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Newslinks for 10/16/2001

FBI Agent shoved pistol in Woman's Mouth
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A month after filing a lawsuit for an insurance claim for an electrical shock, Sonya Williamson found herself with a pistol shoved in her mouth by an FBI agent. ... The FBI apparently sought to scare her into moving, to try to prove that her claims of paralysis were false."

"While she was scared, she didn't move. And the FBI started to realize that her injury, which officials sus-pected might be fraudulent, could be real..."

Concealed gun license applications soar in Texas
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The number of requests for applications to carry concealed handguns has almost doubled since Sept. 11, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety."

"The department received 865 requests for applications the week before the attacks. The week of Oct. 1, it received more than 2,000 requests."

The number of requests for concealed weapon license applications in Texas by week:
Sept. 3: 865
Sept. 10: 1,096
Sept. 17: 1,627
Sept. 24: 2,111
Oct. 1: 2,044

CA: Billboard Campaign "Pushes" Gun Ownership
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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A Fullerton-based pro-gun "lobby" has rented 300 billboards across California in a "controversial" campaign pushing its belief that a "heavily armed" populace is a safer populace.

The billboards, which started going up Oct. 1, carry a photo of a multiethnic group of about 20 smiling people and the slogan: "Society is safer when criminals don't know who's armed."

Globalization and the Nation State
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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Here is an excellent description of "global governance," directly from an official of the United Nations. It was delivered at a seminar at the University of Colorado on April 7, 2001. It describes in detail the "obstacles" to global governance presented by the "nation state." It describes how nation states are to be "rehabilitated" to become administrative units of the United Naitons. It describes how environmental NGOs are "vital" to bringing about this change in the function of nation states.

Quotes from the Assassinated "Gun Control Leader"
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"U.S. Attorney Tom Wales was willing to be a public face on a hot-button issue that frequently put him at odds with the National Rifle Association, an organization he has repeatedly referred to as "anti-government," "anti-Constitution" and "essentially, an anarchist institution."

"The NRA is no longer the NRA of our parents and grandparents," he said at a public forum last October. "It refuses to accept the legitimate authority of the U.S. government."

Police Officer Run Down by Hillary Clinton's Motorcade
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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A vehicle in Senator Clinton's security team tried to bypass a mandatory check point at the airport. A county police officer attempting to stop the vehicle from getting through injured his shoulder.

Senator Clinton was en route to board a private jet to an unreleased destination. The former first lady could not be reached for comment.

Michael New ends Military Appeal; Case Moves to Civilian Courts
Submitted by: Joe Sager

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Army Specialist New's military appeal came to an end Oct 9, when the Supreme Court declined to look at his case. "Although we are disappointed in the Court's ruling, this is not the end of the legal road for Michael New," Herbert W. Titus, New's lead counsel stated. "Not only is it important to note that the Supreme Court's denial is not a ruling on the merits of New's claims, but the Court's ruling does not preclude New from pursuing legal remedies in the federal courts.

House Urged to Kill Legislation Harmful to Hunters and Sport Shooters
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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"Section 1062 is a dream come true for the gun control movement. There is no compelling public safety interest driving this legislation. Its only goal is to remove lawfully owned firearms from the hands of law-abiding citizens. The fact that this demilitarization requirement was slipped into the military appropriations bill at this critical time in our nation's history is quite disturbing..." --ISRA President Richard Pearson

Court Upholds Florida Law Banning Gun Sales to the Retarded
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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A state appellate court has ruled that a Florida law banning the sale of guns to "any person of unsound mind" is not unconstitutionally vague.

"The statute gives notice that it is a violation to ... sell a dangerous weapon, such as a firearm, to a person like Lofton who, because of his mental retardation, is incapable of caring for himself," the court wrote. It said whether the pawnshop knew or should have known whether Lofton was retarded was irrelevant in this case.

Zogby Poll: Second Amendment Freedoms Important
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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A new Zogby International/Associated Television News poll conducted in conjunction with The O'Leary Report reveals that ... The events of Sept 11 appear to have strengthened support for Second Amendment Freedoms.

56% feel the NRA speaks for them at least some of the time.

51% own a gun or plan to own a gun.

66% agree with the right to carry a firearm on their person or in their car for protection provided they passed a background check and had a safety course.

Prove Commitment to Peace: Post 'No Guns Here' on Lawn
Submitted by: Tony Romano

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"The message which an uninvited guest delivers when they break into our home is that our social responsibilities need tending to. Unfortunately, at this point the crisis has already arrived. If we silence forever that intruder with a bullet because we were "left with no choice," the facade of security bestowed by the firearm reveals a grave powerlessness: victimized once by the intruder, and again by being backed into the position of taking the life of another."

Regional SWAT team formed in Orange County (CA)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Four north Orange County cities have joined forces to form a regional SWAT team. ... The SWAT panel was created by Lockyer after an 11-year-old boy was shot and killed accidentally last fall in a SWAT raid on a Modesto home thought to be a methamphetamine lab.

Line Between Military and Civilian Roles Grows Fuzzier
Submitted by: KABA NewslinksDirector

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We've all noticed a growing military presence in civilian life. And we're likely to see a lot more of it in the days to come. But ... The separation of the military from involvement in civilian affairs "is such a fundamental principle that if it needs be modified, it needs to be done with extreme caution and considerable safeguards ... We don't want to live in a military state." --Steven Aftergood, Federation of American Scientists ( Director of the Project on Government Secrecy

CA: Governor Signs House & Senate Gun Purchase Requirement Bills
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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In a last minute bill-signing flurry, Gov. Gray Davis approved measures to ... tighten requirements to purchase handguns.

The identical Senate and Assembly bills require handgun buyers to provide a thumb print, proof of residency, identification and a handgun safety certificate. The bills' requirements take effect Jan. 1, 2003.

Hunting: Accidental Shooting Risk Almost Nil
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Apocryphal tales of crazed hunters and the hazards of hanging laundry persist in some non-hunting circles. But they are totally unfounded. Non-hunters and hunters alike face far greater risks from deer and elk on the roads than from stray bullets during the season of the Hunter's Moon.

Killeen Massacre Remembered
Submitted by: Texas Concealed Handgun Times

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One of the most infamous mass shootINGS that should have been a shootOUT is remembered by the survivors.

Britain: Vigilante Farmer's Murder Appeal
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A farmer jailed for life for shooting a teenage burglar is launching an appeal."

"Tony Martin will challenge his conviction for murdering 16-year-old Fred Barras, who broke into Martin's isolated farm with an accomplice."

"The 1999 case provoked public sympathy for the farmer, who always claimed he acted in self-defence. It also sparked a public debate about people's rights to defend their property."

Britain: Norfolk farmer 'did not get fair trial'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"'Perhaps if those representing Mr Martin at the trial had been less driven by tactics and had concentrated more on presenting their client's own account of what happened, the outcome might have been different,' said Mr Wolkind."

"The controversial case began after Martin, 56, shot 16-year-old Fred Barras with a pump-action shotgun after the boy tried to burgle his remote farmhouse in 1999."

He has already served two years.

The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God. — JOHN F. KENNEDY

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