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Newslinks for 10/15/2005

LA: Sheriff's Office request prompts ban on guns at FEMA housing in Baker
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A top official at the East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office took responsibility Thursday for asking FEMA to ban guns in an evacuee travel trailer park that opened last week near Baker." ...

"But a top sheriff's official said that while it was a 'close decision,' public safety became the most-important concern rather than constitutional rights."

"'I'm a member of the NRA and a firm supporter of the NRA in most instances,' said Col. Greg Phares, chief criminal deputy for the Sheriff's Office."

"'But in this instance, I had to balance the responsibility of the Sheriff's Office with constitutional rights,' Phares added. 'I think it's the right decision. It wasn't a comfortable decision, but it is right.'" ...

Submitter's Note: But according to this article, "Officials said it has been general policy at FEMA for several years to prohibit guns at such parks anywhere in the country."

So which is it?

CA: To Michael Nevin: My Thoughts on Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The vexing question of Gun Control has again become subject of debate. I know that comparisons are odious, but this is as good a time as any to compare the Swiss Confederation with the City of Oakland in California. Switzerland has all the potential of a nasty little Bosnia. It is inhabited by two mutually antagonistic races ... it is linguistically divided into three mutually antagonistic nationalities ... religiously divided into two mutually antagonistic Christian denominations ... and to top it all off, every male between the ages of 20 through 50 after having finished his mandatory military services must keep an assault rifle with 20 rounds of live ammunition at home ..." ...

WY: ATF backs off threat of checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The state attorney general's office says it successfully fought off a threat by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to require separate background checks on holders of Wyoming concealed-weapons permits.

The ATF made the threat after it learned about a new state law that allows residents convicted of misdemeanors to petition a court to have their firearms rights restored if any were taken away, Attorney General Pat Crank said in a statement released Wednesday.

People issued a Wyoming concealed-weapons permit are not subject to a background check before purchasing a firearm because they have already undergone extensive checks, Crank said.

Crank said the ATF backed off after he urged it to re-examine the Wyoming law and reconsider its position.

OH: In Florida, you can shoot first, ask questions later
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m not a travel agent or anything, but if you are planning to go to Florida, I have some advice for you:"

"Pack a heater."

"The Sunshine State could be on the verge of turning into Deadwood South courtesy of a new law that makes it easier for one person to legally plug another in certain situations. The law, called 'stand your ground,' essentially says that if you feel threatened, you are no longer obligated to retreat or attempt to defuse the situation before opting to squeeze off a few rounds in self-defense."

"Predictably, not everyone is behind the new law, although for the life of me I can’t understand why. But then I’m a longtime advocate of making it legal to shoot at people who try to skirt traffic jams by driving in the breakdown lane." ...

GA: Woman's Alleged Stalker Fatally Shot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man was fatally shot early Friday at a Sandy Springs apartment complex, apparently during a dispute over a woman by a former boyfriend and her current boyfriend." ...

"Police were called to the complex shortly after midnight. Residents reported hearing at least two rounds of gunfire at the apartments, which has a gated entrance."

"Police said the ex-boyfriend of the woman managed to get into the complex, where he confronted the woman and her new boyfriend. Police said an argument ensued before the current boyfriend pulled out a weapon and shot the man in the head."

"Gary Syblis, a spokesman for Fulton police, said it appears that the ex-boyfriend had been stalking his former girlfriend." ...

TN: Dogs turn the table on would-be thieves
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Memphis owner fought back during a bizarre home invasion Thursday." ...

"The robbers told the men they were going to kill everyone in the house, including a child, if they did not cooperate. Stewart, who has a handgun permit, wasn't able to get to his gun."

"Then, his pet bulls stepped in."

"'Once my dogs started biting on them, they diverted their attention towards the dogs,' Stewart said. That's when his wife grabbed Stewart's gun and gave it to him."

"The bullets flew through the hose, and through a door. Both robbers ran out of the house ..."

"'I had my kids in the house, my wife, and my mother-in-law,' Stewart said. 'I wasn't really thinking about dying. I was thinking about protecting my family.'" ...

FL: Bill would protect workers' rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Your editorial (Workplace, Monday) attacking the bills ... to protect people legally keeping guns in their vehicles was as wrong as it was comical."

"Suggesting that this bill will endanger anyone ignores the best federal data about the causes of workplace violence. Because 75 percent to 82 percent of workplace homicides involve robbery, most are committed by strangers, not employees, according to the FBI and the Bureau of Labor Statistics."

"Of course, corporate policies have nothing to do with any of those crimes. After all, it's a fair bet that armed robbers don't read their victims' employee handbooks. It's an even safer bet that those rare employees bent on violence aren't going to care what their employers have to say ..." ...

Canada: Floridians shoot first, ask questions later
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Northerners looking to escape the cold on Florida’s sunny beaches this coming winter should think twice before upsetting any of the locals."

"The state’s new Shoot First law ... has gone into effect Oct. 1, meaning any individuals who feels their safety is threatened or their possessions are at risk are legally authorized to use deadly force in public."

"Conceivably, an argument over a parking space or a spot in a line-up could result in vigilante violence, considering citizens are now encouraged by the government to use firearms to settle disputes."

"Harold Huhtanen ... said the new law won’t have an impact on what he does as a travel agent. 'I would say be careful, but we say that anyway,' said Huhtanen." ...

OH: Libertarian Bill Peirce a candidate for governor (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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The Statehouse News Bureau reported recently that professor emeritus at Case Western Reserve University Bill Peirce has announced plans to run for governor in 2006.

Peirce is the first Libertarian to announce a run for governor in 2006 and is a life-long member of the National Rifle Association.

Peirce's campaign website states that his belief that "law-abiding citizens should not have to explain why they want to buy or own a gun" and goes on to say that "restoring your unrestricted right to own and carry a firearm will be a top priority of the Peirce administration."

Assuming the candidate gathers the needed signatures, Bill Peirce’s name will be on the gubernatorial ballot, listed as an independent (the Libertarian party is not recognized in Ohio).

MN: Student Charged With Bringing Pistol To School
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 19-year-old student was charged with two felonies Friday for allegedly making terroristic threats and for allegedly bringing a pistol to a Minneapolis charter school this week, authorities said."

"The criminal complaint said Alexander Lorenzo Demmings was arrested near Minnesota Transitions School in Minneapolis on Wednesday with 26 rounds of ammunition in a sock and a long-barreled handgun in his pocket."

"A witness told police Demmings said he would shoot others in the school. Other witnesses told police Demmings was upset about being kicked out of class and he planned to shoot out windows in the school and in the school secretary's car." ...

WI: Onalaska PD looking toward M16s
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Is the Onalaska Police Department just trying to keep up with the La Crosse County Sheriffs Department and its BearCat, a $180,000 armored assault vehicle? That question came to mind when the department requested the Onalaska Common Council to OK a grant application giving the department up to eight rifles. The rifles, either AR-15s or M-16s, would come from the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service, said Onalaska Police Chief Randy Williams. The AR-15s are not available at this time."

"The DRMS disperses excess military property, including everything from vehicles and air conditioners to computers and weapons. ..." ...

TX: Up Close: The issue of throw down guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"No damages will be awarded in a wrongful death lawsuit filed against a Precinct One Deputy Constable."

"In 2002, Deputy Matthew McCord shot Melvin Romero during a traffic stop."

"McCord said Romero had a gun but the man's family claimed the officer planted the weapon."

"Jurors ruled that McCord violated Romero's rights, but the use of deadly force was reasonable."

"Meanwhile, McCord will be allowed to return to duty."

"Romero's attorneys plan to appeal." ...

Ireland: Club chairman loses weapon appeal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A west Belfast club chairman's links with IRA members was sufficient reason for not allowing him to have a firearm, Appeal Court judges have ruled."

"Liam Shannon of the Irish Republican Felons' Club had a shotgun certificate, but it was revoked after he applied to have it extended to a .22 rifle."

"His appeal to the secretary of state was dismissed after police said he 'associates with members of the PIRA'."

"On Friday, the decision not to grant a review of that ruling was upheld."

"Mr Shannon had originally been granted the shotgun certificate after he became a member of a clay pigeon club."

"Lord Justice Nicholson said that Provisional IRA members had recently been involved in crimes including murder and robbery." ...

Submitter's Note: 'Reasonable restrictions', right?

AZ: City to acquire shooting range, plans to keep it open as recreational facility
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the City of Douglas moves to acquire the rifle range, the city also knows that keeping the range open would be a great benefit to recreational gun enthusiasts and the law enforcement population in the area."

"The nearest rifle range is 60 miles away in Ft. Huachuca."

"'There are one hundred and sixty members who use the range on a fairly regular basis,' said Lynn Kartchner,' president ... 'And over the course of the year, there are about 600 people who use it.'"

"The rifle range is currently owned by the Bureau of Land Management and has been leased to the Arizona National Guard."

"The National Guard no longer wants or needs the range because it does not meet their military requirements for a range." ...

NY: Rifle use hurting quality of hunting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The recent change in weapon choice for deer hunters in this area has sparked a controversy among sportsmen. Whereas only shotguns were once legal for hunting big game, now the sky is the limit."

"We were told in the past that areas such as Delaware County had less population density, so rifles were OK. Today the farms are gone, the land has been divided up into smaller parcels and houses are sprouting up all over. People are moving out of the cities to the quiet life in rural New York. The number of people inhabiting this area has doubled or even tripled since we were given that excuse, but now it’s safe to use rifles?" ...

PA: Hearing on hunt set
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lebanon County President Judge Robert J. Eby has scheduled a hearing at 1:30 p.m. on Oct. 25 for a proposed deer hunt at Clarence Schock Memorial Park at Governor Dick."

"The park’s board has petitioned the court for permission to conduct a four-day hunt to thin a deer population that has left the 1,105-acre park near Mt. Gretna barren of undergrowth. A recent deer count by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources determined that at any one time there could be an average of 20 deer per square mile in the park, which is roughly 2 square miles in area." ...

PA: Now where did I put that atlatl?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Item from the last meeting of the Pennsylvania Game Commission:"

"'Game Commissioner Roxane S. Palone requested staff to prepare regulatory language to legalize the atlatl as a hunting device.'"

"Forget about that high-powered rifle, shotgun, reflex hunting bow or crossbow. Welcome to the exciting, low-tech world of the atlatl."

"And when you just manage to wound that deer, forget about putting it out of its misery quickly with a quick gunshot -- stab it a few times with an atlatl dart -- just to show it -- and your buddies -- how primitive you really are." ...

Submitter's Note: So when we use guns we're being 'unsportsmanlike' and when we use primitive weapons we're being 'bloodthirsty'.

MI: Another perfect shot Holli Wittman, a 14-year-old Hartland Township hunter, bags 11-point buck with one shot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Holli Wittman is 3-for-3 in her young hunting career."

"Last fall, the Hartland Township teen dropped two pheasants with two shots at a youth hunt with the Livingston Conservation & Sports Association. But the big prize came three weeks ago - she brought down an 11-point buck with one shot while hunting with her father, Jack, from a tree stand on property near their home."

"'She can really put food on the table,' her father said, without a twinge of jealousy. His biggest catch in decades of hunting is an 8-point buck taken in northern Michigan."

"'I was pretty shocked that it was a deer that big,' he added. 'I was not shocked she got something. We have been scouting the area, and she is a good shot.'" ...

TX: Rifle set for showdown against Nevada
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The TCU women's rifle team will face off against Nevada for the third time this season when they travel to Reno, Nev. this weekend. The teams will compete in a 3x20 smallbore match Saturday and a 60-shot air rifle match Sunday at the Nevada Rifle Range."

"'We are taking a positive attitude into this competition and looking to continue to improve our team average,' head coach Karen Monez said."

"The air rifle team will consist of Celeste Green, Emily Conway, Nikki LeCompte and Tanya Gorin. Kristine Tisinger and Aida Garcia will shoot as individuals. For the smallbore event, Green, Lecompte, Gorin and Tisinger will comprise the competition squad while Garcia will compete individually." ...

FL: Florida Sports Park range closes; Sheriff's Office gun range open to public
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The public gun range at the Florida Sports Park has closed as of Oct. 8. Now, officials from the Collier County Sheriff's Office gun range expect to see an influx of people at their range, which is open twice a month to the public."

"In October, the first public range day at the Sheriff's Office gun range was last Saturday, Oct. 8. The next one is this Saturday Oct. 15 and is open from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m."

"According to Lt. Jack Gant, there are already many individuals that use the range. 'On some dates we are already reaching a capacity,' he said, 'with more than 35 people turning out each open date.' Gant is the training coordinator for the Collier County Sheriff's office and has worked with the range for several years." ...

AL: Tips for the mighty woodsman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For the most part, men who grow up in Alabama enjoy the perks of the great outdoors. One of these perks is hunting season."

"With the start of October comes squirrel season, which is an excellent chance to break out the .22 rifle and test one's marksmanship. It is also a chance to get back in touch with Mother Nature. Last Saturday, this was my full intention, but things took a very strange turn. From what should have been a routine trip into the woods I have not learned several valuable lessons that I would like to share with anyone else who will listen." ...

CO: Hills will soon be alive with the sound of gunfire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thousands of people with big guns and bigger dreams are flowing into Colorado from outside the state today for the first rifle season of the elk hunt."

"Hunting and fishing pump millions of dollars into Pitkin County's economy, though that pales in comparison to ski season. A recent study performed for the Colorado Division of Wildlife estimated hunters and anglers spent $13 million during their trips for supplies, groceries, lodging, beer and the like in Pitkin County in 2002. About $7 million came from hunting."

"There was another $10.6 million of indirect economic benefit in Pitkin County from the multiplier effect. That's when dollars hunters and anglers spend get spent again within the community." ...

MT: Game Checking Stations Play An Important Role
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With antelope and upland game bird seasons in full swing, Montana hunters are helping wildlife officials at check stations gather information needed to manage the state’s wildlife."

"When hunters stop at checking stations, they may be asked a variety of questions including how many deer, elk or antelope they saw and in which drainages or general locations their hunting took place."

"Check stations will see a bit more activity when Montana’s general big game hunting season—or rifle season—for deer and elk opens Oct. 23 and ends Nov. 27."

"Hunters should remember that state law requires them to stop at all game checking stations on their routes of travel to and from hunting areas. ..." ...

Brazil: Tough clash ahead in Brazil referendum to ban guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dire adverts warning Brazilians could be made defenseless against any Nazi-like tyranny have not budged Lourdes Lima in her plan to vote to ban gun sales ..."

"'I'm sick and tired of guns, we see them or hear them every day. I made up my mind and will vote to ban them,' the 54-year-old street sweeper said, crumpling a leaflet warning of the dangers of disarmament by showing Hitler giving a Nazi salute. 'I don't know who's this guy anyway,' she added."

"Brazil's vote whether to ban gun sales, which the government says is the world's first nationwide referendum on firearms, is being closely watched by gun makers and opponents around the globe as a referendum that could set a precedent for campaigns in other countries." ...

Canada: Gun safety suffers as registry dispute drags on
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On September 3, 23-year-old Noo Tukiqi died when he tripped carrying a loaded rifle while running towards a group of caribou about 30 miles outside of Cape Dorset."

"He had just enough time to tell his wife he loved her, before he passed away, leaving her to find help from a group of people camped about a mile away."

"Firearms accidents like these can happen, but preventable deaths can also occur."

"This past July, seven-year-old Jobie Kadlak of Rankin Inlet died of a single gunshot wound when he and another boy were playing with a gun inside a cabin on the edge of town. The death was ruled accidental, but a man was charged with unsafe storage of a firearm." ...

Submitter's Note: And registration would have prevented these . . . how?

UK: Youths are locked up after violent attacks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"YOUTHS who committed two acts of 'extraordinary violence' in rural areas have been locked up."

"At Chester Crown Court yesterday, Heze Perks, 18, of Willington Lane, Duddon, received three years in a young offenders' institute, James Radley, 19, of Tarporley, two and a half years and Kevin Grindley, 20, of Tattenhall, 12 months for their parts in incidents on March 12 and April 1." ...

"But they attacked the first person to leave the building, 17-year-old Tom Roberts." ...

"While on bail for this attack, the three youths took part in a second attack along with their friend Leeding which left four people injured and two cars severely damaged." ...

Australia: Pair pistol-whip victim
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A GUN was put to a Hawthorn man's head and he was pistol-whipped during an attempted robbery this week."

"Two men approached the victim outside his house in Park St just after 10.45pm Thursday and put a silver pistol to his head. One of the bandits then hit him in the face with the gun."

"The victim tried to defend himself, kicking at the bandits, who ran away along the footpath." ...

UK: Uneasy calm in the street where bullets flew
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"AN UNEASY calm returned to part of Harehills in Leeds today where the bullets had flown just 48 hours before."

"In Bayswater Grove, the scene of Wednesday evening's siege, one house bore witness to the aftermath of a domestic row that blew up into a shootout with the police."

"Two bullet holes in the lounge bay window were clear to see and several more bullet holes peppered the rendering on the outside wall. Another bullet had drilled a deep socket in the garden wall."

"A tree branch severed by one of the bullets which narrowly missed a policeman still rested limply against a yard hedge nearby." ...

UK: 'Youths shot at our house with airgun'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A mother this week branded Borehamwood 'a lawless town' after youths terrified her family by firing an airgun at their front door."

"Susan Good ... was sitting in her front room watching television with her 14-year-old daughter, Danielle, on the evening of September 29, when they heard a loud bang at her door."

"One of her daughter's friends ... was standing outside when the airgun pellet shot past him and into the door."

"'I didn't know what was going on,' said Mrs Good. 'I just heard this piercing noise and jumped out of my chair.'"

"Mrs Good ran out of the house to a nearby alleyway, where three youths were standing. One of the boys was holding an airgun rifle case but they denied firing the shot." ...

UK: Man admits hitting girl with airgun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A man has admitted hitting a six-year-old girl and narrowly missing another child after firing an air pistol into woods near a play park.

David Johnston repeatedly fired shots towards the area where children, including his ten-year-old brother were playing.

The incident happened just three months after Glasgow toddler Andrew Morton was fatally wounded by a similar weapon.

UK: Hunting campaigners lose appeal against ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Countryside campaigners have lost a key round in their legal battle against the government's ban on hunting."

"Nine Law Lords on Thursday unanimously ruled against their challenge in which the Countryside Alliance claimed that the Hunting Act, which bans hunting with dogs, was invalid."

"The act, which came into force in February, prompted violent protests outside parliament, including an invasion of the House of Commons by hunt supporters."

"Normally only five Law Lords sit on legal matters but the case was regarded of such constitutional importance that nine were called in to decide it." ...

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come. — Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

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