Police cite privacy concerns over their own DNA
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When police in southern Louisiana were investigating the deaths of eight women in 2009, the sophistication of the crimes set off rumors that the serial killer was a police officer — speculation that became so pervasive that officials ordered DNA testing of law enforcement personnel to rule it out. All local officers agreed to the testing and were eliminated as suspects, but the killer remains at large, said Jefferson Davis Parish Sheriff Ricky Edwards. Having officers' DNA samples on file is important for saving time in investigations and fending off doubt about evidence at trials because it allows authorities to identify unknown genetic material found at crime scenes, Edwards and other police and crime lab officials say.
Protect Your State from Nationwide Concealed Handgun Policy
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As a gun safety and anti-violence advocate who believes that Second Amendment rights must be better balanced with the need for public health and safety, I recently sent a letter to 50 U.S. governors warning that a new bill in Congress is a direct threat to their ability to set their own gun safety policy. The National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act, H.R. 822, uses the power of the federal government to strip the ability of states to decide for themselves the conditions by which individuals can carry a concealed handgun. |
UK: US pop sensation Kelly Clarkson admits she never seen herself as a singer until high school
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Mark A. Taff
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KELLY CLARKSON has revealed that a passion for pistols helps her let off steam when she's taking time out from her busy music career.
The original American Pop Idol winner likes to swap her status as a million-selling singer for that of gunslinger when she returns home to Fort Worth, Texas.
She insists the anti-gun lobby are unlikely to persuade her, or her fellow Texans, that they should give up their right to bear arms because "guns don't kill people, people kill people".
Kelly says: "We had guns growing up but I wasn't riding horses to school or anything. We shot cans out back. I do that even now. |
CA: Open-carry backers exercise right to scare
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Mark A. Taff
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But having taken a few police shooting courses over the years, and having watched police officers doing the same, I can't say that I have much faith in our collective marksmanship. Nor do I think that the open-carrying of unloaded weapons has ever served any purpose beyond exercising a boorish "right" to openly antagonize and frighten others. |
OH: Use sense about firearms, liquor
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Mark A. Taff
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First off, I agree that alcohol and guns never should mix. The use of alcohol while handling a firearm is nothing less then a recipe for disaster. Guns and alcohol don't mix!
As an instructor for concealed carry, I always stress that very rule. Not before or during the use of a firearm should you use drugs or alcohol. On the other hand, if you follow the law and are eating in a restaurant that serves and you are not drinking, I see no problem. Obey the law. If you are picking up a pizza somewhere that serves alcohol, obey the law. |
WV: Rifle: No. 3 WVU Defeats No. 12 Nebraska
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Mark A. Taff
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The No.3-ranked West Virginia rifle team defeated No. 12 Nebraska, 4667-4610, today at the NU Rifle Range, in Lincoln, Neb.
The Mountaineers (2-0, 1-0 GARC) topped the Huskers (0-2, 0-1 GARC) in both guns, winning air rifle, 2354-2325, and smallbore, 2313-2285.
Seniors Justin Pentz and Michael Kulbacki, junior Petra Zublasing, redshirt-freshman Thomas Kyanko and freshman Taylor Ciotola combined for the team’s scores.
Issa Says Holder Not Telling All on ‘Fast and Furious’ Probe
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Mark A. Taff
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Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said Attorney General Eric Holder hasn’t revealed everything he knew about a program that put illegal U.S. guns in the hands of Mexican criminals.
“He clearly knows more than he said,” Issa, a California Republican, said today on CBS’s “Face the Nation” program. “We need to find all the places this should have been stopped and wasn’t.” |
CA: Submachine guns, handguns stolen from LAPD SWAT-training site
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Mark A. Taff
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A cache of Los Angeles Police Department submachine guns and handguns was stolen last week from a secured building used by the department's SWAT unit, raising fears that the weapons, which police had altered to fire only blanks, could be converted back to lethal use, police officials confirmed.
The weapons, which include 21 MP-5 submachine guns and 12 large caliber handguns, were moved Wednesday night to a multistory building at 14th and San Pedro streets downtown and stored in a locked box on the building's first floor, said LAPD Deputy Chief Michael Downing. |
TX: Homeowner shoots, kills teen suspect in home invasion
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Mark A. Taff
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A homeowner confronted by two men with guns during an early morning home invasion robbery shot a teenage suspect who collapsed and died in a field next to the home, according to Beaumont Police, who say a second attacker got away.
Officers responded to a report of shots fired at 2:10 a.m. Sunday in the 2400 block of Durden in north Beaumont.
The 55-year-old homeowner told investigators two men with handguns forced their way into his home and demanded money. The man said he struggled with the attackers and was able to get a gun. He fired at the men and struck one in the chest. They ran away toward Roman Alley. |
AR: Hunting season is off and running
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Mark A. Taff
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Despite a lack of rain making for some dry hunting conditions, the muzzleloading deer season will open statewide next weekend with a record number of hunters entering the woods.
Modern technology has made muzzleloading a much more pleasant experience and created a tremendous amount of growth in both the number of hunters and in the sports popularity.
Muzzleloading season will open Saturday and run through Oct. 29. There is also a short second season that opens on Dec. 17 and runs through Dec. 19, but the first season is the big one as many hunters are anxious for their first opportunity to harvest a deer in 2011. |
George Soros Owns Gun Companies?
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Mark A. Taff
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The National Rifle Association stated: “This rumor is completely false and baseless.” The NRA has a long-standing relationship with both Cerberus and Freedom Group, noting: “The owners and investors involved are strong supporters of the Second Amendment and are avid hunters and shooters.” Further, Soros has never been a part of either group. Most importantly:
This unsubstantiated rumor has caused a great deal of unnecessary concern for gun owners. NRA-ILA urges our members to take great care before repeating baseless rumors found on the Internet. |
Safer Streets 2012: Repeal All Gun Laws, Part III
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Mark A. Taff
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In summary, many of the op-ed pieces appearing after the Seal Beach Murders seem to be even-handed, but there is one tell which divulges that the contributor is probably not a gun owner. Yes, we have our critics within the liberty movement but on principle, which is within every armed citizen, we do not differ. A gun owner would likely know this. Yes, gun owners may differ on many things, but not on core principle.
At the core of suspicion is the concept that regulation or even a gun ban would have helped. No honest gun owner would believe this because they understand deeply how they are the only one they can count on in time of violence. The entire purpose of carrying a gun is – as we often say – because a cop is too heavy. |
D.C. gun laws test tea party’s principles
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Mark A. Taff
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The House Judiciary Committee’s decision last week to leave the District’s strict gun laws alone — at least for now — appears consistent with the tea party’s resistance to federal “tyranny” but at odds with the GOP-backed movement’s strict adherence to language in the Constitution.
The Republican-controlled committee voted 24-3 last week against an amendment by Rep. Louie Gohmert, Texas Republican, that would allow visitors to carry concealed weapons in the District as long as they have that privilege in their home states. |
TN: Tennessee Republican Curry Todd: Knucklehead of the Week
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Mark A. Taff
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Tennessee Republican state Rep. Curry Todd believes it’s okay for people to carry loaded guns into bars and restaurants that serve alcohol, so he is the lead sponsor on just such a bill.
C’mon! Guns and alcohol, what could possibly go wrong? You’re such a nanny-stater!
And let’s be fair about this: Todd’s bill prohibited gun-toters from drinking. In other words, you could bring your loaded gun to a bar or restaurant — you know, to show it off, or to pick a fight with some guy who flirted with your girlfriend and see if he’d soil his undies when you brandished it — just as long as you stuck to Pepsi. |
NE: Permit applications under Neb. concealed-carry law come in below patrol's expectations
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Mark A. Taff
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Lt. John Shelton, who oversees the patrol division that reviews permits, said the number of active permits was 15,432, as of Wednesday. That's equal to the number the patrol has issued since the law went into effect and more than 4,000 shy of the number the patrol said it expected to issue in the first year. A total of 189 permits have been denied, Shelton said.
The patrol had predicted about 19,500 people would apply in 2007, with 5,000 additional applicants in each subsequent year.
Ed.: 15,432 is about 1.1% of the population of NE over 18 years old. |
"Fast and Furious" Was Plot Against U.S. Gun Rights, NRA Chief Says
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Mark A. Taff
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The U.S. government's Operation Fast and Furious was a plot to subvert gun rights in America, National Rifle Association president Wayne LaPierre (pictured at left) charged October 14 in an interview with Newsmax.TV.
“It’s the only thing that makes any sense,” LaPierre said of the gunrunning "sting" operation that resulted in thousands of U.S.-purchased firearms ending up in the hands of violent Mexican drug traffickers. |
IL: Concealed carry needed
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Mark A. Taff
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The foiled robbery by four lowlifes Oct. 1 at Marie’s Pizza is a case in point. The owner was armed. The off-duty Winnebago County officer was not.
Had the officer not been there, the outcome probably would have been the same, assuming the owner of Marie’s Pizza was trained to use his weapon.
Law enforcement officers cannot be everywhere. It is the duty and the right of individuals to protect themselves, their families and their property or business. |