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Newslinks for 10/17/2000

Japan: cop shot with own gun
Submitted by: Japan

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Japanese site, takes a bit to load...

Apparently, in Japan, you can get arrested for not having the right sticker on your car that says you passed some regulatory test...hmmmm

Drug money used to build shooting range -- for police
Submitted by: WOW!!

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Ohio: money seized illegally, by force, during drug and gun confiscations will be used to erect a "state of the art" shooting facility used solely by police.

They are taking money and guns and drugs from citizens, and using it to improve their ability to assault more citizens in the failing drug war. But, of course, it's not failing to provide plenty of jobs and new income for lots of people who don't mind trampling the constitution, so I guess it's okay.

Stubborn clerk stymies would-be armed robber
Submitted by: Stupid Criminal

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There are some really stupid criminals out there, but this one takes the cake.

Canada: Anne McLellan in the crosshairs
Submitted by: Canada

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Pro gun group in Canada is targeting the anti-gun socialist who brought them gun registration. Good. Let her fade.

Gun buy-back hailed, but criminals not sold
Submitted by: Riverheart

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The Great Gun Buyback is NOT working in Canada...

"So far, 374 people have turned in their guns to police under the program that started on Oct. 4 and runs until this Saturday. By comparison, 176 guns were turned in during 1999 under a federal government amnesty program that does not offer payment."

Canada: Gun owners angry at registration lineups
Submitted by: Coward Alert

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If they are so angry,

1) Why are they doing it?
2) Why are they smiling?

Cowards. Just like the Brits. Doing what Massa says to do.

Knox on crime rates, S.2516, Gun Shows and NRA
Submitted by: Knox

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Neal Knox's insights are usually right on the money. Read him for a quick glance at what is coming down the pike against us.

There is no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. — Ayn Rand in her must-read novel, Atlas Shrugged

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