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Newslinks for 10/16/2000

McCain Is a No Show on Guns

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The Arizona senator's questionable commitment to Second Amendment rights.
By Dave Kopel, author of The Truth About Gun Shows

"John McCain has apparently discovered that soft money has its merits, now that a California billionaire is funding his appearance in gun control commercials in Colorado and Oregon."

Memories and tears flow as family buries two children killed by pitchfork intruder
Submitted by: Pitchfork Killer

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Really good stuff:

"And he implied that the two children might be alive if gun laws were different. "From the White House to the outhouse, why are you taking away handguns?"

"He said there was a gun in the house that the older sisters knew how to use, "but I had to put it away in a supposedly safe place. The only thing I forgot to put a lock on was my pitchfork."

Outdoor Life Website has Special Bush/Gore Debate on Firearms Issues
Submitted by: Steve Levin

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Link Here:

They also have a voters guide listed on the site with how different state reps voted on firearms/hunting issues


Paintball range drawing fire from school
Submitted by: Paintball range under fire

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Tennessee: A paintball range is apparently too close to a school. It was there first, but the do gooders don't like it, and it may get zoned away.

US Murder Rate Drops to a 33-Year Low
Submitted by: YES!!

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"The US murder rate has dropped to its lowest level since 1966, according to an FBI report announced Sunday. The report substantiates a nationwide trend in which serious crimes fell for an eighth consecutive year."
It's NOT enough, but we're moving in the right direction. Now show us stats on where the bulk of the murders come from, and we'll see the truth about gun control.

Secret service: school shooters left clues
Submitted by: Finally!

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"Here are preliminary findings from the Secret Service's study of 41 school shooters in 37 incidents."

"These attacks were neither spontaneous nor impulsive."

"One student showed his friends four bullets: three for people he hated and one for himself. And that's just how he used them."

"Adults usually didn't investigate..."

"In more than three-fourths of the cases, the attacker told someone about his interest in mounting an attack at school."

Goldring takes aim at federal (Canadian) gun registry
Submitted by: Resistance!

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"Holes shot in the feds' gun registry are nothing compared to the salvo that's coming, an Edmonton MP warns."

""Do they really expect a farmer to trundle up to town with their .22, their shotgun and their rifle because someone wants to see every rifle and shotgun in the country and charge them a tax for them?" said Goldring.
Let's hope not. America is counting on Canada to resist on this one, largely because the gun grabbers here will take note of which way the wind blows...

Armed Citizens Stop Man from Killing Neighbors with His Car
Submitted by: Armed Citizens

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Whew!! Lucky these folks didn't have to find a key to unLOCK their guns!!!

"Children don't mind giving up toy weapons" - Toy Gun Turn-in
Submitted by: Toy Gun Turn In

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Kids turn in toy guns, trading them for educational toys.

Pro gun letter in LA Times???
Submitted by: LA Times??

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This is RARE. The LA Times actually printed something that is TRUE about guns, from a reader who wrote to them, no less. WOW!!

Nobel Prize Winner says 72% of US foreign aid is used to arm countries
Submitted by: Hmmmm

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If that is the case, how is it that while they are using our tax money to arm other countries, they are using our tax money to disarm us?

Inquiring minds want to know...

America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She well knows that by one enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standards of freedom. — JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1821)

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