Effingham man who was allegedly struck in the head with a baseball bat during an altercation at Lake Mattoon on Oct. 4 has died, raising the possibility that murder charges will be filed against his attacker."

But... "no charges have been filed in connection with the incident."

Was this self-defense? Is this man licensed to carry a bat?

House Endorses Snoop Bill
Submitted by: Robert Fowler

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WASHINGTON -- The House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly Friday afternoon to hand unprecedented surveillance powers to police. Just hours after the Senate approved its version of the anti-terrorism bill, House legislators followed suit by voting 339-79 to ease limits on wiretapping and Internet monitoring.

Ventura County, California: More Residents Taking Up Arms
Submitted by: E.L.

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"Are people expecting incidents in their frontyards? No, but people are starting to think things are possible that they never thought were possible before." The majority of first-timers seeking guns and permits are women, said area gun store owners.

This sociology professor tells us that we're only hurting ourselves in the long run, because having "these types of objects around the house" just reminds us how fearful we are. And what kind of message does it send the CHILDREN??

Hero in the cockpit - Pistol served pilot well in '54
Submitted by: Annie

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"Until now it was largely forgotten, a brief, tragic incident that lay buried in fading newspaper accounts and the memories of only a few, but the shooting of a hijacker by an airline pilot almost 50 years ago has taken on a new significance today..."

Gov. Mike Foster of Louisiana "Well Armed"
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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"I probably should be scared from time to time. But I'm not. Why so? Life is full of dangers. My help is well armed, and so am I. That's the best I can do. If somebody comes after us, we'll take a few with us." --La. Gov. Mike Foster

NOTE: Free, anonymous registration required to read article.

Pilots sign up for gun classes; some leery about arms proposal
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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"If guns were allowed in the cockpit, the union wants the FBI to handle the program and training even though some gun schools say they could do it faster and without taxpayer money."

CNN version | ABCNews version

Sarah Brady: Tighter Gun Laws Needed
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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"With passage of this legislation, the Senate has taken a significant step toward ensuring that law enforcement has the tools needed to investigate and deter terrorist attacks. But there is one glaring omission - nothing in this bill will close the gaps in our federal firearm laws that allow terrorists to amass their deadly arsenals. The House should address this failure when it takes up the legislation today." --Sarah Brady

...If a man lies under oath or procures the lie of another under oath, if he perjures himself or suborns perjury, he is guilty under the statute law. Under the higher law, under the great law of morality and righteousness, he is precisely as guilty if, instead of lying in a court, he lies in a newspaper or on the stump; and in all probability, the evil effects of his conduct are infinitely more widespread and more pernicious. — Teddy Roosevelt - May 12, 1900

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